The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 678 Independent Portal

Chapter 678 Independent Portal
12 month 20 number.

The peaceful entertainment circle became lively because of these two Weibo posts.

The first is a Weibo updated by the national goddess Su Yun on the official Weibo.

"Thanks to @贵华 for your support and companionship."

Afterwards, Fanhua Brokerage Culture Company also quickly reposted Su Yun's Weibo on Weibo, and wrote:
"I sincerely wish Ms. Su Yun a bright future and a splendid future."

Although they were two Weibo posts, they said the same thing, that is: Su Yun's contract with Fanhua Brokerage Culture Company will not be renewed.

A stone stirred up a thousand waves.

The news that Su Yun would not renew her contract soon became a trending search.

For the fans, everyone has nothing but support and blessings for the idol not renewing his contract.

But for people in the entertainment industry, it's completely different.

Because this news is too sudden for everyone.

You must know that Su Yun has been working in Fanhua Brokerage Company since her debut, and she has a very close relationship with the company's general manager Liu Jinghua. She even signed a VAM agreement later and became a shareholder of Fanhua Brokerage Company.

Under such circumstances, everyone thought that the renewal of the contract was a matter of course. Even when Su Yun's contract was about to expire, there was no relevant news, and even other brokerage companies had no idea of ​​poaching her.

Therefore, when everyone suddenly saw that Su Yun no longer renewed her contract with the prosperous Weibo, they were full of surprises.

This is Su Yun!

First-line star, national goddess.

Moreover, she is not only the queen of the music scene, but also successfully transformed into the film circle because of her appearance in the two films "Human World" and "Mulan", and also achieved a double harvest of word of mouth and box office.

In the eyes of many people, this is equivalent to a sudden addition of a cash cow in the market. If anyone can sign Su Yun, the music circle and the film and television circle, don't they want to make money from whichever circle they want?
All of a sudden, the entertainment industry was in turmoil.

Entertainment companies and brokerage companies contacted Su Yun's studio one after another, hoping to sign this cash cow.

If you have good looks, you need to have strength, you need to have market, you need to have popularity, and you have to ask, which company would not want to have such a star?

At this time, in Su Yun's studio, the phone was ringing non-stop.

"Sister Yun, Mr. Chen from Dongfang Film and Television has called. If you are willing to join, he is willing to offer shares and dividends..." Huang Xiaorong said after putting down her phone.

"Boss, Pony Entertainment also called, and promised to release three movies and three albums for you in three years, and promised an eight-figure signing fee..." Chen Guo on the other side just put down the phone.

"Sister Yun, Panshi Brokerage Company is willing to invest in the studio..."


Employees turn directly into operators, and often the phone rings again as soon as they put it down.

Tired is tiring, but this also reflects the popularity of the boss in the entertainment industry from the side.

For them, the hotter the boss, the bigger the bonus.

It doesn't matter if you are busy, as long as you have enough money.

In fact, all the dissatisfaction with companies and leaders in the world can be summed up for one reason: the money is not in place.

As long as the money is in place, money can turn ghosts around, let alone make you work hard, and you don't have any complaints about working overtime.

"Boss, there are so many calls, what should I do?" Wang Chenxi asked, it was a trouble of happiness.

"It seems that one Weibo is not enough, we need to post another Weibo." Xu Jie said to Su Yun beside him.

Today, he didn't go to Jingshi Culture, but came to Su Yun's studio, euphemistically saying: Talking about cooperation is actually to give suggestions for the studio's next development.

"What Weibo?" Su Yun asked.

"From now on, it will develop in the form of a personal studio." Xu Jie said.

"En." Su Yun nodded, then looked at Chen Guo, who was always in charge of Weibo.

"Will this offend those big companies?" Chen Guo asked worriedly.

Someone offered an olive branch, but now he rejects his kindness, isn't it a bit ignorant?

And she felt that it was not easy to make a deliberate announcement about this kind of thing and make it so clear.

Doing it alone means that you don't have the support of a big company. If you fight alone in the entertainment industry, you will inevitably be suppressed by other big companies.

"What's there to offend? At most, I'll be lost for a few minutes." Xu Jie said indifferently.

He is aware of Chen Guo's worry, but now he is not cowardly at all.

Although he has been transferred to Beijing Television Culture, who made him have someone in Beijing Television Station?
To be precise, someone needs him.

As long as he is valuable, no matter whether it is deputy editor-in-chief Lu or deputy editor-in-chief Zhou, they will sell him a face.

After hearing this, Chen Guo looked at the boss, Su Yun nodded, and Chen Guo immediately started editing Weibo and posted it on the Weibo of Su Yun's studio.

Soon, Weibo was posted.

However, the phone kept ringing.

The thinking of those big companies is very simple. As long as the conditions are met, it is not a matter of minutes to change their minds?
"Forget it, don't worry about those phone calls for now, let's talk about the future development of the studio first." Su Yun said lightly, but her expression was extraordinarily serious.

Since the contract with Fanhua is no longer renewed, from now on, all matters must be handled by the studio, and the workload will naturally increase a lot.

Especially at the beginning, everyone has not adapted yet, and many things will be in a hurry, so this is also the most testing moment for everyone.

Everyone looked at the boss. In fact, they didn't expect the boss to do it alone, so now they all don't know how to play.

Seeing that everyone was quiet, Su Yun continued, "From now on, my work will focus on movies, supplemented by music, and I will not accept TV dramas for the time being..."

She has already thought about the future.

Now that he has successfully entered the film industry, it is natural to continue on.

And music can promote the movie, so we can't give it up.

As for variety shows, they can go on them, but they have to be selective, they can go on shows that promote movies, if it's just for pure entertainment, she doesn't plan to participate.

There are also business cooperation, such as endorsement, the type of product and the size of the brand must be carefully selected. This is not only for their own image, but also for their own commercial value.

Su Yun talked for half an hour alone, clearly arranging her future development direction.

"I can think of these for now, do you have anything to add?" Su Yun asked the staff in front of her.

Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads to say no.

Su Yun turned to look at Xu Jie at the side.

Xu Jie said with a smile: "I've already said it in detail, but there is one thing that may need to be resolved immediately."

"What's the matter?" Su Yun asked curiously.

"Broker, Liu Jinghua is no longer your manager. Even if you want to start your own business now, do you still need a manager to package and promote it for you, and negotiate some advertisements and cooperation on your behalf?" Xu Jie said.

Su Yun nodded, the existence of a manager is indeed very important, but looking at the whole studio, there are many assistants, but the manager is...

The problem seems to be back to the original point.

Who is suitable?

Her eyes swept over everyone's face, and finally fell on Xu Jie's face.

"What do you think I am doing? I can't do it." Xu Jie shook his head and said.

If he leaves Jingshi Culture again, Su Yun will have no backer at all.

"I want to ask, who do you think is more suitable?" Su Yun said.

Xu Jie knew the situation here in the studio and didn't have a professional agent, so he thought for a while and asked, "Who is in charge of contacting the advertising party?"

"I, it's me." Wang Chenxi raised his hand.

"Then you will be my wife's manager." Xu Jie said.


Wang Chenxi was stunned, then quickly shook her head and said, "I'm not a manager, I can't."

"It's okay, just learn slowly. Anyway, my wife decides the big things, so you just do what she says." Xu Jie said.

The main job of an agent is to attract resources for artists, but in Su Yun's current situation, all the resources come to her on their own initiative, so it's fine as long as someone contacts her.

Wang Chenxi was very guilty after hearing this.

Isn't Teacher Xu's decision a bit too hasty?


(End of this chapter)

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