Chapter 673 Work Focus
early morning.

Xu Jie went to Jingshi Culture Communication Company. Yesterday could only be regarded as a report, and today is the first day of work.

When he walked into the company, those he knew and those he didn't know counted as one, and they all took the initiative to say hello.

"Good morning, Mr. Xu."

"Director Xu, are you really transferred to our Jingshi Culture? Great, I can finally work with you."

"Ms. Xu, do you still remember me? I'm Song Ke, from the program department. I served as the executive director in the first and second seasons of "Crossover Actors"..."


Although Xu Jie was just transferred to JingTV Culture yesterday, his legend has been circulating here.

Because he has worked closely with Beijing Television Culture many times before and achieved outstanding results, Xu Jie's extraordinary business ability has already spread throughout the company.

Maybe outsiders don't know the situation of Jingshi Culture Communication Company, but everyone knows the company's employees very well.

It has long since lost its former glory.

In such a declining situation, the company really needs someone like a savior to save the company's performance.

And Xu Jie, in everyone's opinion, is the kind of person that the company needs most now, a person who can lead the company out of the predicament, and a person who can bring everyone bonuses.

Xu Jie came to the office and just sat down when there was a knock on the door, and then the door was pushed open from the outside.

"Xiao Xu, how are you? Are you satisfied with this place?" Jiang Hai asked cheerfully, in an unusually good mood.

I got up this morning and heard from my wife that he was laughing all the way to bed last night, and asked him if he dreamed of a beautiful woman.

To be honest, the beauty didn't dream about it, but she dreamed about Xiao Xu.

For him now, Xiao Xu could make him more happy than a beautiful woman.

There is no shortage of beauties, but it is Xiao Xu, and now Xiao Xu is here, so she is smiling when she sleeps.

"Boss, are you talking about the office, or the current situation of the company?" Xu Jie asked after hearing this.

"Haha, of course it's the company's situation." Jiang Hai said.

"I read some materials yesterday, and to be honest, it's not as good as I imagined." Xu Jie said with a wry smile.

In fact, he wanted to say: worse than I imagined.

But I'm not ashamed to say.

After all, Boss Jiang is the general manager here now, and he has been here for several months.

At this time, saying that the company is poor, doesn't it mean that the other party has done nothing after coming here?
"It's not as good as you imagined, so you just said that it's almost over?" Jiang Hai sat down, looked at Xu Jie and said, "Actually, when I first came here, I also thought the same way. The culture has been turned into what it is now by Lao Yu. When Lao Yu asked me if I wanted to come here, I thought he was thinking that the fat and water would not flow to outsiders, but I didn't expect it to be a pit."

If it wasn't for the sake of being an old friend for many years, the other party also promised that he would be recruited for a good project in the future, and he would have to turn against the other party.

That's why he always laughs in his dreams.

After a lot of anticipation and anticipation, Xiao Xu finally arrived.

Xu Jie didn't expect Boss Jiang to be so direct, but it seemed that he was not real enough.

"Boss Yu is treating you as a successor, so you have to find Boss Yu to settle the matter. You can't just let him go so easily. By the way, didn't he switch jobs to another entertainment company? You have to." Let him give us some business." Xu Jie said seriously.

Mosquito legs are meat no matter how small they are.

Giving more business can also help him improve his performance, right?

"Haha, the hero sees the same thing, and I thought so too, so I went to see Lao Yu later, and Lao Yu had already agreed to hand over his advertising and marketing business to JingTV Culture." Jiang Hai said.

Xu Jie frowned.


That's the work of Wang Yunjie's marketing business department, and has nothing to do with his content resource department.

"Boss, you only earn small money from advertising and marketing, and you earn big money from investment in film and television dramas." Xu Jie reminded, mainly because he wanted to win some business for his department.

"You think I don't know? The problem is that the investment in film and television dramas is risky. It's a trivial matter that the cost cannot be recovered. It might lose everything." Jiang Haibin said with a sigh.

"But I don't want the child to be caught by the wolf!" Xu Jie was anxious.

"I understand the truth. The problem is that you and I don't know much about film and television drama production, so it's better to concentrate on making variety shows." Jiang Hai looked at Xu Jie at this point, "By the way, what are your plans for next year? With "Ordinary Judging from the current ratings of "Courage", the second season will be filmed next year, and you can strive for the third season of "Crossover Actor", with these two programs, the company's performance next year will definitely be better than this year."

These two variety shows have always been led by Beijing Satellite TV. Now that Xiao Xu has come to Beijing TV Culture, the programs should naturally be led by Beijing TV Culture.

At that time, the income of these two programs will also be included in the financial report of Jingshi Culture.

