The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 693 each with their own minds

Chapter 693 each with their own minds

After Zhou Yuanqing finished talking with Zhu Meng on the phone, he immediately called Liu Jinghua.

He had to help with Zhu Meng's matter.

Because he was the one who asked Zhu Meng to kick Su Yun out of the invitation list for the Glamorous Fashion Festival.

Now that person surnamed Xu went to the grand ceremony to make trouble, whether it was from a personal point of view or from a friend's point of view, he was determined not to let the other party succeed.

This is about his face.

Now the entire entertainment circle knows that he and three other entertainment companies are blocking Su Yun, and Su Yun's husband Xu Jie is also using his own influence and Beijing TV to fight back.

Once tonight's glamor and fashion ceremony is shut down because of the appearance of that man, people in the circle will definitely think that Zhou Yuanqing is inferior to him.

You know, this is the first time the two sides have faced each other head-on, so they must not lose.

"Beep... beep... click!"

Soon, the call is connected.

"Boss Zhou, what's the matter? Is there a big production that lacks actors? Tell me, whoever you fancy, I'll send someone there right away." Liu Jinghua's voice came from the microphone.

"It's true that there is a shortage of people, but it's not filming." Zhou Yuanqing said.

"Oh? What's that?" Liu Jinghua asked suspiciously, with a hint of disappointment in his voice.

Ever since the company was blocked by Beijing TV, the artists under him have lost many job opportunities, such as movies, TV dramas, programs, interviews, etc. Many people have complained, making her boss not only lose face, but also embarrassing , can only find resources and opportunities for artists to make up for it.

Zhou Yuanqing explained: "It's like this. The Glamorous Fashion Festival is held tonight. The person surnamed Xu is that Xu Jie. He went to the scene tonight and made trouble in the hotel lobby. Some artists left in shock after seeing him... ..."

Liu Jinghua couldn't help being stunned when she heard it, she never thought that Xu Jie would go.

Is this going to make a big splash at the fashion festival?
After all, he is also the deputy general manager of a big company. Is it really good to do this?
However, this also made her feel a little more balanced.

After all, since the falling out with Su Yun and Xu Jie, Beijing TV Station only blocked the artists of Fanhua Brokerage Company, and did not express anything to other entertainment companies, which made her very depressed.

"Do you want to call the police?" Liu Jinghua asked.

"No, what I mean is that editor-in-chief Zhu Meng was targeted by Xu Jie because of us, so I think we should send more artists to help out, so that the Glamorous Fashion Festival can continue, and don't let that Xu If we succeed, let him know our strength and show off our muscles," Zhou Yuanqing said.

"Yes, that's right." Liu Jinghua agreed.

She had accumulated a lot of anger, and it was time to let it go.

Block the prosperous brokerage company?

My old lady wants you to know that even if you are blocked by the TV station in Beijing, there are still activities you can attend.

and many more!

Liu Jinghua suddenly remembered one thing.

Because of being blocked by Beijing TV Station, she arranged for a large number of company artists to go south to participate in the program, and some artists even took this opportunity to go abroad for vacation.

Now the only ones staying in the capital are some artists outside the eighth tier, not only with limited influence, but even many of them can't even be named by herself, and they can't support activities at all.

Do you want to tell Boss Zhou?

No, absolutely not!
Everything the other party is doing now is actually for her. If she can't show a supportive look, how can the other party try her best?

Besides, eighth-line artists are also artists, even if they can't support the scene, it's okay to make up for it.

"Boss Zhou, I'm going to arrange for artists to help out, but I think it's best to inform Zhao Yuanpeng and Wang Tiannan and let their artists come together, so that we can show our strength." Liu Jinghua said.

Of course, the display is false, and it is true to find someone to support the situation.

Prosperous Brokerage Company currently has no first- and second-tier artists in the capital, and if they want to improve the style of the Glamorous Fashion Festival, they can only pin their hopes on artists from other companies.

Anyway, when there are too many people, there is no time to distinguish which company the artist belongs to. .

"Don't worry, I will notify Lao Zhao and Lao Wang right away." Zhou Yuanqing said with a smile.

