Chapter 694 The Clown
Time passed by every minute and every second, and soon it was 7 o'clock.

Liu Li, who was sitting at table 3, looked at her phone, and couldn't help feeling anxious.

In the entire Huasen Media, she is the only one here now, but her task is not only to persuade the artists of the same company to quit, but also to meet with Director Xu, so that the other party will cross out the names of the artists of the company from the small book.

However, there are not many entertainers in the banquet hall now, if they leave at this time, wouldn't they be spotted at a glance?
How to do?
Did Director Xu leave?
Is Director Xu still in the lobby on the first floor?
What if the task assigned by the boss is not completed?
"Everyone, are you in a hurry?" Zhu Meng came to table 3. Her main job now is to appease the emotions of the stars present and avoid everyone's dissatisfaction due to the postponement of the grand ceremony.

You know, the time of celebrities is very precious. For example, in some commercial activities, they can get hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars in a few minutes or ten minutes, not to mention making them wait for half an hour.

"No." Liu Li smiled lightly.

As an actor, changing her face is her forte. Even if she is anxious, she will not show the slightest bit on her face. This is the self-cultivation of an actor.

"Traffic jam, there is no way around it, no one would think of it."

"That's right, Sister Meng, don't be in a hurry."

"It's only half an hour, just enough to play a few rounds of Fight the Landlord."

"Sister Meng, don't worry."

The other celebrities at the same table also said that they not only looked indifferent, but also comforted Zhu Meng, after all, he is the editor-in-chief of Charm Magazine.

Liu Li looked at the other four.

Hehe, they are all old actors.

I didn't know who was complaining just now.

"Sorry to waste everyone's time, but I assure you that tonight's Charming Annual Fashion Festival will definitely bring you special surprises!" Zhu Meng said with a smile, and then walked to the next table.

The artists at table 3 looked at Zhu Meng's back, full of doubts in their hearts.

Maybe the media reporters don't know yet, but artists like them know it very well.

Any traffic jam on the road is a lie.

It was because of Xu Jie's appearance that he directly scared away more than half of the artists, so that the banquet that was supposed to be lively and lively turned into the deserted one it is now.

But judging from the appearance of editor-in-chief Zhu Meng just now, it seems that he has not been affected in any way. Does the other party have any back-ups?
However, Liu Li doesn't care what surprises Zhu Meng will bring her, she just wants to complete the mission assigned by her boss.

Since I can't go out for the time being, it seems that I can only let the assistant go.

She took out her mobile phone and sent a WeChat message to her assistant, Jiang Yuanyuan, which said: Go find Director Xu, tell him that the artist from Huasen Media has left through the back door, and then cross out the name written in the notebook.

Soon, the assistant returned two words: Received!
Liu Li breathed a sigh of relief when she saw it, she turned her eyes to Zhu Meng, and waited for the time to leave.

Jiang Yuanyuan took the elevator downstairs and saw that Director Xu hadn't left yet, a gleam of joy flashed in her eyes.Fortunately, he didn't leave.

But when he saw the group of grand ceremony staff standing around the other party, he frowned again.

This is how to do?
If those staff members overheard her talking to Director Xu, not only would she not be able to complete the task assigned by Sister Li, but she would also ruin the boss's plan.

At this moment, I saw Tian Xuefei, the deputy editor-in-chief of "Charm" magazine, walk up to those staff members and say something, and those staff members immediately withdrew from Director Xu's side.

what's the situation?
Didn't the organizers of the Charming Fashion Festival not want Director Xu to show his face in front of the artists?Why was the human wall suddenly withdrawn?
But no matter what, this is very beneficial to her.

Jiang Yuanyuan immediately walked out from the back door of the hotel, then went around to the front door of the hotel, put on a hat and mask, re-entered the hotel, and stopped in front of Director Xu.

"Director Xu..."

Xu Jie raised his head after hearing the voice, looked at the woman who was tightly covered in front of him, and asked expressionlessly: "What's the matter?"

Jiang Yuanyuan glanced at the direction of the sign-in office, and then said in a low voice, "I'm Liu Li's assistant, Jiang Yuanyuan. The artists from Huasen Media have left one after another from the back door of the hotel..."

