The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 690 I Just Want to Play Landlord

Chapter 690 I Just Want to Play Landlord
hotel lobby.

The staff at the sign-in counter of the Charming Annual Ceremony looked at the people sitting on the horses and frowned tightly, with displeasure written all over their faces.

You must know that the Glamor Annual Ceremony is only held once a year, so tonight is a very important day for them and for the entire magazine.

However, at such an important moment, someone was actually sitting next to the check-in counter with a Maza. This was incompatible with the fashion and fashion that "Glamour" magazine had always advocated.

Where did the bumpkin come from?

It's a mess, right?
"Sir, can you change the place to fight the landlord?" A staff member couldn't help but stepped forward and asked, even if the other party was like this, even if he sat aside and didn't speak, it would damage the image of the Charming Annual Ceremony.

"Why, this is your home?" Xu Jie asked while playing Doudizhu.

The corner of the staff's mouth twitched, and apart from dissatisfaction, there was also a little embarrassment on his face.

Isn't what you said knowingly "resenting"?

Anyone with eyes knows that this is a hotel, how could it be his home?

"Sir, we are holding an event, and a large number of people will come over later, so can I ask you to make it easier?" the staff asked patiently.

"No!" Xu Jie said.

"Why?" The staff frowned, and he felt that his attitude was already quite polite.

"Because I tested it, I can only win in this place tonight, and I will lose in another place." Xu Jie said seriously.

The staff was taken aback.

Sounds a bit sinister.

Is this man a Feng Shui master?
But the question is, which Fengshui master still needs to measure Fengshui to find treasures when playing Doudizhu?Is it a bit of a fuss?
"How did you measure it?" the staff member asked.

Xu Jie pinched his fingers and muttered something.

"Looking for the dragon and dividing the gold to look at the mountain, one level of entanglement is one level of gate, if there are eight levels of danger in closing the door, there will be no yin and yang and eight trigrams..."

The staff was speechless directly.

Have you watched too many movies?
Old Hu used this trick to divide money and locate tombs. You use this trick to find geomantic treasures to fight landlords. Is it plausible?

Besides, why don't you carry a compass and a mobile phone?

The person in charge of the sign-in office saw that the person wearing a mask was talking nonsense, and immediately walked over quickly, and said coldly: "Sir, you are not a reporter, I know that there will be a charming fashion festival here tonight." , so you’re here to secretly take pictures of celebrities? If so, I’ll call security.”

"Sneaking photos of celebrities? Who do you think I am?" Xu Jie said dismissively: "Wait a minute, if I take a sneak shot, you don't need to tell me, I'll get out, and I accept your supervision."

The person in charge was startled, is he so confident?
If it is not a reporter, there is another possibility.

"You are a fan and want to get an autograph with a celebrity? If you do this, it will affect our activities. I can also ask the security to invite you out." The person in charge said angrily.

"If I want an autograph, I will disappear in front of you." Xu Jie said again.

The person in charge frowned again. If the person was neither taking pictures nor signing, then there was only the last possibility.

"You want to attack the artist, right?" The person in charge widened his eyes, and the staff around him were also on the verge of a formidable enemy.

"I don't want to go to the police station yet!" Xu Jie rolled his eyes directly, admiring the other party's imagination.

"Then what do you want to do sitting here?" the person in charge asked loudly.

"Didn't you just say that? I just want to play Doudizhu here quietly for a while." Xu Jie said.


Everyone was speechless.

At this time, the waiter came over with coffee.

"Sir, your coffee."

"Okay, thank you." Xu Jie took a sip of the coffee and put it on the ground.

The person in charge looked at the waiter angrily, gave the waiter a wink, and then pointed in the direction of the rest area. Obviously, she wanted the waiter to come forward and bring the obtrusive person beside her to the rest area.

The waiter was also very helpless. It's not like he didn't say it just now, so what if this person doesn't leave?
But seeing that the magazine is a big customer of the hotel, he could only bend down and say to the person sitting on the mat: "Sir, I'll help you bring the coffee to the rest area, there are tables over there."

"No need." Xu Jie refused decisively.

The waiter stopped.

The sign-in person was impatient, so she walked to the side, took out her mobile phone, and made a call.

Soon, a capable beauty in a professional suit came to the lobby. There was a label pinned to the front of her clothes, with a few words written on it: lobby manager Ren Ling.

"Director Liu, are you looking for me?" Ren Ling smiled and came to Liu Ziyan, the person in charge of the sign-in office.

"Manager Ren, look at this man, who is sitting next to our event registration area, can you take him away?" Liu Ziyan said angrily.

Ren Ling was stunned when she saw it, and then comforted Liu Ziyan: "Director Liu, don't be angry, I'll take care of it." After speaking, she walked over and said politely: "Sir, what do you need?"

"No." Xu Jie said.

"Do you have any dissatisfaction with the work in our hotel?" Ren Ling asked again.

"No." Xu Jie shook his head.

"Then why are you sitting here?" It was the first time Ren Ling encountered such a thing.

"I've explained it just now, because you can win by sitting here." Xu Jie said, showing the phone screen to the other party, "Look, I won again, and one handful is worth hundreds of thousands of beans."

