The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 681: Toasting, not eating, drinking and punishing

Chapter 681: Toasting, not eating, drinking and punishing

"Mr. Zhou, you are right, so I have always been very grateful to Sister Hua." Su Yun said lightly, neither frightened nor angry.

She knew that Zhou Yuanqing was also thinking about Sister Hua, so there was no conflict with the other party, and with the other party's status and energy in the entertainment industry, it would not be of any benefit to her to turn her face.

Of course, this doesn't mean that she is afraid of the other party, at worst, she will be blocked and quit the entertainment industry. Anyway, the money she has earned over the years is enough to spend.

Come to think of it, being a housewife is not bad either.

"Grateful? I set up my own family when I became popular. Is this what you call gratitude? I think it's more or less ungrateful." Zhou Yuanqing said angrily.

Su Yun didn't speak, she felt that she didn't need to explain to the other party.

What's more, the other party made it clear that she was deliberately targeting her in order to stand out for Sister Hua, so no matter what she said, the other party's attitude would not change.

Seeing that the woman on the opposite side ignored him, Zhou Yuanqing became even angrier. He raised his voice and said, "Do you think the movie you acted in became popular, so your wings hardened? Let me tell you, it's useless. I will do the same." Let you have nothing to film."

Su Yun smiled slightly, looked at Zhou Yuanqing and asked, "Mr. Zhou, how did you know that I want to give up my job and return to my family? Did Sister Hua tell you?"

Zhou Yuanqing was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Liu Jinghua beside him, but saw the other party blinked, but unfortunately he didn't understand the other party's meaning.

Su Yun continued: "Originally, I wanted to go home and be a housewife, but in order to support my continued acting career, Sister Hua voluntarily gave up on renewing my contract. Don't you all know about this?"

This time even Zhao Yuanpeng and He Jingjing were stunned, and they turned their eyes to Liu Jinghua at the same time, as if to ask again: Is what Su Yun said true?
At this time, Liu Jinghua was so embarrassed that she could pick out a three-bedroom apartment with her toes. She didn't expect Su Yun to tell what happened last night. Doesn't this mean that she used her words to slap Zhou Yuanqing in the face?
"Ring bell bell!"

At this moment, a musical bell rang suddenly.

Liu Jinghua secretly breathed a sigh of relief, then took out his mobile phone, raised it to the people present, and said: "Wang Dong's call, it seems that the person has arrived, you can talk first, I will pick him up below."

After speaking, he quickly left the private room.

Taking advantage of other people's eyes being attracted by Sister Hua, Su Yun took out her mobile phone calmly and sent a text message to Huang Xiaorong who was waiting outside under the table.

"Call me in 10 minutes."

Then he quickly put the phone away.

Zhou Yuanqing withdrew his gaze, glanced at Su Yun who was expressionless, and said with a cold snort, "What I hate the most is ungrateful people. No matter how popular this person is, I will never use them."

He Jingjing was overjoyed when she heard it, wouldn't Boss Zhou's words be equivalent to banning Su Yun?So tonight's dinner, isn't her chance coming?

"Boss Zhou, who are you talking about? I'm not like someone, I'm not that kind of person." He Jingjing said with a smile.

"Isn't it? We won't know until later." Zhou Yuanqing said.

"Then Boss Zhou should pay more attention to me in the future." He Jingjing said while busy winking.

"Haha, that's natural." Zhou Yuanqing smiled.

it is more than words.

Not long after, the door opened, and Liu Jinghua walked in with a middle-aged man in his fifties.

This man was wearing a black suit. Although he was not tall, he was extremely aura. As soon as he appeared, he attracted everyone's attention.

He is Wang Tiannan, the chairman of Huasen Media, the godfather of China's entertainment industry.

"Wang Dong, you are late, you will be punished later." Although Zhou Yuanqing said so, he stood up.

"Since Lao Zhou said so, no problem, I'll drink this wine." Wang Tiannan said after sitting down.

He Jingjing got up immediately, poured wine for Wang Tiannan and said respectfully: "Chairman Wang, I'll pour you wine."

Wang Tiannan nodded and didn't say anything else. When the wine was poured, he picked up the glass and said boldly, "I'm late today, so I punish myself with a glass."

Finished drinking it.

Zhou Yuanqing applauded immediately, clapping his hands while saying: "Okay, Wang Dong is Wang Dong, refreshing."

Wang Tiannan put down the cup and asked, "Before I came, what were you talking about?"

The smile on Zhou Yuanqing's face immediately disappeared, glanced at the silent woman, and said in a strange voice: "What can we talk about? Of course it is the matter that our Su Da movie star will not renew his contract. This is today hot topic."

"Well, I was quite surprised when I read the news." Wang Tiannan turned to look at Su Yun beside him, and asked, "You have cooperated with Jinghua for so many years, why did you suddenly not renew your contract? What a pity Ah, Jinghua has always treated you as a younger sister, not only doing her best in everything, but also inviting you to become a shareholder of her company."

"That's right, some people just don't know how to be grateful." Zhou Yuanqing said with curled lips.

"Wang Dong, I just want to spend more time with my husband." Su Yun explained.