Xu Jie was taken aback.

Watson Media?

Isn't this one of the four entertainment companies that banned Su Yun?
And at the dinner that night, Wang Tiannan, the chairman of Watson Media, was also there.

What's happening here?
Shouldn't the artists of Watson Media support tonight's glamorous fashion festival?
"Director Xu, please use your pen to cross out the name of our Huasen Media artist from your notebook. You may not know me, but please believe me, I didn't lie to you, really." Jiang Yuanyuan said There was a bit of anxiety in the voice, and the heart was pounding, for fear that the organizer's staff would come over.

Xu Jie squinted his eyes and carefully looked at the woman who claimed to be the assistant of the celebrity Liu Li in front of her. Although the other party only showed a pair of eyes, the eyes are the windows to the soul, and that kind of sincerity does not seem to be deceiving.

Is this a gesture from Watson Entertainment?
Or, did he compromise after seeing the effect of Jingcheng TV's ban on Fanhua's brokerage company?
After all, there is nothing to lie about.

If Huasen Media really intends to block Su Yun, it will definitely participate in the Charming Fashion Festival, and it will not have any concerns about him. Only when it does not intend to block Su Yun, will it worry about being misunderstood by him.

Want to block Su Yun again, but don't want to be blocked by him?

How can there be such a good thing in the world?
Besides, the reason why he only blocked the prosperous brokerage company was because he wanted to make an example of others?

Now the monkey came to show his favor, isn't this exactly the effect he wanted?

Thinking of this, Xu Jie took out a small notebook from his pocket.

Jiang Yuanyuan immediately pointed to the names above: "Ren Zilu, Chen Xiang, Deng Jiao... It's just that my sister, Li, is still at the grand ceremony for the time being. She was dragged up by the editor-in-chief of "Charm" magazine, and she is trying to leave, can you Cross out her name first? I promise she will come out in no time."

Xu Jie is not a person who cares about every detail, in fact, inseparable is second, the most important thing is attitude, so Liu Li's name was crossed out on the spot.

Jiang Yuanyuan breathed a sigh of relief when she saw it, and then bowed to express her gratitude: "Thank you, Director Xu, I'm leaving first if I have nothing to do, and you can continue to work."

After speaking, he hurried out of the hotel.

But this time, she did not return to the hotel through the back door.

There are so many people here, who will pay attention to her little celebrity assistant?

But when I was talking to Director Xu just now, the staff at the sign-in office were all looking at her. If she went back to the hotel at this time, her clothes would definitely be exposed.

For the sake of sister Li and the company, she must not go back.

Of course, this did not delay the connection between her and Sister Li.

She returned to the nanny's car, took out her mobile phone from her pocket, and sent a WeChat message directly to Sister Li, with only two words on it: Done.

When Liu Li saw the WeChat message sent by the assistant, she was secretly happy, and a smile appeared on her face.

However, when he looked at Zhu Yuan, editor-in-chief of "Glamour" magazine, he found that the smile on his face had disappeared at some point.

At this point, the minute hand has moved from 12 to 5.

In other words, in another 5 minutes, the Fashion Festival will begin.

But she still didn't see the surprise that Zhu Meng said.

At least, she wasn't surprised.

What is this surprise?

In fact, not only Liu Li, but even Zhu Meng himself did not see the surprise.

What about people?

What about the rescue that Boss Zhou promised?

Why hasn't it arrived yet?
The fashion festival has been postponed for half an hour, so it can't be postponed for another half an hour, right?
At that time, let alone those celebrities, I am afraid that even the media reporters will feel impatient.

She couldn't help but walked out of the banquet hall, took out her mobile phone and called Tian Xuefei, the deputy editor-in-chief at the sign-in office downstairs.


The call is connected.

"Xue Fei, where's the artist? Why haven't you come up yet?" Zhu Meng asked with a frown.

"Editor-in-Chief, I don't have any artists here, not a single one." Tian Xuefei said truthfully.


Zhu Meng was stunned.

not a single one?

Could it be that Zhou Yuanqing lied to her?
She immediately hung up the phone and called Zhou Yuanqing again.

