The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 688 Double Repayment

Chapter 688 Double Repayment


Xu Jie drove to Su Yun's studio after saying goodbye to Boss Jiang.

Although it was already dark, the lights here were brightly lit, but while everyone was busy and busy, there was a bit of worry on their faces.

"Hello, haven't you got off work yet?" Xu Jie walked into the office to greet everyone. Compared with the seriousness when he left in the morning, he looked very relaxed at the moment, with a smile on his face.

When everyone saw it, they couldn't help being stunned.

I thought to myself: Everyone is so worried, how can you still laugh?
However, some people think that Teacher Xu may not know the situation, which is why this is the case. After all, strictly speaking, the other party is not from the entertainment industry.

"Teacher Xu!" Huang Xiaorong couldn't help standing up, she felt that as Sister Yun's assistant, she had to tell her about the seriousness of the current situation.

"Is there something wrong?" Xu Jie walked to Huang Xiaorong's side.

"Ms. Xu, where have you been? Did you know that there are many posts about Sister Heihua on the Internet." Huang Xiaorong's face was ugly, even a little pale.

"Really? I really didn't pay much attention to it. Why are you slandering my wife?" Xu Jie asked with interest.

"What else can you criticize, of course it's Sister Hei Hua's acting skills." Seeing Teacher Xu's unhurried manner, Huang Xiaorong was furious.

Is it my daughter-in-law?

"Is there nothing else to criticize besides acting skills? It seems that my wife is perfect, she is worthy of being a national goddess." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Huang Xiaorong was startled.

The people around were also stunned when they heard it.

What theory is this?
Why do you feel that Teacher Xu is not only not angry, but also very happy?

"Mr. Xu, the movie "The Game in the Game" has been snatched away. If the netizens are allowed to go on like this, Sister Yun will not only not be able to get a good script in the future, but will even face a situation where there is no movie to shoot. , There are many traces that show that the hacking this time was organized and premeditated." Huang Xiaorong emphasized the seriousness of the matter.

"It's not as serious as you said, is it? There are too many actors who have been hacked by netizens, and I haven't seen anyone quit the entertainment industry. They are all doing well in the film and television industry. Besides, it's okay even if there is no film to shoot. When the time comes, my wife will Then you can stay with me at home all the time." Xu Jie narrowed his eyes and smiled brighter.


The people around were speechless after hearing it.

Is this wishing that the studio will be disbanded soon?

Is this person in front of him the boss's husband?
Besides, if Sister Yun goes home to accompany you, who will pay us wages?what should we do?
"Mr. Xu, you..." Wang Chenxi, who has become Su Yun's manager, looked at Xu Jie suspiciously, and continued, "You say that, making me think that you wrote all the posts about Sister Hei Yun on the Internet."

"Bullshit, can I blackmail my wife?" Xu Jie rolled his eyes at the other party.

"Then why were you so happy when you heard that Sister Yun was hacked?" Wang Chenxi asked suspiciously.

"Do you want me to cry? Don't worry, everything will be fine." Xu Jie comforted.


Everyone looked at each other, completely incomprehensible of Teacher Xu's behavior.

Get better?
Get better without doing anything?

Isn't this a dream?
Huang Xiaorong couldn't stand it anymore, so she printed out a list and handed it over, saying, "Mr. Xu, this is the list of people who called today and want to cancel cooperation with Sister Yun. Please take a look."

She felt that it was useless to just talk, and it would be more straightforward to look at the list.

Xu Jie took it over and took a look. In addition to the long-known movie "The Game in the Game" and the Charm Annual Ceremony, there are three interviews, two events, and a magazine shoot.

Although not much, today is only the first day. If this happens every day in the future, Su Yun may really have to go home to accompany him.

"That's it?" Xu Jie curled his lips in disdain, and then said indifferently: "Isn't the intensity of the ban too small? It seems that it is nothing more than that."

Everyone was surprised.


Isn't it the organized and premeditated sister Heiyun?How did it become banned?

It sounds more serious than Sister Heiyun.

"Mr. Xu, what did you just say? Ban? Who wants to ban Sister Yun?" Wang Chenxi asked nervously. He has only been an agent for a few days, so he won't just lose his job, right?
Others also put down their work one after another, and looked over nervously.

Before, I thought Teacher Xu didn't know anything, but after hearing what the other party said just now, it was clear that he knew more than them, but he didn't say anything.

