The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 675: Pay for the Movies?

Chapter 675: Pay for the Movies?
"Xu, Mr. Xu, why did you ask me to go?" Ye Chu couldn't help asking, his heart was full of grievances, he looked like a disliked little daughter-in-law.

"You still ask why?" Xu Jie rolled his eyes at Ye Chu, and said angrily: "I came here to work, and I was originally traveling lightly, but you didn't go to a good entertainment company, but you came here to join me, you Doesn't this add to my psychological burden?"

In fact, Xu Jie was still very moved by Ye Chu's defection, which just proved that he was not mistaken.

But because of this, he couldn't let the other party stay.

Ye Chu has the ability to direct and write, but film and television dramas are just a sideline of Jingshi Culture.

Although the focus of his next work will be shifted to movies, it will take a long time to change the current status quo.

If Ye Chu came to join him at this time, wouldn't it be the same as giving up his high school job in the city and going to the backcountry to reclaim wasteland with him?

Perhaps in the future, Beijing Television Culture will need a capable young director like Ye Chu, but now, Ye Chu will only be buried when he comes.

What are you here for?
Stock trading, playing games, watching TV series with other employees of the film department?
In Xu Jie's view, the other party should take advantage of his fame, find a good next home, and start filming the next movie while the iron is hot, instead of wasting time with him.

One cannot be lucky all the time in one's life, so when luck comes, one must hold on to it tightly, maybe after passing this village, there will be no such shop again.


Ye Chu was taken aback when he heard that, just now he thought that the other party was crazy and looked down on him, but he didn't expect that he was thinking of him.

It was he who misunderstood.

"Mr. Xu, don't have any psychological burden. I came here voluntarily." Ye Chu said.

"Why are you so stubborn? Do I have to make it clear?" Xu Jie looked around, and then whispered to Ye Chu: "The movie department here is just a decoration. I went to a place just now. Now, the employees are either playing games or speculating in stocks, do you want to learn games or stock trading?"

"Yes, is it?" Ye Chu couldn't believe it, mainly because he couldn't believe it.

Although he didn't know much about the company Jingshi Culture, he also knew that it was a company affiliated to Beijing Radio and Television Station. How could it be like Mr. Xu said?
Didn't you say that deliberately to dissuade him from joining?
"Why, don't you believe me?" Xu Jie took out his mobile phone and found the electronic version of the work summary of the film department last year.

Ye Chu carefully read every word from the beginning, but within 2 minutes, his mood became heavy.

This, this film department has no meaning at all.

Not only is the project small and the investment is low, but it also doesn't have its own filming plan. To be honest, it is not as good as an ordinary entertainment company.

Now he finally understands why the other party rejected his joining.

In the past, when he had no income, the other party introduced him, so he could come here to make a living, but now that there is no shortage of jobs, why should he come here to make a living?

"Mr. Xu, I'm sorry, I misunderstood you just now." Ye Chu said embarrassedly, and then returned the phone.

"It's nothing." Xu Jie put the phone away.

Although his work focus will be transferred to the film department, this does not mean that he will make a large number of self-produced films, at least not in a short time.

Therefore, the best way is to focus on investment and accumulate some experience first.

Except, of course, his films.

Ye Chu stood up at this moment, and said emotionally: "Mr. Xu, thank you for your kindness. Others want something from me, but you are the only one who really cares about me."

Xu Jie smiled, stood up and said, "I want to thank you too, thank you for treating me so highly."

If the other party can give up his rising career and choose to join him, this friend is not in vain.

"Mr. Xu, I believe that under your leadership, Jingshi Cultural and Film Department will definitely get better and better. If there is any place that can use me in the future, please remember to call me, I will be there anytime!" Ye Chu said seriously.

Not being able to repay the favor made him somewhat disappointed.

In fact, human affection is only one aspect, the most important thing is that he failed to help Mr. Xu.

Xu Jie patted Ye Chu's shoulder and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I won't be polite to you. To be honest, I am very much looking forward to working with you again. Okay, let's go."

"Mr. Xu, then I'm leaving." Ye Chu said.

Xu Jie nodded, sent Ye Chu out, watched him ride the electric bike, suddenly remembered something, and said loudly to him: "If you haven't decided where to go, then sign a job as a big director In the studio, I have the opportunity to make movies, and I also have the opportunity to learn from great directors."

"I see, thank you Mr. Xu for your suggestion." Ye Chu waved his hand, and then rode away.

Xu Jie looked at the back of the other party until he disappeared from sight, then turned and walked into the company.

Just as he was walking towards the elevator, the elevator door opened, and Boss Jiang came out from inside.

"Boss Jiang, are you going out?" Xu Jie asked.