"Beep... beep... click!"

After answering the phone, Zhu Meng heard Zhou Yuanqing's voice through the microphone before Zhu Meng could speak.

"How about Editor Zhu, is the ceremony full of seats and stars shining? Haha, don't thank me, this is my reward for you."

The corner of Zhu Meng's mouth twitched when he heard that.


You just pay me back with air?
"Boss Zhou, can I ask more, which celebrities did you invite to our charming fashion festival?" Zhu Meng asked.

"I don't know which celebrities will go, because I called Liu Jinghua, Zhao Yuanpeng, and Wang Tiannan directly, and they all agreed to send people to participate. Why, are there too many people?" Zhou Yuanqing asked with a smile road.

"Boss Zhou, you might not believe me. I haven't had a single artist from my place since you called me." Zhu Meng said truthfully.


Zhou Yuanqing was taken aback, how is this possible?

You know, just now Liu Jinghua, Zhao Yuanpeng, and Wang Tiannan personally agreed to him on the phone.

"Could it be a traffic jam?" Zhou Yuanqing asked suspiciously.

"Boss Zhou, even if there is a traffic jam, it's impossible for the whole capital to be stuck in traffic, right?" Zhu Meng asked back.

Zhou Yuanqing thought about it, and felt that what the other party said was correct.

It's normal if some people don't show up, but it's not normal if no one shows up.

"Wait a minute, I'll call and ask what's going on." Zhou Yuanqing said.

"Boss Zhou, then you have to hurry up, the grand ceremony has been postponed from 7:7 to 30:[-], and it can't be postponed any longer." Zhu Meng emphasized the time.

Zhou Yuanqing blushed, feeling very humiliated, but it was not Zhu Meng's fault, who made him agree?

"Well, I see."

After Zhou Yuanqing hung up the phone, he immediately called Liu Jinghua.

After getting through, he asked straight to the point: "Jinghua, why haven't the artists from the Ni faction arrived at the Fashion Festival yet? Take a look at what time it is?"

There was complaint in the voice.

Liu Jinghua was startled, and then quickly said: "I have already notified, why, hasn't the person arrived yet?"

"Yes, no one came." Zhou Yuanqing said dissatisfied.

"Maybe it's a traffic jam on the road." Liu Jinghua thought of the eighth-tier artists he had notified, even if they went, they could only make up the number of people, and couldn't support the scene, so he said: "If they haven't gone yet, don't wait for a while. Now, don't delay the opening time because of them, aren't there still Lao Zhao and Tian Nan's artists?"

"Their artists haven't arrived either." Zhou Yuanqing said in a deep voice.

"What?" Liu Jinghua stood up directly from the seat, frowning tightly, and at the same time, a bad premonition emerged in his heart.

Didn't go?
This, how is this possible?

Aren't we all in the same group?

"Okay, I won't tell you anymore. I still want to ask Lao Zhao and Lao Wang what's going on. By the way, hurry up and tell your artists to hurry up." Zhou Yuanqing hung up the phone after finishing speaking. .

Liu Jinghua stared at the phone for a while, then quickly called one of the female artists.

"Mu Wanwan, where are you, why haven't you arrived at the Fashion Festival yet?"

"Sister Hua, I'm choosing clothes. Since I'm going to participate in a fashion festival, of course I have to dress more beautifully, right?"

After Liu Jinghua heard it, he almost didn't come up in one breath.

She just asked the other party to make up the number, but the other party even dressed up, did she really treat herself like a wrist?
"Choose whatever you want, just put on a suit of clothes and go quickly. When the grand ceremony starts, you won't be allowed to enter if you want." Liu Jinghua said in a bad mood, and he was ready to draw his sword.

"Oh, then I'll go now."

Liu Jinghua was so angry that she wanted to drop her phone.

I usually yell about not giving a chance, but now I am given a chance but I am not in a hurry, it is really useless.

Zhou Yuanqing on the other side also called Zhao Yuanpeng at this time.

"Old Zhao, why haven't your artists arrived yet? The banquet is about to begin."

Zhao Yuanpeng was surprised when he heard this, but he didn't expect that someone would investigate which company the artistes at the scene belonged to.

