The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 684 The consequences are very serious!

Chapter 684 The consequences are very serious!

There was a sudden knock on the door outside the office.

Xu Jie let go of Su Yun after hearing this, and went to the window to pretend to look at the scenery.

Su Yun sat upright, stroked the hair on her forehead, and then said loudly, "Come in."

The door opened, it was Chen Guo who had just left.

"Sister Yun, there are some articles discussing your acting skills on the Internet, and most of them are negative reviews, you should take a look." Chen Guo walked quickly to the boss, and handed the tablet in her hand to the boss.


Su Yun was slightly taken aback, then took the tablet and looked at it seriously.

She still attaches great importance to her comments on acting skills, after all, she will take the path of movies in the future.

Xu Jie on the side also walked over and stood behind Su Yun looking at the article on the screen.

The general idea of ​​the article is that Su Yun's acting skills are mediocre, and it all depends on the praise of fans. The movie "Human World" is good because of the script, and the movie "Mulan" is better than the IP. 90% of actresses are a bit of a misnomer...

Most importantly, there are more than one similar articles, including some well-known film critics.

Seeing this, Xu Jie's expression became serious.

The acting discussion was clearly an organized and premeditated smear campaign.

It seems that Liu Jinghua's group not only wanted to make Su Yun have no filming, but also wanted to ruin Su Yun's reputation.

So poisonous!
"Ring bell bell!"

A burst of music bells suddenly sounded, breaking the silence in the office.

Xu Jie took out his mobile phone, it was Hu Zhen from Liangxing Brokerage Company calling.

"Boss Hu, what's the matter?"

"President Xu, I still want to ask you, what's going on?" Hu Zhen's surprised voice came from the microphone.

"Mr. Hu also knows?" Xu Jie knew what the other party was asking as soon as he heard it.

"Could it be true? I just came back from abroad. As soon as I landed, I heard that Zhou Yuanqing of Orange Heart Capital was blocking Su Yun. How did Su Yun provoke Zhou Yuanqing?" Hu Zhen's mood at this time can be described as shock.

One must know that Su Yun is now one of the hottest artists in the entertainment circle, the darling of capital, and the object of invitations to various events, why is Zhou Yuanqing following her all of a sudden?
Xu Jie didn't answer right away, but just talked to Su Yun, then walked out of the office, and then said: "Actually, it can't be regarded as my wife provoked Zhou Yuanqing, to be precise, it should be me who provoked Zhou Yuanqing, that bastard poured me My wife drank, and then I poured wine on her face..."


Hu Zhen opened his eyes wide with disbelief on his face.

In the circle, it is not uncommon for female artists to be given alcohol at dinner parties, especially when encountering some wretched bosses with ulterior motives, it is common to get drunk.

But in his impression, Zhou Yuanqing didn't seem to be that kind of person.

Of course, as the old saying goes: Knowing people, knowing the face, not knowing the heart.

Maybe Zhou Yuanqing hadn't met Su Yun before?

You must know that Su Yun is not only the goddess of the nation, but also the dream lover of many people. Naturally, her charm is not comparable to that of ordinary female artists, and it is not impossible for Zhou Yuanqing to be addicted to alcohol.

However, Mr. Xu is indeed not a fuel-efficient lamp, and he dared to splash on Zhou Yuanqing, which is really daring.

Any entertainer in the entertainment industry, not even the boss of an entertainment company, would have the guts to do so.

Anyway, he definitely wouldn't dare to do that.

"Mr. Xu, you've gotten into big trouble this time." Hu Zhen said with a sigh.

Although Zhou Yuanqing has not yet reached the point where he can overwhelm the sky with one hand, it is not an exaggeration to say that he can influence half of the entertainment industry.

Coupled with the fact that the other party has invested in multiple entertainment companies, Su Yun's future in the entertainment industry is definitely in danger.

"Why, did Zhou also notify you to block my wife?" Xu Jie asked.

"Mr. Xu, you think highly of me too much. I run a brokerage company, not an entertainment company or a film and television company. How could they find me?" Hu Zhen said with a wry smile.

The main job of the brokerage company is to attract resources and negotiate contracts for contracted artists. As for the filming of film and television dramas, it is not within the scope of the company's business.

How to block it?

