The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 672 Not Renewing the Contract

Chapter 672 Not Renewing the Contract
When Xu Jie got home, he just closed the door when he heard the sound of "clinking" metal, and then he saw Su Yun running out from the direction of the kitchen, holding a vase with a handful of lucky bamboo in it.

"Congratulations on my husband's promotion, and I wish my husband's career will rise steadily like this bamboo." Su Yun said with a sweet smile on her face.

This smile belongs only to Xu Jie.

Xu Jie took the vase and looked at the lucky bamboo inside. He had heard of congratulatory flowers, but he had never heard of congratulatory lucky bamboo.

And Lucky Bamboo is not bamboo, it belongs to the Agave family.

But no matter what, it was all the other party's wish, so he hugged the vase in one hand and Su Yun in the other, kissed him lightly, and said, "Thank you for your congratulations, my husband will definitely work hard."

While undressing Xu Jie, Su Yun said, "Dinner will be ready soon. I made Shiquan Dabu soup. I guarantee that after you drink it, you will get rid of all the coldness in your body."

"Shiquan Dabu Soup?"

After Xu Jie heard it, he counted, and today seemed to be a safe period.

"Really? Then I want to drink a few more bowls." Xu Jie rolled up his sleeves, showing the spirit of Wu Song drinking eighteen bowls in front of Jingyanggang back then.

"Ring bell bell!"

At this time, a bell rang suddenly.

Xu Jie touched his cell phone, it wasn't his, it was from somewhere else.

Su Yun came to the restaurant quickly, picked up the mobile phone on the dining table, and connected the call.

"Sister Hua, what's the matter? I'm not busy, I'm cooking at home..." Su Yun walked into the kitchen while answering the phone.

To celebrate her husband's promotion, she prepared a lot of delicious food.

Xu Jie came upstairs, changed into loose and comfortable home clothes, and then went downstairs to the restaurant.

There are already four dishes on the table, including vegetables and meat, which is already very rich for two people.

"Sister Hua, I understand what you said, let me think about it and give you an answer in a few days..." Su Yun said into the phone.

When Xu Jie heard Su Yun's words, he couldn't help but look at her, because he could hear a bit of embarrassment and entanglement from his wife's words.

What the hell is going on with that old woman Liu Jinghua?
"OK Bye Bye!"

Not long after, Su Yun hung up the phone, put the phone in her pocket, and put the Shiquan Dabu soup in the pot into the soup bowl.


Su Yun came to the restaurant with a soup bowl in her hand, and put Shiquan Dabu soup on the dining table.

"Come on, drink it."

Su Yun took off her apron and sat down.

"What's the matter?" Xu Jie looked at the other party curiously and asked.

Although he didn't know what was on the phone, it was definitely not a good thing to embarrass his wife.

As a husband, he has to know and take care of it.

He has this responsibility and obligation.

Besides, if he doesn't care, who can care?

Now he is not only Su Yun's husband, but also Su Yun's reliance.

"What is it?" Su Yun looked at Xu Jie, then took a spoon and a bowl, and served Xu Jie with soup.

"The phone call just now." Xu Jie said.

"Anthracene, it's Sister Hua. Isn't my contract with the Prosperity Economic Company about to expire? She asked me when to renew it." Su Yun explained.

"Why, are you still planning to sign?" Xu Jie asked.

He just remembered that Su Yun's contract with Fanhua's brokerage company will be completed by the end of this year, and it is already mid-December, that is to say, there is still half a month left.

"I didn't think about it, that's why I haven't answered Sister Hua. She has asked me many times." Su Yun handed the bowl to Xu Jie, and then asked, "What do you think? I want to hear your opinion. "

"Is my opinion important?" Xu Jie asked with a smile, and then took a sip of the soup, which was rich in aroma. Under his careful teaching, the former kitchen novice was completely enlightened and became a beautiful cook.

"Of course, you are my husband." Su Yun said seriously.

In her opinion, the success of her film career depends entirely on the support and dedication of the other party.

Whether to renew her contract with Fanhua Brokerage Company is a major career event for her and will affect her future development, so she wants to know what the man thinks.

She has been working in the prosperous brokerage company since her debut, and she is very familiar with Sister Hua, and because of this, she desperately needs an outsider to help her analyze.

"You know my attitude towards Liu Jinghua." Xu Jie said lightly.

Even though the relationship has eased and even cooperated in the past year, in his heart, his attitude towards Liu Jinghua has not changed.

"What if we ignore that matter and analyze it rationally?" Su Yun asked.

"My attitude towards Liu Jinghua is a rational response." Xu Jie explained.

"Really?" Su Yun narrowed her eyes and looked at the man suspiciously.

It's not that she doesn't trust the other party, but that she has reason to suspect that the other party is still brooding over Liu Jinghua's destruction of the relationship between the other party and Tang Fei.

Xu Jie could see what Su Yun was thinking at a glance, so he thought for a while, and then said: "Let me tell you two things. After listening to it, you will know why I don't like Liu Jinghua. By then, you should also feel that way." There is an answer."

"What's the matter?" Su Yun asked curiously. At the same time, she put her arms on the table, leaned forward, and stared intently at the man opposite.

