The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 671 Everyone knows it

Chapter 671 Everyone knows it
Xu Jie found the personnel information of the content resources department from the drawer of his desk. Since he will be the person in charge of this department in the future, he must first have a comprehensive understanding of his employees, otherwise how will he arrange work in the future?How to lead the people under him to win the battle?

In fact, in his opinion, saving the big mess of Jingshi culture is difficult if it is said to be difficult, but it is also easy to say.

Among the businesses of Jingshi Culture Communication Company, which businesses can bring in a large amount of income?

There is no doubt that it must be TV shows and film and television dramas.

As long as good programs are made and good movies are made, Beijing Television Culture will no longer be a big mess.

Therefore, his next work will focus on TV programs and film and television dramas.

As for the party and competition, firstly, the influence is relatively small, secondly, the income is relatively small, and thirdly, they need to wait for the relief and facilities of the Beijing Radio and Television Station, so there is no need to waste too much energy on this aspect.

"Ring bell bell!"

The phone rang again.

Xu Jie looked at the mobile phone aside, and saw the name displayed on the screen, with a trace of surprise in his eyes, it turned out to be the call from the great director Zhang Weiqiang.

"Hello Director Zhang, I haven't contacted you for a long time. Are you busy recently?" Xu Jie asked after answering the phone.

The last contact between the two was at the end of October, when the movie "Mulan" was released, Zhang Weiqiang deliberately called him to express his gratitude for his screenwriting work.

"Not busy, not busy, I've been on vacation recently, taking care of my body, and looking for inspiration for my next movie. Why, I heard that you have been transferred from Beijing TV Station to Beijing Television Culture Communication Company?" Zhang Weiqiang asked.

"Director Zhang is really well-informed. Yes, I'm already working at Jingshi Culture." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

There are no secrets in the entertainment industry.

"Mr. Xu, congratulations. Now that you have left Beijing TV Station, we will have more cooperation opportunities in the future." Zhang Weiqiang said with a smile.

Perhaps in some people's eyes, transferring from a TV station to Beijing Television Culture is a low-level flow, but he is very happy. Since the last time he collaborated with the other party in the movie "Mulan", he has stayed with this young man. I was deeply impressed, and I very much hope to cooperate with the other party for the second time.

Before, the other party had been hindered by his status as the deputy director of the art program center of Beijing TV station, and declined him many times on the grounds of work.

But it is different now.

Jingshi Culture Communication Company itself has a film and television drama business, and now the other party has been transferred to Jingshi Culture as the deputy general manager and is also in charge of the content resources department, which is exactly what he wants.

"Yes, Director Zhang, don't forget about me if you have a project in the future." Xu Jie changed his attitude of refusal before, and chose to cooperate this time.

You must know that Zhang Weiqiang is a well-known domestic director. Being able to cooperate with the other party and invest in the film of the other party will not only increase the influence of Jingshi Culture in the film and television industry, but also benefit from investing in films and improve the company's performance.

As the saying goes: this moment, that moment.

The job is different, the identity is different, and the attitude towards many things and many people is also different.

"Haha, Mr. Xu, do you know that I have always hoped to cooperate with you again, and I think the day of our second cooperation is not far away." Zhang Weiqiang was very happy when he heard Xu Jie's attitude.

The other party is not only a screenwriter, but also an investor. With these two relationships, it is only good for him.

Appreciation is only one aspect, and it must be beneficial to himself, otherwise he would not be so active.

"Director Zhang, I'm also looking forward to it."

Xu Jie was very happy after talking on the phone with Zhang Weiqiang.

Director Zhang's overtures are definitely good news for him.

Take the movie "Mulan" as an example, with a total box office of 13.6 billion. After excluding various expenses, it made a huge profit of 6.6 million. All the film and television companies involved in the investment have made money.

So for Xu Jie, if he can't come up with a good film and television project, it is also very good to invest in other people's film and television projects.

Jingshi Culture is not only a company that produces content, but also an investment company.

"Ring bell bell!"

Before Xu Jie put down the phone, the music rang again.

This time it was another old acquaintance, Gao Xiaobin, the deputy general manager of Forbidden Pictures and the producer of the movie "Mulan".

"Hi Mr. Gao." Xu Jie said.

"President Xu, congratulations." Gao Xiaobin said loudly.

The two are now considered true equals.

They all work in the company under Beijing Radio and Television Station, and they are all deputy general managers.

"Mr. Gao also knows?" Xu Jie asked.

"Is there anyone in the entertainment industry in Beijing who doesn't know about this? You are no ordinary deputy director." Gao Xiaobin emphasized.

Although star variety show directors are not as famous as film and television drama directors, as star variety shows are becoming more and more popular today, celebrity variety show directors hold as much weight in the hearts of stars as film and television drama directors.

A good film and television drama can make artists popular, and a good star variety show can also make stars popular, and the popularity will last longer.

This is also one of the reasons why many artists are getting together to participate in variety shows.

"What's unusual, besides, those are in the past." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

The hero does not mention being brave.

When I came to Jingshi Culture, everything had to start from scratch.

No matter how brilliant it was before, it was just a stage in his life.