"I heard that you agents have a very wide network of connections, from film and television directors to media reporters. You are not familiar with them. If I ask you to help my wife find resources? What will you do?" Xu Jie asked.

"Ah?" Hu Zhen was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly said: "Of course there is no problem with Mr. Xu's words, but even if I can find the resources, it's still one thing whether people dare to use them or not."

"Haha, just kidding, you don't have to bother Mr. Hu for such a trivial matter, well, I'll hang up if it's okay." Xu Jie said.

"Oh, good."

Hu Zhen looked at the phone, trivial matter?
Is this a small thing?

Isn't Mr. Xu still unaware of Zhou Yuanqing's strength?
Xu Jie put down his phone, his expression gradually became serious.

It seems that the entertainment industry has already spread the word.

Could it be that he was beaten passively without any resistance?

It's not his character.

Most importantly, he couldn't swallow this breath.

Wife is being bullied, if he is indifferent, is he still a man?

Thinking of this, Xu Jie put on his coat and left the studio.

He wants to fight back, he wants revenge!
After half an hour.

Xu Jie drove to Beijing TV Station.

Today is the rehearsal for the New Year's Eve party, and Boss Jiang is here too.

Although Boss Jiang is not the chief director of the New Year's Eve party this year, JingTV Culture is a cooperative unit of Beijing Satellite TV's New Year's Eve party. Many staff members in the party are from the performance department of JingTV Culture. Boss Jiang is the general manager of JingTV Culture , It's normal to come here to supervise work.

He parked the car, then came to the Grand Theater, and saw Boss Jiang in the auditorium on the stage.

In addition to Boss Jiang, Zhang Qize, the director of the performance department, was still there, and the deputy editor-in-chief Lu was also at the TV station, and there was a bearded man next to him, who should be the chief director of this year's New Year's Eve party.

"Mr. Xu?" Zhang Qize was the first to see Xu Jie, with a hint of surprise on his face.

When the others heard it, they all looked over.

"Xiao Xu? You're here too." Lu Hong's eyes lit up, seeing Xu Jie was like seeing a beautiful woman.

"Editor Lu, I heard that today is the first rehearsal for the New Year's Eve party, so I'm here to join in the fun, right?" Xu Jie asked with a smile.

"No, you came just in time." Lu Hong pointed to the stage, and said to Xu Jie: "When you come, let's see how the party is going. It's best to give me some advice."

He wished that Xu Jie could stay here forever, and it would be best to take over the New Year's Eve party directly, so as to save him from worrying.

Although the bearded man on the side was a little unhappy, he couldn't say anything. After all, these people are the leaders of Beijing TV Station. What is he who is hired outside?
"Forget it, forget it, I'd better talk less, or I'll offend people again." After hearing this, Xu Jie waved his hands again and again, directly rejecting Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu.

Everyone was stunned.

What's wrong with giving opinions on your own TV station's evening party?
Of course, what everyone is concerned about is not this matter, but the word "again" in the other party's mouth.

Why again?

"Who did you offend?" Jiang Hai asked.

The other party is now the deputy general manager of Jingshi Culture, and also the second in command of the company. If he is offended, it should be because others dare not offend him.


Xu Jie sighed softly, showing a trace of helplessness on his face, then raised his head to look at the stage, squeezed out a very reluctant smile and said, "Stop talking, let's continue watching the rehearsal."

When everyone saw it, they became even more curious.

"Xiao Xu, tell me, maybe we can help you?" Jiang Hai urged, looking at the other party's appearance, there seemed to be something unspeakable.

"Mr. Jiang, you really can't help me with this matter. That person is not something ordinary people can provoke. I just did it on impulse... so I won't cause you any trouble." Xu Jie said.

"Xiao Xu, have you offended our director?" Jiang Hai couldn't help asking.

In the entire Beijing Radio and Television Station, he can only talk to the director of the station, like deputy editor-in-chief Lu and deputy editor-in-chief Zhou, who have a good relationship with him.

"It's not our director, but some powerful people in society, to be precise, in the entertainment industry." Xu Jie deliberately emphasized the words "very powerful".

Hearing this, Jiang Hai immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "People in the entertainment industry? Then you don't have to be afraid. Since when have we people in the Beijing Radio and Television Station been afraid of people in the entertainment industry? They are all those people. Afraid of us."

