The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 665 I will come again!

Chapter 665 I will be back!

Xu Jie put away his mobile phone, his face was full of joy. He had been working on this plan for more than four months, and today it finally succeeded.

If we said that we only had indirect contact with the entertainment industry before, then from now on we can directly contact the entertainment industry through the platform of Jingshi Culture.

Beijing Television Culture, here I come.

Entertainment circle, here I come.

Xu Jie pushed the door and walked out of the office. Before he left, he wanted to hand over the work as soon as possible, and try to go to Jingshi Culture as soon as possible to meet Jiang Boss.

His current work mainly has two parts, one is the revision of the art channel, and the other is the art program broadcast on the satellite TV channel.

Originally, for him, the former was more difficult.

However, judging from the current ratings of the art channel, the revision effect is good, obviously exceeding the past.

In addition, Zhou's deputy editor-in-chief agrees, which means that the other party is satisfied with the results of the revision, so now the latter has become the only problem.

And "A Delicious History" has become the puzzle of the puzzle.

He has two programs on the satellite TV channel, "Delicious History" and "Deep Talk on Film and Television".

The latter is fine with him or without him. After all, he has been only in charge of film selection for this show. Qin Yan, Miao Zhenzhen and others are in charge of the pre-production, mid-stage shooting and post-production.

But in "Delicious History", in addition to his identity as the behind-the-scenes director, he also has another identity, that is, the leading actor.

Although it may seem that there are many stars participating in the filming of the show, even most of them are first-tier and second-tier stars, but he is the real protagonist, and is called the soul of the show by the audience.

Stars can be exchanged, but he cannot be exchanged.

Now comes the problem.

If he went to Beijing Television Culture, "Delicious History" would not have a starring role, how would the show continue?

The best way is to find another person to replace him.

many people.

The problem is, there are really not many people in the art program center who can cook like him, and do it fairly well.

In fact, he had considered this matter half a year ago when he was discussing with Boss Jiang about leaving together, and even conducted a small internal investigation, which disappointed him.

It's not that there are people who can cook, but they are limited to simple fried dishes or stewed meat. None of them know how to cook.

He stood in the aisle, looking back and forth in the public office area, hoping to make a big one out of the box.

this is not OK.

That doesn't work either.

None of them work.

Xu Jie was still depressed, and even the smile on his face disappeared.

If his departure would affect the ratings of the show, deputy editor-in-chief Lu would definitely bring him back.

Otherwise, go to the cafeteria to try?
Don't wait for me, just go as soon as you say.

Xu Jie came to the cafeteria and sneaked into the back kitchen.

There are many cooks, both men and women are fat and thin.

He scanned the faces of each chef, and a fat chef caught his attention. Although he was not handsome, he looked very kind, even a little cute.


Xu Jie yelled and immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the back kitchen.

"Director Xu? Why are you here?"

"Are you going to film a show in the cafeteria again? Tell me, what are you filming today?"

The chefs were not surprised to see someone coming. This deputy director Xu is a frequent visitor here. Because he often shoots here, the canteen of Beijing TV Station has become one of the spots that many food lovers want to check in most.

"I'm not shooting a show today, I'm here to find someone." Xu Jie looked at the chef just now, and waved at him, "Master, can I have a chat with you?"

The chef was taken aback for a moment, apparently he didn't expect that Deputy Director Xu would come to him specifically, so he walked over and asked curiously, "Director Xu, what's the matter?"

"Master, are you interested in being on TV?" Xu Jie looked at the other party and asked.

From a handsome boy to a cute uncle, he felt that the audience should be able to accept such a change.

"On TV? On your show?" asked the fat chef.

"Yes, play my role." Xu Jie nodded.

"What? That's not okay, I can't act." The fat chef shook his head repeatedly.

He thought it was just a simple show of his face, but he didn't expect to be the leading role.

"Why can't I act? I don't need any acting skills for this role, as long as I can cook." Xu Jie said.

The fat chef still shook his head, and at the same time asked suspiciously: "Director Xu, you are so good at acting, why did you suddenly let me act? How about you, why don't you continue acting?"

"I'm too busy with work and don't have time to shoot, so I want to change to a leading actor, and then concentrate on doing behind-the-scenes work." Xu Jie found a random reason.

"That's right, but my image is not good. Who wants to see such a greasy uncle like me? Why don't you find a beautiful host to act, and the ratings will definitely increase by then, haha!" The fat chef said with a smile.

"You're right, but the problem is that they don't know how to cook." Xu Jie said with a wry smile.

"Isn't it possible to learn it? Come to our cafeteria and learn it in three months." The fat chef said.


Xu Jie was taken aback, he had always only wanted to find someone who could cook, and never thought of letting anyone learn it.

Three months is three episodes of the program, that is to say, as long as you take a few days to come back to film "Delicious History" in the next three months, you can do it once and for all.

"Master, then let's make an agreement, you can't go back on your word." Xu Jie looked at the other party and said, thinking that this method is feasible, it's better to try it first.

