Chapter 692

Liu Ziyan looked at the several celebrities who left one after another, feeling very depressed, but more helpless, because she couldn't do anything.

She turned around and looked at the man sitting on the saddle, she didn't say no, and she didn't say no.

We must know that our own "Glamour" magazine has always been the target of all the stars vying to show their favor, especially at the fashion festival at the end of the year, and some artists even gave gifts to the editor-in-chief, deputy editor-in-chief and others in advance in order to get invitations.

But now?
All the celebrities avoided it, as if tonight's event was not a fashion ceremony, but a Hongmen Banquet.

And all of this is because of this man.

"What are you looking at? I didn't take a picture, and I didn't ask for an autograph." Xu Jie said to the staff of the organizer of the grand ceremony, and then continued to bow his head to fight the landlord.

Liu Ziyan thought to herself: You didn't ask the celebrity for an autograph, you just wrote down the celebrity's name in the notebook.

She felt that this could not continue like this, otherwise tonight's annual fashion festival would definitely become a joke in the industry.

"You are welcome here. I'll go upstairs and I'll be right back." Liu Ziyan said to the surrounding staff, and then walked quickly towards the elevator.

The scene of the Glamor Annual Fashion Festival at the moment is very lively.

Especially at the entrance of the banquet hall, countless reporters from various media gathered here, set up long guns and short cannons, aimed at the signature wall on the red carpet, and waited for the arrival of the stars.

"It's already 5:[-], why haven't any artists arrived yet?" A reporter who had been preparing for a long time asked his colleagues beside him while looking at the time on his watch.

"That's right, at this time last year, artists had already arrived." Another reporter said.

"Don't worry, the entrance ceremony will officially start at 6 o'clock."

"It is estimated that they all want to appear later, and they all want to be the finale at the end."


Tian Xuefei, the deputy editor-in-chief in charge of entertaining the media, found the editor-in-chief Zhu Meng in the banquet hall after hearing what the reporters were talking about.

"Editor Zhu, it's getting late, and none of the artists outside have arrived, so nothing will happen?" Tian Xuefei asked worriedly.

For some reason, her right eyelid kept twitching.

"Don't worry, what can happen? Maybe there's a traffic jam on the road, don't worry." Zhu Meng said calmly.

The fashion festival has been held for ten years, and every year all major artists rush to participate, so there is nothing to worry about.

"Editor-in-chief and deputy editor-in-chief, something has happened!" At this moment, Liu Ziyan walked quickly towards Zhu Meng and Tian Xuefei.

Perhaps she was too anxious and didn't pay attention to her feet. Her heel accidentally tripped over the leg of the chair next to her. She staggered a few steps and almost fell to the ground.

"Director Liu, slow down, look at your flustered appearance, pay attention to your image." Zhu Meng reminded, fortunately there were not many reporters in the banquet hall, no one noticed this.

"Ziyan, what's the matter?" Tian Xuefei supported her and asked with concern.

"Xu Jie, Xu Jie is here, and he is sitting in the hall. Several artists had already arrived, but after seeing him, they left again." Liu Ziyan finished speaking in one breath, almost suffocated.

"Xu Jie? Which Xu Jie?" Zhu Meng asked in confusion.

Tian Xuefei who was on the side reacted quickly, looked at Liu Ziyan and asked, "You mean Su Yun's husband? The male protagonist of the show "Delicious History"?"

"That's right, that's him!" Liu Ziyan nodded her head.

Tian Xuefei frowned involuntarily, the old saying: the left eye jumps for blessing, the right eye jumps for disaster, it really came true.

Zhu Meng was startled for a moment, then his face sank, and he said seriously, "He's here to make trouble? Why didn't you drive him away? Also, what about the security guards in the hotel? What are they doing?"

"Editor-in-Chief, I also wanted to drive him away, but he just sat and played Landlord Fighting. He didn't make any noise, and there was no way to drive him away. Moreover, he even booked a room. He was a tenant here, and the hotel couldn't do anything about him. "Liu Ziyan said with a bitter face.

"Fighting the Landlord? Huh." Zhu Meng snorted coldly, and then said in a deep voice, "Ziyan, you lead the way, I want to see what he is going to do!"

Liu Ziyan thought to herself: What else can I do?Let it out for your wife!
Then turn around and lead the way.

The three of them came to the lobby, there were artists signing their names at the sign-in counter, and some artists were talking to Xu Jie.

"Editor-in-Chief Zhu, Deputy Editor-in-Chief Tian, ​​hello." The actress Wang Shiqing, who had just signed her name, took the initiative to greet the two editor-in-chiefs.

"Shiqing, welcome to the Fashion Festival. Hurry up, friends from the media are waiting for you." Zhu Meng showed a bright smile on his face, and the dark clouds before disappeared without a trace.

"Well, okay." Wang Shiqing nodded, and then looked at the man sitting on the saddle, and asked, "Editor Zhu, why is he here? You invited him?"

"Invitation? How is that possible? He's here to mess things up, hmph, he's overthinking himself." Zhu Meng said coldly.


When Wang Shiqing saw the man when she entered the door, she had already guessed it, because she heard from Sister Hua that Su Yun was rejected by the "Charm" fashion festival because she was blocked by four entertainment companies.