"Yes, Xiao Xu, tell me, what's going on?" Lu Hong also said, Xiao Xu is his lieutenant general, how can he let the lieutenant be wronged?

Besides, in the future, he still counts on Xiao Xu to be in charge of Beijing Satellite TV's variety show.

But with Xiao Xu's current appearance, it seems that he is obviously not in the mood to do the show.

If Xiao Xu's variety show is gone, won't Beijing Satellite TV have to stretch their hips again in next year's variety show?

If the program pulls the hips, the ratings will naturally follow suit, and the sponsorship will also pull the hips.

You know, Xiao Xu now brings more than [-] million direct advertising sponsorships to Beijing Satellite TV every year, and this is not counting the cost of copyright.

Therefore, as the director of the satellite TV program center, he resolutely does not allow Xiao Xu to be unhappy.

Xu Jie hesitated for a moment, and then said: "It's like this, my wife's contract with Fanhua Brokerage Company has expired, she wants to reduce her work and spend more time with me at home, so she decided not to renew her contract with Fanhua Brokerage Company, but As you all know, my wife has just finished starring in "Mulan", and she is very popular now, the boss of Fanhua Brokerage didn't want to let my wife go, so he set up a grand banquet..."

"The boss of Fanhua Brokerage? You mean that woman Liu Jinghua?" Jiang Hai asked with a frown. As the former director of the Beijing TV station's cultural program center, he still has some understanding of some people and things in the Beijing entertainment circle.

"That's right, not only was she there at the time, she also called out several bigwigs in the entertainment industry, including Zhao Yuanpeng from Tianchen Entertainment, Wang Tiannan from Huasen Media, and Zhou Yuanqing from Orange Heart Capital. They poured my wife alcohol, Forced my wife to renew the contract, and threatened my wife with banning, so I poured wine on Zhou Yuanqing, and finally had some quarrels, no, revenge came, many of my wife’s activities were cancelled, and even posted Some drafts come to blackmail my wife, alas!"

After Xu Jie finished speaking, he sighed heavily again, with sadness written all over his face.

When Jiang Hai heard it, he immediately exploded.

"It's too arrogant, it's too rampant, it's just a bunch of scum!" Jiang Hai cursed angrily.

"It's unreasonable. It's no wonder that the current entertainment industry is in a mess, and it's all ruined by these people." Lu Hong also turned cold.

Even if Xiao Xu went to Jingshi Culture, he is still a member of Beijing Radio and Television Station, and Xiao Xu's wife Su Yun is a family member of Jingcheng Radio and Television Station, so whoever bullies Xiao Xu's wife is bullying Jingcheng Radio and Television Station.

As the deputy editor-in-chief and high-level leader of Beijing Radio and Television Station, can this breath be swallowed?
Of course I can't swallow it!

Xu Jie looked at the two big bosses, and quickly comforted him: "Don't be angry, the two leaders, because this trivial matter is not worth it. Anyway, my wife is also disheartened and plans to quit the circle, so let them block it. As for the online Those drafts that blackmail my wife are pure if they are out of sight, at worst I will leave this circle and take my wife back to my hometown to inherit the pig farm and fruit and vegetable base."

Lu Hong was shocked all over.

How does this work?
What should I do if you leave?What about variety shows?What about Beijing Satellite TV?
Jiang Hai was also in a hurry.

He also counted on Xu Jie to help him further in his career.

Without Xiao Xu, he really can only stay here until he retires.

"Xiao Xu, don't worry, I will take care of this matter!" Jiang Hai said indignantly.

"But they are very powerful." Xu Jie said worriedly.

"Big? Can they still cover the sky with one hand?" Lu Hong patted Xu Jie on the shoulder and comforted him: "Xiao Xu, you underestimate our Beijing Radio and Television Station. I told you a long time ago that we are a regular army and they are all Miscellaneous."

Xu Jie thought to himself: Of course I know, otherwise can I light a fire here?
The bearded man on the side was thrilling, and it felt like a war was coming.

"Several leaders, I happen to know one of the few people Mr. Xu mentioned just now, how about I help you with a message, how about turning a big problem into a small one?" The bearded man couldn't help but said.

Wang Tiannan, the boss of Huasen Media, is his boss.

"Talk to us about the conditions, are they worthy?" Jiang Hai said angrily: "It's okay to talk if you want to, but the premise is that they will publicly apologize and eliminate the bad influence. What do you think, Xiao Xu?"

