The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 663 Make me happy and make me sad

Chapter 663 Make me happy and make me sad


Zhou Zhengliang looked at the ratings list of the Literature and Art Channel, feeling both pleasantly surprised and depressed.

The surprise is because the new program "Mujiu" broadcasted by the Art Channel yesterday has a rating of 1.26, which is a good performance.

Coupled with the fact that the ratings of the new program "Old Brand" aired the day before yesterday were 1.09, all five new programs of the Art Channel's revision this time all exceeded the passing mark.

Such results have also driven the Art Channel, making the ratings of the entire Art Channel have increased significantly compared to last week and the previous few weeks.

Especially with the previous comparison, it seems that this revision of the Art Channel is very successful.

As for boredom, Xiao Xu hasn't come to get the ratings form for two days. This indifference to the revised program made him very irritable and depressed.

You know, Xiao Xu is the biggest contributor to the revision of the art channel.

It is no exaggeration to say that it was Xiao Xu who saved the art channel.

And he actually listened to Wang Wanjun's words and suspected that the hero violated the rules and regulations, even he himself could not forgive himself.


Xiao Xu's knot must be untied.

Zhou Zhengliang thought for a while, and finally decided to have a talk with Xiao Xu. He could take advantage of the topic that the revision effect is very good, and praise the other party a few words. Wouldn't this knot be untied?

He grabbed the phone on the table and dialed a number. After the call got through, he immediately said enthusiastically, "Xiao Xu, are you at work? Come to my office and I have something to tell you."

"Good editor Zhou." Xu Jie's flat voice came from the microphone, without any emotion.

Zhou Zhengliang sighed after hanging up the phone, it really made me happy and worried.

Not long after, there was a "Dangdangdang" knock on the door outside.

Zhou Zhengliang got up and went to open the door himself. After seeing Xu Jie standing outside the door, he immediately said enthusiastically, "Little Xu is here, come in and sit down."

Xu Jie sat down across the desk, and asked blankly, "Editor Zhou, what's the matter?"

"Anthracene, it's actually nothing. I just want to tell you that yesterday's ratings list has been released. The performance of the new program is very impressive, reaching 1.26. Sure enough, the art program center depends on you."Zhou Zhengliang said with a smile, and by the way, a small compliment, it can be regarded as a good start for the next heart-to-heart talk.

"It's all thanks to everyone, and it has nothing to do with me." Xu Jie said after hearing this, as humble as ever, but his voice was a little cold, as if nothing could move him.

"How can it be unrelated? You are the person in charge of the revision of the art channel. Without your guidance, how could there be so many excellent works? I heard that you often share with everyone in the art program center. The experience of making programs." Zhou Zhengliang said.

He felt that this sentence did not mean the slightest compliment, but was completely stating the facts.

For the same group of people, why did the ratings of the programs be terrible when Wang Wanjun was in charge of the channel revision, and why did the ratings of the programs all pass the passing line when Xu Jie was in charge of the channel revision?
This is the gap.

The gap between those responsible.

Visible to the naked eye.

"I was just talking casually, and it didn't help me much," Xu Jie said.

"You just talk about it casually, and everyone has produced so many good shows. If you talk about it seriously, the show's ratings will not be ranked in the top 10 of the whole station?" Zhou Zhengliang said after hearing this, and he was determined not to allow the other party to reject his kindness. .


Xu Jie was speechless.

Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou was so determined to praise him that he couldn't even refuse.

"Editor Zhou, I'm just an ordinary employee, not as good as you said." Xu Jie said.

"Wrong, you are not only an employee, but also an excellent employee. This year's outstanding employee selection in Taili is about to come down. You are still included here. By the way, there is also your program. Are you very happy?" Zhou Zhengliang smiled asked.

Let's talk about happy things and let the unhappy things go aside.

Xu Jie thought to himself: It's not the first time I got it, what's so happy about it?

What he wants now is not the title of outstanding employee, so this matter does not make him happy.


At this time, there was another knock on the door outside.

Zhou Zhengliang frowned, who didn't come sooner or later but why did he come at this time?

"Come in!"

The door opened, and it was Li Donglai, the director of the life program center.

Li Donglai was slightly taken aback when he saw Xu Jie, because he had a festival before, so he was too embarrassed to talk to him, so he turned to deputy editor-in-chief Zhou and said, "Editor-in-chief Zhou, I'm here to get the ratings form."

Taking this opportunity, Xu Jie picked up the ratings form of the literary channel on the table and said, "Editor Zhou, I got the form and I'm going back."

After speaking, he turned and walked out of Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou's office.

Zhou Zhengliang wanted to call Xu Jie to stop, but when he saw Li Donglai on the side, he thought that there would be other directors of the program center who would come to pick up the ratings list later, so he couldn't call out in the end.

But Xu Jie's attitude just now made him understand one thing, that is: boasting is useless.

The knot in the heart of the other party cannot be untied by one or two nice words.

Think about it too, if a few kind words can make up for the damage, wouldn't it be heartless?

