Chapter 666
Now that the leading actor of the show "Delicious History" has been confirmed, the next thing is much simpler.

Xu Jie entrusted Qin Yan to be in charge of "In-depth Talk on Film and Television". In fact, besides being the host, Qin Yan also wrote the interview scripts by herself, so she is absolutely qualified for this job.

As for "Delicious History", he handed over the job of director to Song Huanhuan, who has been in charge of the program copywriting, story frame and script. It can be said that he is the person who knows the program best.

And a long time ago, he asked Song Huanhuan to be in charge of the post-production, so it was a matter of course for Song Huanhuan to be the director, and no one would object.

Fast forward to Monday.

Xu Jie came to the art program center as usual, but as soon as he entered the door, he felt that the atmosphere in the office area was not right.

"What's wrong?" Xu Jie said.

The office area was quiet, even a little lifeless, and everyone's face was ugly.

"Director Xu." Miao Zhenzhen stood up, bit her lip for a while, and asked with a complicated expression: "Are you leaving the Art Center?"

Xu Jie looked at Miao Zhenzhen, then at the others, and finally at Qin Yan and Song Huanhuan.

Because of the need to explain his work, he only told these two people about the transfer.

Now everyone in the Arts Program Center seems to know about it, and the most suspicious people must be these two people.

Qin Yan and Song Huanhuan looked at each other and shook their heads in unison, expressing that they were not themselves.

Xu Jie was taken aback.

Not the two of them?
Who would that be?

"Who did you listen to?" Xu Jie asked with a smile.

"Director Xu, don't care who said it, just tell me if it happened?" Liu Hua also asked.

Xu Jie knew that the transfer decision would be announced today, and it would not take long to hide it, so he said, "Well, that's right, there is such a thing."

Hearing this sentence, some people were surprised, some were distressed, some were puzzled, and some were depressed.

When everyone heard about this before, they thought it was a rumor. After all, Director Xu has outstanding achievements and is currently in charge of the channel revision work. How could he just say that he was transferred?

But now, the words are spoken by the parties themselves, even if they don't want to believe it.

"Director Xu, why are you leaving?" Liu Huahong asked with eyes wide open, feeling very sad in her heart.

Originally, she was just a small reporter. Director Xu gave her the opportunity to participate in the production of popular programs, and even gave her a chance to be the leader. Now that the other party is leaving, can she not be sad?

In fact, there are many people like Liu Hua, Miao Zhenzhen, Liu Jinbao, Jiang Shuyun, Zhang Tong, etc., and even Jiang Lan.

Maybe she is not the saddest, but definitely the most depressed.

She had just defected to Director Xu, but the other party was about to be transferred away. Isn't this waiting for Director Wang to settle the score?
Seeing everyone's expressions, Xu Jie couldn't help but smiled wryly.

Parting is always sad. The reason why he didn't tell everyone about the transfer in advance is because he didn't want to face such a scene.

Everyone has worked together for such a long time, especially those colleagues who have worked with him on the show, can there be no affection for each other?
"I'm a brick, so I need to move somewhere, isn't this a normal thing? Don't forget, I was transferred from the life program center to the art program center at the beginning. There is no banquet that lasts forever in the world." Xu Jie comforted road.

"But we also need you!" Miao Zhenzhen said loudly.

People around nodded.

In the art program center, director Xu is their backbone, without the backbone, how will they work in the future?

Did you listen to Wang Wanjun?
forget it!
Under Wang Wanjun's instructions, the Art Program Center couldn't even issue bonuses.

"What do I need? Now that the revision of the Art Channel has been completed, and the results of the new programs are also good, I am no longer needed here." Xu Jie said.


After everyone heard it, they didn't know what to say for a while.


The art channel has been successfully revised, and the biggest problem of the art program center has been solved. Next, we will look at the performance of each program group. It seems that there is really nothing wrong with Director Xu.

In fact, everyone didn't know what kind of work Director Xu needed in the Art Program Center, but they were full of reluctance.

Xu Jie looked at the gloomy atmosphere, so he said with a smile: "What are you all doing with drooping faces? I think the Taiwan leader's decision is very wise and considerate. I know that I like challenges, so I entrusted them with important tasks. You should be happy for me."


At this time, the outer door suddenly opened, and Wang Wanjun walked in happily.

After everyone saw it, their expressions became more complicated.

It has been a long time since everyone has seen a smile on Director Wang's face.

Don't laugh early, don't laugh late, but laugh at this time, isn't it because you know that Deputy Director Xu is going to be transferred?
As soon as Deputy Director Xu left, the other party was able to do whatever he wanted in the art program center.

"Deputy Director Xu?" Seeing Xu Jie, Wang Wanjun walked over immediately, stretched out his hands, and said with a smile, "Congratulations, Congratulations to Deputy Director Xu for being promoted to Deputy General Manager of Jingshi Culture."

"Director Wang also knows?" Xu Jie asked.

