The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 662 Wonderful Assists

Chapter 662 Wonderful Assists
Wang Wanjun returned to the art program center in disgrace. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Xu Jie sitting in front of the TV. Thinking of the other party's previous rebuttals and the anger of deputy editor-in-chief Zhou, he could only walk forward with his head down, pretending to be I didn't see it, so I'll continue to try my best, and wait until the ratings of all new programs come out.

"Director Wang."

Xu Jie looked at Wang Wanjun passing by, and stopped him directly.


Wang Wanjun was taken aback, he didn't expect that the surname Xu would call him suddenly, he thought that the other party might be planning to make a big fuss about what happened just now, right?

No matter what the trouble was before, only Deputy Editor Zhou knew about it, but if it happened here, not only the people in the cultural program center would know, but even people in other program centers would know about it.

The director secretly typed the deputy director's small report, but it hasn't been completed yet...

It sounds bad!

"Deputy Director Xu, it was just a misunderstanding." Wang Wanjun turned around, looked kindly at Xu Jie who was sitting, and explained, "Actually, I did it for your own good. The director is most afraid of you making mistakes, what will our art program center do without you, you should be able to understand me, right?"

Xu Jie said in his heart: Is it because I am afraid that I will make a mistake to make a small report on trivial matters?You are afraid that I will not make mistakes!
However, he stopped the other party now, not to settle accounts with the other party.

He is not such a narrow-minded person.

"Director Wang, I can understand you, and not only will I not blame you, but I also thank you very much." Xu Jie said seriously.

Wang Wanjun was stunned, staring blankly at the young man in front of him, he couldn't play anymore.

He went to make a small report, but the other party even thanked him?
Is this drinking at work?And the drink had to be fake wine, otherwise he wouldn't have uttered such nonsense.

If it was him, he would definitely have a serious fight with the other party, and it would be best if the whole stage knew about it.

Wang Wanjun took a deep breath, calmed his heart, and then asked, "Thank you for what?"

"Thank you Director Wang for contributing a wonderful assist." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Wang Wanjun was completely confused.

We didn't play football together, what kind of assists did we contribute?
"What assist?" Wang Wanjun asked curiously. Looking at the smile on the other party's face, it seemed that he was not angry because of what happened just now. Even the sadness that he showed when he left the office of Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou disappeared without a trace. trace.

what's the situation?
This kid is too big-hearted, right?
"Football, don't you understand? Your wonderful pass helped me realize my goal goal." Xu Jie explained.

Wang Wanjun was speechless.

Of course he knew the meaning of an assist, but he didn't know what goal the opponent scored and where it was scored.

"No, you're welcome." Wang Wanjun said, and then walked towards the office.

It was inexplicable.

Xu Jie looked at Wang Wanjun's back, and a flowery smile appeared on his face.

The other party definitely didn't know that the small report this time not only gave him a reasonable reason to leave the art program center, but also made Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou feel indebted to him.

At this time, if Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu and Boss Jiang come to talk to Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou, and he has a reason to leave, Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou shouldn't embarrass him too much.

Of course, the premise of all this is the ratings of the new program.

Well, I don't know what the ratings were like yesterday.

Xu Jie looked at the time, and there was still an hour left before the ratings came out, but he didn't plan to go today, because he would continue to pretend to be sad and sad, making Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou even more guilty.

Wang Wanjun, who returned to the office, was like a defeated rooster at the moment.

He couldn't figure it out. He prepared the question all night and thought about the target all night. How could it be easily resolved?

Even those righteous words are all held back in the stomach, and there is no chance to say them.

Of course, now is not the time to worry about this matter. The ratings form will come out in a while. Do you want to get it?

If you go by yourself, you will definitely suffer from Zhou's deputy editor-in-chief's eyes. Maybe the other party's anger is still there, and if you scold him a few more words, won't the other directors of the program center see the joke?
Will the person surnamed Xu go again?
Sad for a while, happy for a while, as if there is a mental problem, it's really hard to guess.

By the way, let Liu Qingpeng get it.

Thinking of this, he grabbed the phone on the table and called the deputy director next door, Liu Qingpeng.

"Deputy Director Liu, I have something to do here, so you can go get the ratings form later."

"Anthracene, yes, I see." Liu Qingpeng was a little surprised, this was the first time Wang Wanjun asked him to get the ratings form.

after an hour.

Liu Qingpeng left his office and went to deputy editor-in-chief Zhou.

"Editor Zhou, I'm here to get the ratings form of the Literature and Art Channel." Liu Qingpeng said respectfully.

"Huh? It's Xiao Liu." Zhou Zhengliang looked outside the office and asked, "Why didn't Xiao Xu come?"

"Director Wang can't leave because of something... You ask Deputy Director Xu?" Liu Qingpeng was taken aback, and said in a daze, "I don't know. Director Wang called me to pick it up."

