Chapter 686 Anti-blocking
When Lu Hong and Jiang Hai heard that Xu Jie agreed, two chrysanthemums immediately bloomed on their faces.

For Lu Hong, as soon as Xiao Xu made a move, the satellite TV channel had another hit variety show.

In the future, there will be not only the first half of the year, but also the second half of the year, and even the months in between. At that time, it will be able to dominate the screen from the beginning of the year to the end of the year.

Nobody works!
From Jiang Hai's point of view, as long as the copyright of the variety show is in the hands of Beijing TV Culture, it is equivalent to owning a cornucopia. Xiao Xu's variety show, still worried about not being able to sell it for a good price?

Too expensive to sell to other TV stations!
"Okay, it's getting late, and the rehearsal is over, let's go back." Jiang Hai said with a smile, very satisfied with today's harvest, and it was a worthwhile trip.

Looking at the smile on Lao Jiang's face, Lu Hong suddenly felt that something was wrong. Why did he feel that he had been tricked by the other party?
Isn't Lao Jiang playing tricks with him?

Pretending to want "Ordinary Courage", but actually wanting "Crossover Actor"?
Well, it's possible.

He thought about it, and finally decided to forget it. After all, he was only suspicious, and there was no evidence, not to mention that he was very satisfied with today's results.

"It's noon, let's go to the cafeteria for dinner?" Lu Hong asked enthusiastically.

"Old Lu, you are really stingy, why can't you invite us to have a good meal outside and reward Xiao Xu?" Jiang Hai said with his mouth curled.

"Hey, Lao Jiang, I'm different from you. There's still a lot of work waiting for me to deal with in the station. I can't leave, and I have to go to the radio and television conference in the afternoon. Are you going or not?" Lu Hong asked again.

"No." Jiang Hai shook his head with a look of disgust.

Although the food in the cafeteria on the TV station side is good, even the best food will make you tired after 20 years of eating.

"Xiao Xu, are you going?" Lu Hong turned his head and looked at Xu Jie expectantly. In fact, it doesn't matter if Lao Jiang goes or not, as long as Xiao Xu goes.

"If he doesn't go, I'll invite him to have a big meal."

Jiang Hai didn't say anything, and before Xu Jie could answer, he pulled the man and walked outside, not giving Lao Lu and Xiao Xu a chance to get close.

After leaving the gate of the Grand Theater, the two walked towards the parking lot.

"Xiao Xu, I'll treat you to what you want to eat." Jiang Hai said boldly.

Mainly because I am in a good mood today.

Although there is still half a month before 2024, it seems that I have already seen the company's performance table for that year.

"I can eat anything, I don't choose." Xu Jie said.

"You're not still worrying about your wife, are you? In fact, I just felt that banning a prosperous brokerage company was not enough, and all those scumbag companies should be banned." Jiang Hai became furious when he thought of this incident.

"I don't think it's necessary for the time being, but I think it's a little bit painless to kick out the artists of the prosperity agency company from the New Year's Eve party. They just can't participate in a party, but my wife will be forced to quit the circle." Xu Jieshen He sighed deeply.

He found that this trick was especially useful in front of Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu and Boss Jiang.

"Well, you're right. It's true that the banning of the prosperous brokerage company is not in place." Jiang Hai thought for a while, then suddenly stopped, looked at Xu Jie and said, "Yes, since the banning is not in place, then we will Let the ban be in place."

"How?" Xu Jie asked.

"There are many companies affiliated to Beijing Radio and Television Station. Let's go find them one by one, so as to completely cut off the opportunity for prosperous brokers and artists to show their faces in the capital's literary and art circle." Jiang Hai expressed his thoughts.

"But I don't know people from other companies." Xu Jie said.

"You don't know me, but I do." Jiang Hai put his arm around Xu Jie's shoulder and said with a smile, "Let's go, let's have dinner first, and then visit companies one by one. They can still give me this face."

"Okay." Xu Jie nodded.

Now that he decided to fight the prosperous brokerage company, he naturally had to hurt the other party, otherwise it would be painless, how could it have the effect of killing chickens and monkeys?
Xu Jie drove behind Boss Jiang's car and drove out of the Beijing TV station one after the other.

On the way, he suddenly thought of something, so while waiting for the red light, he dialed a number.

"Sister Yan, it's me, Xu Jie." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"It turned out to be Mr. Xu. I thought he forgot about me after I went to Jingshi Culture. Call me at noon. What's the matter? You agreed in advance that you can find me for dinner. I don’t have time at noon today. I'm learning how to cook in the cafeteria." Qin Yan's voice came from the microphone.

At the same time, there was a burst of "dangdangdang" chopping sound.

Xu Jie was taken aback. He didn't expect Qin Yan to work so hard. It seems that he also worked hard to star in the show "Delicious History", but he was relieved this way.

"Sister Yan, let's talk about the meal later, I want to tell you another thing." Xu Jie said.

"What's the matter?" Qin Yan asked while chopping vegetables.

"That's how it is. In the future, when doing the program "Deep Talk on Film and Television", don't look for any artists from the prosperous agency. You can tell Song Huanhuan about this, and the same goes for "Delicious History"." Xu Jie instructed.

"Why?" Qin Yan stopped the kitchen knife in her hand.

"The boss of Fanhua Brokerage Company, Liu Jinghua, blocked my wife. Can I just sit back and watch? So I want to block her instead." Xu Jie explained simply.


