Chapter 687
A series of commercial vehicles parked outside the prosperous brokerage company, and then dozens of people got out of the vehicles one after another. They all walked into the door with gloomy faces and dignified expressions.

The staff at the front desk couldn't help but widen their eyes. Eight celebrities returned to the company at the same time.

"what's the situation?"

"I don't know."

Some of the staff whispered.

"Could it be that he came back for a meeting? I haven't heard of it."

"Look, Zhang Qi's face is so ugly."

"Liu Xinyan also has a straight face."

"What's wrong with them?"

"Looks like something big is going on."

Although the Prosperity Brokerage Culture Company signed hundreds of artists, these artists rarely come to the company, but today eight of them appeared all of a sudden, and they all looked serious, which made people think wildly.

General Manager's Office.

"Jingjing, this time the heroine of the movie "Inside the Game" has been replaced by you, you must give me credit." Liu Jinghua said earnestly to He Jingjing in front of her.

If last night's dinner was a grand banquet, then the matter of snatching the heroine of the movie would be a complete turning point with Su Yun.

Although this is a bit excessive, it is also impossible.

Who made the other party too popular?

So popular that many resources came to her door, hoping to cooperate with each other. In this way, it has a direct or indirect impact on the female artists of the prosperous agency.

It doesn't matter if he used to be from the prosperous brokerage company.

But now that she has left the prosperous agency, she has formed a competitive relationship with the company's female artists, that is, opponents. Of course, she must not be lenient when dealing with opponents.

The entertainment circle itself is a place where interests are paramount, so it is doomed that it is impossible to have eternal friends here.

"Sister Hua, don't worry, acting is my strong point, and I will definitely not disappoint you." He Jingjing said confidently.

She is an actress and graduated from the performance department of Beijing Film Academy. How could she lose to a layman?

Liu Jinghua nodded. She recognized He Jingjing's acting skills, otherwise she would not give her full support.

Only appearance, no strength, can't become the first sister of the company.

"Sister Hua, I heard that Su Yun received an invitation to the Spring Festival Gala of China TV Station, do you know about this?" He Jingjing asked curiously.

Liu Jinghua glanced at He Jingjing, and when he pouted his ass, she knew what to shit.

"What are you thinking about? How can I control the TV station's affairs? What's more, it's the Spring Festival Gala of Huaxia TV Station. You should give up the idea of ​​replacing it as soon as possible." Liu Jinghua said angrily.

Although her contacts are extensive, they are limited to the entertainment industry. Although she knows some TV station leaders, how can it be her turn to make decisions for them?

"Oh." He Jingjing responded, feeling a little disappointed in her heart, but she quickly adjusted her mentality, after all, she would benefit the most from Su Yun's departure.

As the old saying goes: one bite does not make a fat man.

Now that she is the first sister of the prosperous brokerage company, she can slowly eat up the resources that originally belonged to Su Yun in the future.

He Jingjing looked at Sister Hua and was about to get up to say goodbye, but seeing the other party's preoccupation, she couldn't help but said: "Sister Hua, don't be unhappy about Su Yun's departure, isn't there me? Don't worry, don't worry. Whatever happens to my future, I will never leave you."

If you don't show your loyalty at this time, when will you wait?
Liu Jinghua was very relieved when she heard that, but the reason for her unhappiness was not that Su Yun left, but because she was worried that the person surnamed Xu would retaliate.

Although the other party has been transferred to the Beijing TV Culture Communication Company, in theory he is still a member of the Beijing TV Station, which may affect the company's artists on TV.

But then again, if the other party's influence is really that great, they won't be transferred.

The reason why she dared to throw a Hongmen banquet and acquiesced in Zhou Yuanqing's ban on Su Yun was largely because the insiders of the Beijing TV station told her something.

The reason why Deputy Director Xu was transferred was because the higher-ups wanted to support the new director Wang Wanjun. Deputy Director Xu had too much prestige in the art program center, and all the staff listened to him. As long as he was there for a day, the new director could not carry out the project. Work, to put it simply, is the master of merit.