Since Xu's surname ended in person, of course he wanted to embarrass the other party.

After finishing the phone call with Liu Jinghua, Zhou Yuanqing immediately made a second call.

"Old Zhao, it's me, have you eaten yet?"

"Not yet, why, do you want to invite me to dinner? Unfortunately, I am not in the capital now, but in Shenzhou." Zhao Yuanpeng said.

"It doesn't matter if you can't come, as long as your company's artists can come." Zhou Yuanqing said after hearing this.

"Is there a dinner?" Zhao Yuanpeng asked.

It is very common in the circle to find some celebrities to appear on stage during the dinner, drink, chat, and liven up the atmosphere.

"It's not a dinner, it's the Charming Annual Fashion Festival..." Zhou Yuanqing repeated what he said to Liu Jinghua to Zhao Yuanpeng again, "I've already notified Liu Jinghua, the next one is Old Wang."

"So that's it, I understand, and I will arrange for artists to participate." Zhao Yuanpeng said happily.

"Well, it's best to hurry up. The entrance ceremony is at 6 o'clock. It may be too late, but the grand ceremony starts at 7 o'clock, so people must be there." Zhou Yuanqing instructed.

"Don't worry." Zhao Yuanpeng said.

The call ends.

Zhao Yuanpeng looked at the assistant on the side and said, "Look at the artists in the company who are in the capital, and let them go to the annual fashion festival held by Charm Magazine."

"President, more than a dozen artists in the company have received invitations to Charm's annual fashion festival. Their time should have come. As for other artists, most of them have jobs. As you know, the event will be special at the end of the year." A lot," said the assistant.

"Oh? Has the company already had so many artists participating? Then there is no need to send someone there." Zhao Yuanpeng said after hearing this.

The artists from his own company, plus the artists from Fanhua Brokerage and Watson Media, as well as the entertainment companies that Lao Zhou invested in, should be enough.

After all, it was just a fashion gala, not a Spring Festival gala, so it didn't need so many artists.

Zhou Yuanqing called the third person again.

"Tiannan, I need your help with something."

"Oh? What has stumped you, Lao Zhou?" Wang Tiannan asked with a smile.

"It's not that Xu Jie. He went to the Glamor Fashion Festival to make trouble and scared away many artists. In order to keep the festival going, I can only ask you for help. I have already called Liu Jinghua and Lao Zhao , will send people there." Zhou Yuanqing said.

"Really? Well, I'll arrange it now."

After Wang Tiannan put down his phone, his eyes narrowed involuntarily.

Xu Jie went to a fashion festival to make trouble?Also scared away many artists?

Kind of interesting.

If you send someone there at this time, they will definitely be hated by the other party, and maybe they will become the target of Beijing TV station's next blockade.

Speaking of which, it's the end of the year again, and the contracts of many artists are about to expire. Some of the unsatisfactory developments will inevitably consider changing to another club at this time.

If the companies of Liu Jinghua and Zhao Yuanpeng are blocked by Beijing TV Station one after another, will the artists of these two companies choose to change jobs because of dissatisfaction?
Well, it is possible!
Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Wang Tiannan's face.

He picked up his phone again, found an artist's number, and called him.

"Chairman, are you looking for me?" A woman's voice came from the microphone.

"Liu Li, I remember that you seem to have received an invitation to the Charming Fashion Festival, have you gone?" Wang Tiannan asked.

"I just arrived, I have already signed my name at the sign-in counter, and I am about to enter the venue." Liu Li replied.

"Oh, I heard that Xu Jie is also there? I wonder if you saw him?" The purpose of Wang Tiannan's call was to find out exactly how Xu Jie made trouble.

After all, the other party is also a public figure, so he shouldn't make a fuss and hang himself.

"I saw him. He was sitting in a small horse in the lobby of the hotel with a pen and a notebook in his hand. He heard from the hotel staff that Su Yun was blocked by Charm Magazine, so he will put the names of all the artists present today. Write it down, if you leave, it will be crossed out." Liu Li said.

