Chapter 668 Warm Welcome
10 minute later.

Xu Jie followed Boss Jiang to the conference room.

Different from the circular conference room in the Arts Program Center, this conference room is similar to the classroom in school.

There is a table in front and three tables and chairs below.

If Xu Jie's guess is correct, these three seats should represent the three departments of Jingshi Culture.

Xu Jie glanced roughly, because he had cooperated with Beijing TV Culture when he was making the program, and he had "worked" in Beijing TV Culture for a few months, so he saw a lot of acquaintances at a glance.

"Boss Jiang, everything is here." A man in his early thirties came to Jiang Hai's side and said respectfully.

Xu Jie knew each other, and this was Hu Yixuan, Boss Jiang's secretary at Jingshi Culture.

"Yeah." Jiang Hai nodded, and then said with a smile: "I believe that everyone here is familiar with the person next to me, right? Now let me introduce you again. From today onwards, Xu Jie is the vice president of JingTV Culture. Manager, in charge of the content resources department, everyone applauds and welcomes."

After speaking, take the lead in applauding.

He is really happy and the happiest person.

"Clap clap clap!"

After everyone heard it, they immediately clapped their hands and applauded.


Everyone here was not surprised by Xu Jie's arrival, because everyone had heard some rumors more or less before today.

"Vice President Xu, let's talk to everyone." Jiang Hai said to Xu Jie.

Xu Jie nodded, then faced the crowd, looked at everyone and said: "I had a very pleasant cooperation with Jingshi Culture before, and in the future, I will work with you as a colleague. That joy has been preserved, and I hope that everyone can make great achievements together with me, thank you."

"Wow hoo hoo!"

There was warm applause in the meeting room.

The reason why everyone is like this is not only because the person in front of you will be the deputy general manager of Jingshi Culture, but also because everyone knows the past of this deputy general manager very well.

The director of "Delicious History", the director of "In-depth Film and Television Talk", the chief planner and chief screenwriter of "Crossover Actor", the chief director of "Ordinary Courage", the director of last year's New Year's party, and the screenwriter of the movie "Mulan" ...

These programs, evening parties and movies are all the focus of heated discussions among audiences.

Picking out any achievement from them is enough to brag about for ten years, not to mention that these achievements belong to the same person.

Therefore, everyone welcomes the arrival of such a deputy general manager with brilliant record and outstanding business ability.

On a big scale, his arrival can improve the company's performance, on a small scale, he can bring more bonuses to everyone.

You should know that other departments of the company work around the content resource department.

The performance of the content resources department is not good, and the whole company cannot pay bonuses.

To put it simply: one prospers and one loses.

The performance of Jingshi Culture has declined for three consecutive years, and this year, if there is no accident, it will still decline.

If there is no change next year, everyone will have to eat instant noodles every day after paying off their mortgages and car loans.

Otherwise, could Yu Kuan, the former general manager, change jobs?
So for Xu Jie, everyone not only welcomes him, but also warmly welcomes him.

The bonus is all up to this person!

"Okay, the meeting is over, let's go back to work, by the way, the people from the content resource department will stay here for a while," Jiang Hai said.

Hearing President Jiang's words, people from the other two departments got up and left.

"Hi Vice President Xu, I'm Liu Feng, I'm glad you can come to Beijing TV Culture." Liu Feng said politely with his hand outstretched.

"Thank you!" Xu Jie looked at each other while shaking hands.

Liu Feng is in his early forties, with a medium build, wearing a dark suit, and a face with Chinese characters. He looks like a serious person.

After Liu Feng left, another person came to Xu Jie.

"Vice President Xu, let's meet again." Wang Yunjie said with a smile.

"Hello, Miss Wang." Xu Jie also laughed.

He is quite familiar with the woman in front of him, because many of the previous variety show promotions were in charge of the other party, so he had some dealings with her.

I heard that the other party is 35 years old this year and is still single, and he is very comfortable in the media circle. There are no people she can't deal with on large and small websites, newspapers, etc.

"Vice President Xu, on behalf of all the staff in the Marketing Department, I would like to extend a warm welcome to you." Wang Yunjie said enthusiastically.

She is different from Liu Feng.

Liu Feng is in charge of functional departments and has little to do with the content resource department, but the marketing business department she is in charge of relies heavily on the content resource department.

Only when the content resource department comes up with good projects, will it spend more money for promotion.

For example, she takes on some planning and marketing business outside, which can be a few million at most, and as for tens of millions, very few.

But if the other party can produce a good variety show or film and television drama, the money spent on promotion and marketing will be at least tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions.

Therefore, whether the marketing business department eats soil or eats meat is largely determined by the content resources department.

Now that the deputy general manager of the content resources department took office, her mood is naturally different from others.

If Mr. Jiang is the happiest person now, then she is the second happiest person.

"Sister Wang, you are too polite, I hope we can cooperate happily in the future." Xu Jie said with a smile.

He dare not underestimate this expert in planning, promotion and influence.

In the future, not only can I use the other party for work matters, but I can even use the other party for Su Yun's affairs.

For celebrities, it is very important to have a good relationship with the media, and this woman in front of her is an expert.

"Vice President Wang, just let me know if you have anything to do in the future. I will definitely meet your request." Wang Yunjie said seriously.

Especially the sound of Sister Wang, she was very comfortable listening to it.

It seems that the other party has not changed.

Wang Yunjie thought to herself.

Soon, all the people from the functional management department and the marketing management department left, and only the people from the content resources department were left in the conference room.

Xu Jie looked at the four people in front of him, and couldn't help but think of the materials from the content resources department that Boss Jiang had shown him before.

From left to right, Cheng Yingjie, the first director of the TV program department, male, 38 years old, was transferred from Beijing Satellite TV, and has worked here for five years.

The second is Lu Zhihong, director of the TV drama department, male, 41 years old, who has been with Beijing TV Culture for 15 years, is also a director and screenwriter, and is an old employee of the company.

The third is Wang Wen, the head of the Film Department, female, 35 years old, graduated from the Film Academy, transferred from the Forbidden Film Industry to Jingshi Culture, and has worked as a producer of many films.

The fourth is Zhang Qize, director of the performance department, male, 43 years old, has rich experience in organizing large-scale performances, such as New Year's Eve party, cultural festival, international seminar, etc., has been in charge.

In fact, among the four ministers, he knew two before, namely Cheng Yingjie and Zhang Qize, and they had cooperated because of their work relationship.

Next, is how to subdue these people.


(End of this chapter)

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