Therefore, she came to a conclusion from this that people with the surname Xu were not favored by the high-level executives of Beijing TV Station.

Without the backing of Beijing TV Station, what is the surname Xu?


Forget it, no more!

Liu Jinghua took a deep breath to make himself feel better.


At this time, there was a sudden knock on the door outside the office.

He Jingjing took the initiative to open the door, but saw a group of people standing outside the door.

"Xinyan? Zhang Qi? Are you..."

"Sister Jingjing, let's find Sister Hua." Liu Xinyan said.

"Oh, she's here, come in." He Jingjing stepped aside.

She was going to leave, but when she saw so many artists looking for Sister Hua, she immediately gave up the idea of ​​leaving, and decided to stay to see what happened.

It may be a coincidence that two or three come together, but it is definitely not a coincidence that so many people come together.


The originally spacious office suddenly became crowded.

Liu Jinghua was also taken aback, looked at these artists puzzled and asked, "Did you make an appointment to come together?"

"Sister Hua, we didn't make an appointment to come together, but were driven back together." Liu Xinyan said with a blue face.

The other artists also nodded.

"What? Come back? Who drove you back?" Liu Jinghua asked in surprise.

She has been a celebrity agent for so many years, and she has only heard of hiring celebrities, but never of chasing them.

It's not a duck, so how can you just rush it?

"Zhang Yingquan, the director of Beijing Satellite TV's New Year's Eve party." Liu Xinyan replied.

"I think to be precise, it should be Xu Jie." Zhang Qi added.

"That's right, we asked why, Mr. Jiang from Jingshi Culture asked us to come back and ask Sister Hua, and said that Xu Jie was very angry and the consequences would be serious." Zhang Yunge said while looking at Liu Jinghua, waiting for Sister Hua's answer.

"Xu Jie?"

When Liu Jinghua heard such a name, his brows immediately frowned, and at the same time he understood why these artists from his company were driven back.

This is Xu Jie's revenge.

"Sister Hua, you don't know. We were rehearsing at the time. Not long after Xu Jie arrived, the director team drove us away in front of all the actors."

"Yeah, it's embarrassing." Other artists also said one after another.

When I think of the embarrassment when I was driven away just now, I feel very depressed.

What a shame to go home.

It is estimated that it will not be long before the entire entertainment industry will know about this.

"Xu Jie is at the rehearsal scene? He is not the chief director of the New Year's Eve party. What right does he have to do this?" The leader knows that his current vice president will definitely lose, and even if he doesn't lose, he will be punished."

Liu Jinghua turned to look at He Jingjing, what she said made sense.

"It's useless. The deputy editor-in-chief of Beijing Radio and Television Station was also there at the time, and he didn't say anything about us being kicked out." Liu Xinyan said.

Liu Jinghua was shocked. Beijing Radio and Television had only one deputy editor-in-chief surnamed Lu, and that was Lu Hong, who also served as the director of the program center of Beijing Satellite TV.

Not right!

A few days ago, wasn't it the deputy editor-in-chief Lu who transferred Xu to JingTV Culture in order to support his confidant Wang Wanjun to serve as the director of the art program center?

It stands to reason that the other party should not wait to see Xu Jie, so how could he be indifferent to Xu Jie's behavior?

This, this does not make sense at all!
She thought Xu would retaliate, but she didn't expect that the retaliation would be so direct and violent, even the artists at the New Year's Eve party could be driven away, and there were so many people, it was unheard of.


"Ring bell bell!"

A burst of music bells rang, pulling Liu Jinghua back to reality from his thoughts.

She took out her cell phone and looked at the incoming call. It was from artist Wang Shiqing.

"Shiqing, what's the matter?" Liu Jinghua connected to the phone.

"Sister Hua, I don't want to shoot anymore." Wang Shiqing said angrily, and there was a strong resentment in her voice.

"Ah? Why?" Liu Jinghua asked in surprise.

