The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 659 Don't want to repent?

Chapter 659 Don't want to repent?
Wang Wanjun came to Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou's office, looking eagerly at the desk for yesterday's ratings list of the Literature and Art Channel.

However, he searched for a long time, but he never saw it.

Soon, the directors of other program centers took away the ratings lists of their respective channels, leaving only the ratings list of Beijing TV Station.

"Editor Zhou, where's the ratings list of our art channel?" Wang Wanjun couldn't help asking, he hadn't taken the initiative to speak to Deputy Editor Zhou for a long time.

"Huh?" Zhou Zhengliang glanced at Wang Wanjun, raised his eyebrows, and said in distaste: "Xiao Xu has already taken it away, don't you know?"

Wang Wanjun was taken aback when he heard that, and recalled that when he left the department, he met the person surnamed Xu. At that time, he thought that the person went to the bathroom, but it turned out that he went to the deputy editor-in-chief Zhou to get the ratings form.

"I, I don't know, he didn't tell me." Wang Wanjun said with a face full of embarrassment, and at the same time, his heart was full of anger.

Isn't this leapfrogging?

The director of the program center has always been in charge of obtaining the channel ratings form, and the director will only instruct the deputy director to fetch it when he has no time.

But today, he didn't ask the person surnamed Xu to pick up the ratings form, and the person surnamed Xu didn't ask him to mention it.

"Maybe he is too impatient. If it were me, I would also want to know the ratings of the program after the channel revision as soon as possible." Zhou Zhengliang said.

When Wang Wanjun heard this, he felt even more upset.

Instead of reprimanding Xu, deputy editor-in-chief Zhou even explained for the other party. Isn't this too partial?

and many more!
Deputy editor-in-chief Zhou spoke for Xu, could it be because yesterday's program had good ratings?
Thinking of this, he became even more anxious.

Wang Wanjun really wanted to ask Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou about the ratings, but hesitated for a while, and dared not speak up, for fear of being compared with Xu.

There is an old saying: if you compare goods, you will throw them away, but if you compare people, you will die.

If you are better than others, you are naturally not afraid of comparison, but if you are worse than others, the most annoying thing is to compare.

"Editor Zhou, I'm going back then." Wang Wanjun bowed his head and said.

"En." Zhou Zhengliang responded, then looked down at the newspaper.

After closing the door gently, Wang Wanjun walked quickly towards the elevator.

He wanted to know the ratings of the new program launched by the channel yesterday. This was related to his future status in the cultural program center, his future work, and even more related to whether he could raise his head in front of the employees in the future.

This is the biggest challenge he has to face since he came to the art program center.

Even when I was in charge of channel revision, I didn't feel as severe as it is now.

Wang Wanjun pushed open the door of the Arts and Programs Center, and when he saw Xu Jie sitting in front of the TV, his face immediately became gloomy.

He walked towards the bulletin board step by step. Although he hadn't seen anything yet, the atmosphere of talking and laughing in the office area gave him a bad premonition.

He knew that in recent days, most of the employees in the department had turned to that Xu. If the ratings of the new program were poor and the revision was unsuccessful, these people would definitely not be as relaxed as they are now.

Wang Wanjun stopped in front of the bulletin board, and sure enough, he found a ratings list on it, and saw "The Most Beautiful Memory" ranked 4th and "Flowers, Flowers, Plants" ranked 5th at a glance.

After reading the rankings, then looking at the ratings, and after confirming several times, I secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

It's not going anywhere.

Compared with "Delicious History" back then, it is far behind.

He turned his head to look at Xu Jie who was staring at the TV, and walked over involuntarily.

"Deputy Director Xu, can you tell me in advance when you go to get the ratings form in the future, so that I will make a trip for nothing." Wang Wanjun said.

The people around looked at Director Wang after hearing it. They hadn't seen Director Wang speak to Deputy Director Xu for a long time.

Today, the audience ratings of the revised Literature and Art Channel were released. Director Wang took the initiative to talk to Deputy Director Xu at this time, probably not as simple as taking the ratings form.

"Well, I got it, Director Wang, and I will inform you next time." Xu Jie said casually, watching the program on the TV with his eyes focused.

What is currently playing is the revised promotional video of the Literature and Art Channel. Six hostesses are wearing cheongsams to compete for beauty. It is pleasing to the eye, and even men will feel happy.

Wang Wanjun didn't pay attention to the promotional video on TV, because Xu Jie's tone of voice made him very unhappy.


Who is the director and who is the deputy director?

What he said did not clarify his position at all.

"Deputy Director Xu, I checked the ratings list just now. The effect of the revision seems to be not obvious, and the ratings of the new program are not high. Have you summed up the reason?" Wang Wanjun asked pretending to be concerned.

Everyone thought: Sure enough, they are planning to make trouble.

After Xu Jie finished playing the promotional video, he turned his head to look at Wang Wanjun. His back seemed to be straighter than before, and even the hairs on his forehead were raised.

