The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 689 Charm Annual Ceremony

Chapter 689 Charm Annual Ceremony
The showbiz is a place where there are no secrets.

Soon, the news that Su Yun was blocked by Orange Heart Capital, Tianchen Entertainment, Huasen Media, and Fanhua Brokerage's four major entertainment companies spread throughout the entertainment circle.

As one of the hottest female artists at present, Su Yun's every move not only attracts the attention of fans, but also attracts the attention of people in the circle. Everyone wants to cooperate with Su Yun, rubbing each other's popularity, so as to improve their own reputation. popularity.

But now, the sudden ban caught all the artists off guard. No one thought that Su Yun, who was in a big fire, would be banned, let alone why she was banned.

He didn't violate discipline, and he never heard of playing big names, so why was he banned for no reason?

Of course, there are also some artists who gloat, especially female artists and actresses.

Because Su Yun became popular with the movie "Mulan", it is inevitable that they will share their resources and traffic in the future. Now that Su Yun is banned, they don't need to worry about it.

But as various gossips continued to spread, everyone gradually understood.

It turned out that Su Yun's husband did it.

Who is Su Yun's husband?

Xu Jie!

The former deputy director of the art program center of Beijing TV station, now the deputy general manager of Beijing TV cultural communication company, and the person in charge of many star programs on the satellite TV channel.

Although the other party is not in the entertainment industry, the legend of the other party has been circulating in the entertainment industry.

Let me ask, which artist would not want to participate in the two programs "Crossover Actor" and "Ordinary Courage"?Which artist would not want to participate in the variety show directed by Xu Jie?
Jingcheng TV station chose to block the artists of Fanhua Brokerage Company at this time. Obviously, it was the result of Xu Jie's operation behind the scenes.

As for artists from other entertainment companies, it is not ruled out that they will be gradually banned in the future.

And everyone can also see from the fact that Beijing TV station supports Xu Jie and Su Yun so much, Su Yun must have done nothing against discipline, otherwise Beijing TV station will definitely not support bad artists, even if this person is one of their own .

Because of this incident, the entertainment circle suddenly became lively.

Previous bans were all unilateral bans, and the target of the ban was a certain artist, but this time, not only were the two sides mutually banned, but the target of the ban was the entire brokerage company.

Such a thing, not to mention newcomers who have just joined the circle, even veteran artists who have been in the circle for 40 to [-] years, have never heard of it.

While discussing, everyone is also waiting for the final result, wanting to know whether the TV station can win on the one hand or the four major entertainment companies.

Of course, more people think that the four major entertainment companies will win.

After all, Huaxia is so big, even if it is blocked by the Beijing TV station, it can still go to other places to develop and go to other TV stations, such as Shanghai TV, Zhejiang Hangzhou TV, Huxiang TV and so on.

At this time, many people thought that Su Yun would lose her job because of the ban, but it was not the case.

The entertainment industry is a huge market, and these four entertainment companies are not the only ones. Even if some resources are lost because of this, she still has a lot of jobs.

Such as advertising endorsements and commercial activities.

The entertainment company blocked Su Yun, but the TV media did not block Su Yun, and the fans did not block Su Yun.

What's more, now is the time when Su Yun is becoming popular, and she doesn't need the entertainment company's resources to increase her exposure.

Beijing International Trade Center.

Su Yun is participating in a publicity event for an international brand.

The store was surrounded by the media and fans. Everyone held up their cameras and mobile phones high, videotaped videos, took pictures, and saw the big stars' demeanor.

At this time, Xu Jie turned into a bodyguard, standing not far away watching every move of the people around him.

What he was worried about was not the fans, but Liu Jinghua and Zhou Yuanqing's group.

Who knows if those despicable and shameless guys will deliberately send someone to make trouble, throw some tomatoes and rotten eggs or something?
Not long after, the campaign ended.

Xu Jie stepped forward, preparing to protect Su Yun from the mall.

"Yunyun, I remember that you also received an invitation from Glamor Magazine to participate in the Charm Annual Gala tonight, do you want to go with me?" Dai Qingqing, another female star who participated in the event, asked proactively.

Because they participated in the first season of "Crossover Actor" together before, the two are very familiar, not to mention Xu Jie, the driving force behind the scenes.

"Thank you, Sister Qingqing, but I can't go tonight." Su Yun said after hearing this.

"Oh? Why?" Dai Qingqing asked in confusion.

Glamor Magazine is one of the four major fashion magazines in China. All female artists hope to appear in fashion magazines to improve their status in the fashion circle.

Because of this, when female artists receive invitations from these magazines to participate in the annual ceremony, they usually attach great importance to it and dress up to attend.

But what happened to Su Yun?

Playing big names?
probably not.

You must know that such an annual fashion magazine event, even international actresses will participate.

"A few days ago, the organizer of the grand ceremony contacted me, saying that they sent the invitation letter by mistake." Su Yun explained lightly.