One cannot live in the past forever.

And he has officially started another stage in his life.

"Mr. Xu is still so low-key, but I think it is a good thing for you to leave the capital TV station. Isn't there such a saying? The sea is as wide as the fish leaps, and the sky is as high as the birds. With Mr. Xu's talent, Doing a program on a TV station is too much of a talent, but at Beijing TV Culture, I have more opportunities to perform." Gao Xiaobin said seriously.

"Thank you Mr. Gao for your compliment, and I will ask Mr. Gao to take care of you in the future. If there is any good thing, you must think of me!" Xu Jie said.

Forbidden Pictures, one of the largest and most professional film and television production companies in China, if we can cooperate with it, it will be like boarding a big ship in the film and television industry, and it will also be of great help to the development of Jingshi Culture's film and television business .

Take the movie "Mulan" as an example. Although Forbidden Films led the investment with Duojia Film and Television Company, Forbidden Films accounted for the largest share, and this time the dividend was more than 1 million, which can be said to be the largest. The winner of this year's financial report will definitely be very bright.

As long as Jingshi Culture could be invested together at that time, the performance of the film and television drama department this year would not be so dismal.

"It seems that Xu always wants to make a big splash in the film and television industry?" Gao Xiaobin asked.

When a new official takes office, he will definitely formulate some work priorities.

The former general manager and deputy general manager of Jingshi Culture have never paid much attention to the film and television industry. Now that the other party says this, they must use this to burn the fire.

"What's a big show? How can I have that ability? It's really the poor performance of Jingshi Culture's film and television drama department, which has affected the entire company. Now I'm in charge of this part. Do you think I can ignore it? I have to make a little bit of money." , doesn’t it look good when you report to the higher-ups?” Xu Jie said.

It's my own.

But because of this, he couldn't openly grab the other party's job.

Although each of these companies under Beijing Radio and Television Station has a lot of business, each has its own focus.

Like Jingshi Culture, the key business is program production and large-scale evening parties.

Mr. Feng's New Era Media Company focuses on themed events, government affairs, public relations, advertising, and marketing.

The key business of Forbidden Pictures is the production, distribution and operation of film and television dramas.

If he directly said in front of Gao Xiaobin that he wanted to enter the film and television industry, it would be equivalent to grabbing the other party's job.

It doesn't matter if you let the good brother do it, but if you want to earn more than the good brother, will the good brother be happy?

Therefore, even if you think so in your heart, you must not show it on the bright side.

"So that's how it is." After Gao Xiaobin understood, he said generously, "Don't worry, Mr. Xu, I can't promise you how much money you will make, but I can guarantee that you will make money."

"Then I'll thank Mr. Gao in advance." Xu Jie was pleased.

In the film and television industry, with the big brother of the Forbidden Film Industry, the future of the film and television drama department can be expected.


The cell phone text message ringtone rang at this time.

Xu Jie saw that it was the message from actor Su Meichang.

"Congratulations to Xu Daorong for being promoted to the deputy general manager of Jingshi Culture. I have been looking forward to the second cooperation with you."

Xu Jie smiled.

It seems that many people still remember him well.

In addition to text messages, there is also WeChat, and many celebrities who have worked with him have sent congratulations on WeChat.

Haixin: "Congratulations, Mr. Xu, there will be programs or film and television dramas in the future, don't forget about me, I am very dedicated."

Zhang Zhen: "Congratulations Director Xu."

Dai Qingqing: "Congratulations, Director Xu. If you need anything in the future, just let me know, and I will be there whenever you are called."

Jiang Cheng, Cheng Yilong, Chen Yixing, Jiang Baihe, Zheng Wu and so on.

In one afternoon, I received messages from dozens of artists who had cooperated with me before.

Many of them hadn't been in touch for a long time, and he didn't expect that these people would still follow him and send him messages.

Xu Jie himself was a little surprised.

I really don't transfer jobs, I never know how strong my network is.

It seems that I am transferred to Jingshi Culture, which is not too cool.

Soon it was time to get off work.

Xu Jie put some materials into the bag and walked out of the office.

"President Xu, go home."

In the parking lot, suddenly a voice came from behind.

Xu Jie looked back and saw that it was Wang Wen from the film department.

He nodded to the other party, looked at the black golf beside the other party, and asked with a smile, "Is that Minister Wang's car?"

"Yes." Wang Wen replied.

"Minister Wang is very low-key." Xu Jie said.

"Mr. Xu, you are the one who keeps a low profile. I am really poor." Wang Wen said with a wry smile.

"No way? You are the director of the film department. How can you be poor if you make films? Isn't there a bonus?" Xu Jie asked.

"It's true that there are bonuses. The problem is that the film department has been in debt year after year, so the bonus is basically useless." Wang Wen told the truth, not afraid of being shabby.

It was only then that Xu Jie remembered the situation of the film department.

"It doesn't matter, it will be fine next year, and I will definitely let you change to a BMW at the end of the year." Xu Jie said with a smile, and then got into the car.


Wang Wen was taken aback when she heard this, and stared blankly at Vice President Xu.

Can this new leader brag so much?

(End of this chapter)

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