Chapter 680
Dinner is a cultural phenomenon.

It is not a simple appointment to have a meal together, but to use the meal as a game to achieve the purpose of making friends and talking about business.

There are also people who regard the dinner party as a river and lake. There are high-ranking officials and dignitaries, there are also flatterers who obey orders, there are unknown people who can't help themselves, and there are also social experts who can take it easy.

In a small meal, one can see both good and evil, as well as beauty and ugliness.


The door opened suddenly.

Su Yun and He Jingjing stood up at the same time.

Although I haven't seen anyone yet, I have already heard voices.

"Come in, both of you."

"Jinghua, don't be so polite between us."

"That's right, we're all old friends."

The first to enter were two men, followed by Liu Jinghua.

Su Yun scanned them one by one. The person on the left wearing a suit and leather shoes was Zhao Yuanpeng, the president of Tianchen Entertainment, and the person on the right wearing a dark coat was Zhou Yuanqing from Orange Heart Capital.

She has met two of them before, but she has never dealt with them, especially Zhao Yuanpeng, who has been in the entertainment industry for more than 20 years, not to mention insiders, even outsiders, know this celebrity pusher.

In contrast, Zhou Yuanqing kept a low profile. Few outsiders knew about this entertainment investment giant.

"Two, don't you need me to introduce you?" Liu Jinghua said to the two beside him.

"I know, of course I know." Zhao Yuanpeng nodded, his eyes kept looking at the faces of Su Yun and He Jingjing.

"The two beauties are the most popular stars right now. How could they not know each other?" Zhou Yuanqing said jokingly, "If I say I don't know each other, won't I be drowned by the spit and spittle of the fans of these two big stars?"

"Boss Zhou, you are joking." He Jingjing said with a smile, then twisted her slender waist and swayed her crotch to the front of the two bosses, bent slightly, and said respectfully: "Mr. Zhao, Boss Zhou Okay, I am He Jingjing, and I will ask the two bosses to take care of me in the future."

Zhao Yuanpeng stared at the drooping collar and didn't say anything, but Zhou Yuanqing laughed and said cheerfully: "You are Jinghua's artist, we are our own people."

Su Yun stood there, nodded slightly, and said neither humble nor overbearing: "Mr. Zhao, Boss Zhou, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Zhao Yuanpeng's eyes lit up, and he said, "Miss Su, my daughter is your fan. The walls of the room are covered with your posters, but I think you are more beautiful than those on the posters."

"Thank you." Su Yun smiled.

"Okay, stop standing, let's all sit down." Liu Jinghua pointed to the chair.

There was Liu Jinghua between Zhao Yuanpeng and Zhou Yuanqing, and there was an empty seat between Su Yun and He Jingjing.

"Hasn't Tian Nan come yet?" Zhou Yuanqing looked at the empty seat and asked.

"There's a traffic jam on the road, we'll be there soon." Liu Jinghua said.

"Really? Could it be on purpose? Want to play at the end?" Zhou Yuanqing asked.

"Well, it's possible." Zhao Yuanpeng nodded.

"Let's eat first, don't wait for him." Liu Jinghua called the waiter and motioned for the food to be served.

Soon, the dishes were ready.

Along with the dishes, there are a few bottles of Moutai.

After He Jingjing and the waiters left, she immediately stood up, opened the outer package and poured wine for the two bosses attentively.

"Oh, how dare you bother Ms. He to pour the wine? I should be the one to come." Zhou Yuanqing looked at He Jingjing with a smile and said.

Although the words were polite, the person did not move, and sat in the same position with peace of mind watching He Jingjing pour the wine.

"It's okay, this is what I should do." He Jingjing said in a whiny voice, which sounded like a crispy feeling all over her body.

When it was Zhao Yuanpeng's turn, Zhao Yuanpeng just nodded slightly, but kept looking at Su Yun beside him.

He Jingjing noticed Zhao Yuanpeng's gaze, and couldn't help feeling jealous. When pouring the wine, he deliberately got closer, and gently touched Zhao Yuanpeng's arm with his outstanding features.

Zhao Yuanpeng turned his head to look at He Jingjing at this time, He Jingjing showed a charming smile, then turned around and poured wine for Sister Hua.

But then, a trace of displeasure flashed in He Jingjing's eyes.

Serving the three bosses is what it should be. After all, we will need the care of Sister Hua, Zhao Yuanpeng and Zhou Yuanqing in the future, but what is Su Yun doing?
Not only can't help her, but also her competitor.

However, with the three big bosses around, she had to fail. After all, Su Yun was her senior, and now was not the time to play petty temper.

"Sister Yun!" He Jingjing came to Su Yun's side with great reluctance, and was poured full of wine by the other party's wine glass, and deliberately poured it full, so that it was about to overflow.

"Thank you." Su Yun said.

She naturally saw He Jingjing's little tricks, but the extra ones were no higher than the fingernails, so it was nothing to her.

When He Jingjing sat down, Liu Jinghua stood up, picked up the wine glass and said, "Yuan Peng, Yuan Qing, this is the first glass of wine, thank you for coming here in your busy schedule."

After speaking, he winked at Su Yun and He Jingjing, signaling them to pick up the cups as well.

The key to the meal is not the food, but the wine.

Food can be skipped, but wine must not be skipped.

"Okay, thank you Jinghua for the invitation."


Five people raised their wine glasses, and Zhao Yuanpeng and Zhou Yuanqing drank them down in one gulp.

