Chapter 658
on Tuesday.

The atmosphere in the art program center became more tense, and the word "uneasy" seemed to be written on everyone's face.

If we were still in the mood to work yesterday, then today we are not even in the mood for work, and we don’t even want to talk to the people around us.

As for the reason
very simple!
Yesterday's program ratings will be announced today.

Although only two new programs were aired yesterday, namely "Flowers, Flowers and Grass" and "The Most Beautiful Memory", they were regarded by everyone as the weather vane for the success of the revision.

If the ratings are high, the next three program groups will be full of confidence, but if the ratings are low, then the latter three program groups will also feel worried and uneasy.

Even if what Deputy Director Xu said yesterday is still ringing in my ears, no one can pretend that nothing happened until the ratings come out.

Especially for the "Flowers, Flowers, Grass" program group, because among the 5 new programs, other programs are broadcast weekly, with one episode a week, and only their program is broadcast daily, with five episodes a week, so the pressure is even greater.

Even if the ratings of other programs are not good, there is still time to adjust, but their programs don't even have time to adjust.

When Xu Jie came to the unit, he also knew everyone's mood at the moment, so he didn't bother anyone, and sat in front of the TV by himself and continued to watch the program.

But don't look at him being calm on the surface, in fact he is very nervous inside.

You must know that this revision of the Art Channel is not only related to his prestige in the Art Channel, but will also affect whether he can go to Jingshi Culture.

The reason why Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu and Boss Jiang have not talked to Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou about his going to JingTV Culture is because they are waiting for the news of the revision of the Art Channel.

If the revision goes well, deputy editor-in-chief Zhou will feel relieved about the literary channel. As far as the show is concerned, deputy editor-in-chief Zhou has always been brooding over the fact that he is doing a show for the satellite TV channel, and I don't know how many times he has said it.

But in the face of such pressure, he must remain calm, calm down, and not panic.

Because he is the person in charge of this revision and the backbone of everyone. If he panics, will others still have the heart to work?Therefore, he must hold his ground.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Xu Jie looked at the time displayed on the upper right corner of the TV, slowly got up and walked outside.

Usually, Wang Wanjun went to the office of deputy editor-in-chief Zhou to pick up the ratings table, but today, he was going to pick it up.

Pushing open the door, walking through the corridor, and entering the elevator, Xu Jie's expression instantly became serious, and countless results tossed and turned in his mind.

Including Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou's attitude towards him.

The elevator door opened, Xu Jie came outside the office of Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou, and knocked on the door "Dangdangdang".

"Come in."

After Xu Jie heard Zhou's voice, he opened the door and walked in.

"Xiao Xu? What's the matter?" Zhou Zhengliang was taken aback for a moment, and then a smile appeared on his face.

"Editor Zhou, did the ratings of yesterday's art channel come out?" Xu Jie asked.

"You came here for this? It's too early, you haven't yet, wait another 20 minutes." Zhou Zhengliang sized Xu Jie up and asked with a smile, "Why, are you nervous?"

Xu Jie looked at Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou, and said, "If you're not angry, I'm not nervous."

What he is most worried about now is that the deputy editor-in-chief Zhou will be angry and prevent him from leaving Jingshi Culture. As for Wang Wanjun, he doesn't take him seriously at all.

Want to trouble him?

1 years too early.

"Why, so unconfident? This is not like you!" Zhou Zhengliang asked.

In his opinion, every time the other party makes a move, the show will be very popular with the audience, so when he hears the other party's anger, he is very curious.

Could it be that the new program aired yesterday is to catch ducks on the shelves?

Or, not paying attention to the newly launched programs?

"It's not that I'm not confident, but yesterday was the first day I met the audience after the revision of the Art Channel, and I didn't do any publicity before, so the ratings will definitely not be high." Xu Jie explained.

He said this not only to vaccinate deputy editor-in-chief Zhou, but also to buy some time for himself and the show.

Because starting today, the promotional videos of the channel revision and new programs will be broadcast on the Art Channel, so he needs a fermentation process and time to attract more people.

"So that's the case." Zhou Zhengliang nodded understandingly, and then said with a smile: "Don't worry, no matter how the ratings are, I won't be angry. I gave Wang Wanjun a month, so I will give you a month too." time."

"Thank you, deputy editor-in-chief Zhou, for your understanding. With your words, I won't be nervous." A smile appeared on Xu Jie's face.

The pace of time suddenly slowed down.

For Xu Jie in this matter, even 1 minute seemed as long as an hour.

He suddenly felt that he might be rejuvenated.

Because only when he was in elementary school did he feel like his days were like years.

Slowly, 10 minutes finally passed.

Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou opened the email and printed out the received ratings form.

Because Xiao Xu was by his side, he casually clicked on the ratings table of the Art Channel.

