The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 682 Boy, you are crazy!

Chapter 682 Boy, you are crazy!
When the people in the private room saw Zhou Yuanqing being splashed with wine, they were all stunned for a moment, their eyes were filled with shock and surprise. Even though they were used to seeing big scenes, this was the first time they had encountered such a thing.

Who is Zhou Yuanqing?
The founding partner of Orange Heart Capital, a well-known entertainment investment tycoon, has direct or indirect relationships with many media companies, film and television companies, and can be regarded as one of the people with the most extensive resources in the entertainment industry.

Now someone dares to pour wine on him?
Isn't this crazy?

Su Yun's heart was pounding. In addition to being surprised, there was a warm current in her heart. She turned into a little girl, and even her eyes were in the shape of a careful heart.

Liu Jinghua was dumbfounded, and froze in place for a moment, his jaw dropped in shock.

She never dreamed that Xu Jie would appear here, let alone that the other party would act so crazy.

Isn't this killing you?

Do you still want to hang out in the entertainment circle in the future?

You must know that the entertainment industry is driven by the capital behind it.

As the most famous investor in the entertainment circle, Zhou Yuanqing's influence is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. Even she is willing to bow down.

Wang Tiannan and Zhao Yuanpeng were also quite surprised. Why did someone suddenly barge in on such a good dinner?
They couldn't help but sized up the warrior, and after seeing it clearly, they immediately understood.

Isn't this Su Yun's husband, Xu Jie, the star of the gourmet show?
He Jingjing on the side was too scared to speak out, but soon she realized that the current situation was in her best interest.

Sister Hua brought her and Su Yun to meet the bosses. Now that Su Yun and his wife have offended Boss Zhou, isn't she the only one left?

He Jingjing was secretly happy, and at the same time looked at Su Yun gloatingly, thinking: It's over, you are over.


After Zhou Yuanqing was splashed, he quickly wiped his face with his hands, especially his eyes, which made him unable to open his eyes.

Seeing this, He Jingjing knew that her chance to perform had come, she quickly walked over with the paper, and said courteously, "Boss Zhou, let me wipe it for you."

Zhou Yuanqing managed to open his eyes, and when he saw the strange man, he became furious and asked loudly, "Bastard, why are you pouring wine on me?"

Xu Jie stared fiercely at Zhou and said, "Because you should splash it."

After speaking, he grabbed a bottle of wine from the dining table and immediately started twisting the cap.

Zhou Yuanqing took a look, is he still coming?Immediately took a few steps back.

"Xu Jie, stop!" Liu Jinghua hurriedly stood up to stop him.

She organized this dinner tonight, if the man in front of him is allowed to continue to make trouble, it's hard to guarantee that she won't be implicated.

"Liu Jinghua!" Xu Jie stopped what he was doing, looked at the old woman coldly and said, "You really can't change your shit!"

"You..." Liu Jinghua blushed when she heard that.

Of course she knew what a man meant, but when he scolded in front of other people, she would inevitably feel annoyed.

"Why, is what I said wrong?" Xu Jie stared at the other party and asked, "Why did you treat me like this? Tell me a reason, otherwise I will never end with you!"

Liu Jinghua endured the anger in his heart and said, "Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings."

"Misunderstanding?" Xu Jie walked towards Liu Jinghua, and then unscrewed the bottle in front of Liu Jinghua, "Come on, let me drink it up!"

"Ah?" Liu Jinghua looked at the wine bottle, it contained a catty of white wine, how do you drink it?
"Don't drink? You don't want to toast and don't eat fine wine!" Xu Jie said.

Liu Jinghua was taken aback, this time he finally understood what the other party meant.

Isn't this what Zhou Yuanqing said to Su Yun just now?


Liu Jinghua's face was full of embarrassment. Although he didn't know where the other party heard it, the facts are the facts.

"Jinghua, what's going on?" Zhou Yuanqing was very angry at first, but when he saw Liu Jinghua's appearance, he began to be puzzled again.

Why does this man who broke in suddenly still have a feud with Liu Jinghua?
After hearing this, Liu Jinghua felt that she was now Zhu Bajie looking in the mirror, not a human being inside and out.

One side was poured with wine, and the other was splashed with wine.

Originally, I wanted to make Yunyun change her mind, but now...

Today's dinner group really failed.

"This is Su Yun's husband Xu Jie." Liu Jinghua briefly introduced.

Zhou Yuanqing was stunned for a moment, this time he finally understood why he was splashed.

"So you are the deputy director who was transferred from the capital TV station." Zhou Yuanqing said with a sneer, "Do you know who I am?"

"I don't care whose mother you are, you are the heavenly king and father's mother, I don't care." Xu Jie pointed at the other party and said word by word: "Today you were splashed with wine, next time you will not be so lucky gone."

"Boy, you are so crazy!" Zhao Yuanpeng said with a smile.

"Why, you want to stand up for him?" Xu Jie turned his head and looked over.

No one spoke for Su Yun just now, so in his opinion, there is no good person present today.

"Joke, do you know who you are splashing on? I still need to stand out? As long as he says a word, no one in the entire entertainment circle will look for your wife to film, so I advise you to apologize quickly." Zhao Yuanpeng said lightly. Said.

