The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 677 Plastic Sisters?

Chapter 677 Plastic Sisters?

"Mr. Xu, don't blame Yunyun, blame me if you want to. I have arranged so many jobs for her." Liu Jinghua suddenly stepped forward.

The person she wants to sign is Su Yun, not this man, so it is reasonable to stand up for Su Yun at this time. Maybe this move can move Su Yun and make the other party change his mind.

Moreover, she especially despises the man across the way, who loves his wife outside, but calls her around at home. Not only is it machismo, but it is also faster to turn faces than to turn books.

She even secretly admired her vision of seeing people in her heart. It was right to persuade Tang Fei to break up with the other party and help Tang Fei escape from the sea of ​​suffering.

I only regret that I didn't pay attention to Su Yun's emotional state at that time, otherwise this kind of thing would not have happened today.

"Liu Jinghua, I'm talking about family affairs, you'd better not get involved." Xu Jie said to Liu Jinghua coldly.

The implication: this is my home, you are not welcome here.

Did he blame Su Yun?

of course not.

What I just said was just acting.

He knew that Su Yun was thin-skinned and was too embarrassed to tear her face apart, and he also knew that Liu Jinghua would stalk Su Yun with a thick skin, but in order to make Su Yun leave Fanhua's agency and to prevent Liu Jinghua from pestering her again, he acted. The bad guy took it all.

He is different from Su Yun.

In his opinion, nothing is difficult in the world, as long as he is willing to turn his face.

For some things, the sooner you turn your face, the less likely it is to be controlled by others, and the less likely it is to be taken advantage of by others.

For example, Liu Jinghua in front of her.

He kept saying that he was reluctant to part with his sister's feelings, but actually he was reluctant to leave the cash cow?

For Liu Jinghua, he had already seen through it.

This is also one of the reasons why he suggested that Su Yun not renew the contract.

"Mr. Xu, you can't say that. Yunyun and I have known each other for more than ten years, and I have always treated her as my own sister, and she is also considered half of my mother's family."

Liu Jinghua came to Su Yun's side and sat down, grabbed the other's hand and patted it lightly, signaling to the other party not to be afraid, and then looked at the man opposite with confidence.

If it was before, she would still be a bit scruples about the other party. After all, she is the middle-level leader of the TV station and has a lot of TV resources in her hands.

But it's different now. The other party was transferred from the TV station to Jingshi Culture. Although he is a deputy general manager, his influence is far worse than before.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help raising her chin, and stopped laughing as before, and continued plausibly: "As her husband, you should support Yunyun, she likes this job and this job, You can't be a stumbling block in her career, you want her to be a housewife, why don't you be a househusband yourself?"

Xu Jie frowned when he heard it. Could this old woman not understand what he said?

Besides, who is the stumbling block?

People who only want to take advantage of it have the nerve to say such things?
"You said she likes this job?" Xu Jie turned to look at Su Yun and asked, "Honey, do you like this job? Do you like the feeling of flying around all day without going home?"

When Liu Jinghua heard this, isn't this embarrassing Su Yun?

Speaking of liking, domestic violence is not impossible with the virtues of men exposed now.

But if you say you don't like it, isn't it the same as destroying the sisterhood that the two of them have accumulated over the years?

How should Su Yun answer?

It must be very difficult.

"I don't like it!" Su Yun said without hesitation.

Liu Jinghua was confused, and stared blankly at Su Yun beside him, how could you answer so simply?
This, this must be forced!

He must have been brainwashed and PUAed, that's why he obeyed this man.

She turned to look at Su Yun and said, "Yunyun, don't be afraid, tell your true thoughts, if someone dares to threaten you, the company's legal department will definitely not let him go."

Su Yun was stunned.

What are you afraid of?what threat?Why did you move the legal department out?
Could it be that what I just expressed was not clear enough?
"Sister Hua, what are you talking about? Didn't I tell you before that I want to reduce my work and return to my family?" Su Yun asked.

"I know, but I've always wondered why you suddenly want to return to the family because you have such a strong sense of professionalism, but I understand everything about this man's attitude towards you just now, don't worry, with me here, he I dare not do anything to you." Liu Jinghua said seriously, putting on a righteous look.


Both Xu Jie and Su Yun were stunned.

The two looked at each other, and they both understood what the other wanted to express from each other's eyes.

Is this woman crazy?

Why do you act like you can't understand human words?

Xu Jie turned his head and looked at Liu Jinghua carefully. Could this old woman be pretending to be crazy?
Last night, he and Su Yun thought about many reasons for not renewing the contract, and returning to the family is the best one among them.

But looking at it now, it seems that because of the "blame" just now, the old woman mistakenly thought that Su Yun was going back to the family under his threat, so not only did she not leave wisely, but she also acted as a justice envoy to uphold justice. .

Sure enough, the deputy general manager is not as popular as the deputy director.

But fight with me, will you?