"Who else could it be? Liu Jinghua and some of her cronies, Zhou Yuanqing and Zhao Yuanpeng, I can't remember clearly." Xu Jie said.

Hearing the names mentioned in Mr. Xu's words, everyone in the office widened their eyes in disbelief.

Miss Hua?

It was Sister Hua who wanted to ban Sister Yun?

It's just that Sister Yun didn't renew her contract with Fanhua Brokerage Company, and Sister Hua actually killed her despite her years of affection. Isn't that too cruel?
As for Zhou Yuanqing and Zhao Yuanpeng, to people in the entertainment circle, these two names are like thunder, they are bigwigs in the entertainment circle.

Sister Yun was actually banned by these people. No wonder there are so many bad things today.

Frustrated expressions appeared on some people's faces. Sister Yun just turned over and was about to be banned again. The mood was like a roller coaster.

Some people have even thought of the scene of the studio disbanding.

"Why are you so dejected? You won't be scared, right?" Xu Jie asked.

There was silence in the office, no one spoke, it was a default.

In the past, a certain star was blocked, all of which were single-blocked, such as the director’s words and the company’s snow, but it was blocked by the three bosses jointly. This is the first time I have heard or encountered such a thing. Should this be considered lucky or unlucky?
"Why don't you talk anymore? Isn't it just a few bosses? As for being scared, can't even speak? Are you too worthless?" Xu Jie laughed.

Everyone shook their heads secretly. Seeing that Mr. Xu was so crazy, they could only say that ignorant people are fearless.

"Ms. Xu, let's not talk about how well-connected Sister Hua is in the entertainment industry. Do you know who Zhou Yuanqing and Zhao Yuanpeng are?" Wang Chenxi asked with a serious expression.

"I know, one is a partner of Orange Heart Capital, and the other is the president of Tianchen Entertainment." Xu Jie said lightly, without the worry and fear of others.

"I know you still..." Wang Chenxi wanted to say that he was heartless, but he was embarrassed to say that, after all, he was the boss's husband, so the power of pillow wind was still very strong.

"But don't forget who I am." Xu Jie said seriously.

Everyone looked at Teacher Xu and thought: Who are you?Aren't you the deputy general manager of Jingshi Culture?

In the eyes of everyone, if Mr. Xu was still working in the TV station, he might be able to rely on the influence of the TV station to suppress Sister Hua and others.

But now, Mr. Xu has been transferred out of the TV station. The so-called people go out of the way, and the influence will naturally not be as strong as before.

Seeing that everyone was still depressed, Xu Jie seemed to have to say something exciting to cheer everyone up.

"Let me ask you, what is the biggest entertainment news today?" Xu Jie asked.

Everyone thought about it, and to them, it was naturally Sister Yun's business, but to outsiders, it was the exposure of Hu Xuan's sleeping fans.

But what does this matter have to do with Mr. Xu?

and many more!

Hu Xuan seems to be an artist of the Prosperous Brokerage Company, and at the same time, the little fresh meat that Sister Hua has been touting for the past two years.

Is it...

Everyone looked at Mr. Xu in surprise. Could it be that Mr. Xu broke the news?
Xu Jie saw everyone looking at him, so he smiled and continued: "There is one more thing you may not know, all the artists of the prosperous brokerage company were kicked out of the New Year's Eve Gala of Beijing Satellite TV, and the Spring Festival Gala will not be There is a chance for them to show up."


Everyone was shocked.

No need to ask, it must be a good thing Mr. Xu did.

Everyone thought: Is Teacher Xu so awesome?Do people still have such a big influence after they leave?Even the cast of Beijing Satellite TV's New Year's Eve Gala and Spring Festival Gala can be changed and decided at will?
"The horn of counterattack has sounded. Next, I will comprehensively encircle and suppress the artists of the prosperous brokerage company. Since Liu Jinghua dares to block my wife, then I will block all the artists under her hands!" Xu Jie said sonorously, with eyes in his eyes Exuding a strange look.

Thousands of words can be summed up in one sentence: just do it!

Everyone present was impressed by Mr. Xu's domineering appearance.

If someone else encounters this kind of thing, the first thing that comes to mind must be to find a middleman to make peace, and then make the big and small things small, and get along with each other in peace, continue to drink and talk, after all, there are no permanent enemies.

