Chapter 685
There was silence in the grand theater, and none of the artists standing in the background spoke.

To be precise, I dare not speak.

Although the canceled show was an artist from the prosperous brokerage company and had nothing to do with them, everyone present realized that the matter was unusual.

This is not a simple program cancellation event, but a targeted and purposeful event.

In front of artists from other management companies and entertainment companies, how is it different from slapping Fanhua's management company in the face in public?
Ruthless, too ruthless.

And totally disrespectful.

This situation is quite rare in the entertainment industry.

It can only be said that the Prosperous Brokerage Company offended the Beijing TV Station this time.

At this moment, everyone really understood that this is the capital TV station, not an online platform, nor an entertainment company, nor a place where they run wild.

"Editor Lu, President Jiang, eight artists have left, what should we do now?" The bearded Zhang Yingquan asked cautiously, fearing that he would be implicated and be kicked out of the rehearsal scene.

"Isn't that simple? Wouldn't it be enough to find eight more artists to replace them?" Lu Hong said naturally.

"That's right, it's hard to find three-legged toads, but aren't two-legged artists everywhere?" Jiang Hai took out his cell phone and dialed a number as he spoke.

"Hey, Lao Hu, we are short of eight performers for the New Year's Eve party of Beijing Satellite TV. How many performers can you come up with? First-line ones, three? All right, give me the program list."

"Mr. Zhao, there is a shortage of people for the New Year's Eve party. Do you have any artists who can sing and dance under your command? We want the popular ones..."

After finishing the phone call, Jiang Hai put down his phone, gestured an OK gesture to Zhang Yingquan, and said, "Look, isn't this all there?"

The bearded Zhang Yingquan laughed a couple of times, thinking: Who would dare not give face to the leaders of Beijing TV Station?

"Okay, let's continue the rehearsal." Jiang Hai said.

Zhang Yingquan nodded, and said into the walkie-talkie: "All departments are preparing, actors are in place..."

"Wait!" Jiang Hai suddenly remembered something.

"President Jiang, what's the matter?" Zhang Yingquan asked curiously.

Jiang Hai didn't answer Zhang Yingquan, but looked at Xu Jie and asked, "Xiao Xu, didn't you just say that there are two other companies? Do you want to drive away their artists together?"

Zhang Yingquan was shocked all over, his whole body was like a frightened bird, he was nervous and afraid.

Because among the remaining stars, there is an artist from Huasen Media Company, and he entered the Beijing Satellite TV New Year's Eve party through his relationship.

If Mr. Jiang and Mr. Xu drive these artists away, how will he explain to them?
Xu Jie thought about it seriously. If the artists from Huasen Media and Tianchen Media were also driven away, it would be equivalent to banning half of the artists in the entertainment industry.

For the Beijing Radio and Television Station, in the future programs and evenings, there may be a shortage of personnel, and there will be too many enemies at once. , this is not what he wants to see.

As the old saying goes: shoot the bird that stands out!
Since the incident started because of Liu Jinghua, it was natural to beat Liu Jinghua, and even more severely.

As for Zhou Yuanqing, the other party has invested in many entertainment companies, and the involvement is too wide to carry out precise strikes. Therefore, when dealing with this person, we should not be too anxious, and we need to take our time in the future.

"Mr. Jiang, driving away the artists from the prosperous brokerage company just now has already played the role of killing chickens and monkeys, so there is no need to block so many companies for the time being. Let's wait and see what happens and see their reactions. If they don't know what to do, we will come back later." It's not too late to act." Xu Jie said to Boss Jiang.

"Xiao Xu, Xiao Xu, you are still too soft-hearted, but since you have said so, then do as you want." Jiang Hai shook his head, and then said to Zhang Yingquan: "Go on."

"Yes, okay." Zhang Yingquan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, I felt a little fondness for this young Mr. Xu, no matter what, he didn't make him feel ashamed in front of the company's artists.

The rehearsal continues.

The theme of this year's Beijing Satellite TV New Year's Eve Gala is: Towards the Future.

The program is mainly about singing and dancing, with an extra piano performance and an orchestra performance. Compared with previous years, it is basically a change of soup without a change of medicine.

As for the form of stage play that had achieved great success last year, neither Lu Hong, the representative of Beijing Satellite TV, nor Zhang Yingquan, the director, dared to try it.

After all, there is a benchmark there, if it is not done well, it will inevitably be scolded.

Soon, the rehearsal is over.

While Zhang Yingquan was on stage to guide the artists, Lu Hong said to Xu Jie beside him, "Xiao Xu, "Ordinary Courage" is about to end in three episodes. What are your plans for next year's variety show on our station?"

In other words: When will the production of next year's variety show start.

"Editor Lu, do you mean the second season of "Ordinary Courage"? According to the production progress of the first season, it will be in time from May or June next year." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

With the successful experience of the first season, he believes that in the second season, whether it is shooting or post-production, it will be smoother.

"Old Lu." Jiang Hai said at this time: "Xiao Xu is now a member of our Jingshi Culture, so should the income from the second season of "Ordinary Courage" also be counted as our Jingshi Culture?"

In his opinion, whether Jingshi Culture Communication Company can achieve outstanding performance next year depends entirely on Xu Jie's variety show.

"What?" Lu Hong's expression changed, and he immediately shook his head and said, "Lao Jiang, this is not acceptable. The copyright of "Ordinary Courage" is owned by our Beijing TV station. How can it be counted on your Jingshi Culture? No, absolutely not!"

