Chapter 691
When the organizers of the grand ceremony saw that the person fighting the landlord turned out to be Xu Jie, they all showed surprise expressions and thought: Why is this person here?

Although the other party is not a star, he can be considered a celebrity, not to mention that Su Yun is one of the most popular female artists now. As Su Yun's husband, the other party will naturally receive more attention.

"Xu, Teacher Xu, why is it you?" Liu Ziyan's heart tightened, and her words were not as aggressive as before.

"Why can't it be me?" Xu Jie asked back.

Seeing that he was recognized, he simply put the mask in his pocket. Anyway, looking at the time, it was getting closer and closer to the start of the grand ceremony.

"I, I mean, why are you here?" Liu Ziyan asked.

"What's the matter with you, didn't you already say it just now, I'm fighting the landlord, please don't bother me?" Xu Jie said impatiently.


After Liu Ziyan heard it, an embarrassing expression appeared on her face.

Is it against our Glamor magazine?
At this moment, she already fully understood what was going on.

No need to ask, they must have come to make trouble, to be precise, to vent their anger on Su Yun.

The editor-in-chief first sent an invitation letter to Su Yun, and after getting a reply that the other party confirmed that he would participate, he later informed that the invitation letter was sent by mistake. This kind of coquettish operation is tolerable or unbearable. Goddess Su will bear it, and neither will her husband. Tolerate.

Just then, another star entered the hotel under the escort of security personnel.

It's Yang Yihan, the fresh meat of traffic.

Thinking of Lu Xue who had just left, Liu Ziyan immediately greeted her, and said with a smile, "Mr. Yang, I'm Liu Ziyan from Charm magazine. Please follow me to the sign office."

After speaking, he stretched his fingers forward, and consciously blocked Xu Jie behind him with his body, so as to prevent Yang Yihan from seeing Xu Jie, and also prevent Xu Jie from seeing Yang Yihan.

Yang Yihan followed the staff, and just a few steps away, a voice came from his ear.

"Oh, four 2s and two kings, do you know how to play?"

This voice sounded like it was playing Doudizhu.

Yang Yihan glanced at it casually, but with just this one glance, he couldn't take his gaze away immediately, and his steps changed from following the staff of "Charm" magazine to turning towards the man who was fighting the landlord.

"Director Xu? Is that you?"

In order to be able to see clearly, Yang Yihan deliberately bent down. Although he hadn't seen him for a long time, he had cooperated with him before, so he was very sure that he did not admit the wrong person.

Xu Jie raised his head and saw the handsome guy standing in front of him. He was taken aback for a moment, and then said with a smile, "So it's Yang Yihan, why are you here?"

"Director Xu, I'm here to participate in the Charming Fashion Festival, and you are also here?" Yang Yihan asked.

He looked at Director Xu who was sitting on the ponytail. The combination of the suit and the ponytail looked really fashionable and individual.

"Hehe, even my daughter-in-law is not qualified. I received the invitation letter but said that it was sent by mistake, and I am not qualified to participate." Xu Jie said with a sneer.

Yang Yihan was stunned, director Xu's words were full of anger, and he was very dissatisfied with the wrong invitation letter.

But this is also understandable, if it were him, he would definitely burn the invitation letter angrily.

But, since I didn't receive an invitation, why did I still come here?
Liu Ziyan on the side did not expect that Yang Yihan also knew Xu Jie, and looked familiar, so she immediately stepped forward and said, "Mr. Yang, please come with me."

Xu Jie also said to Yang Yihan: "Yes, you should go quickly."

After speaking, he took out the small notebook again and wrote Yang Yihan's name in it.


The question mark in Yang Yihan's head made him look dumbfounded.

What is this operation?
Liu Ziyan also saw it, and quickly stood in front of Yang Yihan, and said with a smile: "Mr. Yang, go and sign."

"Ah? Oh!"

Yang Yihan looked at Director Xu suspiciously, and then walked towards the registration office.

"Director Xu!"

At this time, female star Zhang Xiyu arrived at the hotel and saw Xu Jie sitting in the lobby at a glance.

There is no way, so many people are standing, and he is the only one sitting on the ponytail, which is too conspicuous.

"Xiyu? I haven't seen you for a long time, and she looks pretty again." Xu Jie greeted Zhang Xinyu in a red dress with a smile.

"Director Xu, you're joking. No matter how beautiful I am, I'm not as pretty as Sister Yun. What are you...?" Zhang Xiyu looked at Director Xu in puzzlement. He had never heard of those who participated in fashion festivals and had to bring their own ponytails.

"Oh, it's okay, you are playing Doudizhu, go sign it." Xu Jie said, and then wrote three words in the small book: Zhang Xiyu.


Zhang Xiyu blinked and blinked his big eyes, which were full of conjectures about unknown knowledge.

A woman's curiosity is very strong, so she couldn't help but ask in the end: "Director Xu, what are you..."

Xu Jie put away the small notebook and said, "Oh, remember who is here."

Zhang Xiyu was taken aback, looked up at the fashion ceremony sign in front of him, and then at Director Xu in front of him, his doubts deepened.

If Director Xu is from the organizer of the grand ceremony, there is absolutely no need to register his name here if there is a sign-in area, but if Director Xu is not from the organizer of the grand ceremony, why would he sit here and register his name?
"Miss Zhang Xiyu, the sign-in desk is here."

After Liu Ziyan led Yang Yihan to the registration office, she hurried over to greet Zhang Xiyu.