However, Mr. Xu is good, he counterattacked directly without making a sound, and single-handedly fought against many big shots in the entertainment industry. This kind of courage and courage cannot be found in the entire entertainment industry.

Now everyone finally understands why Sister Yun married the man in front of her.

"Teacher Xu, what do we need to do?" Huang Xiaorong asked.

The others also nodded.

In this matter, everyone's interests are the same, and everyone is prosperous, and everyone is hurt.

"You guys, if you have nothing to do, you can hate those comments and posts on the Internet. As for the charge, just leave it to me." Xu Jie said with a smile: "Okay, that's it for today, everyone get off work."

After speaking, he walked to Su Yun's office.

Everyone looked at Teacher Xu's back, and couldn't help but feel confident in their hearts.

Maybe, he can really overcome the difficulties in front of him.


"Please come in."

Xu Jie heard Su Yun's voice, opened the door and walked in.

When Su Yun saw that it was Xu Jie, a gentle smile appeared on her face, "Honey, you're here."

Xu Jie came to Su Yun's side, looked at the stack of new scripts on the other side's desk, and asked strangely, "Why did you change the script?"

"I just found out that the heroine of "The Game in the Game" has been replaced by He Jingjing, so I plan to read other books." Su Yun said.

"Don't worry, what's yours is yours after all, and no one else can take it away." Xu Jie grabbed Su Yun's hand and comforted him.

"I received a call from Liu Xinyan. You drove away the artists from the prosperous agency company from the rehearsal scene of Beijing Satellite TV's New Year's Eve party?" Su Yun asked with a smile.

"Are you familiar with her?" Xu Jie thought about the eight stars who were kicked out today, and it seemed that there was indeed Liu Xinyan.

"How should I put it? In the prosperous brokerage company, I was the first sister, He Jingjing was ranked second, and Liu Xinyan was ranked third. Since I registered with you, Sister Hua has started to support He Jingjing's position with all her strength. Liu Xinyan is a little dissatisfied with this, so the two In the past year, I have more contact with me." Su Yun explained.

"Understood, an enemy's enemy is a friend." Xu Jie nodded.

"Well, why did you drive them all away?" Su Yun asked.

"It doesn't matter? Whoever bullies my wife, I will make him pay the price." Xu Jie gritted his teeth and said, and he must pay back double.

Let's see who loses the most.

After hearing this, Su Yun gently leaned on the man's body,
It feels so good.

While stroking Su Yun's hair, Xu Jie said, "Don't be anxious and worried. With me around, they will definitely not be able to block you. As for the next period of time, if there are activities, you can participate normally, and if there are no activities, you can concentrate on preparing for the battle." China TV's Spring Festival Gala, believe me, after this Spring Festival, everything will be better."

Su Yun closed her eyes.

"Well, I listen to you."


The rehearsal for the New Year's Eve party is over.

The bearded Zhang Yingquan hurried back to the company and came to the chairman's office.

"Director Zhang, what's the matter, can't you talk about it on the phone?" Wang Tiannan put down the document in his hand, and looked at Zhang Yingquan who walked into the office.

"Chairman, it's not that you can't say it on the phone, but I'm afraid of being heard by the TV station." Zhang Yingquan walked up to the chairman and stopped, and said with a serious expression: "I heard that you are working with Liu Jinghua, Zhao Yuanpeng and Zhou Yuanqing. I wonder if there is such a thing as banning Su Yun?"

"Well, there is indeed such a thing, but they are all planning it. I just had a meal with them and did nothing. How do you know?" Wang Tiannan asked.

There are not many people who know about this matter, just those who were in the private room last night.

When Zhang Yingquan heard this, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and muttered in a low voice: "It's fine if you don't do it, it's fine if you don't do it."

Seeing Zhang Yingquan's appearance, Wang Tiannan was even more puzzled. Su Yun was banned, not Zhang Yingquan. Why are you so nervous?

After a while, Zhang Yingquan raised his head and said seriously: "Chairman, Xu Jie... is Su Yun's husband, and he has already begun to take revenge on Liu Jinghua."


Wang Tiannan was startled, and asked with interest: "Tell me, how did he take revenge on Liu Jinghua?"

As far as he knows, this Xu Jie is the deputy general manager of Jingshi Culture, a director of TV programs, how can he get revenge on Liu Jinghua?
Don't use actors from the prosperous agency in your own shows?