"Oh? Really?" Wang Tiannan was taken aback when he heard this, and then laughed.

Remember the name?
Is this preparing to settle accounts after autumn?
Fortunately, the other party can figure it out.

But doing so is indeed a good idea.

It is both civilized and can serve as a warning.

Especially artists other than the four entertainment companies, who saw their names written in the notebook and had to think about the consequences?

One side is Glamor Magazine, and the other side is Beijing TV Station. This kind of multiple-choice question is too simple.

"Chairman, are you looking for him?" Liu Li became puzzled when she heard the laughter coming from the phone.

Isn't the chairman also in the ranks of blocking Su Yun?

Su Yun's husband is messing around here, but the chairman can still laugh, who is he?

"Don't look for him, by the way, you go and inform the other artists present in the company to leave the hotel one by one in an orderly manner." Wang Tiannan said.


Liu Li's face was dull, and she blinked her eyes twice, wondering if she had heard it wrong.

"Chairman, didn't you follow Liu Jinghua and the others to block Su Yun?" Liu Li asked suspiciously.

"Why, have you heard me say it yourself?" Wang Tiannan asked back.


Liu Li was stunned and speechless for a while.

You must know that the four entertainment companies jointly banned Su Yun has been rumored in the entertainment circle for several days. Even if no one heard the chairman say it, the chairman did not stand up and publicly deny it.

For a rumored matter, neither admitting nor denying it, isn't that an acquiescence?

Otherwise, how could the artist of the company sign it?

"Actually, I have always felt that there is nothing wrong with Su Yun. As an artist, after the contract expires, if you want to renew the contract, you can renew the contract. If you don't want to renew the contract, you don't renew the contract. How can you force someone to renew the contract? If you don't renew the contract, you will be blocked? Such an overbearing Who dares to sign with the company? Don’t you think so?” Wang Tiannan said lightly.

Upon hearing this, Liu Li immediately understood the chairman's attitude.

It turned out that the chairman didn't publicly deny it because of his face. In fact, he didn't agree with Liu Jinghua's actions in his heart.

"Chairman, I understand. I will inform the others now." Liu Li said.

At the same time, I was moved in my heart. He is really a good boss who cares about artists. It was definitely the right choice not to go to other entertainment companies.

"Well, hurry up, by the way, everyone leaves from the back door of the hotel, don't let others see, and you wait outside the hotel door, when you see Xu Jie coming, show your face in front of him, understand ?” Wang Tiannan asked.

This is an attitude to show favor to Xu Jie, and at the same time, I don't want people from other companies to know.


Liu Li put down her phone.

At this time, a voice suddenly came from behind.

"Sister Li, let's go together?" A handsome guy walked over with a smile.

The combination of handsome men and beautiful women has always been able to gain more attention in activities.

Liu Li looked up and saw that it was Ren Zilu, a fellow apprentice, so she pulled him aside and said in a low voice, "The boss just called and asked people from the company not to participate in today's fashion ceremony."

"Ah? Really? Sister Li is joking, right?" Ren Zilu asked in surprise.

"Of course it's true!" Liu Li showed the record of the call with the boss in front of Ren Zilu.

Ren Zilu took a closer look, and found that Sister Li had indeed just finished talking with the boss on the phone, and it took more than 3 minutes, so it shouldn't be a fake.

"Sister Li, what's the situation?" Ren Zilu looked bewildered.

Liu Li looked around cautiously, saw that there were no outsiders, and then said in a low voice: "The news that the four major entertainment companies banned Su Yun is false. The boss never said that Su Yun would be banned. Liu Jinghua, Zhou Yuanqing and the others talked nonsense."


When Ren Zilu heard it, he immediately understood.

"Okay, then I'm leaving now. By the way, do you need to show yourself in front of Director Xu?" Ren Zilu asked, and he also saw his name written on the notebook by Director Xu.

At that time, because of the boss's position, he didn't care about it, but now that the boss's position has changed, his position will naturally have to be revised accordingly.

"Leave through the back door of the hotel. Don't let others see you. I will tell Director Xu." Liu Li said.

