Chapter 669
There are no more than two ways to subdue a person, one is by charm, the other is by profit.

Charm is personality charm. To put it simply, a person has the power to attract others in terms of personality, temperament, ability, etc., and can make other people be convinced by this power, so that they are willing to work for it.

And benefits, that is, benefits, this kind of benefits can be money, status, or promises. There is an old saying that goes well: no benefit can make people do anything.

Xu Jie thinks that he still has a very charming personality, otherwise the colleagues in the art program center would not let him go with red eyes.

But the display of personality charm takes a certain amount of time, and only in the process of getting along can you feel the charm of personality.

Today was his first day in Jingshi Culture, and he didn't have time to show off his charisma, so trying to win over the four ministers in front of him by relying on his charisma would definitely not work.

So now there is only profit left.

Although the profit-shaped subjugation is not as reliable as the glamor-type subjugation, it is the simplest, most direct, and also the fastest effective.

give money?

Too low-level.

How can there be a leader who directly distributes money to his subordinates on the first day of taking office?

Even if he dared to give it, would these people dare to accept it?


The four in front of him are already the middle-level leaders of the company, and above the ministers are the vice presidents. Could it be that in order to promote these people, can he leave by himself?
As for promises,

What else can he promise?

Will these people believe it?
When Xu Jie looked at the four ministers, the four ministers were also looking at the deputy general manager in front of them.

As the saying goes: There are three fires for a new official to take office.

No matter how the fire burns, establishing prestige is indispensable.

There are many ways to establish prestige, the simplest one is to get rid of the authority.

Take a knife.

Kill one to warn others, kill chickens to warn monkeys.

Thinking of this, the hearts of the four ministers began to beat. After all, everyone's grades last year were not very good, and it is normal to take anyone's knife.

In particular, Lu Zhihong, director of the TV drama department, and Wang Wen, director of the film department, felt extremely uneasy and uneasy.

Because they knew that Cheng Yingjie and Zhang Qize had cooperated with Deputy General Manager Xu.

Well, it's definitely not going to be done on an acquaintance.

To chop is to chop at strangers.

Is it fired, or demoted?

Or, is it to set a "small goal" for everyone that cannot be achieved at all?
Just like that, the five people in the conference room stared wide-eyed, and no one spoke.

Xu Jie didn't expect that it would be difficult to win over people by profit. No wonder Wang Wanjun overturned his car repeatedly when he first arrived at the art program center.

Forget it, no charge!

How can he say that he is also the deputy general manager in charge of the content resources department, so it can be said that he has great power in his hands, so does he need to please his subordinates?It should be his subordinates to curry favor with him.

Just like what Jiang Lan and Jia Wei did after Wang Wanjun went to the art program center.

"It's the end of the year, so this year will be like this." Xu Jie said suddenly.


The four ministers were taken aback when they heard it. What is this called?

There is still more than half a month before the New Year, and two months before the Spring Festival. Is this going to give everyone a holiday in advance?
Especially the other party's attitude of "Let's just do it" sounds unmotivated, and it feels like they are not here to do a big job, but to dawdle.

Is this still the deputy director Xu who has produced countless excellent programs?

Xu Jie continued slowly: "At the end of the year, it is the time when the company has the most things, such as parties, performances, etc., to organize and participate, and at the same time, a large number of staff will be deployed, so I will not Added to the workload for everyone.”

The four ministers secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

What they are most worried about is that Deputy Director Xu will announce new tasks for everyone, which will catch everyone off guard.

Well now, hooray for understanding.

"You four departments can continue to work according to the previous work plan. Okay, the meeting is over." Xu Jie waved his hand and left the meeting room.


The four ministers looked at each other in blank dismay. They became the shopkeeper on the first day of taking office, and they were ready to come for two months as soon as they took office. Is the other party here to save Jingshi Culture, or to eat and wait for retirement?

"Minister Cheng." Lu Zhihong looked at Cheng Yingjie beside him and asked, "You have cooperated with Mr. Xu before. Was he like this before?"

Cheng Yingjie shook his head.

He has participated in "Crossover Actor" and "Ordinary Courage", and he thinks he knows Mr. Xu quite well.

In terms of work, the other party is dedicated and hard-working, and in terms of style, the other party is vigorous and resolute and takes the lead. Otherwise, how could so many excellent programs be produced?
However, Xu Jie's performance just now was far beyond his expectation.

He thought that on the first day of employment, the other party would give a long and impassioned speech, inspiring people, imagining the future, and gearing up to lead the content resources department, but it turned out to be "that's it".

Is this what the hero who saved the ratings of Beijing Satellite TV's variety show should say?

Is this what a high-ranking deputy general manager should say?
"Is he dissatisfied with being transferred to Jingshi Culture?" Zhang Qize couldn't help asking.

