Chapter 674 Departure!

"Mr. Xu is welcome to come to the film department to inspect the work." Wang Wen said loudly, while winking at the employees present.

There is no way, as the worst department of Jingshi cultural business, facing the new boss, her heart is too empty, and one question after another comes out of her mind.

Could it be that he was very dissatisfied with the work of the film department because he had read the materials of the film department?
Will he be dismissed?
Will there be layoffs?
Sure enough, the "that's it" that Mr. Xu said was just superficial rhetoric.

The new official took office three fires, and the one that should come still came.

The surrounding employees immediately understood what Minister Wang meant when they saw it. They stood up immediately and clapped vigorously. The scene was very enthusiastic.

"Clap clap clap!"

Xu Jie waved his hands again and again when he saw it, and said, "What inspection work, I'm just here to take a look."

However, this sentence seemed to touch Wang Wen's heartstrings, and she asked with tense nerves: "Just take a look? Mr. Xu, what do you want to see, I will introduce it to you."

"Good script." Xu Jie said.

Wang Wen was taken aback, there are scripts here, but a good script... what is the standard for a good script?
Seeing Wang Wen's worried look, Xu Jie couldn't help but smile wryly in his heart.

It's just a vice president. As for being afraid of becoming like this?
You know, he's not even afraid of the deputy editor-in-chief.

It seems that you should make your words clearer.

"You can be regarded as people in the film industry. I don't know if you have heard about my appointment with the director Zheng Guoliang?" Xu Jie asked.

Some of the people present were surprised and some were puzzled. It was obvious that some knew it and some didn't.

Xu Jie continued: "Zheng Guoliang, you all should know, right? A well-known domestic director, I had a disagreement with him at a party because of one thing, so we made an appointment at the end to compete with whoever made the movie with the highest box office. [-]% of the movie's box office is used as a bet, if my movie's box office can reach half of his movie's box office, then I will win, otherwise I will lose."


After listening to it, everyone showed surprised expressions, including those who had heard about it.

Don't think that this incident is very popular in the entertainment industry, but many people think it is fake. After all, one is a variety show director and the other is a movie director. They don't usually socialize much, so how did they get a date?
However, now that the person involved said it himself, can you not be surprised?
Is it true?
Director Xu, no, is Mr. Xu crazy?

The ratings of the program, you can do it, everyone admires you, but the box office of the movie, can you compare with director Zheng Guoliang?
"Speaking of which, the date of the appointment seems to be next year's National Day, and it's less than a year away." Xu Jie said lightly.

He felt that he had said so much that a wise man should know what he meant.

"Mr. Xu, you don't want to make this movie in Jingshi Culture, do you?" Wang Wen asked with wide eyes.

"Minister Wang, I am the deputy general manager of Beijing TV Culture, and I am in charge of the content resources department. If I don't use my own family to make this movie, won't the outside world laugh at our Beijing TV Culture Film Department for being incompetent?" Xu Jie said .

At the same time, I thought: Well, finally there is a smart person.

When everyone heard it, their faces were surprised at first, and then excited.

In recent years, the film department seldom plans to make films by itself, and most of them invest money or participate in the production work.

Now Mr. Xu is going to make a movie in Jingshi Culture, can he not pay attention to the work of the film department in the future?

"Mr. Xu, when will your movie start?" Wang Wen asked happily.

At this moment, she finally understood the meaning of what the other party said in the parking lot last night.

The other party is not bragging, the other party is serious.

Just, can you win?

The opponent is Zheng Guoliang!

"I'm writing the script, but I haven't decided yet, but is your film department okay?" Xu Jie narrowed his eyes and looked at Wang Wen suspiciously.

Wang Wen saw that she was underestimated, and immediately said seriously: "Mr. Xu, don't look at our film department's small scale and few people, but as long as you say to shoot, I can get the shooting team done within a week. Of course, The premise is that there must be funds.”

The old saying goes well: money can make ghosts turn mills.

As long as the funds are in place, nothing else is a problem.

"Really? I'm looking forward to it." Xu Jie said with a smile.

He is currently writing a script, and if nothing unexpected happens, he will start filming after the Spring Festival.

"Ring bell bell!"

At this time, Xu Jie's mobile phone rang suddenly. He looked at the caller ID, then walked out with the mobile phone, and said to Wang Wen behind him as he walked: "In the future, if there is a good script, just put it on my desk." .”

"Yes, Mr. Xu." Wang Wen said.

At the same time, the future feels bright for the film division.

Xu Jie walked out of the film department and connected to his mobile phone.

"Old Chu, what's the matter?"

It was Ye Chu who called, probably to congratulate him on his promotion again.

"Hello Director Xu, I heard that you have been transferred to Jingshi Culture Communication Company?" Ye Chu asked.

"That's right, Lao Chu, let me tell you that if you want to make a movie in the future, you don't have to go around soliciting investment anymore, you can just find me." Xu Jie said with a smile.

As the deputy general manager of Jingshi Culture and the head of the content resources department, he holds the power to invest in film and television dramas.