"Okay, thank you Sister Li." Ren Zilu signaled the assistant behind him to cover himself, and then walked towards the safe passage.

At this time, a female artist from Tianchen Entertainment Company passed by.

"Sister Li, won't you go in?"

"It's already here, why don't you go in? I'll make a phone call first." Liu Li said with a smile, and then pretended to dial the number. After the other party left, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Of course, she knew that she couldn't use this excuse all the time. In order to act more like it, she said to the assistant beside her: "I'll call you, and you put it in your bag after you get connected."

"Understood." The assistant nodded.

So, Liu Li stood in the corridor and pretended to make a phone call. All the artists from Watson Media persuaded them to return one by one. As for the artists from other companies, they turned their backs and called and pretended not to see them.

one two three...

Soon, seven of the eight invited artists of the company had left, and now she was the only one left.

Liu Li checked the time, it was almost 7 o'clock, that is to say, the entrance ceremony was coming to an end, and the fashion ceremony was about to begin.

Well, if you leave at this time, no one will pay attention.

"Liu Li!"

A sudden voice startled Liu Li who was about to leave. She turned her head and looked over. It turned out to be Zhu Meng, the editor-in-chief of Charm Magazine.

Her heart suddenly rose to her throat.

Really, the more you don't want to meet anyone, the more you can meet someone.

"Sister Meng, the grand ceremony is about to begin, why did you come up here?" Liu Li took the initiative to strike first.

"As the host, of course we have to welcome every distinguished guest downstairs. Are you waiting for me?" Zhu Meng looked at the other party and asked.

In fact, she didn't want to stay in the hall, but there was no way, who let that Xu in the hall?She can only accompany to the end.

With her around, under her kind invitation, some artists outside the four major entertainment companies will eventually enter the ceremony. If she is not there, there is a high probability that all of these artists will run away.

In fact, there are still some artists who did not come, that is, the artists who asked Zhou Yuanqing to come to rescue the scene, but these artists are all their own, so even if the one surnamed Xu is in the lobby, there is no need to worry about those people leaving.

"Yes, I'm waiting for Sister Meng." Liu Li said.

"Thank you, then let's go in together." Zhu Meng said with a smile, then took Liu Li's hand and walked forward together.

Liu Li was shocked. Although she was extremely reluctant, but her hand was pulled, there was no other way, so she could only follow Zhu Meng.

Pass the red carpet and enter the banquet hall.

Half of the twenty tables of banquets are now empty. You must know that among the people who came, many of them are media reporters.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Meng immediately frowned, but thinking that today is the most important day for the magazine, she immediately relaxed her brows again.

She took Liu Li to the famous brand, then walked to the stage calmly, picked up the microphone and said: "Dear guests, friends, due to the traffic jam on the road, there are still many people who did not come, so I temporarily decided to postpone it for 30 minutes. I'm here to say sorry for the inconvenience everyone..."

After everyone heard it, they didn't say anything, and if they came, they would be safe.

After Zhu Meng stepped off the stage, she immediately called the staff and said, "Quick, remove all the nameplates on the table."

The staff here had already heard about the incident downstairs, so they hurriedly took away the name tag with the name of the star on the table.

This scene was spotted by many media who sat behind.

"Huh? What are they doing? Why did they take off the name tag?" a reporter asked in a low voice.

"That's right, the famous brand is taken away, how will the later stars know their position?" Another reporter was also very puzzled.

There are usually many celebrities present at this type of banquet. In order to avoid chaos on the scene, and to prevent the celebrities from sitting in disorder, the event organizer will usually put the names of the invited celebrities on the table in the form of name tags, and hold them in the size of coffee seats. Sort.

But now, there are still many vacant seats at the scene. If the name tags are taken away now, how will the stars in the future sit?

You must know that whoever sits in the front, who sits in the back, and who sits at which table is all learned inside.

The Charming Annual Fashion Festival has been held for many years, and the organizer should not be ignorant of this little thing.

The media reporters looked at each other, and their sense of news told them that there must be something going on here!

 Tonight is a big chapter, don’t wait to sleep after reading it.
(End of this chapter)

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