In the first season of "Ordinary Courage", the advertising revenue alone was close to [-] million. As the director of the satellite TV program center, how could he give up such a big piece of cake?
"Old Lu, there is something wrong with what you said. What about yours and ours? Isn't Jingshi Culture owned by Beijing Radio and Television Station?" Jiang Hai's expression immediately became ugly when he heard that Lao Lu disagreed.

"You're right, we are all from Beijing Radio and Television Station, but the ownership of the programs must be clearly defined." Lu Hong said seriously.

The channel's advertising revenue is an important criterion for measuring the channel's influence, and it is also an assessment of him, the deputy editor-in-chief in charge of the satellite TV program center, so this matter must not be agreed.

"If that's the case, well, let someone else be the director of the second season of "Ordinary Courage". I'll let Xiao Xu do other programs, which belong to Beijing Television Culture." Jiang Hai said.

Why did he do everything possible to lure Xiao Xu to Jingshi Culture?Isn't it to improve the performance of Jingshi Culture?

If Xiao Xu's program does not belong to Beijing Television Culture, then what is the point of him going to the director?

When Lu Hong heard this, he became anxious.

"Old Jiang, aren't you going back on your word? What did we say at the beginning? As long as Xiao Xu is transferred to Jingshi Culture, when I need him in the future, you will never stop me." Lu Hong said.

"You misunderstood, what I mean is, as long as it doesn't affect the work of Jingshi Culture, I won't take care of it when you need it." Jiang Hai said lightly.

Anyway, Xiao Xu has already been transferred to him, even if the other party wants to repent, it's too late.

"You, Lao Jiang, you must be honest in life, you can't do this!" Lu Hong said loudly, and he also knew that he was in the hands of the other party, and there was no way to force it.

"Editor-in-Chief Lu, you have to think about me too. TV programs are the main business of JingTV Culture. If there is no Xiao Xu, do you think the company's performance next year will be better than this year?" Jiang Hai sighed.

""Ordinary Courage" only needs four or five months, and there are seven or eight months left for you, so you can't let him do a few more shows?" Lu Hong asked.

"Old Lu, do you think this is going to the roadside to buy pancakes and fruits? Come as many as you want? Do you know how difficult it is to make a popular variety show now? Besides, don't you already have "Crossover Actor" Can you just give me "Ordinary Courage"? Can I guarantee your ratings?" Jiang Hai argued hard.

On the surface, it is a question of program ownership, but in fact it is related to his future.

Lu Hong rolled his eyes directly, thinking: Do you want to protect the ratings?With Xiao Xu, there is a guarantee of ratings.

"This matter is not negotiable." Lu Hong turned his head.

The ratings of "Ordinary Courage" have repeatedly hit new highs. The second season of next year will definitely become the object of sponsorship by major manufacturers. How can he let go of this cash cow?
"Old Lu, aren't you too picky?" Jiang Hai rolled his eyes, suddenly thought of something, and then said, "Okay, the arm can't twist the thigh, I listen to you, but as you said just now, shoot The few months of "Ordinary Courage" belong to you, and the rest belong to me!"

"Haha, that's right." Lu Hong laughed.

"But Lao Lu, I must remind you of one thing." Jiang Hai said with a serious expression.

"What's the matter?" Lao Lu didn't take it seriously, thinking that Lao Jiang was playing tricks to lure him into the trap.

"Have you ever thought about what the ratings would be like for "Crossover Actor" without Xiao Xu?" After Jiang Hai finished speaking, a smile appeared on his face again.

Lu Hong was startled for a moment, then frowned.

He thought of the second season of "Crossover Actor". When there was no Xiao Xu at the beginning, the ratings and word of mouth dropped off a cliff compared to the first season.

Later, it was also because of Xiao Xu's return that he served as the chief screenwriter of the show, and the ratings and word of mouth were saved.

If Xiao Xu does not participate in the third season, the result can be imagined.

"I was wrong just now. "Crossover Actor" also needs Xiao Xu. Except for these two programs, the rest of the time belongs to you." Lu Hong said quickly.

"Old Lu, you are the deputy editor-in-chief of Beijing Radio and Television Station, why do you contradict what you say?" Jiang Hai asked rhetorically.

"I learned it from you." Lu Hong blushed and panicked with embarrassment.

"I don't think it's better than this. "Crossover Actor" and "Ordinary Courage" choose one of the two, one for each person, how about it?" Jiang Hai asked.

Lu Hong thought about it, and knew that if he didn't agree, Lao Jiang would definitely lose his face, so he said, "Okay, I will choose "Ordinary Courage" and give you "Crossover Actor", but you have to promise me one thing, Ask Xiao Xu to produce a new variety show for Beijing Satellite TV, of course, the ownership belongs to you, and after the production is completed, I will buy it on behalf of Beijing Satellite TV."


Jiang Hai was taken aback when he heard it. This is a good thing, but he can't make decisions about making a new variety show, so he turned to look at Xiao Xu, and asked for his opinion with his eyes.

"No problem!" Xu Jie agreed without thinking.

Since deputy editor-in-chief Lu and Boss Jiang helped him avenge his shame, of course he had to pay back.

What's more, the revenge was just beginning. He took over three variety shows at once, and the deputy editor-in-chief Lu couldn't help him in the future.

His program is his real reliance.


(End of this chapter)

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