"Hey, Lao Zhou, it's like this. I asked the artists in the company, and there are already a dozen of them on the scene. Most of the others have jobs, so I didn't arrange for people to go. Anyway, Liu Jinghua and Lao Wang will send people Yes." Zhao Yuanpeng confessed embarrassingly.


The corners of Zhou Yuanqing's mouth twitched. He didn't expect to find a fisherman in troubled waters. He was so angry that he didn't know what to say.

When it comes to dealing with Xu Jie and Su Yun, we are all in the same boat. I didn't expect someone to paddle the water. Isn't this just a lack of effort?

Even fooling your own people?
"I understand."

Zhou Yuanqing didn't say anything, just hung up the phone.

Now, only Wang Tiannan, the chairman of Watson Media, is left.

I don't know what the other party's situation is.

"The person you dialed has switched off..."


Zhou Yuanqing looked at the phone screen, there was nothing wrong, it was indeed Wang Tiannan's phone number.

Strange, I was able to get through just now, why did it suddenly shut down?
Unwillingly, he dialed again.

"The person you dialed has switched off..."

Zhou Yuanqing looked at the phone, and after a long time, he sighed heavily.

The clown turned out to be himself.

The whole thing, he was jumping up and down, blocking Su Yun, and suppressing Xu Jie, but now, when it's time to employ people, he can't count on anyone.

What an old friend.

It turned out to be wishful thinking.

Think about it too, in the world of capital, there are only interests, how can there be any friends?
I was too naive.

He looked through the phone's address book, found the phone number of the general manager of an entertainment company he invested in, and called him.

He thought that with the support of the three entertainment companies Fanhua Brokerage, Tianchen Entertainment and Huasen Media, he would no longer need to contact the entertainment company he invested in, but in the end, he still had to make this call.

"Good evening, Mr. Zhou."

"Old Zhang, call all the artists of the company, call as many as you can, and go to the Charming Fashion Festival immediately."

"Huh? Now?" The person on the other side of the phone was very surprised.

"That's right." Zhou Yuanqing said.

It is a matter of face, and we must not lose.

"However, many artists are participating in the event, and if they go now, there is no time at all."

"Then find no activity." Zhou Yuanqing said loudly, a little angry and impatient, of course, not for the person on the other side of the phone, but for the whole thing.

"Oh!" The person on the other side of the phone was taken aback and immediately began to arrange.

Zhou Yuanqing made two more phone calls. Although they were all small entertainment companies and couldn't compare with entertainment giants like Tianchen and Huasen, they also signed a lot of artists. It was better than no one.

He found Zhu Meng's number and was about to call the other party and give the other party a reply, but after thinking about it, he still didn't dial it.

Zhao Yuanpeng didn't send anyone, and Wang Tiannan's cell phone couldn't get through. How could he explain this?

Find a few starlets to top up?

If you say it, you won't be laughed at?
Now, I can only look forward to Liu Jinghua, and hope that the other party can give me some strength and use this fashion event to fight back against the banning of Beijing TV Station.

Hotel Lobby.

A woman with heavy make-up came in, followed by two attendants.

The woman looked around, and after seeing the sign-in area of ​​the Fashion Festival, she tossed her wavy hair and walked over with a smile.

"Is it here to sign?" The woman asked with her mouth open.

Tian Xuefei looked at the woman in front of her suspiciously, with big eyes, long eyelashes, a high nose bridge, and a pointed chin. This face was obviously very familiar, but she didn't know who it was.

Where did the internet celebrity come from?
"You are..." Tian Xuefeiji's hotel only has one event for their Charm and Fashion Gala tonight.

"My name is Mu Wanwan, an artist from Prosperous Brokerage Company, and I was sent by Sister Hua to attend your Glamorous Fashion Festival." The woman raised her head and said proudly.

"Yes, is it?"

Tian Xuefei was a little embarrassed because she had never heard of this name.

Of course, it is impossible for anyone to know all the stars in the entertainment industry.

So she turned her head very rigorously and looked at the staff beside her.

Everyone looked at me, I looked at you, and finally shook their heads in unison.

Tian Xuefei was speechless.