If she remembers correctly, Wang Shiqing has just joined the crew for less than half a month, and the TV series that the other party is filming is something that she worked so hard to win, and it is very likely to become a hit next year or the year after. How can you say that if you don’t shoot, you won’t shoot?Isn't this too capricious?
"Sister Hua, it was pretty good before, but something happened today. The director changed the play crazily. He changed and changed my part, deleted and deleted it. It's not even as good as female four and female five, and his attitude is also very bad. , Sometimes they say that my acting is not good, and sometimes they say that my attitude is not correct. Originally, they said that the dangerous scene of using a substitute is good, but now I have to play in person..."

"There is such a thing?" Liu Jinghua was furious after hearing this.

If it's what Wang Shiqing said, then this director is really too much.

Isn't this whole person?

But according to her understanding of the director of this TV series, Zheng Jianzhong, although the other party is very strict with the actors, he is not the kind of unreasonable person.

Moreover, changing the script is always a major event, not to mention changing the female number one to the female number six, can the original author agree?Can the producers agree?
"Shiqing, don't worry, I'll call Director Zheng and ask what's going on." Liu Jinghua comforted, then took out another mobile phone from the drawer, found Zheng Jianzhong's number and called.


"Sorry, the user you dialed is busy, please try again later..."

I did not answer?

Liu Jinghua called again.

"Beep... beep... click!"

This time when the call was connected, Liu Jinghua immediately said, "Hello, Director Zheng, it's me, Liu Jinghua."

"So it's Mr. Liu, what's the matter?" the other party asked in a tone of voice.

As soon as Liu Jinghua heard this tone, he immediately felt that something was wrong.

You should know that when you contacted the other party before, it was not this kind of attitude.

"Director Zheng, I haven't contacted you for a long time. I want to ask you about poetry. How is her performance in the crew during this time? Didn't cause you any trouble?"

Liu Jinghua didn't ask directly, but was polite first. On the one hand, he couldn't listen to Wang Shiqing's one-sided words.

"You're talking about Wang Shiqing. She performed well a few days ago, but since I said a few words to her, she has changed. Not only is she very resistant, but she also doesn't listen to the arrangements." Zheng Jianzhong said dissatisfied.

"Director Zheng, don't be angry. I'll tell her well later on. It's just that I heard that Director Zheng cut down a lot of the poetic scenes? Is that so?" Liu Jinghua said hastily.

"Wang Shiqing told you, right? The script is originally edited while filming. Good performances are added, and bad performances are subtracted. This is normal, don't you think?" Zheng Jianzhong asked back.

"Yes, Director Zheng said so."

"Is there anything else? Let's talk here first if you have nothing to do. I'm very busy here."

"Okay, excuse me..."


Liu Jinghua hadn't finished speaking yet, looking at the phone that had been hung up, his mood suddenly sank.

This Zheng Jianzhong was clearly dealing with her.

"Ring bell bell!"

The phone rang again, and it was another call from an artist.

"What's the matter?" Liu Jinghua asked in a deep voice, what happened next time made her feel very bad, even a little uneasy, feeling faintly that more bad things might happen.

"Sister Hua, the interview with Beijing TV Station was suddenly cancelled, what's going on?"


Liu Jinghua was stunned, he didn't expect his intuition to come true so quickly.

"Cancel is cancelled, it's no big deal." Liu Jinghua gritted his teeth and said.

"Ah? Oh!"

Liu Jinghua put down the phone.


There was a knock on the door outside.

"Come in!" Liu Jinghua looked up at the door, who is it?


The door of the room was pushed open, and Wang Qingyan, the artist director, walked in from outside with an anxious expression on his face.

"Mr. Liu, something has happened!" Wang Qingyan said loudly, and when he saw so many people in the room, he cut off the rest of the sentence abruptly.

Liu Jinghua signaled others to go out and wait for her news first, then looked at Wang Qingyan and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Mr. Liu, something happened to Hu Xuan!" Wang Qingyan handed over the platform computer in his hand to Liu Jinghua.

Liu Jinghua took a look and frowned again.

This is an entertainment news with the title: Hu Xuan's private meeting with a female fan, the chat records and bed photos were exposed by the woman.

Below is a series of pictures, there are seven or eight pictures, there are absolutely pictures and truth.