"Excuses are just excuses. If you really want to be a housewife, then just announce your retirement. What kind of studio do you want to start?" Zhou Yuanqing stared at Su Yun and asked.

"Mr. Zhou, there are so many employees in the studio, I have to give them a bite to eat, right? I can't disrupt their lives because of my own selfishness. They still have mortgages and car loans. What will they do if the studio is dissolved? "Su Yun asked back.

"Hehe, when did you become a philanthropist? I think you just helped them pay off their house and car loans." Zhou Yuanqing said with a sneer.

Su Yun didn't speak, she was too lazy to continue explaining.

Just then, another piece of music rang.

She took out her cell phone and answered the call.

"Xiao Rong, what's the matter?"

"Sister Yun..."

"Okay, got it, I'm going now." Su Yun put down her phone after speaking, looked at everyone present and said, "Sorry, something happened in the studio, and I need to go back to deal with it."

Saying that, he stood up.

"No!" Zhou Yuanqing stood up and said, "If you don't make things clear, you won't be able to leave today."

"Oh?" Su Yun turned her head to look at Zhou Yuanqing, and asked, "What does Mr. Zhou want me to explain clearly? Isn't what I said clear enough? If you think what I said is unclear, you can ask Sister Hua, she understand me."

"It seems that you really plan to go all the way to Hei?" Zhou Yuanqing frowned tightly.

"If you don't take a walk, how will you know that this road is dark?" Su Yun said.


Zhou Yuanqing reached out and slapped the dining table hard, with such force that even the bowls and plates on the table vibrated.

Outside the hotel.

Huang Xiaorong, who was sitting in the nanny's car, was shocked, her face was full of worry.

She pressed the phone tightly to her ear. What was the sound coming from inside?
Throw something?Hit someone?

Is sister Yun in danger?
Yes, her mobile phone has never been turned off, and sister Yun's mobile phone has not been turned off either. This is the tacit understanding between the two for many years, and it will be like this whenever Sister Yun needs to find a reason to leave.

What should we do now?
rush in?
But Mr. Liu is inside.

And just now I saw Wang Tiannan, the chairman of Watson Media, walk into the restaurant.

If it was the past, she could rest assured, because Mr. Liu was there, and Mr. Liu would protect Sister Yun, but tonight, she also began to feel uncertain.

Sister Yun must not have any accidents.

Huang Xiaorong thought about it anxiously, and suddenly thought of someone, so she hurriedly used another mobile phone to make a call.

"Ms. Xu, it's me, Huang Xiaorong, can you come over? Sister Yun seems to be in some trouble, I'll send you the address..."

the other side.

After hearing Huang Xiaorong's words, Xu Jie drove away from the house immediately, and then came to the location of the restaurant according to the address Huang Xiaorong sent.

"Teacher Xu!"

As soon as Xu Jie got out of the car, Huang Xiaorong, who was waiting anxiously outside the restaurant, walked over quickly.

"What happened to my wife?" Xu Jie asked seriously.

Recalling the phone call during the day, Liu Jinghua introduced several industry leaders to Su Yun. At that time, he felt that Liu Jinghua's behavior was suspicious. That old woman could not be so kind. Now it seems that there is indeed a problem.

"Teacher Xu, listen!" Huang Xiaorong handed over the phone.

Xu Jie took it and looked at it. It was Su Yun's mobile phone number, so he put it to his ear and listened carefully.

"You signed the contract and drank the wine. I will pretend that nothing happened tonight. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

A man's voice came to Xu Jie's ears, a little strange.

"Mr. Zhou, you drank too much."

Then a woman's voice sounded.

Xu Jie recognized that it was Su Yun's voice.

He turned and opened the door and walked into the dining room.

"Sir, do you have an appointment?" the waiter asked politely.

"Look for someone!" Xu Jie said as he walked upstairs.

He had seen the restaurant address Liu Jinghua sent to Su Yun during the day, and knew which room it was in.

"Sir, you can't go up. If you want to find someone, you can call the customer to pick you up. This is the rule of our restaurant..." The waiter immediately chased after him.

"What's breaking the rules, I will change it in the future." Xu Jie's steps became faster.

The waiter upstairs wanted to stop Xu Jie, but Xu Jie pushed him away.

Finally, at the end of the corridor on the second floor, I found Su Yun's room.

"Don't talk so much nonsense, you don't need to look at Jinghua, no one can speak well today." Zhou Yuanqing yelled loudly.

"Whether to sign or not is a matter between me and Sister Hua. As for this wine, I'm not used to it, and I don't want to drink it." Su Yun said coldly.

"It seems that you are toasting and not eating and drinking!"


The door was kicked open!

The people in the room were all taken aback. No one expected that someone would break in. You must know that there are waiters guarding the outside of each private room.

When Xu Jie came to the private room, he saw Su Yun, Liu Jinghua, three other men and a woman.

"Which one of you is surnamed Zhou?" Xu Jie looked at the three men.

"My surname is Zhou, who are you?" Zhou Yuanqing asked with widened eyes.

Xu Jie didn't say anything, picked up the wine glass in front of Su Yun, and poured the wine directly on Zhou's face.

"I am your uncle!"


 Temporary nucleic acid test tonight, need to queue outside, this chapter will be added later
(End of this chapter)

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