Is this what editor-in-chief Zhu said?

Their own "Charm" magazine is one of the four major fashion magazines in China. Countless celebrities hope to be on the cover, and even go through the back door to get invitations to fashion festivals, but now, even Internet celebrities can come to participate?
Isn't this a way to lower the standard of magazines and grand ceremonies?
But the other party is an artist from the prosperous brokerage company, and he can't drive him away.

Tian Xuefei thought about it, only sighed secretly, picked up a pen and handed it to the other party reluctantly.

"Sign here."

Mu Wanwan took the pen and wrote her name on the paper with flying colors.

Tian Xuefei arranged for a staff member to lead the person up.

It stands to reason that she should bring the guest here tonight, but she really can't afford to lose him.

Just at this moment, another group of people came in from outside the door, all of them beautifully dressed, but the clothes on their bodies looked very indecent.

The most important thing is that each face is extremely similar, and it looks like they come from the same hospital and the same doctor.

Tian Xuefei watched these people walking towards her helplessly, and turned her back directly in depression, trying to keep out of sight.

The group of women lined up at the sign-in desk, chattering non-stop.

"Your manicure is so beautiful, where did you do it?"

"It's just downstairs at my house, let's go together some other day."

"Blue hair suits you so well, I want to try it too."

"I'll introduce you to the hair stylist."

Tian Xuefei covered her head with her hands, feeling that the fashion festival that the magazine had worked hard for nine years might be ruined tonight.



Reporters chattered.

It is said that the fashion festival will start at 7:30, but it is already 7:40. Could it be that Zhu Meng, editor-in-chief of Glamor Magazine, has a broken watch?
But even if Zhu Meng's watch was broken, wouldn't the watches of the other staff be all broken?

Zhu Meng stood at the door, looking anxiously at the corridor.

She knew the time was up, but the artist didn't come, how did the ceremony start?
Now more than half of the seats in the banquet hall are empty. If it starts now, can it be called a grand ceremony?Isn't this a joke?
At this time, the sound of "da da da da" came from the corridor, which was the sound of high heels trampling on the ground.

Zhu Meng's eyes lit up when he heard it, as if he saw hope.

Here it is, at last.

Soon, a woman in a long red dress entered her field of vision. The heavy makeup and exaggerated attire really made her unacceptable as the editor-in-chief of fashion.

Zhu Meng couldn't help looking at the staff who came with the woman. The staff smiled wryly, and then introduced: "Editor-in-Chief, this is Mu Wanwan, an artist from Fanhua Brokerage Company."


Zhu Meng's whole body was shocked. After looking at the woman for a while, she looked at the staff again, as if to ask again: Are you sure this is an artist from the prosperous agency?Isn't that the female anchor and female Internet celebrity from the Internet union?

The staff nodded.

Indeed it is.

Zhu Meng was speechless, and her heart was filled with anger.

What kind of plane are Zhou Yuanqing and Liu Jinghua doing?
To actually send a female Internet celebrity to participate in the charming annual fashion festival?
Are you here to cheer, or to smash the show?

At this moment, there was another sound of footsteps in the corridor, and it was very dense.

Zhu Meng looked over and saw a large group of female Internet celebrities walking towards this side.

Beautiful is beautiful, exquisite and exquisite, but they are all carved out of the same mold.

What made her even more unacceptable was that, in addition to the looks of Internet celebrities, there were also Internet celebrities' clothes. Is this fashionable?

Just as Zhu Meng was about to speak, the group of internet celebrities passed by her and walked into the banquet hall.

"Wow! So beautiful!"

"Look, there are a lot of reporters."

"There are also celebrities, Liu Li, Zhang Kai, Qian Shanshan, I'm going to take a photo with them."

"I also want!"

Seeing the woman walking in from the door, the people in the venue were also stunned for a moment.

Who are these people?

Could this be the special surprise that Editor-in-Chief Zhu mentioned?
Demons and ghosts, is this frightening?
The celebrities and entertainers looked at each other, their expressions all darkened.

Let's join the fashion festival with Internet celebrities?
Is this cursing?


 A big chapter, read it and sleep
(End of this chapter)

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