"Mr. Jiang, you know, I'm very reasonable, how about I ask Zhou Yuanqing to bring his wife, I'll pour his wife a few glasses of wine, then let him splash me with the wine glass, and finally quit the entertainment industry, that's okay. Divide?" Xu Jie looked at the bearded man and asked.

"Well, not too much." Jiang Hai nodded.

The bearded man was stupid.

Isn't that too much?
This is clearly the rhythm of not wanting to make peace!

However, it's not easy for him to say something nice for the boss. After all, Zhou Yuanqing treated Mr. Xu's wife like this.

"I, I will definitely bring the words with me when I go back tonight." The bearded man said helplessly.

Jiang Hai snorted, but still felt puzzled, looked at the people on the program list, and said, "Is there an artist from the Fanhua Brokerage Company here? Let them all go, it's a warning to Liu Jinghua and others, Chief Editor Lu What do you say?"

Lu Hong thought about it, and although it affected the rehearsal of the New Year's Eve party, he finally nodded.

One is to sell Xiao Xu's favor so that the other party will remember him well; second, Lao Jiang has already asked this question, if he disagrees, what will Xiao Xu think?
Besides, this year's New Year's Eve party is just singing, and it will be fine if someone else sings, and the impact will not be too great.

"Agreed!" Lu Hong looked at the bearded man and said, "Director Zhang, you can do it."

"Ah? Me? Okay." The bearded man was helpless, but he still agreed.

He picked up the walkie-talkie and said, "The rehearsal is suspended, please come to the stage to assemble artists from the prosperous agency."

The sound quickly spread to the background.

Not long after, eight artists stood on the stage, their eyes full of doubts.

"Everyone, because the director team made temporary adjustments to the program, your program has been canceled. Thank you for your dedication and hard work during this time, thank you." The bearded man bowed politely after finishing speaking.

The eight artists on the stage were all in a daze, their faces full of bewilderment and doubt.

Temporary adjustment of the program?

Does it only adjust the programs of artists from their prosperous brokerage company?
Is it too targeted?

The artists in the background were also very puzzled when they heard it.

Everyone has the experience of participating in the party, and there are times when they are rejected, but they are all judged according to the performance of the program, and they have never been judged according to the company.

Such a situation can't help but attract many people's speculations, and everyone's imaginations and whispers.

"what's the situation?"

"What's wrong with the prosperous brokerage company? Why do you want to persuade the artists of this company to quit?"

"This is too outrageous, isn't it?"

"Could it be related to Su Yun being banned?"

"Well, just now Su Yun announced that she would not renew her contract with Fanhua Brokerage, and then there was news that Su Yun was banned from the circle. If you say that it has nothing to do with Liu Jinghua, you will not believe it. Under the stands, Su Yun's husband Xu Jie is standing There."

"The expression is so serious and scary!"

The sound from the backstage quickly brought the eight artists on the stage back to their senses, and the female artist Liu Xinyan who stood in the middle asked, "Director, why us?"

"Program adjustment." The bearded man said.

How else to explain it?

Has your boss offended someone?

"Only adjust the artists of our prosperous agency?" Liu Xinyan frowned and asked.

"Cough..." The bearded man lowered his head and coughed, not knowing what to say.

"We have been preparing for this party for a long time, you must give us a reasonable explanation?" Liu Xinyan implicitly expressed her dissatisfaction.

Jiang Hai said loudly at this time: "The reason? Go back and ask Liu Jinghua, she knows."

Liu Xinyan was taken aback for a moment, and she knew from Mr. Jiang's voice that the problem was with Sister Hua.

She turned her head to look at her classmates beside her, and could only leave inexplicably.

"Wait!" Jiang Hai said to the eight artists, "Go back and tell Liu Jinghua that Xu Jie is very angry and the consequences will be serious."

Liu Xinyan looked over at Xu Jie when she heard the words, and saw that Sister Yun's husband had a cold face, and he completely lost his previous attitude of caring for prosperous brokers and artists.

what's the situation?
Even if Sister Yun left the prosperous brokerage company, she didn't have to turn her face so soon, right?

Aren't Sister Yun and Sister Hua still good friends?
It seems that I can only go back to Sister Hua for an answer!


(End of this chapter)

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