Chapter 679 Dinner
"Sister Yun, the next month's activities include Weibo Night, Entertainment Music Festival, Charming Annual Festival, Fashion Characters Festival, and the rehearsal for the China TV Spring Festival Gala..." Huang Xiaorong reported to Su Yun while looking at the work records.

At the end of each year, in addition to the New Year's Eve party organized by major TV stations, major magazines, websites, and brands will also organize large-scale themed events during this time, inviting well-known artists to attend and increasing their influence.

As the hottest star in the second half of this year, Su Yun has naturally been invited by all parties.

The entertainment industry is like this, everyone plays with whoever is popular, and kicks them away if they are not popular, and ignore them.

In fact, not only the entertainment circle, but also all circles.

Xu Jie used to be a reporter reporting social news, so he was no stranger to these things.

Not to mention two people who have nothing to do with each other, even if they are relatives.

"Ring Ling Ling..."

A musical bell rang, and Huang Xiaorong also stopped.

Su Yun took out her personal mobile phone, checked the caller ID, and connected the call.

"Sister Hua..."

When the people around heard it, there was only one person who could make the boss call out Miss Hua, Liu Jinghua, the general manager of Fanhua Brokerage Company.

Xu Jie frowned when he heard this, why did this old woman call his wife again?Do you want to go back on your word?

He moved the chair under his buttocks, leaned closer to his wife, then pricked up his ears, listening carefully to the voice on the phone.

It's not that he is overhearted, but that he knows that woman Liu Jinghua too well.

The two parties have already broken up, and the other party is still calling at this time, there must be nothing good.

"Yunyun, do you have time tonight?" Liu Jinghua asked on the other side of the phone.

"Yes, what's the matter?" Su Yun asked.

She has been reading the script recently, preparing for the new movie that will start shooting after the Spring Festival, so during this period of time, she has nothing to do except to participate in some themed activities and commercial activities, so she is relatively free.

"Oh, it's like this. Remember those people I mentioned to you a few days ago? After all my efforts, I finally got them together and organized a dinner. Just tonight, since you have time , you must come if you remember." Liu Jinghua said.

Su Yun was taken aback when she heard it, and then said: "Sister Hua, you know, I don't like to participate in dinner parties."

"I know, but I am really worried that you are setting up your own studio now, so I deliberately brought you along and introduced some resources to you, maybe they can be used in the future? Also, do you know who these people are? People? Whether it's the boss in the industry or the big shot in the circle, it's hard to meet anyone, but this is a very rare opportunity." Liu Jinghua reminded.

Su Yun thought about it seriously, and felt that what Sister Hua said was not unreasonable.

Now that I'm on my own, it's the time when I need resources and contacts. After all, making movies also requires contacts.

Like the movie "Mulan", it was through Xu Jie's relationship that he got the heroine, and in the movies he participated in before, he also got the opportunity to guest star through the network of Sister Hua.

The entertainment industry is a circle, and only in this circle can one survive. If someone is independent and doesn't want to fit into this circle, he will only be excluded from the circle in the end.

What is a circle?
Circles are relationships.

It was because she didn't like this kind of dinner before, so it was difficult for her to integrate into the movie circle, so she could only make a cameo appearance. The reason why she can make a movie now is also thanks to Xu Jie.

It's just that the future will not be the same as before. Without Sister Hua's help, her husband has been transferred to Beijing Television Culture. Although it is for her, she can't always count on Beijing Television Culture, right?

After thinking about it, Su Yun finally replied: "Okay Sister Hua, I understand, I will go."

"Well, that's right, I'll send you the time and address later." Liu Jinghua said with a smile, and then hung up the phone.

"What's the matter?" Xu Jie looked at his wife and asked. The voice on the phone was too low, and he couldn't hear it intermittently. He only heard a few words sporadically, such as investment, resources, boss, opportunity and so on.

"Sister Hua wants to introduce me to some people in the film industry." Su Yun said simply.

"Can she be so kind?" Xu Jie couldn't believe it.

"Who made sister Yun popular?" Chen Guo said with a smile.

"I think, Sister Hua is planning to exchange resources with me, and let me help her bring newcomers." Su Yun explained.

It used to be a company. As a senior, as one of the shareholders, it was her job to bring in newcomers, but now it was different. She came out of her own company. It is estimated that Liu Jinghua was too embarrassed to ask her directly, so she introduced some big bosses to her.

Xu Jie nodded.

If it was an exchange of resources, he believed that woman Liu Jinghua could do it.

Just like what Chen Guo said, who made Su Yun popular?

Who wouldn't want to get some light?

Xu Jie went to Jingshi Culture to show his face and drove home.

Compared with the art program center, this job is not too easy now.

The car enters the community, and from a distance, there is a commercial vehicle outside the house, which is Su Yun's nanny car.

He parked the car, took out the key and opened the door, just in time to see Su Yun coming down the stairs.

"In such a hurry? Isn't it 7 o'clock in the evening?" Xu Jie looked at his watch, it was not yet 6 o'clock.

"Sister Hua asked me to arrive early." Su Yun explained after hearing this.

"When will you be back?" Xu Jie asked.

"I don't know." Su Yun kissed the man, and then said: "There is food in the kitchen, if you don't want to do it, you can order takeaway. In short, you can solve today's dinner by yourself."