"Oh, it's okay, here's your art channel, take it away." Zhou Zhengliang pointed to the ratings list on the table.

He thought that Xu Jie would come to get the ratings form like yesterday, and he was going to do ideological work for the other party to explain it, but he didn't expect that the other party would not even come.

Don't you care about the ratings of the new show?

This is not a good sign.

Fortunately, the ratings of the new program aired yesterday were good, and it passed the passing mark again, otherwise, the mess of the Art Channel would really be left untouched.

Liu Qingpeng returned to the art program center and posted the ratings form on the bulletin board. The crowd who had been waiting for a long time immediately surrounded it, their faces full of concern and anxiety.

1: Daily literary broadcast, ratings: 3.01
2: Golden Theater, ratings: 1.78
3: Legendary Skills, ratings: 1.24
4: Colorful Community, ratings: 1.22
5: Flowers and plants, ratings: 1.19

When everyone watched the ratings, smiles appeared on everyone's faces.

"No. 3, yeah!" Zhang Tong, the director of "Legendary Skills", yelled excitedly, and celebrated with high-fives with colleagues in the program group.

In the literature and art channel, the top two ratings are almost unshakable. Only Deputy Director Xu broke this stable ranking when he produced "Delicious History".

Therefore, the ratings of the program can be ranked third, which has exceeded expectations for them, but the ratings of 3 among all the programs, although it is not excellent, but at least it can be regarded as good.

In a word, the new program successfully completed its goal!

"Sister Sheng Nan, the ratings of our show are also higher than yesterday." A member of the program group "Flowers, Flowers, Grass" said to director Liu Shengnan.

Yesterday's ratings were 1.06, and today's ratings are 1.19. The increase in ratings not only means that more viewers are watching, but also means that this program has been recognized by some viewers. This is the happiest thing for the program group I will feel more confident when doing shows in the future.

"Director Zhao, our show has finally broken 3 again." Li Xueqing said to director Zhao Jiangpeng.

Ever since Director Wang changed the literature and art channel, the ratings of "Daily Literature and Art Broadcast" have been below 3 for more than three months.

Of course, there is one exception.

That is to report on the wedding of Deputy Director Xu and Su Yun during the National Day.

Because it was an exclusive report, the audience rating reached 3.45, and it returned to the peak period of this show, thanks to Deputy Director Xu.

"Yes." Zhao Jiangpeng sighed involuntarily while being happy.

It's not easy.

It used to be commonplace to celebrate the 3rd, but now it is like celebrating the New Year.

"Sure enough, it has to be Deputy Director Xu!"

I don't know who said that.

After Zhao Jiangpeng heard it, he nodded approvingly.

This is the result of Deputy Director Xu's acceptance of the revision of the Art Channel, which can be said to be immediate.

I really hope that the word "Deputy" of Deputy Director Xu can be removed, and I have been working under the leadership of Director Xu.

Zhang Tong excitedly ran to Xu Jie who was sitting in front of the TV, and said happily, "Director Xu, have you seen it? The ratings of my program are 1.24, isn't it very good?"

Xu Jie said lightly: "June 1.24 just made you happy like this? Can you be a little more ideal and a bit high? Tell me when 1.5 is over."

According to the previous program ratings of the Literature and Art Channel, only if it exceeds 1.5 can it be considered excellent.

"Director Xu, do you think everyone is as good as you? But don't worry, I will work hard for this small goal." Zhang Tong said with a smile.

With the success of the first episode, there is no need to worry about whether the show will be accepted by everyone in the future.

In fact, everything is like this.

The first step is particularly difficult, but as long as you take it, the next step will be very easy.

Xu Jie narrowed his eyes, thinking silently in his heart.

Three of the five new programs have been aired now, and all of them have passed the pass, and some even performed well. Such a result is considered a pass for this revision of the Art Channel.

For him, this is definitely a good thing.

But some people are happy, while others are anxious.

Next, the pressure is all shifted to the remaining two shows that have not yet aired.

Although they don't have to shoulder the pressure of channel revision, but seeing that other people's programs have passed, if their own programs fail, how embarrassing would it be?

Liu Hua and Jiang Shuyun looked at each other, and they prayed silently in their hearts at the same time.

God bless, no, director Xu bless, must pass!

Office of the Director.

Wang Wanjun was embarrassed to check the ratings, so he had to call Liu Qingpeng again.

"Deputy Director Liu, how was the ratings yesterday? Especially the new show "Legendary Skills"."

"The performance is not bad, ranking third, and the ratings have reached 3." Liu Qingpeng said with a smile.

Wang Wanjun frowned immediately after hearing this.



Then hung up the phone.

Liu Qingpeng stared blankly at the phone in his hand, wondering if he heard it wrong just now.

Who is Director Wang scolding?


(End of this chapter)

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