Chapter 660 Snitching
after get off work.

Wang Wanjun drove home.

Because of the snow, the cars on the road were driving extremely slowly, and finally stopped.

Wang Wanjun has long been used to traffic jams, and encounters them almost every day after get off work. If there is no traffic jam on a certain day, it is abnormal.

When he was bored, he turned on the radio as usual, and what was playing in it was his favorite radio program, Voice of the Capital.

After a piece of current affairs news, a paragraph suddenly came from the radio.

"The literary channel of Beijing Radio and Television Station has ushered in a new revision, with new programs, new ideas, and a new look, bringing a brand new experience to the audience..."

Wang Wanjun, who was listening with gusto, was suddenly startled, and immediately stretched out his hand to turn up his voice.

""Flowers, Flowers and Grass", let you know more about flowers and plants..."

""Ancient Site", takes you into the world of antiques..."

""Time-honored Brand", take you to understand the story behind "Time-honored Brand"..."


Wang Wanjun's eyes opened wider and wider, and an expression of disbelief appeared on his face.

This, what's the situation?
The radio station actually advertises for the art channel?

No, no, it should be the Art Channel advertising on the radio station!

When did that person surnamed Xu do this?Why doesn't he, the director of the art program center, know anything about it?
It's no problem to play promotional videos on the art channel, because it's your own channel and you don't need to spend money.

But radio stations are different. Even if they belong to the same system, brothers have to settle accounts clearly.

Moreover, this time period is the prime time of the radio station, and the advertising fee is also the highest. Where did the surname Xu get the promotional fee?

As the director of the art program center, he has never approved this money, and even when he himself was promoting the new program, he never spent a penny to advertise elsewhere.

Anything that involves money is very sensitive. It’s okay to use money to make programs, but it’s a big deal to use money to advertise outside.

Who knows if there is a money transaction in it, such as kickbacks or the like?
Wang Wanjun thought about it, and suddenly laughed
"Hey, I finally caught you!"

"Xu, you just wait for me."

An hour later, when Wang Wanjun came home, his wife had already cooked the meal, and the family of three sat down to eat together.

Because he was happy, he deliberately opened a bottle of wine and drank it sizzlingly.

"Wanjun, why are you so happy today? Is there something good going on?" Wang Wanjun's wife asked curiously. She hadn't seen a smile on her husband's face for a long time. She came back from get off work almost every day with a cold face.

"Haha, have you noticed this? Actually, it's nothing. It's just that your husband and I have gained a firm foothold in the art center from now on." Wang Wanjun said with a smile.

"Didn't you transfer to the art program center to be the director in the summer? You are the director, who would dare not listen to you?" asked the wife puzzled.

"Where there are people, there will be fights. I was transferred from other departments. Of course, there will be many people who are dissatisfied, but it's all right now." Wang Wanjun said.

For him, within the Art Program Center, the deputy director Xu Jie is the biggest threat to him. As long as the other party is finished, then other people in the department will naturally obey him obediently.

After dinner, Wang Wanjun came to the living room, while making tea, he turned on the TV and broadcasted it to the art channel.

It might be a bit embarrassing to say it out, he, the director of the cultural program center, hasn't even watched the new programs on the cultural channel, so he can only watch secretly every day when he goes home.

Of course, this doesn't mean that he cares much about the new program, he just wants to find some slots in the program center and post them on the Internet later.

"The Art Channel ushered in a new revision..."

Wang Wanjun was about to drink tea when he saw the figure of the host of the literary channel appearing on the TV.

Is it another promotional video?

But this time, he was not surprised. After all, it was broadcast on the Art Channel, and he also used this trick.

Wang Wanjun took a breath, and suddenly the TV screen changed, and six hostesses appeared together, wearing cheongsams and short skirts, showing their slender figures to the fullest.


Wang Wanjun squirted out the tea in his mouth.

He stared at the TV in shock, his heart beat faster and he became excited.

This, this promotional video is too tempting, right?

No, is the scale too big?
"Wan Jun, these hostesses on your channel are really good. They usually don't show off their beauty. I didn't expect to wear such a suit now. It's not too beautiful. It's both classic and avant-garde. Is this what you came up with?" Wife He asked with a smile, and walked over with a plate of fruit in his hand.

"No." Wang Wanjun shook his head, then pointed to the TV that had finished broadcasting the promo, looked at his wife and asked, "Did you see it just now?"

"I didn't see it just now. I saw it before cooking." After the wife finished speaking, she looked at her husband with a half-smile and asked, "Are you interested in them?"

"No, how is it possible?" Wang Wanjun said solemnly.

Rabbits don't eat grass by the side of the nest, how can they find it around?Look for it elsewhere.

