Chapter 676 Humble?

Xu Jie returned to the office, browsed forums, read novels, and looked for inspiration for creation.

Of course, if there are wonderful novels, that would be even better. To save the time of writing, you can directly contact the author of the novel to buy the copyright and remake it into a movie.

What he compared with Zheng Guoliang was the box office of the director's film, and he didn't say that he had to write the script himself, and as far as he knew, the movie Zheng Guoliang finished was not written by the other party.

But for the choice of movie theme, Xu Jie has already thought about it a long time ago, it must be a love movie.

For one thing, Zheng Guoliang made love movies. He used love movies to beat Zheng Guoliang's love movies, and the other party would not accept it at that time.

Secondly, the production cost of romance movies is relatively low. Movies like science fiction, mythology, and martial arts require a lot of special effects, and each frame costs over [-] yuan. He doesn't have that much money to spend.

Thirdly, the love story is relatively straightforward and does not need to be so rigorous. As long as the story is told well, it can basically get a good box office.

Of course, straightforward does not mean simple.

The most important point of a love story is to be touching, which is also a very difficult thing for love movies. If this cannot be done, it is easy to be scolded by the audience and the word-of-mouth box office will collapse.

Xu Jie searched for a day, but he didn't have any clue.

I think that when he was the chief planner and chief screenwriter of "Crossover Actor", he wrote countless short plays, but now, let alone writing, he didn't even think about the story.

Of course, it's not that he has no ideas, but his requirements are relatively high, and some ideas are deleted from his mind before he even puts pen to paper.

Although he agreed to Zheng Guoliang's appointment, it didn't mean he didn't take him seriously.

Several films with a box office of hundreds of millions have been made. Who would dare to underestimate such a director?

As for why he put on a confident look in front of Zheng Guoliang...

This is called despising the enemy strategically and paying attention to the enemy tactically.

Maybe the other party looked at him and thought there was some big move, so they messed up and changed the already produced movie again and again, and the changes were messy, and his chances of winning would be increased by then.

"Forget it, let's go home and watch."

When it was time to get off work, Xu Jie put on his coat and left the office.

Creation is a slow process, and it cannot be written overnight.

The story of the movie "Mulan" is familiar and well-known to every household, hasn't it been written for a long time?
Xu Jie drove home and saw an off-road vehicle parked outside his house from a distance. He remembered that Liu Jinghua had such an off-road vehicle.

When I got closer and looked at the license plate number, yes, it was Liu Jinghua's car.

What is this woman here for?
Could it be that he came to congratulate him on his appointment as the deputy general manager of Jingshi Culture?

will not!

Why do you need to come to the door when you can solve the problem with a phone call?
Besides, that woman didn't like to meet him either, after all, she had to look at his cold face every time they met.

"Ding dong!"

Xu Jie didn't take out the key to open the door, but rang the doorbell.

By doing this, when Su Yun opened the door, he could have a simple communication with the other party and understand Liu Jinghua's purpose for coming here.


The door opened quickly.

"Honey, you're back." Su Yun said softly.

Xu Jie was about to ask a question, but saw that woman Liu Jinghua walking from the direction of the restaurant, with a fake smile on her face as always.

Xu Jie didn't panic, how could such a scene be difficult for him?
Little Zhuge in Nangou Village is not in vain.

"Honey, I miss you so much." Xu Jie hugged Su Yun with both hands, put his mouth next to Su Yun's ear, and asked in a low voice, "What is she here for?"

"Contract renewal!" Su Yun whispered two words.

Xu Jie remembered what his wife had told him last night, and immediately understood Liu Jinghua's purpose for coming here tonight.

It must be that Su Yun told the other party not to renew the contract today, but the other party didn't want to let Su Yun go, so he came to discuss contract renewal in person.

If it was a year and a half ago, when Su Yun's popularity dropped to freezing point, the other party would definitely not come to the door, but now, Su Yun's popularity is even higher than before, and she has become a cash cow again. How could a righteous person just watch Su Yun leave?
Xu Jie let go of Su Yun, then pretended to see Liu Jinghua, frowned and asked, "Huh? Why are you here?"

At the same time, he showed an impatient expression, completely showing no face to the other party.

"I'm here to talk to Yunyun about something." Liu Jinghua said with a smile on his face, "I heard that Director Xu was transferred to Jingshi Culture as the deputy general manager? Congratulations."

"I was transferred from TV station to Beijing TV Culture, not from Beijing TV Culture to TV station, what's there to congratulate?" Xu Jie said in a strange way: "It's not easy to say, this is called decentralization, what do you think? "

"Mr. Xu, you can't think like this. You only manage a few people in the art program center? Now that you're at JingTV Culture, there are at least a few hundred people under your command?" Liu Jinghua asked.

"What's the use of having more people in charge? There are still many people running boilers." Xu Jie changed his clothes and went straight upstairs.

