Chapter 670
Jiang Hai was going to participate in an event in the afternoon, so he simply explained a few words and left.

Xu Jie sent Boss Jiang out the door, then went back and sat down behind the desk.

He twisted his body a few times and turned the chair under his buttocks. The leather chair was really nice, soft, springy and comfortable.

He leaned back, then lifted his legs, and put his feet on the desk. It would be more comfortable if he could have a cigar at this time.

Although he can't smoke.

Xu Jie casually picked up the company information on the table and flipped through it.

This is the 2022 financial statement of Jingshi Culture Communication Company, that is, last year, which lists the income and expenditure of each department in detail.

Xu Jie flipped through a few pages and frowned.

Just now I heard Boss Jiang said that the situation of Jingshi Culture is not good, but I didn't expect it to be so bad.

The vast majority of Jingshi Culture's income comes from cooperation with TV stations, that is to say, if there is no cooperation with TV stations, such as programs, evening parties, and TV dramas, then Jingshi Culture will definitely lose money.

Xu Jie found the financial reports of previous years, and the situation was similar.

No wonder that when Yu Kuan proposed to resign, there was no way to persuade Yu Kuan to stay. Perhaps Yu Kuan knew that he would not be able to stay as the general manager of Jingshi Culture for long, so he took the initiative to switch jobs to other film and television companies.

What an old fox!
However, Beijing Television Culture is not useless, at least the marketing business is relatively good, such as media planning, brand promotion, advertising and marketing, etc.

Of course, these businesses are largely due to the fact that Beijing Television Culture is backed by the big tree of Beijing Radio and Television Station.

Xu Jie then found the information of the content resources department.

The above shows that the TV program department participated in the production of six programs last year, the special programs "Capital Moments" and "Astro Heroes", the fourth season of the variety show "Adventure", the fifth season of "Music Master", and the first season of "Crossover Actors". The second season and the first season of "Ordinary Courage".

The TV drama department cast a total of two TV dramas, one was broadcast on Beijing Satellite TV, and the other was so poor in quality that it didn't even make it to the stars. Even the Beijing TV station hated it, and finally sold it to a video website.

The film department cast a total of three films, and all of them followed the investment. In the end, only one made money, and the other two lost money. Although the investment was around 500 million, which is not much, overall, the losses were more than the profits.

There are relatively many activities in the performance department. A total of six large-scale performances have been organized throughout the year, including more than a dozen cultural festivals, seminars, economic forums, etc. It is the busiest department in the entire content resources department.


Xu Jie still held the folder on the table, and gently rubbed his temples with both hands.

It's a headache to see!

Now he finally understands why Boss Jiang said that these materials are useless whether they are read or not, because reading them will only cause headaches, so it is better not to read them.

It's no wonder that not long after Yu Kuan changed jobs, the deputy general manager in charge of the content resources department was also transferred away. With such achievements, it would be pretty good if he didn't get fired.

Before, he thought that the situation of the Literature and Art Channel was even worse, but now it seems that the situation of Beijing Television Culture is not only bad, but even bigger.

The literature and art channel is bad, but the programs are bad, and Beijing Television Culture is bad, it is all-round bad.

It's a big mess.

Before that, he also wanted to use the influence of Jingshi Culture to help Su Yun develop in the film industry.

Now it seems that whether he can gain a foothold in Jingshi culture has become a big problem.

This time, it was really self-defeating.

"Ring bell bell!"

Just when Xu Jie was feeling depressed, a burst of music bells suddenly sounded.

He took out his cell phone, checked the incoming call, and connected it.

"Mr. Hu, hello." Xu Jie said weakly. The caller was Hu Zhen, the general manager of Liangxing Brokerage Company.

"Director Xu, no no, should I call you Mr. Xu now? Congratulations." Hu Zhen said with a smile.

"It's just a normal job transfer." Xu Jie said lightly, already thinking about how to improve the competitiveness of the content resource department.

"Mr. Xu, you and Mr. Jiang are now meeting at Jingshi Culture, and it seems that a new storm will be set off in the media circle of Beijing." Hu Zhen sighed.

Simple job transfer?

He doesn't think so.

Jiang Hai was first transferred to Jingshi Culture, and Xu Jie was later transferred to Jingshi Culture. This transfer seems to have been planned for a long time.

There are so many people in the art program center, why doesn't Boss Jiang bring anyone but Xu Jie?

There must be something going on here!
Although the influence of Jingshi Culture is not as good as that of Jingcheng TV Station, as a media company, it has a wider business scope and can do more things. Most importantly, it does not have as many strict rules and regulations as TV stations.

Who is Xu Jie?

The director of two Beijing Satellite TV programs "Delicious History" and "In-depth Film and Television Talk", the chief planner and screenwriter of "Crossover Actor", the chief director of "Ordinary Courage", and even filmed food documentaries for China TV.

Such a person coming to Jingshi Culture is a big shock to the entire media market.

This is equivalent to letting the dragon into the sea and the tiger returning to the mountain.

Even if Jingshi Culture's performance in the past few years is not very good, but backed by the mountain of Beijing Radio and Television Station, it is still a skinny camel that is bigger than a horse.

As long as you can come up with a good plan, you will definitely crush other companies and bring them back to life.

"What kind of storm is created, just don't cause an avalanche to crush me to death." Xu Jie said with a wry smile.

"Mr. Xu, you are too modest. I have confidence in you." Hu Zhen said seriously.

He has been cooperating with this young man for two years, and he admires the talent of the other party, and the more he cooperates, the more he can feel the strength of the other party.

From "Delicious History" at the beginning, to "Crossover Actor" later, and the recently hit "Ordinary Courage", not only occupied countless hot search lists, but also made many stars popular, making Many stars have successfully become popular.

Therefore, the words just now came from the heart, not flattery.

"Thank you Mr. Hu for being so respectful of me." Xu Jie smiled. Since others have confidence in him, he should have more confidence in himself.

"Mr. Xu, if you need someone in the future, just tell me. I know that your Beijing TV culture is not rich. In the future, all my artists on your programs will give you a [-]% discount." Hu Zhen said.

"Thank you Mr. Hu, Mr. Hu is very generous." Xu Jie praised.

This half-fold saves not tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, but millions or even tens of millions.

"They're all our own people," Hu Zhen said.

The reason why he dared to make a [-]% discount is because on the one hand, it can shorten the relationship between each other, and on the other hand, it is because Xu Jie's variety show has a market, and it must be popular when it is broadcast.

During the period when "Ordinary Courage" was on the air, many celebrities were asking around whether Director Xu still planned to make a variety show, and they were willing to lower their prices to join.

Compared with the labor fees earned by participating in the program, the benefits brought by the popularity of the program will be greater, and the popularity will even last for several months. This is not something that can be obtained by spending money on hot searches.

So when he said a half discount, it was not because of his generosity, but because the star himself was willing.

"In the future, if there is a project, I will definitely find you. Mr. Hu can't go back on his word when the time comes." Xu Jie said.

"If I repent, I will pretend to be dead when I go out." Hu Zhen swore.

Xu Jie smiled, chatted a few more words, and then hung up the phone.

Xu Jie suddenly remembered something.

Hu Zhen has already called, where is Liu Jinghua?

Isn't this woman always well informed?

Could it be that seeing him transferred from the TV station to Jingshi Culture, he felt that the use value was reduced, and he just ignored it?
This woman can definitely do it!


(End of this chapter)

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