Although each investment can't exceed 1000 million, and you need to apply to Boss Jiang for more, but for small and medium-budget films, 1000 million is enough.

Thinking about Lao Chu's movie "The World", didn't he earn more than 300 million at the box office with an investment of less than 3000 million?
"Thank you, Director Xu, are you at Jingshi Culture Company now?" Ye Chu asked after thanking him.

"Yes, what's the matter?" Xu Jie said.

"I'm on the first floor of Jingshi Culture, can you come?" Ye Chu said.

"What? Are you here?" Xu Jie was taken aback, then walked towards the elevator and said, "Okay, wait for me, I'll go down right away."

Xu Jie took the elevator to the first floor, and as soon as he walked out, he saw Ye Chu standing at the front desk.

"Old Chu!" Xu Jie shouted loudly, and waved to the other party.

I thought: I won’t encounter any difficulties again, right?

As far as he knows, since the other party finished filming the movie "The World" and achieved good box office results, there have been a lot of people looking for the other party to make movies, and they have also received invitations from many entertainment companies. How can you encounter difficulties?

"Director Xu, no no, Mr. Xu." Ye Chu nodded in salute.

He is not an ungrateful man.

Because he has experienced so much, he has always been very grateful to Director Xu.

For him, Director Xu will always be the one who gives charcoal when needed. Without Director Xu, he would not be where he is today.

"Let's stop being so polite, what do you want from me?" Xu Jie looked at the other party and asked, then pointed to the sofa in the lobby, motioning for the other party to go over and speak slowly.

The two sat down, and the beauty at the front desk immediately brought two cups of tea.

"President Xu, please have some tea."

After speaking, she smiled sweetly, turned and returned to the front desk.

Xu Jie looked at Ye Chudong's flushed face, and pushed the steaming teacup in front of Ye Chudong.

Ye Chu didn't drink, but stretched out his hand and took out a note from his pocket, then slowly unfolded it, put it on the tea table, and asked, "Mr. Xu, do you still remember this note?"

Xu Jie looked down, and there was Boss Jiang's name and mobile phone number written on it.

"Remember, I gave it to you when you went to Beijing TV Station to record "In-depth Film and Television Talk"." Xu Jie said.

He admired Ye Chu very much, so after seeing the other party's downcast appearance, he wanted to find a place for the other party to display his strengths.

Of course, now that the other party's movies are selling well, there is no need to come to Boss Jiang's place to work.

"Mr. Xu, does what you said at the beginning still count?" Ye Chu asked Xu Jie intently.

Xu Jie was slightly startled when he heard this, and while looking at Ye Chu, he asked, "What do you mean by that?"

Ye Chu looked calm, but said very seriously: "I want to come here to find a job."


Xu Jie's whole body shook, and the tea in the teacup in his hand almost spilled out.

He looked at Ye Chu in disbelief, and asked in surprise, "You came to Jingshi Culture to find a job? Are you okay? So many film and television companies and director studios invite you, what kind of job are you looking for at Jingshi Culture? Didn't you have a cold, a fever, and a fever?"

After speaking, I reached out to touch the other person's forehead, it wasn't hot.

"President Xu, I'm not sick." Ye Chu said.

"What are you doing here if you're not sick?" Xu Jie asked.

Everyone in the industry knows that the main business of Jingshi Culture is not movies, and Jingshi Culture does not support film directors. First, it cannot afford to support them, and second, it has never planned to make movies by itself.

When he introduced this job to Ye Chu, he wanted him to settle for food and clothing first, and not to worry about the expenses of normal life.

But the other party obviously doesn't have to worry about food and clothing now, so it doesn't make any sense to come to Jingshi Culture.

Xu Jie thought for a while, took out a pen from his pocket, and wrote another mobile phone number on the back of the piece of paper, "This is the phone number of Gao Xiaobin, deputy general manager of Forbidden Pictures, take this note and go over there." , he should be very happy to see you."

After speaking, stuff the note into the other party's pocket.

Ye Chu took out the note from his pocket, looked at Xu Jie and said, "President Xu, I'll tell you straight, I came to Jingshi Culture just for you."

"Aiming at me? Why?" Xu Jie frowned and looked at the other party, then slowly leaned back, widening the distance from the other party, trembling all over, and said, "You don't mean to like me, do you?" ? Tell you, I don't like men, you should get rid of this idea as soon as possible!"

"Mr. Xu, you misunderstood. I don't like men either. I'm here to join you." Ye Chu said with a wry smile.

"Go to me? Why?" Xu Jie asked.

"One is to thank you, the other is because I think you are the only one who understands me, and the third is because I heard about the situation of Jingshi Culture, so I want to help you." Ye Chu said frankly.

Xu Jie stared straight at the other party's words, and said to the other party, "Are you crazy? Help me? I'll use your help? Hurry up and go back where you came from, and make trouble!"

Ye Chu looked at Xu Jie in bewilderment, he did it out of kindness, it's fine if the other party didn't appreciate it, why did he scold him?

(End of this chapter)

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