He was fortunate enough to participate in the production of Beijing Satellite TV's New Year's Eve Gala last year, and witnessed the whole process from rehearsal to live broadcast, so he didn't understand Xu Jie's negative attitude just now.

In his view, the only thing that can be explained is dissatisfaction with the transfer.

"Well, it's possible!" Cheng Yingjie nodded in agreement.

"But from the deputy director of the art program center to the deputy general manager of Jingshi Culture, this is a promotion, and I should be happy." Wang Wen said.

There are only about 500 people in the art program center, while the content resources department has [-] people.

"You can't say that. You must know that the TV station is the core of the entire Beijing Radio and Television Station. Although our Jingshi Culture is an independent company, most of the business is carried out around the Beijing TV Station. The simplest example is the star variety show. My job is to listen to the command of the chief director." Cheng Yingjie explained.

He was transferred from Beijing Satellite TV, so he has a deep understanding of the gap between these two places.

If he was to be transferred back to the capital TV station, even if it wasn't a satellite TV program center, he would be very willing.

"I see." Wang Wen nodded.

In fact, she didn't like Beijing Television Culture very much.

Although JingTV Culture has a lot of business, but the real focus of work is only variety shows, large-scale evening parties, and marketing business.

This is also the housekeeping business of Jingshi Culture, which the company has had since its establishment.

As for the TV drama department and the movie department, they were also established later with the development of the company, and because the Beijing Radio and Television Station already has the Forbidden Film Industry, which is responsible for the film and television production company, so whether it is in the station, It's still a company, and it doesn't pay much attention to the TV drama department and the movie department.

For example, in the film department she is in charge of, it is considered a lot to be able to cast three or four films a year, and most of the time they are followed by Forbidden Films, and the investment ratio is very small, so little that there is no words Quan, can only listen to the big brother Forbidden Pictures.

It is also because of this that during the four years she has been working at Beijing Television Culture, she often misses the days when she worked in the Forbidden Film Industry.

Now think about Mr. Xu today, from a place where he can call the shots to a place where he is ordered by others, even if he is promoted, he must feel uncomfortable.

How can an outstanding person like Mr. Xu be willing to stay behind and be ordered around?

"What should we do?" Lu Zhihong looked at the others and asked.

"What else can I do? Do as Mr. Xu said, let this year pass first, and don't cause trouble for him." Cheng Yingjie said.

He knew very well that Mr. Xu was not as salty as he appeared on the surface.

He was transferred from the satellite TV program center to Beijing TV Culture. Recently, he chatted with his former colleagues and heard something about Wang Wanjun's situation after being transferred to the cultural program center, so he dared not look down on Mr. Xu.

"That's right, he didn't use the knife, so let's not take the initiative to pass the knife. He is our immediate superior, so he is right." Zhang Qize followed suit.

Anyway, he is very busy these days, and he has to take people to the New Year's Eve party, and then to the Spring Festival party. He wishes Director Xu would not arrange anything.

The four left the conference room one after another, returned to their departments, told the subordinates about Vice President Xu's transfer order, and then asked them to continue working.

"Xiao Xu, this is your office." Jiang Hai led Xu Jie into a room and asked, "How are you doing, are you satisfied?"

When Xu Jie walked in, the office was very big, bigger than his office in the art program center, at least thirty to forty square meters, and besides desks and chairs, there was also a reception area.

"Why is it new here?" Xu Jie asked

From the walls to the tables and chairs, from the sofa to the coffee table, all are new.

"The day you told me about the plan, I started decorating this office," Jiang Hai said.

He has confidence in Xu Jie's program, and also has confidence in Xu Jie's plan.

"Thank you Mr. Jiang, I like it very much." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

"All the materials of the content resources department are on the table." Jiang Hai pointed to a thick stack of folders on the desk, and suddenly said, "Actually, I think those materials are of no use to you. Come, everything will start again, those things are of no help to you, the only thing that can be used is the profile, I have put it alone in the top drawer on the right."

"Hey, Boss Jiang also knows me." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"To tell you the truth, the current situation of Beijing Television Culture is really not good. It is not as good as I imagined. The annual expenditure and income are barely equal. This is still in the case of the big tree of Beijing Radio and Television Station. So our next task is very difficult." Jiang Hai's expression suddenly became serious.

He originally wanted to use Jingshi culture as a springboard, but who would have thought that Lao Yu would leave him with a mess.

It's no wonder that the other party's dignified boss of Jingshi Culture was improper, and he jumped to a private film and television company for a reason, because he couldn't make money.

What's the use of being high without a lucrative position?

Xu Jie nodded.

It's a mess, it's not the first time he picks it up, no matter how bad it is, how can it be as bad as the art channel?

At least this is a company, Boss Jiang can call the shots and will fully support him, that's enough.


(End of this chapter)

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