"Well, today is the first rehearsal for the New Year's Eve party. I'll go over and see if you want to come with me?" Jiang Hai looked at Xu Jie and asked.

"Me? No." Xu Jie quickly shook his head. It's better to stay away from such things, otherwise he will be caught as a young man if he is not careful, and he will be given the title of chief planner or something.

"It's okay, Lao Lu won't go." Jiang Hai understood Xu Jie's thoughts from Xu Jie's resolute expression.

In fact, he didn't want Xiao Xu to be used by Lao Lu. After all, there was only one person. If Xiao Xu was called away by Lao Lu, who should he use?

"Then I won't go either, I still have something to do." Xu Jie said.

"What can you do?" Jiang Hai asked curiously.

Every year at the end of the year, the performance department is the busiest part of the company. They have to participate in the production of New Year's Eve party, Spring Festival party, etc., but the other party clearly does not want the director to participate in this year's New Year's Eve party and Spring Festival party. What else can there be? ?
"I...I want to write a script." Xu Jie thought for a while and said.

"Script? What script?" Jiang Hai asked.

"Boss, have you forgotten, Zheng Guoliang and I have a box office war, and next year is coming, I have to write the script quickly to try to catch up with next year's National Day." Xu Jie explained.

Jiang Hai was startled, and after being reminded, he finally remembered this matter.

"Have you started writing the script yet?" Jiang Hai asked, frowning.

By the way, it has been several months since that engagement, why did you start writing the script now?Doesn't this take the appointment too seriously?Even if you have money, you can't use it to waste money, right?

"Boss, I'm not idle either. I'm busy with the variety show first, and then I'm busy with revisions. Let alone writing, I don't even have time to think about it." Xu Jie said with a wry smile.


Jiang Hai thought about it, and it seemed to be the case, so he said to Xu Jie: "Anyway, it's the end of the year. Except for the performance department, other departments have nothing to do. During this time, you can concentrate on writing the script. In fact, the script is okay. The key is investment, have you found an investor yet?"

"What investors are we looking for? Can't our company invest?" Xu Jie said.


Jiang Hai was stunned.

After a while, he swallowed a mouthful of spit, then looked at Xu Jie and asked, "Are you going to let the company invest in your movie?"

"Yes." Xu Jie nodded, otherwise he wouldn't be in such a hurry to come to Jingshi Culture, isn't he just wanting to use Jingshi Culture's resources?

"But, aren't you afraid of being accused of acting for private interests?" Jiang Hai asked.

"Boss, this isn't just for the benefit of the public. It's called not letting the money go to outsiders. Such a good opportunity to make money, how can I not take it with the company? You won't support me?" Xu Jie looked at Boss Jiang suspiciously and asked road.

"Yes, of course I will support you, but you have to think about it, if the film is lost, the leaders above will definitely be furious." Jiang Hai reminded.

He has confidence in the variety shows directed by Xiao Xu, and in the evenings directed by Xiao Xu, but he is a little uncertain about the movies directed by Xiao Xu.

After all, Xiao Xu has never directed a movie.

Although there has been a wave of enthusiasm for everyone to be a director in the entertainment industry in recent years, there are very few who can really make money, and most of them end up losing money.

You know, in the entire Chinese movie market, no more than [-]% of the movies can make money every year.

In other words, out of 100 movies, if 10 make money, that's pretty good.

Xiao Xu, a layman, wants to join the film industry, the probability of making money is definitely far less than [-]%.

It doesn't matter if you fail to invest in a movie, but if you fail to invest in your own movie, who can not doubt the other party's motives?
Xu Jie thought for a while, and felt that what Boss Jiang said was not unreasonable.

It's okay to do private work, but it's easy to be used as a handle if the company is involved.

"The people in that company..."

"You can use people as you like." Jiang Hai said immediately to show his support for this matter.

"Okay, let me think about it again." Xu Jie said.

"Well, as your old leader and big brother, it's okay for you to invest in other movies with money, but you'd better be more cautious when investing in your movies. I don't want you to be attacked because of this incident." Jiang Hai cautiously Said.

"Thank you!"

Xu Jie nodded.

After walking a few steps, he suddenly turned to Boss Jiang and asked, "Boss, can I start a company outside?"

"Ah?" Jiang Hai looked at Xu Jie in surprise, knowing what the other person was thinking, "You are a regular employee of our station, so you can't start a company outside, but if your family starts a company, the station can't control it."

"Understood!" Xu Jie smiled.

The company can't pay?

It doesn't matter, then I will pay for it myself.

Xu Jie touched the wallet in his pocket, which contained the "pocket money" his mother gave him.

I spent some money to buy diamond rings and hold weddings before, and there seems to be about 500 million in it. With this money, it should be no problem to make a small-to-medium-budget movie.


(End of this chapter)

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