"How can you brag for him so much? I understand, so he is your mother, right?" Xu Jie felt that he had done a good deed by helping mother and son who had been separated for many years to reunite.

"Young man, don't speak so bluntly, or you won't have time to regret it in the future." Zhao Yuanpeng's face changed, and there was a bit of chill in his voice.

"I only regret knowing that Liu Jinghua is a bird, but I didn't stop my wife. What kind of big boss, shit, a few big men are feeding a woman, are you ashamed? Shameless?" Xu Jie said with a sneer .

The faces of the three middle-aged men present sank, and they couldn't hold back anymore.

Seeing Xu Jie being so reckless, Liu Jinghua covered his forehead with his hands, it's over, it's over.

The three most powerful bigwigs in the entertainment industry were all offended by this person, and Su Yun's future acting path was completely blocked.

This is all right, the contract does not need to be renewed.

But when I think of knowing Su Yun for so many years, I feel a little bit unbearable. How can I say that the two are not only working, but also friends.

Sure enough, men are afraid of entering the wrong profession, and women are afraid of marrying the wrong man.

Because of this man's impulsiveness, Su Yun's career, which had just become popular, is about to go cold again.

"Xu Jie, quickly apologize to the three bosses." Liu Jinghua couldn't help persuading, wanting to give the other party a chance. After all, Zhou Yuanqing's attitude was indeed a bit too much in retrospect.

"Why, have you started calling me by my name?" Xu Jie asked.

"Hey, now is not the time to talk about these things. For Su Yun's future, let go of your chauvinism and apologize." Liu Jinghua said.

"Let me apologize? You should beg for my forgiveness." Xu Jie glanced at the faces of several people, and finally asked coldly: "You guys, do you want to apologize?"

If he bows his head here today, is he still a man?
In the future, Su Yun will not let these people bully her in the entertainment industry?

I don't think about it!

"Hmph, ridiculous, extremely ridiculous!" Zhou Yuanqing laughed.

"Overestimating one's abilities!" Zhao Yunpeng took a sip of water from the cup.

Wang Tiannan squinted his eyes and looked over, but didn't speak the whole time.

He Jingjing was secretly refreshed, mine, these resources will all be mine in the future.

Liu Jinghua looked at Su Yun and said, "Yunyun, why don't you persuade him?"

After finishing speaking, he winked at the other party again and again, which seemed to say: Xu Jie doesn't know these three big guys, don't you know what these three big guys are capable of?

Su Yun nodded when she saw it, turned to look at the man beside her, and said with a smile, "Husband, don't be angry, you can't get along with these people."


The corner of Liu Jinghua's mouth twitched, and he was speechless.

She meant to ask the other party to persuade her man to apologize quickly, how could the other party persuade her not to be angry?
Especially the phrase "I can't do it", isn't this adding fuel to the fire?

Liu Jinghua couldn't help shaking his head secretly, this time it was completely hopeless.

"Well, don't be angry." Xu Jie didn't say anything, took Su Yun's hand and walked outside.

Liu Jinghua chased after two steps, but stopped soon, turned to the three and said, "Sorry everyone, I didn't expect this to happen."

"Jinghua, today's matter has nothing to do with you, I will definitely make them regret it!" Zhou Yuanqing said angrily, no one had ever dared to pour wine on him.

"This director Xu is quite courageous." Wang Tiannan said with a faint smile.

"It's the same for young people nowadays. They never think about the consequences, but it doesn't matter. You'll know if you suffer a little bit." Zhao Yunpeng said.

Liu Jinghua returned to her seat and sat down. She knew that these big shots would definitely block Su Yun next.


Xu Jie pulled Su Yun out of the restaurant.

Huang Xiaorong, who had been waiting outside, immediately stepped forward and asked with concern: "Sister Yun, are you alright?"

"It's okay." Su Yun smiled and shook her head. She knew that Huang Xiaorong must have called Xu Jie, and there was no one else besides him.

After hearing this, Huang Xiaorong breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's getting late, you and Lao Zhou should go home," Su Yun said.

"Yeah." Huang Xiaorong nodded, since Teacher Xu is here and Sister Yun is fine, there is no need for her to stay here as a light bulb.

Su Yun got into the car, looked at Xu Jie beside her, and said softly, "My husband, thank you just now."

Xu Jie's expression softened, and then he said with a smile, "Thank you, you are my wife. By the way, who were those three people just now?"

"The one surnamed Zhou is Zhou Yuanqing from Orange Heart Capital, who has invested in Duojia Entertainment. The other is Zhao Yuanpeng, the president of Tianchen Entertainment. The one who has not spoken is Wang Tiannan, the chairman of Huasen Media." Su Yun said.

"Good guy, they are all bigwigs in the entertainment industry." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

Except for the one surnamed Zhou, the other two are well-known figures in the entertainment industry, and the one surnamed Zhou being able to be with these two people must have extraordinary energy.

"It doesn't matter, can't you afford to be provoked or hide? At worst, go back to Nangou Village. In fact, I am quite yearning for that kind of pastoral life." Su Yun tightly grasped the man's hand.

"It's not certain who can't afford it."


(End of this chapter)

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