Wang Wanjun stared at the TV thoughtfully. It seemed that the person surnamed Xu had not only financial problems, but also ideological problems.

No, this matter must be reported to the higher authorities.

Otherwise, sooner or later, there will be problems with the Art Channel.

the next day.

Wang Wanjun came to the unit.

He looked at Xu Jie who was getting along well with the employees, and couldn't help but sneered in his heart, hurry up and laugh, I'll make you cry later.

When it was time to work, Wang Wanjun left the department and came outside the office of Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou.


"Come in."

Wang Wanjun pushed the door open and walked in.

"Editor Zhou..."

Zhou Zhengliang saw that it was Wang Wanjun, and while continuing to read the newspaper, he said, "You came too early, it's only what time, and there is still an hour and a half before the ratings list comes out."

Wang Wanjun stepped forward and said, "Editor Zhou, I'm not here to get the ratings form, but to report to you."

"Reporting work?" Zhou Zhengliang turned his head and looked at Wang Wanjun, thinking: What work do you have to report?

However, thinking about it, his subordinates came to report work. There is no reason for him to be a leader, so he said patiently, "Tell me, what do you want to report?"

"Editor Zhou, I think Xu Jie has a problem." Wang Wanjun said with a serious expression.

"What?" Zhou Zhengliang was taken aback, then frowned, and said dissatisfiedly: "Director Wang, Director Wang, I know you are very dissatisfied with Xiao Xu taking over your job, but you can't slander Xiao Xu, right? His The results are obvious to all on our TV station, so what's the problem?"

He hates two kinds of people: one is the person who makes small reports behind the scenes, and the other is the person who is incompetent and talented but also jealous.

Now Wang Wanjun has done it, successfully becoming the person he hates the most.

"Editor Zhou, I definitely don't mean to slander Deputy Director Xu, you listen to me first." Wang Wanjun said anxiously.

"Okay, tell me, I want to hear what's wrong with Xu." Zhou Zhengliang put down the newspaper.

Wang Wanjun took a deep breath, and then said solemnly: "Editor Zhou, when I got off work yesterday, I heard that the radio station was advertising for the revision of the Art Channel. Of course, this is a good thing for our Art Channel, but I don't want to The advertising fee was not approved, did you approve it, Editor-in-Chief Zhou?"

"No." Zhou Zhengliang shook his head, and then said, "Maybe Xiao Xu got it out of the show's production fee?"

"That's the problem, Editor-in-Chief Zhou. You should know that the program production fee is the program production fee. It's a special fund. How can it be used indiscriminately? And it's still spent on things that have nothing to do with program production. Who knows if there is anything in it?" ...cough, Editor Zhou, you understand what I mean." Wang Wanjun said.

Zhou Zhengliang thought about it, although it was not a big deal, but if the situation was true, Xiao Xu's behavior did violate the rules and regulations of Taili.

Even if they won't be dismissed, this year's outstanding employees will definitely be lost.

Wang Wanjun saw that Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou was thinking, so he continued: "There is one more thing, Deputy Director Xu made a promotional video on the Art Channel, but the content in it is really... Editor-in-Chief Zhou, you should take a look for yourself. "

After Wang Wanjun finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone and played a video recorded last night to Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou.

Zhou Zhengliang looked at the screen of his mobile phone, and saw that a promotional video introducing the revision of the Art Channel was playing on the TV.

Wang Wanjun was afraid that Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou would not notice, so he reminded: "Editor-in-Chief Zhou, do you think the skirts of these hostesses are too short?"

Zhou Zhengliang didn't think so at first, but after being reminded by Wang Wanjun, it seemed that it was indeed a little short.

Wang Wanjun said emphatically: "I don't think there is any problem in making a promotional video, but is the scale too big and revealing too much? It will not have a good impact on the art channel or even our station."

Zhou Zhengliang looked at the video, then at Wang Wanjun, and said, "Isn't it?"

"Why not? Is it a comparison of the content of the show, or a comparison of legs? Last night when my son was watching TV, he asked these sisters why their skirts were so short. I think this is a very bad value orientation." Wang Wanjun said seriously.

"If the skirt is short, the skirt is short, don't go online." Zhou Zhengliang reminded.

"Yes, yes, actually I don't mean anything else, it's purely for the benefit of the literary channel." Wang Wanjun said.

Zhou Zhengliang thought for a while, no matter what Wang Wanjun said, he had to give Xiao Xu a chance to explain, and he couldn't listen to one-sided words, and the advertising matter really needed an explanation, after all, money was involved.

So he picked up the phone on the table and dialed a number.

"Xiao Xu, where are you? Come to my office."

After Wang Wanjun heard it, although his face was very calm, his heart was already full of joy.

After such a long time, he finally got his chance.

Those with the surname Xu, get ready to cry!


(End of this chapter)

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