Chapter 661 So sad!

"Come in."

When Xu Jie walked into Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou's office, the first thing he saw was not Zhou Zhengliang, but Wang Wanjun. At this time, the other party was looking back at him with malicious intent in his eyes.

What is this guy doing here?
Xu Jie ignored the other party, came to Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou, and asked, "Editor-in-Chief Zhou, are you looking for me?"

He felt that the director was here, and the deputy director was also there, so they should talk about things related to the program.

"Yeah." Zhou Zhengliang glanced at Wang Wanjun next to him, then looked at Xu Jie and said, "I heard that you advertised for the art channel on the radio station? Is there such a thing?"

"Yes." Xu Jie said.

There is nothing to hide about this matter. He heard the promotion on the radio on the way home last night, and he also heard it on the way to work this morning.

"How much did you spend on publicity?" Zhou Zhengliang continued to ask.

Wang Wanjun's face showed a hint of complacency inadvertently. As long as the other party dared to answer, no matter how much it was, it would be a violation of the rules and regulations of Taili, and the hat of money transaction was definitely deducted.

"It didn't cost any money," Xu Jie said.

"Ah?" Zhou Zhengliang was startled, and when he looked at Xu Jie, his eyes were full of doubts.

How to advertise without spending money?
"Impossible, why don't they charge you money?" Wang Wanjun asked loudly in disbelief.

More or less, you can deduct the hat, but if you don't spend money, there is no way to buckle the hat.

"It's really useless." Xu Jie looked at the deputy editor-in-chief Zhou and said, "The station didn't allocate extra funds for the revision of the art channel. With the original money, it wasn't even enough to produce programs. How could there be any spare money to spend on publicity? ?”

After Zhou Zhengliang heard this, an embarrassed expression appeared on his face. Doesn't this mean that he, the deputy editor-in-chief, is stingy in the matter of channel revision?

Can this be blamed on him?
No results, how to increase the production fee?
"Xiao Xu, what method did you use to get the radio station to advertise the revision of your art channel?" Zhou Zhengliang hurriedly brought the topic back, for fear that Xu Jie would suddenly ask him for production fees. Wang Wanjun has done this kind of thing many times .

"I went to ask Mr. Jiang, the former Director Jiang of the Literature and Art Channel, and it was he who advertised for me." Xu Jie explained.

Wang Wanjun sneered, and then said: "You are talking nonsense, Mr. Jiang is in Jingshi Culture, but not in the radio station, how can he advertise for you?"

Xu Jie ignored it, but looked at Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou.

Zhou Zhengliang thought for a while, and finally showed a suddenly realized expression.

Maybe Wang Wanjun didn't know, but he knew very well that Jiang Hai's wife was from the radio station, and it really made sense for Xiao Xu to ask Jiang Hai for help.

Besides, who didn't know that when Jiang Hai was in the art program center, Xiao Xu was the person he valued the most?And Xiao Xu was also recruited by Jiang Hai from the life program center to the art program center.

Although the two are not in the same unit now, if Xiao Xu asks for help, will Jiang Hai be hardened not to help?


Still working on the same system after all.

Moreover, Jingcheng TV Station and Beijing Television Culture have cooperated in many activities.

The most direct examples are "Crossover Singer" and "Ordinary Courage". Doesn't the production unit include JingTV culture?

"It seems that Jiang Hai still cares about you very much." Zhou Zhengliang said to Xu Jie.

"At work, he is my leader and my bole. In private, he is my good brother." Xu Jie said seriously.

Wang Wanjun on the side looked at Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou and Xu Jie in puzzlement. What kind of riddle are these two people playing?
Obviously talking about the source of advertising fees, how can you talk about a good brother?

Zhou Zhengliang nodded, and at the same time, he breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as there is no money transaction involved, as long as there is no violation of Taili's rules and regulations.

To be honest, he was really worried that the young man in front of him couldn't help himself and made some mistakes. On the one hand, he felt that it was a pity, and on the other hand, the Art Channel really needed him very much now.

As for the next question, in his opinion, it is not a matter of principle, at worst, just reshoot a promotional video.

"Xiao Xu, when you contact Jiang Hai again, thank him for his help." Zhou Zhengliang said with a smile.

In any case, the Art Channel is under his jurisdiction, and Jiang Hai has done him a favor by doing free promotion for the Art Channel.

"Okay." Xu Jie replied.

"Editor Zhou!" Wang Wanjun frowned and said, "This matter is... finished? He hasn't made it clear yet."

Xu Jie glanced at Wang Wanjun. It turned out that the other party was here to report to Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou, and the "heard" that Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou said earlier was most likely what Wang Wanjun said.

Is this guy a primary school student?Why do you still do such a shameless thing?

Although he didn't think highly of the other party from the beginning to the end, the other party's behavior refreshed his understanding once again.

Even if you don't like it, it's still overestimated!

"What Xiao Xu said is very clear. If you don't understand, you can go back and ask your old leader, Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu, and he will explain clearly to you." Zhou Zhengliang said coldly, really too lazy to talk to him.

Wang Wanjun had a question mark on his face.

I could hear clearly, I didn't miss a word, it was impossible not to understand.

