The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 664 Private Transactions

Chapter 664 Private Transactions
"Old Lu, I admit that what you said is correct, so I want to do my best to save it." Zhou Zhengliang said in a deep voice, feeling very regretful about his original behavior in his heart.

Thinking about it now, Wang Wanjun clearly wanted to "borrow a knife to kill someone".

Treat him like a knife and use him to deal with Xiao Xu, in order to achieve the purpose of destroying Xiao Xu.

In this way, no one can threaten Wang Wanjun in the art program center.

After all, with Xiao Xu's working ability, it is difficult for Wang Wanjun to establish prestige in the art program center. Coupled with the comparison of the performance of the art channel's revision, Wang Wanjun's doing so is definitely a sign of urgency.

After listening, Lu Hong nodded understandingly, and said, "Old Zhou, I understand your situation, and I don't want to cause you trouble, but I also hope you can understand my situation. Wang Wanjun is my recommendation to Wenyi It’s been less than half a year since he took office in the program center, if he is transferred away at this time, what will the director think?”

When Zhou Zhengliang heard this, the other party came up with this reason again, so he hurriedly said: "Lao Lu, you can't destroy the art program center for yourself. Besides, if something happens to Xiao Xu, your satellite TV channel can't do it either." Fortunately, don't forget, all the popular variety shows in Taiwan are produced by Xiao Xu."

Lu Hong said: "I know, that's why I think this matter should be more cautious. After all, the problem is not only on Wang Wanjun, you are also responsible. If I transfer Wang Wanjun away, what should Xiao Xu do? Is it time to transfer you away?"

"Then what do you say?" Zhou Zhengliang frowned in distress.

In the position of deputy editor-in-chief for so many years, I have never encountered such a thing.

"Old Zhou, don't be in a hurry. If this matter is not in a hurry, I think it's best to come up with a plan." Lu Hong poured another cup of tea for Zhou Zhengliang, "Come, have a sip of tea."

"What time is it, how can you still be in the mood to drink tea?" Zhou Zhengliang said angrily, but finally took a sip.

I talked too much just now, and my mouth is really dry.

Lu Hong secretly glanced at Lao Zhou, then frowned, and muttered in his mouth: "We must calm down the current chaos in the art program center, and also prevent Xiao Xu from being angry with you, and not delay the variety show on the satellite TV channel." , it is best to transfer Wang Wanjun away too..."

When Zhou Zhengliang heard Lao Lu's words, he rolled his eyes. It's already pretty good to be able to kill two birds with one stone.Go dreaming.

"Huh!" Lu Hong suddenly put down the cup in his hand, and said to Zhou Zhengliang, "Old Zhou, I thought of a way."

"What way?" Zhou Zhengliang looked at Lu Hong suspiciously, obviously not convinced.

"Transfer Xiao Xu away..." Lu Hong said.

"Stop it!" Zhou Zhengliang stretched out his hand to stop Lu Hong from continuing, and then looked at Lu Hong with a sneer and said, "Old Lu, old Lu, you're thinking about Xiao Xu again, aren't you? Xiao Xu transferred away, transferred to your satellite TV program center? Think of something good for you!"

"Old Zhou, I didn't mean to tune him to the satellite TV program center, I meant to tune him outside." While speaking, Lu Hong pointed out the direction of the window.

"External transfer?" Zhou Zhengliang was taken aback, "Where?"

"Jingshi Culture Communication Company!" Lu Hong said mysteriously.

"JingTV Culture? Isn't that where Jiang Hai is staying now?" Zhou Zhengliang asked.

"Yes, Lao Jiang is the only one who can make Xiao Xu obedient inside and outside of our station. I can't even do it. So if Lao Jiang assigns him tasks, would he dare to slow down? Certainly not. "Lu Hong said with a smile.

"That's what I said, but what if he is transferred to Jingshi Culture and Art Program Center? Besides, the person I want to transfer is Wang Wanjun. Why did you transfer Xiao Xu to me?" Zhou Zhengliang was confused .

"As you said just now, Xiao Xu is not in the right mood now. Even if he stays in the cultural program center, he may just work hard and fail to make any achievements. It's better to let him go to a place where someone can take care of him." Lu Hong said .

Zhou Zhengliang thought about it, and what he said seemed to make a little sense.

No, there is one more thing!

"Once Xiao Xu leaves, what will happen to the revision work of the Art Channel?" Zhou Zhengliang asked, everything started because of this incident, how can we ignore this mess?
"Old Zhou, are you fooling me? Don't think I don't know. All the new programs on your literary channel have passed the passing line, and some of them performed well. Doesn't this mean that the revision is successful? And these programs It has only been aired for a week, and it will definitely get better and better in the future, trust me, I have experience in this area." Lu Hong patted Zhou Zhengliang on the shoulder and said seriously.

Zhou Zhengliang thought of the gradually rising ratings in the past few days, which seemed to be exactly what Lao Lu said.

"Where's Wang Wanjun? This person definitely can't stay in the center of theatrical programs, he's making trouble for me." Zhou Zhengliang angrily said the dirty word directly.

He is now focused on getting Wang Wanjun away, otherwise it would be a disaster for him to stay in the entertainment center, and maybe something bad will happen in the future.