The cup is not big, not as high as a finger, but the amount of a cup is also quite a lot.

Su Yun originally wanted to take a sip, but seeing Zhao Yuanpeng and Zhou Yuanqing both drank it, and then Sister Hua and He Jingjing also drank it. Naturally, she couldn't have anything left, so she drank it all in one gulp.

Four of the five sat down, and He Jingjing started pouring wine again.

After finishing the round, she returned to her seat and sat down, and said with admiration: "I am so happy to be able to have dinner with the two bosses today. I dare not even dream about it. Before, I could only eat from afar." Look at the two of you."

"Haha, where is it, if Miss He is willing, we can often have dinner together in the future." Zhou Yuanqing said with a smile.

"Really? Then I want to toast Boss Zhou." He Jingjing raised her glass.

After Zhou Yuanqing saw it, he also picked up the wine glass.

He Jingjing came to Zhou Yuanqing's side, clinked glasses and drank it in one gulp, then looked at Zhao Yuanpeng on the other side and asked, "Boss Zhao, how about you?"

Zhao Yuanpeng looked away from Su Yun, nodded and said, "Ah? Yes, no problem."

"Okay, then I'll toast Boss Zhao too."

He Jingjing drank three cups in a row, her face turned slightly red, and her eyes were even more amused.

Zhao Yuanpeng put down his cup, turned his head to look at Su Yun and said, "Miss Su, I heard that you have left Fanhua Brokerage Company? Are you interested in signing with Tianchen Entertainment?"

"Hey, Yuanpeng..." Zhou Yuanqing said after hearing this, "Aren't you digging Jinghua's corner?"

Liu Jinghua waved his hand and said, "No, Yunyun didn't renew her contract with my company, so Yuanpeng doesn't count as poaching me."

Zhou Yuanqing shook his head and said, "Not renewing the contract is only temporary. I believe that Ms. Su will definitely come back to renew the contract in the future. It's good to lean against a big tree to enjoy the shade, right?"

"Boss Zhou, this is what you don't know." He Jingjing said at this time: "Sister Yun is very popular now. Whether it is film and television scripts or advertising endorsements, she is always soft-handed. There is no need for a big company to provide her with a job. .”

"One moment can't represent a lifetime. The resources of a big company are not available in a personal studio. If Ms. Su doesn't renew her contract with Fanhua Brokerage, I think Mr. Zhao's Tianchen Entertainment is actually quite suitable for Ms. Su. What do you think, Ms. Su?" Zhou Yuanqing asked Su Yun.

He has shares in Fanhua Brokerage and Tianchen Entertainment.

If Su Yun can't renew his contract with Fanhua Brokerage, then joining Tianchen Entertainment would be a good thing for him.

"Thank you two bosses for your concern. I have no plans to sign a contract with the company yet, but I am willing to cooperate with Mr. Zhao's Tianchen Entertainment." Su Yun said with a smile.

If she wanted to sign a contract, she would have signed it long ago, and she would not wait until now.

After Zhou Yuanqing heard this, the smile on his face subsided a bit.

Don't sign a contract, but still want to cooperate?

Besides, you, a small studio, come to discuss cooperation with entertainment companies, are you worthy?Do you have that capital?

Zhou Yuanqing began to feel dissatisfied with Su Yun.

Want to set up your own company after becoming famous?
It's beautiful to think about!
Zhao Yuanpeng didn't care, and said with a smile: "Actually, I like Miss Su very much... Your movie, especially that "Mulan", is really great, especially the one who charges and kills the enemy on horseback." I still remember her handsome and heroic demeanor, even if you don’t sign it, it doesn’t matter, the door of our Tianchen Entertainment will always be open to Ms. Su.”

"Thank you Mr. Zhao." Su Yun said.

Zhao Yuanpeng picked up the wine glass and said, "Miss Su, I offer you a toast. I wish you a bright future and smooth sailing."

"Thank you." Su Yun drank it without ambiguity.

He Jingjing looked at Su Yun jealously, she refused to agree to such a good thing, is this woman a fool for getting married?
In Fanhua Brokerage Company, it is necessary for Sister Hua to go outside to discuss resources, but going to Tianchen Entertainment is equivalent to being in the middle of resources, which saves Sister Hua the procedure.

Zhou Yuanqing was also unhappy in his heart, he simply didn't know how to flatter him.

"Miss Su, how many years have you been working in Fanhua Brokerage?" Zhou Yuanqing asked.

"Ten years." Su Yun replied.

"In ten years, it is not easy to have the achievements you have now. Maybe you think it's because of your own strength, but I want to tell you that there are many people with strength. If it wasn't for Jinghua to support you, you would be popular." No, do you understand?" Zhou Yuanqing said coldly.

Su Yun frowned.

Doesn't this mean that she overestimated herself and left Liu Jinghua as nothing?
She looked at the man in front of her, but she didn't remember anything that she had offended him. Perhaps, the other party was just fighting for Liu Jinghua's injustice.

After all, the two are old friends.

However, she has also made a lot of money for Liu Jinghua over the years, and has also helped Liu Jinghua make a lot of celebrities popular. Don't these count?

At this time, she looked at Liu Jinghua and saw that Sister Hua was peeling crabs, as if she didn't hear her.

At this moment, she seemed to understand something.

Tonight's dinner was to introduce resources to her?
Or criticize her?

(End of this chapter)

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