1: Daily entertainment broadcast, ratings: 2.97
2: Golden Theater, ratings: 1.76
3: Cultural capital, ratings 1.23
4: The most beautiful memory, ratings 1.13
5: Flowers and plants, ratings 1.06


"Well, it's not bad, better than Wang Wanjun's programs!" Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou said after watching it, and then turned the computer screen to Xu Jie.

Xu Jie stared intently at the ratings table, and found the two new programs launched yesterday.

4th and 5th?

No matter in terms of ranking or ratings, the two programs "Most Beautiful Memory" and "Flowers, Flowers, Grass" failed to meet his expectations.

However, he didn't feel disappointed, instead he breathed a sigh of relief.

Because the two new shows passed.

1 is the pass line for ratings, as long as the ratings exceed 1, it means that the program has passed and can be broadcast normally on the art channel.

You must know that the ratings of the programs that Wang Wanjun launched at the beginning did not even exceed 1, which means they failed to pass the test. This is also the reason why Deputy Chief Editor Zhou stopped the rectification.

"Xiao Xu, although the ratings of these two new programs have passed the passing line, the overall ratings of the Art Channel are still very low. You should also pay attention to this. I will let you take full responsibility for the revision of the Art Channel, not just for you To launch a new program, we need to increase the overall ratings, understand?" Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou said.

"Understood!" Xu Jie nodded.

In his opinion, there is no contradiction between the two, because as long as the ratings of the new program go up, the overall ratings of the art channel will naturally go up.

the other side.

Arts program center.

Wang Wanjun walked out of the office quickly, even about to run, his eyes were full of anxiety.

Today is a very special day for him.

I've been trying my best for such a long time, whether I can turn around in one day depends on today.

Wang Wanjun pushed open the door of the art program center, and suddenly saw Xu Jie walking in from the outside. He thought that the other party was going to the bathroom, so he didn't care, let alone paid attention, and ran straight to the elevator.

Xu Jie walked into the art program center, nervousness and uneasiness continued to fill the entire office area.

Especially after seeing Director Wang leave, this emotion became even stronger, because everyone knew that Director Wang went to get the ratings table.

The moment to announce the test results is finally here.

Xu Jie walked to the bulletin board, took out a piece of paper from his pocket and pasted it on it.

At first, everyone didn't pay much attention to Deputy Director Xu, thinking that the other party must have gone to the tuba because he had been out for such a long time, but when they saw Deputy Director Xu pasting a piece of paper on the bulletin board, everyone was stunned for a while.

It's too far away to see clearly.

But there is a faint feeling in everyone's heart.

That piece of paper seemed to be what everyone was looking forward to.

"Yesterday's ratings came out." Xu Jie said lightly.

Is it really a ratings table?

For a moment, everyone's hearts were in their throats

Xu Jie looked around in the office area, then smiled and said, "'The Most Beautiful Memory' and 'Flowers and Grass' have passed the passing mark, congratulations."

Hearing Deputy Director Xu's words, everyone couldn't bear it anymore, and immediately got up and rushed to the bulletin board. The chaotic scene was like a thousand troops charging.

Everyone fixed their eyes on the ratings table, one after another from top to bottom, and soon found "Most Beautiful Memory" and "Flowers, Plants and Grass".

It's just that the ratings don't seem to be high.

The two programs have just passed 1, and there is still a long way to go. As Deputy Director Xu said, they just passed.

Seeing the results, some people were happy, some were disappointed, some were relieved, and some frowned.

Everyone has different expectations for the program, so after seeing the results, they feel differently in their hearts.

It's like in school, the top student is still dissatisfied after getting 98 points in the test, while the poor student is very happy after getting 62 points in the test.

Xu Jie took everyone's reactions into his eyes, so he said: "The program can achieve such ratings without any publicity. In my opinion, it is still very good, especially the program "Flowers and Grass". The ratings just passed 1, but it was aired in the morning, which is an unpopular time, compared with previous programs, the ratings are already very good."

Liu Shengnan was a little disappointed at first, but after listening to Deputy Director Xu's words, his mood suddenly improved.

Yes, compared with other programs, the ratings are indeed not high, but compared horizontally, the ratings are still acceptable, after all, it is not in prime time.

Xu Jie continued: "The first three programs have been broadcast on the Art Channel for many years and have a fixed audience, so it is not so easy to shake them, so "The Most Beautiful Memory" won the fourth place. It seems to have been a very good result.”

Li Cheng smiled. He was very satisfied with the result. At least he passed the pass line, and it was higher than those programs that director Wang had launched at the beginning, which was considered to have met expectations.

"Judging from yesterday's ratings, the audience is still accepting of the new program, so everyone can continue to work boldly!" Xu Jie said loudly.

Now is the time when everyone needs encouragement, and what he has to do is to bring confidence to everyone so that they can persevere.

After all, this is just the beginning!

(End of this chapter)

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