Qin Yan was stunned.

There is such a thing?
This is big news.

However, why have I never heard of it from the people at the Art Program Center?

Entertainment journalists don't even know about such a big event, the news is really not well informed.

But thinking about it, I can't blame my colleagues. Liu Jinghua wants to block Su Yun, and Xu Jie is Su Yun's husband, so what Xu Jie said must be first-hand information.

"Don't worry, Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu knows about this," Xu Jie said.

"is it?"

Qin Yan didn't expect that even the deputy editor-in-chief Lu knew about it. You must know that the deputy editor-in-chief Lu is a high-level executive of the TV station.

But that's good too, with the support of deputy editor-in-chief Lu, the banning action can be more unscrupulous.

"How can we just block these two programs? I will tell my colleagues that in the future, there will never be artists from the prosperous management company in any cultural programs on Beijing TV Station." Qin Yan said seriously.

The other party has helped her so much, and it is finally time for her to repay the other party.

She had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

If there is no Xu Jie, she might still be hosting the "Daily Entertainment Broadcasting" on the Art Channel. It is Xu Jie who gave her the opportunity to show her face on Beijing Satellite TV, and even gave her the opportunity to become popular all over the country.

So today, she can not only do it, but also do it beautifully.

"Thank you, Sister Yan. Actually, I don't want to do this either. Those people are really deceiving people too much. They not only prevent my wife from making movies, but also don't let her attend events, and post articles on the Internet to discredit her..." Xu Jie didn't want Qin Yan thought he was a big villain.

"What? So serious? Isn't your counterattack too light?" Qin Yan said after hearing it.

Xu Jie was taken aback.

Sure enough, a woman cannot be offended, and this desire for revenge is stronger than that of his client.

"I'm not a bigwig in the entertainment industry, and that's all I can do." Xu Jie said helplessly.

"The big guys in the entertainment industry you mentioned are just the big guys on the bright side. Our TV station is the real big guy behind the show." Qin Yan said, "Didn't they issue a press release to smear Su Yun? I'll arrange Lu Cheng and the others broke some rumors about celebrities, one a week from now on, and let the artists of Fanhua Brokerage become hot searches every week, how dare they compete with entertainment reporters for their blackness, and they are courting death!"


Xu Jie only felt a chill in his ears, and actually felt a murderous aura.


in the afternoon
After Xu Jie and Boss Jiang finished their lunch, they came to the first stop of the day, Forbidden Pictures Co., Ltd.

If you want to say that among the Beijing Radio and Television Stations, the one with the deepest connection with the entertainment industry is neither the TV station, nor Beijing Television Culture or New Era Media, but the Forbidden Film Industry.

Because Forbidden Pictures is in the entertainment circle itself.

And it is also a company with very strong strength and influence.

"You two, who are you looking for?"

Outside the gate, Xu Jie and Boss Jiang were stopped by security guards.

"I'm Jiang Hai from Jingshi Culture, I'm here to see you Mr. Guo." Jiang Hai said after hearing this, and then showed his ID.

The security guard saw that this was one of his own people, so he quickly let it go
Xu Jie followed Boss Jiang into the door. At this moment, he happened to meet a few people walking out.

When the two groups met, each other was taken aback.

"Mr. Gao, hello." Xu Jie looked at the person walking in front and said.

The other party was none other than Gao Xiaobin, the deputy general manager of Forbidden Films. He used to be the producer of the movie "Mulan" and was in charge of coordinating on the set. The two had worked together before and were quite familiar with each other.

"Director Xu? Long time no see, how are you doing?" Gao Xiaobin saw Xu Jie, walked over enthusiastically, held Xu Jie's hand tightly, with a smile on his face.

The movie "Mulan" made Forbidden Pictures a lot of money. Xu Jie, as the screenwriter, naturally contributed a lot. What's more, the heroine Su Yun is also Xu Jie's wife. The relationship couldn't be closer.

"I'm fine, but my wife is... oh!" Xu Jie shook his head.

Gao Xiaobin was startled when he saw it, and quickly asked, "What's wrong with Su Yun?"

Is there any accident?
"It was blocked by someone." Said Jiang Hai on the side.

"Boss Jiang, are you kidding me? Who blocked Su Yun? Why did you block her?" Gao Xiaobin asked suspiciously.

One must know that Su Yun is the hottest actress right now, people who want to invite her to act in a movie can be ranked on the TV station in Beijing from here, how could they block her?

"It's a long story..." Xu Jie told the story again, and at the same time, he also reported the names of the three people except Liu Jinghua.

"There is such a thing? How unreasonable!" Gao Xiaobin said angrily: "The people you mentioned, like Wan Tiannan, Zhao Yuanpeng, and Zhou Yuanqing, I know them all, and I will help you settle them."

"Mr. Gao, it's not enough to just settle things down. Xiao Xu and Xiao Su have suffered such a big grievance, how can they solve it in a few words?" Jiang Hai said.

"En!" Gao Xiaobin nodded, then looked at Xu Jie and asked, "What do you want to do?"

"Liu Jinghua led those people to block my wife. I want to retaliate against her in the same way. Please ask Mr. Gao to block the artists of Fanhua Brokerage." Xu Jie said.

"Please, please, we are all on our own. Don't worry, leave this matter to me. From now on, artists managed by Fanhua will not be able to act in our company's movies."

"Thank you, Mr. Gao!"


(End of this chapter)

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