It seems that this matter did not come from Qin Yan and Song Huanhuan, but from the personnel side.

"Well, you didn't mention such a big good thing earlier, so I can organize a farewell party for everyone." Wang Wanjun was so beautiful in his heart, and his face was already smiling.

His biggest threat in the art program center is Xu Jie. Once the other party leaves, won't the art program center be his world?

Xu Jie smiled. He didn't doubt Wang Wanjun's sincerity, because he knew what the other party said just now was absolutely true.

If he had told the other party the news of his transfer to Jingshi Culture last week, this old boy would not only hold a farewell party, he might even go home and set off firecrackers.

Actually speaking from the bottom of his heart, he is still very grateful to Wang Wanjun. If it wasn't for the other party's incompetence that angered Deputy Editor Zhou, if the other party hadn't framed him and contributed a wonderful assist, he wouldn't have left so quickly and smoothly. Arts program center.

In the matter of his being transferred to Jingshi Culture, Wang Wanjun definitely contributed a lot.

"No, it's just a simple job transfer, maybe I will be transferred back someday, and JingTV Culture and the TV station will have a lot of cooperation, especially in large-scale variety shows and evening parties, and we will definitely meet often in the future." Xu On the surface, Jie's words were meant for Wang Wanjun, but they were actually meant for the colleagues present here.

Since we can still meet each other often in the future, why bother to be sad and sad?
"Haha, Deputy Director Xu is right." Wang Wanjun nodded, agreeing with the other party's words like never before.

Xu Jie looked at Wang Wanjun, and guessed that if he farted at this time, the other party could also talk well.

Not long after, it was time for the weekly meeting.

All the staff of the Art Program Center gathered in the large meeting room.

What is different from the past is that there is one more person in today's weekly meeting, Wang Yuan, the deputy director.

He sat in the front seat, looked at the crowd and said, "Now we announce a personnel transfer. From now on, Xu Jie will no longer be the deputy director of the Art Program Center..."

While announcing the transfer order, Wang Yuan carefully looked at Xu Jie beside him, and found that the other side looked calm, and he couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

For this transfer order, he himself did not understand it very much.

He is very clear about the ability of this deputy director. The other party is one of the outstanding talents emerging in the station in recent years, especially in variety shows. indivual.

He didn't understand why Lu Hong and Zhou Zhengliang would agree to transfer such an outstanding talent to Beijing TV Culture. Jiang Hai said that Beijing TV Culture lacks talents in variety shows. Isn't there a lack of talent in TV stations?

You must know that variety shows have always been a weakness of Beijing Satellite TV before Xu Jie appeared.

It is no exaggeration to say that it was Xu Jie who saved the Beijing Satellite TV variety show, and no one can take the credit for this.

It stands to reason that Lu Hong and Zhou Zhengliang should fight for such a talent. Why did they both give up this time and hand over him to Jiang Hai?

Is it fake wine?

If it was him, he would definitely not agree.

Could it be that he offended someone?
Never heard of it.

And what about a talent like this with a little more personality?
Shouldn't leaders be more open-minded towards such talents?

"Xiao Xu, I hope you can achieve better results in your new position and live up to the organization's trust and expectations of you." Wang Yuan looked at Xu Jie after finishing the transfer order.

What a pity, what a pity!
Wang Yuan not only sighed in his heart.

"Thank you Master Wang, I will continue to work hard." Xu Jie said seriously.

Now, he can finally go to Jingshi Culture.

Wang Yuan left.

After Wang Wanjun sent Deputy Director Wang away, he couldn't wait to return to the conference room. After entering the door, he clapped his hands vigorously and said loudly: "Come on, let us congratulate Deputy Director Xu again, no, it is Deputy Director Xu."

"Clap clap clap!"

The meeting room was filled with Wang Wanjun's clapping.

The others looked at each other, and after a long time, Qin Yan was the first to raise her hands and applaud.

Now that the transfer order has come down, it should be a farewell, not silence.

First, second, third...

Soon, there was warm applause in the meeting room.

Everyone looked at Director Xu unanimously. At this time, everyone felt more grateful, thanked Director Xu for his contribution to the Arts Program Center in recent years, and thanked Director Xu for his help to everyone.

"Thank you." Xu Jie said emotionally, and then bowed to everyone.

At this time, Wang Wanjun raised his hand and made a gesture of pressing down, signaling for everyone to be quiet.

But the clapping continued, and so did the applause.

The people in the conference room didn't seem to see it.

Wang Wanjun frowned slightly, feeling a little unhappy.

People are about to be transferred away, so why clap your hands?Can't see the situation clearly?
But soon, his brows relaxed.

People are going to be transferred anyway, so don't get angry, there's no need for that.

At this time, Xu Jie raised a hand, and the conference room immediately fell silent. Everyone looked over and waited for Director Xu to speak.

"See you!"

Xu Jie waved his hand and walked out of the conference room.


(End of this chapter)

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