It seems that Wang Wanjun's problem still needs to be solved.

One is the pillar of the cultural program center, and the other is the stinky fish of the cultural program center. It goes without saying who is important and who is not.

It's time to make a choice!
Zhou Zhengliang got up and left the office, took the elevator to the satellite TV program center, before for the sake of Lao Lu, he didn't care about Wang Wanjun, but this time, he couldn't bear it anymore.

Let's have a showdown with Lao Lu!

When I came outside Lao Lu's office, the door was ajar, and through the gap, I could see Lao Lu was making a phone call inside, and he seemed very happy from the look on his face.


Zhou Zhengliang knocked on the door and pushed it open.

"Old Zhou?" Lu Hong was startled, but quickly calmed down, and said to the phone, "I have something to do here, let's talk later." Then he hung up the phone.

"Old Lu, I didn't bother you, did I?" Zhou Zhengliang said with some embarrassment. Looking at the other party's actions, the call just now seemed very important.

It seems that I came at the wrong time.

"No, it's a small matter, sit down quickly." Lu Hong pointed to the sofa beside him, then stood up, walked to Lao Zhou and sat down, and asked with a smile, "What can I do for you?"

He said and poured a cup of tea for the other party.

"Well, I have one thing, and it's not a small matter, but I have something to say first, and when I talk about it later, don't worry about me." Zhou Zhengliang said.

How can I say that Wang Wanjun is also from Lao Lu, and was personally recommended by Lao Lu to the Arts Program Center. What he wants to say is indeed somewhat offensive to Lao Lu.

Lu Hong was immediately happy when he heard it. Lao Zhou's words successfully aroused his curiosity, so he said with a smile: "Okay, I'm not in a hurry with you. Tell me, what is it?"

Zhou Zhengliang hesitated for a while, and finally gritted his teeth, as if he had made up his mind, and said to Lu Hong seriously: "Old Lu, can you transfer Wang Wanjun from the art program center?"

"Ah? Why? Don't tell me it's because of the revision." Lu Hong said.

Isn't this matter over?
Isn't Xiao Xu in charge now?

I heard that the redesign works well.

"Well, if it's just about the revision, I wouldn't have this idea. It's really too much for him. It's more than enough to succeed than to fail!" Zhou Zhengliang said bitterly. He just wants Wang Wanjun to hurry up. fuck off.

Lu Hong was full of surprise, what did Wang Wanjun do to grit his teeth angrily?
He has known Lao Zhou for so many years, and he has never seen the other party hate someone so much. What a hatred and resentment!

"Old Zhou, what happened?" Lu Hong asked curiously.

"Wang Wanjun gave me a small report about Xu Jie, saying that Xiao Xu violated the rules and regulations of the station, and had money transactions with others, and that there were problems with the promotional videos shot by Xiao Xu, and the scale was too large." Zhou Zhengliang coaxed Wang Wanjun Say what you did.

"Really? Then did these things happen in the end?" Lu Hong was very surprised. He didn't expect Wang Wanjun to do such a thing. This is not what a program center director should do.

Not only is it stupid, but it's cheap.

Too cheap!

"No, it's all a misunderstanding." Zhou Zhengliang said.

"Since it's a misunderstanding, let's just criticize Wang Wanjun a few words, don't you need to transfer him?" Lu Hong asked.

"The problem is that after I asked Xiao Xu, I realized that those small reports were all misunderstandings. Xiao Xu was very sad because of this incident, thinking that the station did not believe him. In addition, I observed Xiao Xu for a few days and felt that Xiao Xu's current work attitude Very negative, you must know that now is a critical period for the revision of the Literature and Art Channel, isn’t Wang Wanjun fanning the flames in order to fear that the world will not be chaotic and destroy the good situation? Do you think this Wang Wanjun should be transferred?” Zhou Zhengliang said through gritted teeth.

Every time he thought of this, he wished to turn back time, go back to that morning, and then raise his hand to give Wang Wanjun a big ear post.

Don't beep beep, get out!
"Really?" Lu Hong couldn't help frowning after hearing this.

"Of course, can I lie to you? Speaking of which, Xiao Xu is not only the pillar of the entertainment program center, but also the pillar of our variety show. If he slows down because of this, the consequences will be disastrous. I am not alarmist." Zhou Zheng Liang said seriously, taking the words seriously.

"So you want to transfer Wang Wanjun away to appease Xiao Xu's dissatisfaction?" Lu Hong understood what Zhou Zhengliang meant.

"That's right, who made him the culprit?" Zhou Zhengliang said.

"But what if Xiao Xu is still negative after Wang Wanjun left? I didn't speak for Wang Wanjun. Although he caused this incident, you should be the one who made Xiao Xu really sad. You believed Wang Wanjun's words, but didn't. He, what do you think?" Lu Hong analyzed seriously.

Zhou Zhengliang's expression changed. Although he didn't want to admit it, there was indeed a reason for this.

What the hell, let Wang Wanjun be tricked.


(End of this chapter)

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