Zhou Zhengliang glanced at Wang Wanjun, then looked at Xu Jie and said, "Xiao Xu, I watched the revised promotional video on your art channel..."

"Isn't it beautiful?" Xu Jie asked with a smile.

"Well, not bad..." After Zhou Zhengliang finished speaking, he suddenly felt that Xu Jie's smile seemed to have other meanings.

He meant that the promotional video was good, but the other party probably meant that the hostess was good.

Of course, this is just his guess.

"It's not bad, but do you think that the hostess in the promotional video is wearing a bit too big?" Zhou Zhengliang asked.

"The scale is big? Who said that? I don't think so." Xu Jie frowned and asked, and then deliberately glanced at Wang Wanjun next to him.

He already knew that Wang Wanjun had come to give him a small report, so the questions raised by deputy editor-in-chief Zhou must be Wang Wanjun's questions.

Wang Wanjun couldn't bear it anymore, he didn't understand the incident just now, and now he is still pretending to be in front of him?So he said, "Deputy Director Xu, are you young people too open-minded, or is there a problem with your thinking? How short are the skirts of those hostesses, and the size is not too big? My son felt ashamed when he saw it. "

Xu Jie did not answer Wang Wanjun, but looked at Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou suspiciously and asked, "Editor-in-Chief Zhou, do you think the scale is too large?"

The corner of Zhou Zhengliang's mouth twitched, and he said to himself: If I think the scale is too big, wouldn't he be Wang Wanjun's son?
"I think it's okay." Zhou Zhengliang said.

Xu Jie looked at Wang Wanjun at this moment and said, "Director Wang, look, Editor-in-Chief Zhou thinks it's okay, why do you think the scale is too big? By the way, how old is your son this year?"

"Nine years old!" Wang Wanjun replied.

"Nine years old? Such a young child not only knows how to look at the big sister's legs, but also knows how to be shy? Director Wang, is your son a bit too precocious? I don't know what you were thinking when you were nine years old, but I When I was nine years old, I only knew how to watch cartoons." Xu Jie said.

"Many viewers have responded to this question." Wang Wanjun said seriously.

"Director Wang, you should be very clear that we can't satisfy everyone when we make a show. If there is a reaction from the audience, it proves that there is a problem with the show, and all TV stations will have to close down." Xu Jie said with a sneer.

"'re talking arguing!" Wang Wanjun said loudly.

"In my opinion, this is a simple promotional film for the revision of the art channel. I don't know why in some people's eyes, only the legs are left. I suddenly thought of a sentence: There is a Buddha in your heart, and everything you see is a Buddha in your heart. There are demons, and everything you see is demons." Xu Jie said lightly.

Wang Wanjun couldn't hold back his face anymore. Doesn't this mean that whoever thinks the scale is too big has a problem in his heart?These words not only scolded him, but also scolded his son by the way.

Zhou Zhengliang was also a little embarrassed, thinking how could he easily listen to Wang Wanjun's words?Well now, even he is almost becoming an old hooligan.

"Director Wang, I don't know if you still remember that there was a celebrity diving program on other TV stations a few years ago, in which many female stars wore swimsuits with their arms, legs and back exposed. Do you think this is too big? Do you think the water sports and gymnastics events in the Olympics are too big?" Xu Jie asked again and again.

"Uh..." Wang Wanjun was embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

"Xiao Xu is right." Zhou Zhengliang stood up at this time. What he said was well-founded, and he didn't agree with it. He patted Xu Jie's shoulder and said, "Okay, Xiao Xu, go back, it's okay." gone."

After Xu Jie turned around, he sighed softly, shook his head in disappointment, and said sadly: "Everything I did was for the success of the revision of the Art Channel, but in the end I was suspected, alas! "

When Zhou Zhengliang heard it, he immediately explained: "Xiao Xu, that's not what I mean, I just want to give you a chance to explain, so that those who question you will shut up, really."

"Thank you, Editor-in-Chief Zhou." Xu Jie smiled wryly, then walked out of the office dejectedly.

"Xiao Xu..."

Looking at Xu Jie's lonely back, Zhou Zhengliang felt uncomfortable. At this moment, he remembered that the culprit was still in the office, so he turned around, pointed at him, and said through gritted teeth: "Wang Wanjun, this is all because of you."

Wang Wanjun saw that deputy editor-in-chief Zhou was angry, so he pretended to be innocent, and said aggrievedly: "Editor-in-chief Zhou, I am also doing it for the good of the TV station."

"What a fart, I think you are sincerely making trouble, and you are worried that Xiao Xu's grades after the revision will be better than yours." Zhou Zhengliang said sharply.

"No, really not, I'm the director of the Art Program Center, can I not hope that the Art Channel will be good?" Wang Wanjun explained.

"Get out, get out quickly." Zhou Zhengliang pointed to the door and shouted loudly.

When Wang Wanjun saw it, he immediately ran out in desperation.

Zhou Zhengliang sat on the chair angrily. He had completely lost patience with Wang Wanjun now. Thinking of Xiao Xu's appearance when he left, he was really worried that the other party would treat work negatively from now on.

It seems that there is a way to save it.

How to do it?


(End of this chapter)

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