But she didn't expect that that man would dare to mess things up.

But when he thought that he was targeted on the set because of this man, he became angry.

At first, she really didn't know anything, and thought that the director had ideas for her, but later, when she learned that the Beijing TV station was blocking the artists of the prosperous agency, she realized what was going on.

The TV series she is filming is in charge of a film and television production company under Beijing TV Station.

Seeing that the editor-in-chief and deputy editor-in-chief of "Glamour" magazine all walked over, she didn't rush upstairs and stood silently watching the show. Such a good show doesn't happen all the time.

Zhu Meng walked over and saw an artist who was about to leave, and immediately said loudly, "Li Chong, you're here, why are you leaving again? I've already prepared the seats for you."

Actor Li Chong didn't expect Editor-in-Chief Zhu to come, and he showed an embarrassed expression on his face, and then said: "A friend has encountered some troubles, and I have to go back quickly. I'm really sorry."

"Really? I don't know what the trouble is, maybe I can help you." Zhu Meng said.

"No need, why would I bother Editor-in-Chief Zhu? I can handle it myself." After Li Chong finished speaking, he hurried outside.

Compared with not being able to appear in a magazine, the consequences of being blocked by the Beijing TV station are more serious.

Zhu Meng was very angry when she saw it, and turned her head to look at the man sitting on the mat and said, "Who am I, it turns out that it is Mr. Xu from Jingshi Culture, and he is here today to participate in the fashion festival held by our "Charm" An event? But I don’t seem to have invited you.”

Xu Jie didn't answer, but slapped the phone heavily with his hand a few times, and said angrily: "What is it, can you play it? There is not even a bomb, and you dare to call the landlord, which made me lose so much money." bean."

The corner of Zhu Meng's mouth twitched, it was mocking her that she didn't have a trump card, so dare to shout?

On purpose, definitely on purpose.

She took a deep breath to calm down her heart, then looked at the other person and said, "Mr. Xu, what's the matter, how about we go up to the top?"

"I'll go, how dare you call him a landlord? Can you do it?" Xu Jie said loudly, with a look of disdain.


Zhu Meng frowned this time. Is the other party playing Dou Di Zhu, or is he playing her?
After all, she is also the editor-in-chief of "Glamour" magazine, and has a certain status in the fashion and entertainment circles. How dare she ignore her existence?

Now she finally understood why Zhou Yuanqing wanted to block this man.

"Mr. Xu, I know the purpose of your coming here, but you're underestimating our "Glamour" magazine, don't you? Do you think you can stop our fashion festival from going on? Just dream!" Zhu Lemon said with a sneer.

"Hehe, the cards are not over yet. It's not certain who will win in the end, bomb." Xu Jie said with a smile, and then threw four 2s.

But in his hands, there are still two kings that have not been beaten.

With such a good hand, it is hard to lose.

"Hmph, let's wait and see!" Zhu Meng said, and then went back to the registration office bitterly.

"Editor-in-Chief, what should we do?" Deputy Editor-in-Chief Tian Xuefei asked anxiously.

"What are you afraid of? Don't forget that this time we are standing behind the four major entertainment companies." Zhu Meng looked in Xu Jie's direction and said, "Stars are in the hands of entertainment companies, not TV stations. Even if they If the artists I know don’t come, it’s enough to have artists from the four major entertainment companies, so I’ll call Boss Zhou right now.”

"The editor-in-chief is right." Liu Ziyan nodded heavily.

He was so angry with that man before, but now that editor-in-chief Zhu is here, and there are four major entertainment companies, can't he still deal with that man?

It depends on whether you drove away more people, or we called more people.

Zhu Meng took out her mobile phone and said to Liu Ziyan: "You find more people, surround me with the surname Xu, block his sight, and let the artists who come in not see where he is."

"Okay editor-in-chief." Liu Ziyan immediately called eight or nine staff members and surrounded the man.

However, Xu Jie didn't seem to see it, and continued to sit there fighting the landlord.

Zhu Meng came to the side and dialed Zhou Yuanqing's number.

"Boss Zhou, excuse me, there is something I need you to do now." Zhu Meng said.

"Oh, what is it that even the editor-in-chief Zhu is stumped, tell me?" Zhou Yuanqing asked with a smile.

"It's like this. Xu Jie came to the venue of our Charming Fashion Festival. Some artists who were familiar with him left after seeing him. Now our ceremony is short of artists. Can you send more artists over here? Whether the grand ceremony is hot or not is the second thing, the key is not to let this Xu get his way, what do you think?" Zhu Meng asked.

"What? He dared to go to your place? Okay, I'll contact you right away, and I promise to make your grand ceremony tonight a star-studded one." Zhou Yuanqing agreed without hesitation.

He still can't forget the scene of that person surnamed Xu pouring wine on him, and every time he thinks about it, he grits his teeth angrily.

"Then trouble Boss Zhou." Zhu Meng's face showed joy when he heard that, and he glanced at the person surnamed Xu not far away, let's play, keep playing, if you have the ability, you can play Landlord Fighting there all night.

(End of this chapter)

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