"To sum it up, there are two reasons. One is that on the first day of the revision, few viewers knew about it; the other is that in the past three or four months, the audience of the art channel has lost too much, which has led to a decrease in the number of viewers watching new programs. " Xu Jie said seriously.

Wang Wanjun's expression froze. Isn't the second reason just talking about him?

The last three or four months, isn't it the period when he came to the art channel?

"Deputy Director Xu, these are all objective reasons, have you ever thought that it might be a problem with the program itself?" Wang Wanjun asked.

"Well, I haven't thought about it." Xu Jie shook his head and said.

Wang Wanjun sneered in his heart, it was really a cooked duck, only his mouth was stiff.

"Since Deputy Director Xu also feels that the ratings of the new program are low, have you thought about how to change it?" Wang Wanjun asked again.

I thought: Aren't you very confident?Aren't you awesome?See what you do now.

"I haven't thought about it." Xu Jie said.

"Why? Are you going to go all the way to the dark?" Wang Wanjun frowned tightly, and the other party's attitude was simply unrepentant.

"It's not as serious as Director Wang said." Xu Jie said with a smile: "Though the ratings of the two new programs aired yesterday did not meet expectations, they did not disappoint. Compared with others, compared with my programs, it is indeed low, but compared with the previous programs that were taken down, the ratings are still good, at least all of them exceeded the pass line."

When Wang Wanjun heard it, did he speak human language?

Answer the question and answer the question, what are you doing with a gun and a stick?Can you speak nicely?
"Deputy Director Xu, you have to be careful, those two programs have just passed the pass line, and they might fall down someday." Wang Wanjun said in a strange way.

"Oh, I'm also worried about this." Xu Jie sighed deeply, then looked at Wang Wanjun and asked, "Why don't Director Wang give me some advice? By the way, although Director Wang you launched before The ratings of the programs are not high, but the ratings are still very stable.”


Some people couldn't hold back, just laughed.

What Deputy Director Xu said was too detrimental.

The ratings are not high, but they are still stable. Doesn't this mean that the ratings of the program have not been good?

Wang Wanjun's face darkened all of a sudden, he looked at Xu Jie bitterly, and walked towards the office with a snort.

Xu Jie looked at Wang Wanjun's back and sneered.

The new program aired, and everyone's mentality was unstable. Now is the time to unite. How could he tolerate Wang Wanjun's criticism?

Besides, anyone can criticize him, Wang Wanjun?Does it match?

"Ring bell bell!"

A burst of musical bells suddenly sounded.

Xu Jie took out his mobile phone and saw that it was Boss Jiang calling, so he got up and walked to the office.

"Mr. Jiang..." Xu Jie closed the door while answering the phone.

"Xiao Xu, have the ratings of the new program after the revision come out?" Jiang Hai asked directly, with a bit of anxiety in his voice.

Because of the ratings, whether the next plan can be implemented smoothly is also related to whether Xu Jie can be transferred to Beijing Television Culture.

"It's not bad, just passed the passing line." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

"Just passed the pass line?" Jiang Hai was a little surprised.

To be honest, this score was much lower than he expected. He felt that even if the program Xiao Xu was in charge of was not as good as "Delicious History", it should be no problem to break 1.5.

Zhou Zhengliang would definitely not be satisfied if he just passed the passing mark, and he would definitely be frustrated if he went to the other party for a transfer at this time.

Xu Jie knew what Boss Jiang was worried about, so he said: "Yesterday was the first day of channel revision, and many people don't know what programs are on the Art Channel. I believe that by next week, the ratings will improve significantly."

"Really? That's good." Hearing Xiao Xu's confidence, Jiang Hai heaved a sigh of relief, thought for a while and said, "Since we want to promote it, we should not only promote it on the art channel, but also promote it in other places. You prepare a publicity draft for me, and I will ask your sister-in-law to distribute it on the radio station, don’t underestimate the radio, the elderly who do morning exercises, the drivers who drive, the number of people listening to the radio is no less than the number of people watching the art channel.”

"Thank you Mr. Jiang, thank you sister-in-law, I will prepare a publicity draft right away." Xu Jie said happily.

He was thinking about how to get the literary channel revision out of the circle, so that people who were not watching the literary channel knew, and Boss Jiang's idea just now was definitely a timely help.

"What are you being polite about? We're all our own people. I'll wait for your good news."

"it is good."

After Xu Jie ended the call, he immediately began to talk about broadcasting the promotional draft.

The TV has a picture, so it can be used as a beauty trick, but the radio can only listen to the sound, so the promotional draft is extremely important.

Xu Jie directly wrote a 100-word publicity draft based on the characteristics of the revised Literature and Art Channel and the main target audience for the new program, and marked the key points with a red pen. If more than 100 words is too long, then at least Get those highlights out there.

After Xu Jie finished writing, he took a picture of the promotional draft with his mobile phone, and then sent it to Boss Jiang on WeChat.

We have done everything that needs to be done, and it depends on whether the propaganda is effective.


(End of this chapter)

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