"Don't worry, I can't starve myself, I need to call." Xu Jie shook the phone.

"En." Su Yun waved her hand, then put on her shoes and walked out.

Xu Jie stood at the door, watched Su Yun get into the car, and did not return home until the nanny car disappeared from sight.

He walked into the kitchen and made a simple bowl of braised noodles for himself. After eating, he went to the study to start preparing the script.

The nanny car was parked outside a restaurant, and Su Yun got out of the car wearing a wool cap and mask.

According to the address Sister Hua sent her, she came to the private room upstairs, knocked lightly on the door, and then the door opened from the inside, and it was Liu Jinghua who opened the door.

"Yunyun, you are here, come in quickly." Liu Jinghua moved sideways to get out of the way.

"Sister Hua, thank you." Su Yun walked in, but found that there were other people inside.

He Jingjing is now the first sister of the prosperous brokerage company.

"Hello, Sister Yun." He Jingjing stood up and greeted her proactively.

"Jingjing is here too." Su Yun said with a smile, and then glanced at Liu Jinghua behind her. It seemed that tonight's dinner was not only about introducing resources to her, but also why Jingjing was pulling resources.

Su Yun was a little puzzled.

If it was before, and she hadn't left Fanhua Brokerage, it wouldn't be a problem for Sister Hua to bring the two of them.

But now, she has left Fanhua's agency, and has become a competitive relationship with He Jingjing. It stands to reason that Sister Hua shouldn't have called her here.

If she came, wouldn't it mean that He Jingjing's resources were taken away?

Does Miss Hua not care?
Is sister Hua really worried about her?
Thinking of this, Su Yun was a little moved in her heart.

Ten years of getting along, ten years of relationship, it really is not easy to give up.

"Sister Hua, who is the person invited tonight?" Su Yun asked curiously. She only said that she was a boss before, but she never mentioned her name. The person who came to meet this time is definitely a heavyweight.

Liu Jinghua looked back at the door, and then said with a smile, "One is Zhao Yuanpeng, president of Tianchen Entertainment, one is Wang Tiannan, chairman of Huasen Media, and the other is Zhou Yuanqing of Orange Heart Capital."

Su Yun was slightly taken aback, and there was a hint of surprise in her eyes, because the three that Sister Hua just mentioned were all bigwigs in the entertainment industry.

Zhao Yuanpeng is a well-known figure in China's entertainment industry. He has filmed countless classic film and television dramas. He is a very famous star promoter in China, and his artists also gather big names.

Wang Tiannan's status is even more remarkable. The Huasen Media he founded is one of the earliest and largest media companies in China. He is like a godfather in the industry. He has made many movie kings and queens famous.

As for Zhou Yuanqing, his Orange Heart Capital has invested in several media companies, film and television companies, and has countless resources in his hands.

Su Yun looked at He Jingjing who was at the side, could it be that the other party was dressed in a gorgeous way today.

In fact, everyone would be very low-key at such a private dinner, but today He Jingjing deliberately put on makeup, which was clearly to open up the peacock and attract the attention of the three big shots.

"Yunyun, how's it going, don't you regret it?" Liu Jinghua asked with a smile.

Su Yun nodded.

Being able to bring these three big shots together, Sister Hua really deserves to be China's number one agent.

"Sister Hua, is there any theme for this dinner?" Su Yun asked.

"There is no theme, just get to know each other and pave the way for future development. After all, if you want to develop in China's film and television industry, you will never be able to avoid these three people." Now you have to behave well, understand?"

"Don't worry, Sister Hua, I will definitely not let you down." He Jingjing said seriously with her chest raised.

"Ring bell bell!"

At this time, Liu Jinghua's cell phone rang, and she quickly answered the call.

"Yuanpeng,...Okay, I'll go down and pick you up." Liu Jinghua put down the phone, looked at Su Yun and He Jingjing and said, "You guys wait here, I'll come as soon as I go." After speaking, he left.

The door is closed.

Only Su Yun and He Jingjing were left in the private room.

"Sister Yun, haven't you already set up your own family? Why are you coming to tonight's dinner?" He Jingjing asked with a smile, but there was a knife hidden in her smile.

"Sister Hua called me here." Su Yun said lightly.

"Sister Hua is kind and righteous, unlike some people who are ungrateful." He Jingjing said in a strange way.

Su Yun glanced at He Jingjing, but said nothing.

She knew that He Jingjing was jealous of her. Who told her to be the first sister of Fanhua's manager?If it hadn't been for getting the certificate with Xu Jie back then, the other party wouldn't have come forward when his popularity had declined during that time.

"Some people are really cold on the surface, and they look like they are out of mud, but they will also participate in this kind of dinner in private. By the way, sister Hua, aren't you married? Can you come to this kind of dinner? Isn't your husband angry?" He Jingjing asked.

"It's just a meal, normal social interaction, what's there to be angry about?" Su Yun said.

"Well said, as expected of Sister Yun, I'm used to seeing strong winds and waves at first glance, but I will not lose to you tonight." He Jingjing straightened her clothes, and deliberately pulled down the low collar, make the collar lower

Su Yun didn't say anything, and turned her head to look out the window.

I don't know if my husband has eaten yet.


(End of this chapter)

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