Liu Jinghua stood there in embarrassment, and said congratulations and explanations, but now she really didn't know what to say.

"Sister Hua, don't mind." When Su Yun passed by Liu Jinghua, she whispered, "He doesn't want to be transferred to Jingshi Culture, and he is angry about it these two days."

"Really? Then you have to solve him carefully. After all, it has become a fact. Maybe you can get good results and be transferred back to the TV station in the future." Liu Jinghua said.

"I told him that too, but he didn't listen, why don't you persuade him for me later?" Su Yun asked.

Liu Jinghua's whole body trembled, and he couldn't help turning his head to look upstairs. The tone of the man's words just now was as if he had taken gunpowder. Who would dare to persuade him?
Resist whoever advises!

She has experienced that man's ability to hate people countless times, so she will never talk to him if she can hide.

"Yunyun, stop joking, you are his wife, and what you say carries the most weight in his heart." Liu Jinghua said quickly, not wanting to be the target of that man venting his depression.

Besides, she doesn't have the heart to care whether that man is happy or not.

"Anyway, this incident hit him hard." Su Yun said as she walked towards the kitchen.

"Yunyun..." Liu Jinghua followed quickly, and asked, "Have you thought about what I just said? We have cooperated for 10 years, and I am really very reluctant to part with you."

"Sister Hua, it's just that the contract is not renewed, and it's not a farewell. In the future, we can still go shopping, eat together, and play mahjong together." Su Yun said while cooking.

"You are right, but have you ever thought that this will have a great impact on your future work? There are only a few people in your studio, and you don't even have a decent agent. How will you approach him in the future? Work? I am also doing it for your own good." Liu Jinghua said earnestly.

Because of Su Yun's contract renewal, her teeth have been sore from anxiety these days, she can't eat well during the day, can't sleep well at night, and even has a few more wrinkles.

"I know that Sister Hua is definitely doing it for my own good, but as you can see, I have been reducing my workload recently, preparing to return to the family slowly in the future, and I also enjoy my new status as a virtuous wife very much, like the previous gambling The agreement, I really can't do it, so I hope Sister Hua can understand." After speaking, Su Yun flipped her spoon twice to prove her determination to return to the family.

"Yunyun, you are very popular now, it is really unwise to return to your family now, besides, you have worked hard to learn acting in the past few years, isn't it just for today?" Liu Jinghua tried her best to persuade.

"People have different ideas at different stages. I wanted to enter the film and television industry a few years ago, but now, I think family and love are more important to me." Su Yun said with a happy smile.

Liu Jinghua started to have a toothache again.

She and Su Yun have known each other for so many years, but she never thought that the other party would suddenly become a love brain after getting married.

You know, in the past, what she was most worried about was the other party's private life, and she was never worried about the other party's scandal, even if there was, it was all hype under her leadership.

Is it because it was held back for too long before, so it exploded now?

No, you must not let the other party leave.

Liu Jinghua said: "Yunyun, we can discuss the contents of the agreement again. If you feel that the previous bet amount is too large, I can lower it..."

"What are you betting on?" Xu Jie changed his clothes and came down the stairs, frowning, he said, "Gambling is against the law, wife, are you playing mahjong too much? I told you, just play one or two yuan." .”

"It's not a mahjong game, it's a gambling agreement." Su Yun explained, but found that the other party blinked at her a few times, so she immediately understood.

"Then don't sign, what will you do if you lose the bet?" Xu Jie came to the restaurant and sat down and said, "I have been busy for your gambling agreement in the past two years, look at me, my hair It’s less, you’d better let me worry less, our family doesn’t lack your little money, what about food? Why isn’t it better?”

Liu Jinghua frowned. Originally, Su Yun didn't want to renew the contract. Now that the man said that, wouldn't Su Yun even want to renew the contract?
Also, what's the matter with the man's tone of voice?

Instruct the nanny?
"Sorry, I made you worry." Su Yun came out of the kitchen carrying a plate of dishes, her face was full of apology, and she looked very humble.

"Worrying is second to none. The key is that when you are busy, I can't even catch your shadow. When I come home from get off work every day, I can only see your photo. Should I marry you or your photo?" Xu Jie raised his head asked with a frown.

"Sorry." Su Yun continued to lower her head

"How many times have you said you're sorry? What's the result? Have you changed it? You have to seriously reflect on it, do you know?" Xu Jie kept talking.

Liu Jinghua looked at the chattering man and Su Yun who bowed her head in amazement. She never dreamed that Su Yun's family status would be so humble.

Who is Su Yun?

Goddess of the nation, how could this man treat Su Yun like this?

Even if you are married, you can't be so arrogant, right?

Moreover, it was quite sweet when you entered the door, why are you in a hurry when you talk about work?
Could it be because the work is not going well, so you take Su Yun to vent your anger?
What do you think of Su Yun?

Punching bag?

Hmph, I finally showed my true colors!


(End of this chapter)

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