"The first thing is that Liu Jinghua didn't help you after you announced and obtained the certificate with me." Xu Jie said seriously.

Su Yun was taken aback for a moment, she didn't expect the other party to talk about this matter.

But thinking about it carefully, when her popularity declined and her career was damaged, Sister Hua really didn't do much to help her. This also caused her to lose her resources and her job, so she could only stay at home.

Even when the opponent discredited her, Sister Hua and the agency behind her didn't care, but the studio kept dealing with it.

"What about the second one?" Su Yun asked.

I thought: this time it must be Tang Fei's business, right?

Although I'm a little jealous, that's all in the past. Who hasn't had a little bit of the past?

"Liu Jinghua didn't call me today." Xu Jie said.


Su Yun was taken aback when she heard that, she looked at Xu Jie in confusion and asked, "Why did she call you today?"

Xu Jie said slowly: "When I became the deputy director of the Art Program Center, Liu Jinghua called me to congratulate me on the day the announcement was made, but today I was transferred from the TV station to Jingshi Culture, and I have never received a call. her phone."

Su Yun was startled, and then she understood what Xu Jie meant.

One is a TV station and the other is a cultural communication company. It is clear at a glance which one has the greatest influence.

Although her husband is the vice president of Jingshi Culture, in the eyes of many people, he is not even as good as the deputy director of a department of the TV station.

After all, JingTV Culture, as a subsidiary company of the TV station, needs to listen to the command of the TV station in many things, such as programs and evening parties, and JingTV Culture is just a role that contributes.

In fact, if her husband didn't take the initiative to tell her that he planned to go to Jingshi Culture, she also felt that the other party was kicked out of the center of power.

"Maybe you don't know?" Su Yun said.

"Everyone in the entertainment industry in Beijing knows it, but she doesn't know? Do you believe it?" Xu Jie took out his mobile phone, found out the WeChat messages he received today and handed them to the other party, "Look for yourself, even Artists from Fanhua Brokerage sent me congratulations on WeChat, how could Liu Jinghua not know?"

Su Yun looked at the phone, and it really happened.

No need to ask, I must have felt that Xu Jie left the TV station and was not that useful anymore, so I didn't even bother to make phone calls.

"Over the past year or so, I have given her resources. Her artists are used for short films, variety shows, and evening parties. But now? She is too smart." Xu Jie sneered. Said.

There is nothing wrong with being shrewd, but if there is no emotion other than shrewdness, it is cold-blooded.

In Xu Jie's opinion, such a person is not worth cooperating with.

Because the other party will only add icing on the cake, not send charcoal in the snow.

As the old saying goes: No one will be happy for a thousand days, and a flower will not be successful for a hundred days.

Celebrities are people too, and no one can be popular all the time.

If anything happened to Su Yun in the future, Liu Jinghua would definitely stand by and watch like last time.

What's the point of signing a contract with such a person?

There is no shortage of people who are icing on the cake around anyone.

What good is a man if he only knows how to suck blood from you, but not help you?
"I understand." Su Yun nodded, and said, "I won't renew the contract. From now on, I will fight alone in the form of a studio and continue to struggle."

Xu Jie smiled, stretched out his hand to caress the other person's face, and said, "Why do you fight alone? Don't you still have me?"

"Well, I have you!" Su Yun grasped Xu Jie's hand tightly, feeling very warm at this moment, and the temperature of the other's palm was transmitted from her face to her heart.

"Hmph, Liu Jinghua underestimated me too much. She didn't know that it was because someone in the TV station needed me that she transferred me to JingTV Culture." Xu Jie said proudly.

Whether it's deputy editor-in-chief Lu or deputy editor-in-chief Zhou, he is needed to be in charge of the variety show of Beijing TV station.

Without him, Season [-] of "The Crossover" would not have been possible, nor would Season [-] of "Ordinary Courage."

Substitution in charge?

Weren't the lessons from the start of Season [-] of "Crossover" not enough?

If he didn't have this confidence, he wouldn't have come to Beijing Television Culture.

By the way, doesn't he know that Beijing Television Station is better than JingTV Culture?Doesn't he know that Jingcheng TV Station is more influential than JingTV Culture?
Since he dared to come, since he decided to come, he didn't worry that his influence in Beijing TV station would decline.

As long as he shows results, he is an indispensable existence in the eyes of deputy editor-in-chief Lu in the capital TV station.

Moreover, most of the employees of the cultural program center are his people.

Although he is gone, the people he cultivated and supported are still there.

As for Wang Wanjun, hehe.

I can't jump around for a few days.

Boss Jiang told him that Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou was selecting someone to replace him as deputy director after he left, and that Wang Wanjun would be vacated at that time, and when next year came, Wang Wanjun would be transferred immediately, and the deputy director would become director.

Of course, only he, Boss Jiang, Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu and Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou knew about these things, and what the others saw was only the surface.

Ostensibly, he left the TV station.

On the surface, deputy editor-in-chief Lu was clearing the way for Wang Wanjun.

In fact, everything was his plan.

A plan centered on him and built around Su Yun.


(End of this chapter)

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