It sounds like it doesn't matter.

"You also know that this year is the rehearsal day for Beijing Satellite TV's New Year's Eve party, but when Xu Jie went, he drove away all the artists from the prosperous agency." Zhang Yingquan said.

"Really? The chief director I remember is you and the deputy editor-in-chief of Beijing TV Station. Xu Jie said that he drove people away?" Wang Tiannan was a little surprised.

"Really, Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu and Jiang Hai from Beijing TV Culture were both present at the time, and they seemed to value this young man very much, especially when they heard that Liu Jinghua was hosting a grand banquet and Zhou Yuanqing was going to drink Su Yun wine. The two were so angry that they thought Block all your companies." Zhang Yingquan said vividly.

Wang Tiannan's expression changed.

Lu Hong and Jiang Hai, these two have worked in the Beijing Radio and Television Station for many years. One is a senior executive of the TV station, and the other is the general manager of a subsidiary company. They have considerable influence in the Beijing circle.

You must know that there are more than 50 wholly-owned companies under Beijing Radio and Television Station, which control more than half of the industries in Beijing's cultural circle, and their influence covers the whole country.

Movies, TV series, TV shows, art events, evening parties, these are secondary and only the tip of the iceberg.

The most important thing is that the Beijing Radio and Television Station holds the TV program production qualification certification license. All film and television production companies in the capital want to obtain the broadcasting license, they must first pass the Beijing Radio and Television Station.

At the same time, Beijing Radio and Television Station is also the sponsor of the very influential Beijing International Film Festival, College Student Film Festival and various TV awards. It's all dream stuff.

As the deputy editor-in-chief of Beijing Radio and Television Station, Lu Hong may not be able to let anyone win the award as long as he says a word, but it is definitely okay to let no one win the award.

In other words, offending the Beijing Radio and Television Station means that it has nothing to do with these awards, and it is impossible to stay in the Beijing entertainment industry in the future.

"The relationship between Xu Jie and Lu Hong is so good?" Wang Tiannan couldn't believe it. He heard from Liu Jinghua that in order to support his cronies, Lu Hong transferred Xu Jie from Beijing Television Station to JingTV Culture.

Such a move should be unexpected.

"Well, you didn't see that the deputy editor-in-chief Lu is usually a serious person, but he talks and laughs with Xu Jie, and the third season of "Crossover Actor" and the second season of "Ordinary Courage" next year , and all of them will be handed over to Xu Jie.” Zhang Yingquan said.

Wang Tiannan narrowed his eyes slightly, Zhang Yingquan's words just reminded him of one thing.

These two variety shows are now the trump card of Beijing Satellite TV, and this Xu Jie, who was the chief planner and chief screenwriter of "Crossover Actor" before, and the chief director of the first season of "Ordinary Courage", such a person , would Lu Hong not like it?
Liu Jinghua's words are obviously wrong!
"Chairman, there is one more thing. When Jiang Hai was talking about whether to block all of them, Xu Jie said that he wanted to temporarily block only the artists of the prosperous brokerage company, to make an example of others, and to see the performance of other companies before deciding whether to block or not." Ban it." Zhang Yingquan added.

"Really?" Wang Tiannan's eyes lit up.

This young man is unusual.

The other party should also know that blocking so many entertainment companies will make too many enemies at once, so they locked the target on Liu Jinghua, the culprit.

In this way, there will be fewer enemies and more pertinence.

Most importantly, other companies have to accept each other's favor.

Show mercy.

"Chairman, do you want to tell President Zhao of Tianchen Entertainment?" Zhang Yingquan asked.

Wang Tiannan looked at it, then shook his head, and said with a smile: "Let them make trouble, anyway, it has nothing to do with me."

Zhang Yingquan was stunned, looked at the smirking chairman, and immediately understood.

As the old saying goes: peers are enemies.

On the surface, the bosses are friendly and have a good relationship, but in the final analysis, they are all competitive.

Companies are competing in the market, and artists are competing for resources.

The cake is so big, of course, the fewer people the better.

The chairman's move can be seen as killing people with a borrowed knife, or as sitting on the mountain and watching tigers fight.

In short, the snipe and the clam compete for the fisherman's benefit.

He will be the final winner.


(End of this chapter)

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