The most important thing is that this person actually used him as a "knife", not only with ulterior motives, but also with audacity, such a person cannot be kept.

"Wang Wanjun, give me some more time, and I will definitely transfer him next year!" Lu Hong said, at least let him pass this year.

"No, this man's tricks are not right." Zhou Zhengliang refused.

"How about this? After Xiao Xu leaves, you arrange someone to take Xiao Xu's place. When I transfer Wang Wanjun away next year, I will arrange this person to be the director. What do you think? Don't worry, I will let Wang Wanjun be honest. Yes." Lu Hong said.

Zhou Zhengliang looked at Lu Hong, and the other party gave him the candidate for the director of the literary channel, which was a great gift.

Although his abilities may not be as good as Xiao Xu's, at least he will listen to him and will not make trouble for him like Wang Wanjun.

"Is what you said true?" Zhou Zhengliang couldn't believe it.

"Of course it's true." Lu Hong said with a deep sigh, "Oh, to be honest with you, the matter of Wang Wanjun made me feel very guilty. "

Zhou Zhengliang looked at it, and the doubts he had just disappeared immediately, and his heart softened.

"Don't say that, Wang Wanjun is too good at disguising, but what about Xiao Xu? Will he agree to go to Jingshi Culture?" Zhou Zhengliang asked worriedly.

Jingshi Culture is an enterprise under Beijing Radio and Television Station. Unless they promise a higher position than they are now, who would want to be transferred there?
Going to Beijing Television Culture is equivalent to staying away from the power center of Beijing Radio and Television Station.

In the past, when a good program was made, everyone from the staff to the director knew that every year when the excellent program was selected, they could also show up in front of the director, deputy director and other leaders.

But after going to Jingshi Culture, all this is gone.

"Don't worry, I'll go to Lao Jiang and ask him to do Xiao Xu's four tasks." Lu Hong said.

Zhou Zhengliang nodded. Xiao Xu also said a few days ago that Jiang Hai was his leader, Bo Le and his good brother, and the good brother talked. Can the younger brother not listen?

Must listen!

"Okay, it's a deal." Zhou Zhengliang picked up the teacup and drank it down.

Although I feel sorry for Xiao Xu, who can withstand such a compensation plan?
If I have someone of my own in the art program center, I will feel at ease when I work in the future, otherwise I will be like this all day long, with endless lawsuits.

When Zhou Zhengliang was about to leave, Lu Hong sent him out of the door. As soon as the person disappeared, he immediately returned to the office, unable to hold back any longer, showing an excited smile.

After spending so long, it finally got what it wanted.

Although he lost a director of the art program center, in exchange for the right to use Xiao Xu, it is still very worthwhile in his opinion.

Besides, when Wang Wanjun was arranged to be the director of the art program center, didn't he hope that the other party could provide more excellent art programs for the satellite TV channel?

Now it seems that Wang Wanjun is completely useless, he can't even do a good job of revising the art channel, let alone produce excellent programs for the satellite TV channel.

So for these things, Xiao Xu alone is enough.

He closed the door, then took out his mobile phone and called Jiang Hai.

In fact, the call that Lao Zhou bumped into just now was from Jiang Hai.

What the other party meant was, since the ratings of the literary channel after the revision have already come out, can the plan be implemented?

Well, there is no need to execute it, because it has already been done.

"Old Lu, did Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou go to your office just now?" As soon as the call was made, Jiang Hai's voice came from the receiver.

"Well, here we come, and I've made it clear to him, you can transfer Xiao Xu to Jingshi Culture, now it's up to you how to operate it." Lu Hong said.

Xiao Xu is the deputy director of the art program center. He wants to transfer someone to Jingshi Culture, and he also needs to arrange a vice president. This kind of cross-company scheduling needs the approval of the station.

"Understood, I'll call the director right now and say that I need a vice president who is in charge of large-scale program production, and apply to transfer Xiao Xu here. I guess I will definitely ask you and deputy editor-in-chief Zhou. Opinions, are you sure that Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou will not have any opinions?" Jiang Hai asked.

"Don't worry, I gave him the director of the art program center, and he has no reason to go back on his word." Lu Hong explained.


They are all smart people, and some things don't need to be said in too much detail.

In the afternoon, Xu Jie returned to his office instead of sitting in front of the TV.

Five new programs have already met the audience, and he can finally relax now.

"Ring bell bell!"

A burst of music sounded, Xu Jie took out his cell phone and glanced at it, then connected the call.

"Boss Jiang, what's the matter?" Xu Jie asked while browsing the gourmet website. He planned to make a low-calorie dinner for Su Yun in the evening, so as to prevent her from starving and stomach problems due to weight loss.

"Xiao Xu, I just called the director. There is basically no problem with your adjustment of Beijing Television Culture. Today is Friday, and it should be announced next week." Jiang Hai said with a smile.

"Really?" Xu Jie's eyes lit up, and he stood up from the chair excitedly.

"Well, while there is still time, hurry up and explain the work, especially the two programs you are on the satellite TV channel. I have assured the director that your departure will not affect the quality of the program." Jiang Hai instructed .

"Understood, I'm going now!"


(End of this chapter)

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