"Is it fake? Is the photo synthetic? Or is it just a resemblance?" Liu Jinghua asked suspiciously, neither believing nor daring to believe it.

Hu Xuan is a small fresh meat that the company has only promoted in the past two years. He is very popular and has many fans, and he has established an image of a pure character and a good boy.

In private, according to the assistant who arranged for the other party, life is also very simple. The most important thing is to be obedient. As long as it is arranged by the company, they will do it seriously. In theory, this kind of thing is impossible.

"I've contacted Hu Xuan, it's true." Wang Qingyan said.


Liu Jinghua's eyes widened, his brows were filled with ferocious anger that was about to explode.

Suddenly, she raised her hand and slapped the desk heavily.

"Bang" sound.

Everything on the trembling desk was shaking.

"Quickly, contact all the media and delete these news immediately. It doesn't matter how much money you spend. Also, contact that female fan and seal her mouth with money so that she can change her words." Liu Jinghua said immediately.

It's not the first time she has done this kind of thing like wiping an artist's ass, so she is familiar with everything.

At this moment, money has become less important. With artists around, are you worried about not being able to make money?
It is important that no one can destroy this cash cow.

You know, she spent a lot of money on Hu Xuan.

"Mr. Liu, it's too late. Now it's all over the Internet. It's already on the top of the list, and I've contacted relevant websites, and they clearly replied that they won't withdraw." Wang Qingyan said with a serious expression.

If he could take down the news so easily, he would have solved it himself, and he wouldn't have to look for Liu Jinghua.

It's strange to say that the website that I'm usually familiar with is very firm this time, saying that it's not about money, and it's completely different from before.

Not about the money?
Did you receive less money before?

Liu Jinghua stared at the news, and there was a picture of Hu Xuan sleeping. The earrings on his ears were indeed exactly the same as Hu Xuan's earrings. This was also one of the evidences that netizens believed that it was Hu Xuan himself.

"Qingyan, what do you think?" Liu Jinghua asked.

"This time the media's caliber is surprisingly consistent. It is obvious that someone deliberately wants to punish Hu Xuan." Wang Qingyan said.

Liu Jinghua nodded.

"But it's not like a paparazzi. After all, those people are all out for money, but this time before the news was released, they didn't communicate with us, so I think it is very likely that it was done by the opponent." Wang Qingyan analyzed.

Of course, analysis is analysis. It is still very difficult to find out who is behind the scenes. After all, there are many opponents, and the opponents here may be competing companies or similar artists. The entertainment industry is so big, it is no different. Finding a needle in a haystack.

"Right home..."

Liu Jinghua whispered.

At the beginning, when she saw the news, she thought the same way, but when she thought about what happened today, although it seemed that there was no connection on the surface, her intuition from years of experience in the entertainment industry told her that things were definitely not the same. It will be that simple.

The appearance of one may be an accident, and the appearance of two may be a coincidence, but there are so many, it has to be doubted.

At this time, a figure suddenly flashed in her mind.

Could it be the one surnamed Xu?

No, not possible!
The cancellation of the TV station's interview may have something to do with the person surnamed Xu, but the deletion of roles in the TV series and Hu Xuan's revelations, how could the person surnamed Xu do it?


The door of the office was suddenly pushed open, and a handsome young man in his early twenties rushed in from outside, his face was full of uneasiness and apprehension.

"Sister Hua, you must help me!"

When Liu Jinghua saw the person coming, his already livid face turned even uglier.

She didn't say anything, just raised her hand and it was a slap.


The sound is crisp and loud.

The handsome boy's face turned red instantly.

But he didn't cry out for pain, and he didn't leave, because he knew very well that only this sister Hua in front of him could save him.

"Sister Hua..."

"To shut up!"

Liu Jinghua wished he could pat the person in front of her back into her mother's stomach.

It's okay to talk about everything before, but those photos of the other party and fans are definitely not so easy to deal with.

In fact, this is all second, the key is not knowing who the enemy is.

Known enemies are not scary, but invisible enemies are the scariest!
Who on earth is it?
Who has such great ability?


(End of this chapter)

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