Zhang Xiyu nodded, and then said to Xu Jie, "Director Xu, I'll go in first."

"Well, let's go." Xu Jie said, and then continued to fight the landlord.

Zhang Xiyu followed behind the sponsor's staff, but he kept thinking about why Director Xu wrote her name in the notebook.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt something was wrong, so she said to the staff: "I suddenly remembered something, I'll make a phone call first, and then go in later."

After speaking, he winked at the assistant at the side, who immediately took out his phone and handed it over.

Zhang Xiyu took the phone and walked aside, let his assistant stand behind him, and then dialed the number of Hu Zhen, the general manager of the brokerage company.

"Mr. Hu, there is something I want to tell you." Zhang Xiyu turned her back and covered her mouth with her hand, as if she was afraid that others would hear it.

"What's the matter?" Hu Zhen asked.

"I came to participate in the Glamorous Fashion Festival, but I saw Director Xu Jie and Director Xu in the lobby on the first floor of the event hotel. He was sitting here with a small horse, knowing that I came to participate in the event, and wrote my name in a notebook Come on." Zhang Xiyu said.

"What? Why did he write your name on the notebook? Besides, is there anyone else's name on the notebook besides yours?" Hu Zhen asked puzzled.

"There are also Yang Yihan and Lu Xue, but Lu Xue's name has been crossed out." Zhang Xiyu told what he saw.

"Crossed out?"

Hu Zhen frowned, he believed that Xu Jie would never appear there for no reason, let alone write the artist's name on the notebook casually.

There must be something going on here.

What is it?
He thought about it, and it seemed that he could only ask the person concerned.

"Don't go in yet, I'll call and ask about the situation." Hu Zhen took out another mobile phone, found Xu Jie's number in the phone book, and called the other party.

Soon, the call is connected.

"Mr. Xu, you still called on Saturday to disturb your rest." Hu Zhen said politely.

"Oh, it's nothing, I'm fine anyway." Xu Jie said.

"Mr. Xu, I don't know if you have heard of the Glamorous Fashion Festival?" Hu Zhen asked, thinking to himself: Why do you remember other people's names if you have nothing to do?
"I know, what's the matter."

"The grand ceremony will be held tonight. I wonder if they have invited you and Su Yun?"

"I'm not from the fashion industry, how could they invite me? But they sent an invitation letter to my wife, but two days ago, for some unknown reason, they told my wife that the invitation letter was wrong, and she was not among the artists invited. , I don't know how this "Glamour" magazine people work, they can't even do such a small thing well..."

When Hu Zhen heard Xu Jie's complaints, he immediately understood the other party's intention of appearing at the grand ceremony.

"There is such a thing? Isn't it too disrespectful to artists? It doesn't matter if you don't go to such an event, I will tell the artists in the company not to go." Hu Zhen quickly expressed his attitude.

The artists of Fanhua Brokerage Company have been blocked by Beijing TV Station, and many activities and scripts have been lost. It is obvious that everything is done by the other party. He doesn't want to add trouble to Mr. Xu at this time.

call ended.

He picked up the previous mobile phone and said to Zhang Xinyu, "Xiyu, leave the grand ceremony immediately, don't go to participate."

"Oh? Why?" Zhang Xinyu asked.

"Don't ask so many questions, just leave quickly, and I will explain to you slowly later." Hu Zhen urged.

"Oh!" Zhang Xiyu put down the phone.

Although President Hu didn't explain clearly on the phone, the woman's intuition told her that everything must have something to do with Director Xu's registration.


At this time, the WeChat notification sounded.

It is a group of brokerage companies.

She clicked in and saw that it was Mr. Hu's voice.

"All the artists who participated in the Charming Fashion Festival tonight will return to the company immediately."

Soon, someone asked below.

Zhang Zheng: "Mr. Hu, what about the Glamor Fashion Festival?"

"not going!"

Although the artists in the WeChat group were puzzled, they still chose to listen to the brokerage company.

"Roger that!"

"Go back to the company immediately!"


Zhang Xiyu was startled after watching it. All the invited artists from the company didn't come?Things are more serious than she thought.

So, she immediately turned around and walked towards the hotel gate, but suddenly stopped halfway, thought for a while, and passed in front of Director Xu.

"Director Xu, I suddenly have something to do. You are slowly fighting the landlord here. I will go first. Bye!" Zhang Xiyu said and walked out of the hotel.

"Hey, Miss Zhang Xiyu..." Liu Ziyan shouted, but it was too late.

Yang Yihan, who was standing at the sign-in counter, was startled by the voice of the staff, and also noticed Zhang Xiyu who was leaving. He looked at the back of the other party, and suddenly threw the pen in his hand on the table.

"I, I have a stomachache and I need to go to the hospital." After finishing speaking, he quickly left the sign-in office, and when passing by Xu Jie, he said, "Director Xu, I feel a little sick to my stomach. It may be because I ate something unclean. I'll see you another day." .”

"Well, good." After Xu Jie crossed out Zhang Xiyu's name, he crossed out Yang Yihan's name.

Although Yang Yihan didn't know why Director Xu wanted to register his name, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief when he saw his name crossed out. It felt like his name was crossed out from the book of life and death.

"Mr. Yang, there is a doctor in the hotel, Mr. Yang..." Liu Ziyan said loudly, but it was okay not to say anything, and Yang Yihan walked faster when he said it.


(End of this chapter)

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