"Really, if you like to play, you should go back to your room to play, or go to the rest area to play, or you can go to the restaurant to play. There are all kinds of food there. There are people coming and going here, so it will delay your performance." Ren Ling said with a smile.

"You are wrong. Places with a lot of people have popularity. I absorb the popularity, which is more conducive to winning." Xu Jie said.

"I think you are pissing people off!" Liu Ziyan said loudly.

"Look at what you said, I just want to sit here and play Landlord Fighting, why are you so annoying? Besides, why do you keep asking me to leave? Can't you change places?" Xu Jie asked back.

"We came first, okay? Can you have some quality, do you know what it means to come first?" Liu Ziyan asked.

This is the only way from the hotel gate to the elevator. The check-in desk is arranged here, and the artist can see it at a glance when he arrives.

"You have quality, why can't you show your humility?" Xu Jie said calmly.


Liu Ziyan blushed from anger, she had never met such an unreasonable person.

"Director Liu." Seeing the man's resolute attitude, Ren Ling could only pull Liu Ziyan aside and discuss in a low voice: "If you think he is an eyesore, then go to another place and stay away from him. Can't you hide? Today is your Glamor magazine's big day, don't spoil the atmosphere because of such a person."

Liu Ziyan thought about it, and felt that the lobby manager was right. Although she was angry, she still ordered the staff to move the decorated sign-in desk inward, away from the man.

Looking at the man who was sitting there without moving, Liu Ziyan thought to herself: Could it be that he really just wants to play Doudizhu?No, don't be careless.

"You two..." Liu Ziyan called two security guards and said, "Go and keep an eye on that man. If he wants to attack the artists who came to participate in the ceremony, immediately push him to the ground!"

"Yes!" The security guard said in a low voice, and then came behind Maza, staring at the man intently.

Time passed by minute by minute.

The entrance ceremony is getting closer and closer.

Not long after, a beautiful woman wearing a gold sequined dress and a down jacket came in from outside the hotel surrounded by everyone.

Liu Ziyan was shocked when she saw it, and immediately reminded the surrounding staff that the first celebrity artist tonight is coming.

"Hey, isn't this Lu Xue?"

Suddenly a voice sounded in the lobby, and the beauty also stopped at this time.

She looked suspiciously at the man sitting on the mat with a mask on his face. Why did the man's voice sound so familiar?
"You don't know me?" Xu Jie took off the mask on his face.

"Ms. Xu, is that you?" Lu Xue's eyes lit up, and she finally saw who this person was.

When she participated in the first season of "Crossover Actor", this man was the chief screenwriter. Although she didn't make it to the end, she made it to the top six and got a lot of attention.

"Long time no see, how are you doing?" Xu Jie asked with a smile.

"Well, thanks to you, after the show ended, I filmed several film and television dramas, by the way, you are, oh, I know, sister Yun must have come, you are waiting here for her, right? " Lu Xue asked.

"No, she's not here at the company. In fact, she received an invitation letter before, but a few days ago, someone from Glamor magazine said that the invitation letter was sent by mistake, alas!" Xu Jie sighed after finishing speaking.

Lu Xue was startled.

Made a mistake?
How could it be wrong!

"Lu Xue, I heard that Zhou Yuanqing has a good relationship with the editor-in-chief of Charm Magazine. Is this true?" Xu Jie asked suspiciously.

"Ah? Well, it seems so." When Lu Xue heard it, she immediately understood what was going on.

The news that Zhou Yuanqing, Liu Jinghua, and several other entertainment companies jointly banned Su Yun has spread throughout the entertainment industry, and the news that Mr. Xu's Beijing TV station has blocked the prosperity agency company has also spread widely.

If Zhou Yuanqing had a good relationship with Charming editor-in-chief, then sending the wrong invitation letter was actually part of Zhou Yuanqing's ban on Su Yun.

Today is the day when the Glamorous Fashion Ceremony is being held. Mr. Xu is sitting here, clearly defending Sister Yun.

Whoever goes is against Beijing Television Culture and Beijing Radio and Television Station.

At this time, Xu Jie took out a pen and a small notebook from his pocket, and wrote a name on it: Lu Xue.

Lu Xue's whole body was shocked when she saw it, and she still has a registered name?
"Mr. Xu, I suddenly remembered that I have other things to do tonight, so I'm leaving first." After speaking, she stared at Xiaoben.

"Well, let's fight the landlord together some other day." Xu Jie said, and then crossed out the name on the notebook with a pen.

Seeing Lu Xue, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief, then turned and walked out of the hotel.

If you enter, you will offend Beijing TV Station, if you don't, you will offend Charm Magazine.

This choice was not difficult for her.

Seeing the celebrity Lu Xue suddenly turn around and leave, Liu Ziyan quickly chased after her. When she reached the gate, the other party's nanny car had already driven away.

Lu Xue is one of the stars invited by the newspaper tonight.

Liu Ziyan thought that Lu Xue had been talking to the man who was playing Landlords for a long time, so she walked over quickly, and asked loudly to the man who was still bowing his head, "Did you tell Lu Xue exactly?"

"I just invited her to play Fight the Landlord." Xu Jie looked innocent.


Liu Ziyan was about to reprimand when she suddenly saw the man's face clearly and was stunned.

"You, are you Xu Jie?"


(End of this chapter)

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