"Liu Jinghua, since you want to protect my wife's career, well, I'll give her a chance. She can continue her career, and I won't interfere." Xu Jie stared at Liu Jinghua intently.

"Really?" Liu Jinghua's face beamed with joy.

"Of course it's true, but she can't sign a contract with you." Xu Jie said.

"Why?" Liu Jinghua stopped laughing.

If Su Yun can't sign a contract with her, then what is she doing here?Play house with this couple?
"Because I don't like you." Xu Jie said very bluntly, with an undisguised disgust expression on his face.


Liu Jinghua was speechless after listening.

If it was for other reasons, she might still be able to convince the other party, but how could she solve this reason?

Reintroduce Tang Fei to the other party?

One man and two women staged a bloody drama.

At that time, the heat will be there, and it will not be far away from being named by the official media.

Seeing that Liu Jinghua was silent, Xu Jie said sarcastically, "Why are you silent? Where is the aura of being willing to do anything for my wife just now? It doesn't matter, even if she doesn't sign with your company, you can still hand over the business to me." Give it to her, after all you are good sisters, right?"

The corner of Liu Jinghua's mouth twitched, feeling like being general.

The reason why she came forward was to hope that Su Yun would renew her contract, but this man said that the premise of supporting Su Yun's career was not to renew her contract. How would she choose?

Wouldn't it be the same as watching the cash cow leave?

Isn't it all for nothing tonight?


Just now, the aura of being willing to go through fire and water for Su Yun has turned into a slap in the face.

This is how to do?
"Mr. Liu, tell me, are you just a plastic sister to my wife? The so-called guardian career is just an excuse to squeeze out the remaining commercial value from her?" Xu Jie said with a smile.

"No, no." Liu Jinghua hurriedly shook her head, she has been playing the emotional card with Su Yun, how can she admit what the man said?

"Then why are you hesitating? I've already supported her career, why don't you support her?" Xu Jie chased and beat her hard, not letting her go.

He wanted this old woman to know what it meant: lifting a rock to shoot herself in the foot.

Can't you act?

Keep playing!

Let's see who can act!

Liu Jinghua frowned, and the crow's feet at the corners of his eyes, which had been covered up by cosmetics, were completely revealed. Not only did he dare not look at the man across from him, he even dared not look at Su Yun beside him, for fear of being seen.

Now, she did convince the man in front of her and protected Su Yun, but at the same time, she also involved herself.

This is how to do?
Xu Jie picked up the chopsticks and said while eating: "Sure enough, you want to sign with my wife because you have other plans. Are you talking about sisters? Are you talking about half of your relatives? Hmph!"

After saying that, Xu Jie looked at Su Yun again, "Honey, do you know your sister's true face now?"

Su Yun looked at Liu Jinghua next to her, and then said seriously: "Husband, I have known Sister Hua for so many years, and Sister Hua is definitely not the kind of person you said."

"Honey, haven't you heard a word? You know people, you don't know your face." Xu Jie rolled his eyes at Liu Jinghua.

"I trust Sister Hua." Su Yun said.

"My wife, why are you so stubborn? Be careful that you will be sold by others, and you will be paid back." Xu Jie reminded.

"For me, Sister Hua is not someone else." Su Yun said.

"Honey, you're talking like I'm someone else. Don't tell me I'm not as important as her in your heart?" Xu Jie asked pretendingly angrily.

"Oh, don't be jealous. You are my husband and she is my sister. You are my most important people."


The two sang together, just like the combination of Guo Degang and Yu Qian, the coordination was extremely smooth.

When Liu Jinghua heard Su Yun's words, he was extremely moved, and at the same time felt a little guilty.

She thought for a while, finally gritted her teeth, and said, "Okay, I won't sign her, but you must do what you said."

Xu Jie smiled and said, "Don't worry, a gentleman's words are hard to follow."

This result was completely within his expectations.

Because the other party has no other answer to answer except this answer.

Do not agree?
Whether or not to sign the contract is up to Su Yun, so what if the other party refuses to agree?

It's all right now, there is no reason to even return to the family, and supporting Su Yun's career has become justified.

At this time, Su Yun took Liu Jinghua's arm and said with a smile: "Husband, what did I say? Sister Hua will definitely support me." Then she turned to look at Liu Jinghua, and said happily: "Sister Hua, thank you .”

Liu Jinghua trembled all over, forced a smile, and said, "No, you're welcome."

"Sister Hua, let's eat together." Su Yun got up and went to get chopsticks.

"No, I've already eaten, and it's getting late, so I should go too." Liu Jinghua stood up in a daze.

"Sister Hua, eat some more and try my handicraft." Su Yun said enthusiastically.

"Next time." Liu Jinghua put on his shoes and coat.

How could she be in the mood to eat now?
"It's a word."

Su Yun sent Liu Jinghua out, and the moment she closed the door, she immediately raised her hands to high-five Xu Jie behind her.



(End of this chapter)

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