"Variety shows will definitely be done, but I will also invest in film and television dramas. You can't put all your eggs in one basket, right?" Xu Jie tried every means to convince the other party, Boss Jiang.

If he can't invest in and shoot film and television dramas, then what's the point of him coming to Jingshi Culture?

"You're right, but it's better to be more cautious." Jiang Hai is very vengeful, he will do business that makes money, and stay away from business that loses money.

"Careful, why not? You have been cautious in TV stations all your life. Now that you come to JingTV Culture, you should be bolder and work hard to make miracles. Otherwise, how can you get over this hurdle?" Xu Jie said.

"That's why you want to cast a film and television drama, kid?" Jiang Hai's expression gradually became serious. This is Xiao Xu. If it were someone else, he would have told him to go away.

"Yes, I came to Jingshi Culture, but I am going to do a big job. I don't want to play small troubles." Xu Jie looked very resolutely.

Jiang Hai looked at Xiao Xu, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, if you dare to do it, I will support you."

He gave it up.

The performance of Jingshi Culture is already very poor, how can it be worse?

Besides, as long as Xiao Xu is there, and Xiao Xu's variety show is there, he is not afraid of losing money in other businesses.

"Thank you Mr. Jiang." Xu Jie smiled.

"Okay, get busy, I'm leaving." Jiang Hai got up and left the other party's office after understanding Xiao Xu's thoughts.

That's right.

He came here today because he wanted to understand Xiao Xu's next work focus.

The result was not bad, the opponent had a lot of fighting spirit, and he was not intimidated by the current situation of Jingshi Culture, so he was relieved.

To be honest, he was not afraid of Xiao Xu's "doing", but he was afraid of Xiao Xu not doing anything.

To act means that the other party has an idea.

Xiao Xu's idea, is that a common idea?
That's ratings, that's sponsorship, that's popularity.

In other words, if Xiao Xu doesn't do anything, what if he invites the other party?

Xu Jie stayed in the office all morning. After reading all the materials that he hadn't read yesterday, he left the office in the afternoon and went to the following departments to take a look.

The first thing he came to was the film department.

In his plan, the film department will be the focus of future work.

Both investment and production can be done here, so there is no need to worry about Su Yun running out of movies to shoot.

Xu Jie pushed open the door of the film department. Since film is a sideline business of the company, there are not many employees, only about [-] people, and all of them seem to be very idle, chatting, watching stocks, browsing shopping websites, and so on. There are those who play games, and whatever they do.

A sharp-eyed employee immediately stood up from his seat when he saw Xu Jie, and said respectfully, "Hello, Mr. Xu!"

When the people in the office saw it, they all sat upright in fright, shutting off the Internet, retreating, pretending to be working, and looking very nervous.

Xu Jie couldn't help but secretly laughed in his heart, and at the same time chose to turn a blind eye, pretending that he didn't see anything.

He also came to the present step by step from a grassroots employee, so he is very clear about going to work.

Who hasn't touched a fish at work?

In fact, this cannot be blamed on the employees. The film department currently has no films to invest in, nor films to shoot. What can everyone do if they don’t fish?

"They are all here, what are you busy with?" Xu Jie asked with a smile, and at the same time glanced over one by one, individual files immediately appeared in his mind.

"I'm reading the script." An employee closest to the door replied in a low voice, speaking very without confidence.

"Are there any good scripts and investment projects?" Xu Jie asked following the employee's topic.

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing how to answer.

If the company does not bid, so what?

It's as if they didn't do anything at work.

Xu Jie saw that no one was talking, so he sat on an empty desk and said to everyone: "Everyone, don't be so cautious, I am not here today to inspect the work, I am really bored in the office alone. , so come out and find someone to chat with, everyone can say what they want, and speak freely.”

After everyone heard it, they still didn't open their mouths.

Leaders let you speak freely, but if you are serious, you will lose.

There are many people who offend leaders in speaking out.

Of course, the leader must not be angry in person, but who knows if he will wear small shoes behind his back?
Xu Jie glanced around the office area. It seems that his current position as vice president is a bit too high, or that everyone is new to each other and doesn't know his work style, so they are extra cautious.

"Boss Xu?"

When Wang Wen heard Mr. Xu's voice in the office, she thought she had heard it wrong, but when she came out and saw the real person, she immediately became nervous.

She still knows the situation in her department very well, and she is usually loose and loose, just like a self-study class without a teacher.

Looking at the employees around now, don't they all look guilty and frightened?

As soon as the new vice president came, he saw the slack side of the film department. It was not taken seriously, and maybe one day the film department would be axed.

How to do it?


(End of this chapter)

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