"No problem." The fat chef said, patting his chest.

Xu Jie left the cafeteria and returned to the art program center. When passing by Qin Yan's work station, he reached out and tapped on the other party's desk twice, leaving a sentence of "follow me", and then walked towards the office.

Qin Yan got up and followed, and after entering the office, she asked, "What's the matter?"

Xu Jie sat down, looked at Qin Yan and said, "If I remember correctly, you only have the program "In-depth Film and Television Talk", right?"

"There's also the Spring Festival Gala!" Qin Yan corrected.

The host is also a celebrity.

The host of "In-depth Film and Television Talk" and the host of the Spring Festival Gala, you can tell which one is higher as soon as you hear it.

"I'm talking about the program, not the party." Xu Jie pointed to the chair in front of him, motioned for the other party to sit down, and then got to the point, "Your business ability is relatively strong in our art program center, and a program is very important for you. It's too easy to say, so I'm going to add more burdens to you and participate in another show."

"What program? There won't be another variety show that needs a host, right?" Qin Yan's eyes lit up.

"How can there be so many variety shows that need hosts?" Xu Jie rolled his eyes at the other party, really greedy.

Qin Yan smiled embarrassedly when she heard it, because "Ordinary Courage" is on the air, she has now entered the ranks of well-known hosts, and she will be recognized when she goes shopping.

Having tasted the sweetness of variety shows, of course she wants to try again.

"Although it's not a variety show, the ratings of this show are very high." Xu Jie looked at Qin Yan seriously and asked, "Are you interested in starring in "Delicious History?"


Qin Yan was stunned first, then quickly waved her hands and said, "Stop joking, you are the lead actor, what should I do?"

"I won't act anymore." Xu Jie said.


Qin Yan was startled for a moment, and then asked with a surprised face, "Why don't you act anymore?"

"Although there is one matter that has not been announced yet, it can basically be said that it is a certainty. Due to work adjustments, I will leave the art program center and go to Jingshi Culture as the deputy general manager in charge of variety shows and large-scale evening parties." Xu Jie said indifferently Said.


Qin Yan stood up abruptly, opened her eyes wide and asked in surprise, "You, are you going to Beijing Television Culture too?"

She didn't understand what's so good about Jingshi Culture, why Jiangtou went, and now Xu Jie also went.

In terms of status, importance, and influence, how can Beijing TV Culture compare with Beijing TV Station?

As the old saying goes: People go to high places, but water flows to low places.

The opponent is gaining momentum now, doesn't going to Jingshi Culture mean going downhill?

Qin Yan suddenly thought of something at this time, and asked with a serious expression: "Is it Wang Wanjun's trick behind the scenes? Did the deputy editor-in-chief Lu transfer you away so that Wang Wanjun can gain a foothold in our art program center?"

Xu Jie shook his head lightly, and said, "It has nothing to do with Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou and Wang Wanjun, and Wang Wanjun won't be staying in the art program center for long."

Qin Yan tilted her head, her eyes full of question marks.

Not only Xu Jie is going to be transferred, but even Wang Wanjun is going to be transferred away. Is this going to be a major operation on the Arts Program Center?
"These things have nothing to do with you. Now that the revision of the Art Channel has just been completed, no matter who is sent by it, it will take the lead. But after I leave, "Delicious History" can no longer participate in the filming. As the saying goes: "Fat water does not flow to outsiders Tian, ​​that's why I asked you if you have any idea of ​​taking over my class." Xu Jie said.

Qin Yan thought for a while, and then said: "The program "Delicious History" is very popular, and the ratings are also very high. To be honest, I really want to be the leading role in this show, but my cooking skills are really...horrible, and I can't describe it in words." what."

After hearing this, Xu Jie said indifferently: "It's okay, I've already thought about it for you, go to our unit cafeteria to study for three months, I will take time to come back and continue shooting in these three months, and I will leave after you leave the teacher. .”

Qin Yan hesitated for a moment and asked, "Is this okay? Do you think the audience can accept me?"

She thinks the role of Xu Jie is too classic, and classic roles are often difficult to be replaced, and the audience will not accept it easily.

"You have to have confidence in yourself." Xu Jie said: "You have to think about it this way, most of the people who watch the program "Delicious History" are cooks, and your next task is to attract more cooks. Maybe the ratings will be even higher sometime.”

Because of the program "Delicious History", he has a nickname in the hearts of the audience, called: Friends of Cooking Wife.

It means that among the audience who watched him cook, cooking women accounted for a very large proportion.

Now it's Qin Yan, who is pretty and has a certain reputation, so she can connect seamlessly.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Qin Yan nodded.

It's just that when I think that the other party is about to leave, I feel very uncomfortable. After all, she is a colleague who once fought together, and she can gain her current popularity thanks to the other party's help.

"You, can't you leave?" Qin Yan couldn't help asking.

Xu Jie smiled.

"Don't worry, I will come back sooner or later."


(End of this chapter)

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