"Wrong post?" Dai Qingqing was startled, then frowned.

Is this the wrong notification?

This is clearly a slap in the face.

She had heard that the entertainment company banned Su Yun, but she didn't expect that even the magazine would be involved.

But thinking about it carefully, this matter is not difficult to understand. It must be that the boss of the entertainment company called the magazine. After all, the two have had business contacts for many years, and the relationship must be unusual.

"The Charming Annual Ceremony is tonight?" Xu Jie looked at the time, it was already 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

"Yes, the entrance ceremony starts at 6 o'clock." Dai Qingqing said.

"Where will it be held?" Xu Jie continued to ask.

"Fresh Hotel." Dai Qingqing replied.

Xu Jie nodded and said nothing more.

"Yunyun, I'm leaving first, see you another day." Dai Qingqing waved his hand, and then left under the escort of his assistant.

"Goodbye Sister Qingqing." Su Yun said to Dai Qingqing, then looked at Xu Jie, "Let's go too."


Xu Jie opened the way ahead, and there were a lot of fans at the scene. Fortunately, there were security guards to maintain the order of the scene, and he left the scene quickly and smoothly.

The nanny car slowly left the mall.

"Sister Yun, where are you going now? Work or go home?" Huang Xiaorong, who was sitting in the co-pilot, turned around and asked.

"It's still early, let's go back to the company." Su Yun thought for a while and said.


The nanny car was not far away from the shopping mall, Xu Jie suddenly pointed to the front, and said to the driver Lao Zhou: "Stop at the intersection over there."

"Aren't you going back to the studio with me?" Su Yun looked over curiously and asked, today is Saturday, and the other party doesn't have to go to work.

"I'm going to buy some things, you go first, I'll go home after shopping." Xu Jie said to Su Yun.

"Oh, okay." Su Yun thought that the other party was going to buy vegetables for dinner, so she didn't ask any further questions.

The nanny car stopped by the side of the road, Xu Jie opened the door and walked down. After the nanny car left, he turned and walked towards the building materials market by the roadside.

At this time of the afternoon, there are relatively few people in the market, and many shopkeepers are boringly swiping their phones.

Xu Jie walked along the aisle, and soon found what he wanted.

"Boss, how much is a Maza?" Xu Jie reached out and picked up a foldable wooden stool, which looked very solid and not heavy.

"Authentic jujube, 20 pieces." The owner said.

Xu Jie took out the money and handed it to the shopkeeper, and then walked out of the building materials market with a Maza.

It was still very cold in mid-December. Xu Jie waited for a while but did not meet a taxi, so he walked along the road.

The cold wind blows on people's faces, just like a knife is cutting flesh.

Xu Jie walked for more than 20 minutes and finally arrived at his destination, the Fresh Hotel.

This is a five-star hotel with a modern appearance and a stylish atmosphere.

Xu Jie walked in, and the interior was magnificently decorated, like a palace, very suitable for holding banquets and other activities.

In a conspicuous place in the lobby, there is a banner hanging with a line of words: Congratulations on the complete success of the Charm Annual Ceremony.

Below the banner, there is also a table with five characters written on it: Activity Signature Office

Xu Jie smiled, it seems that this is the place.

He came to the front desk, handed in his ID card, and opened a room. After getting the key card, he declined the waiter's guidance and walked directly to the signing office.

When he got there, he put the ponytail next to the table, arranged his clothes, and sat on it.

The people around were all dumbfounded.

What is this going to do?
How does it look like an old man playing chess in the park?

Bring your own mazza?
Who brings Mazza to a five-star hotel?

Is the leather sofa beside you uncomfortable to sit on?

The person at the check-in desk frowned, then looked at the hotel waiter, who immediately walked over.

"Sir, what do you need?" the waiter asked.

"Have a cup of coffee." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

"Okay sir, please sit in the rest area." The waiter pointed to the rest area not far away.

"No, it's fine here." Xu Jie replied, then took out his mobile phone, entered the WeChat applet, and started fighting the landlord.

The waiter was stunned.

I have been engaged in service work for so many years, and I have never seen a customer who brings his own Mazar to sit and play games in the lobby.

"Sir, the hotel has an event tonight. There will be a lot of people passing by here later. You'd better go to the rest area. The sofa there is very comfortable." The waiter persuaded.

"I'm not used to sitting on the sofa, this Maza is pretty good." Xu Jie looked up at the waiter and asked, "Why, can't you sit here?"


This question directly stumped the waiter.

Once you open a room, you are a guest of the hotel. Of course you can sit here, but...

"Where's my coffee?" Xu Jie urged.

"Oh, good." The waiter had no choice but to turn around and leave.

Xu Jie didn't care about the gazes of the people around him, and continued to play games with his head down, looking out of place with the entire hotel, looking like a different kind.


(End of this chapter)

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