Chapter 695

Artists successively arrived at the Glamorous Fashion Ceremony, which made the originally deserted banquet hall quickly become lively.

Even a little noisy.

Especially these artists who appeared later, each one of them was extremely active, even if social experts saw this scene, they had no choice but to bow down.

Among these people, some Biye took selfies, some asked celebrities for autographs, and some started a live broadcast.

"Family, where do you think I am now? Eating dinner? Half of the guesses are correct. This is the scene of Charm's annual fashion festival. There are many stars around me. Let me turn the camera and you all have a look. Who……"


The media reporters at the scene looked at each other in blank dismay.

Could it be that these people are the artists stuck in the road that Zhu Meng, the editor-in-chief of "Glamour" magazine, said?
Are these people really entertainers?
"Senior, do you know them?" A young reporter in his early twenties asked an entertainment reporter in his 40s beside him.

She feels that the senior has a wide network of contacts, has participated in many activities, and must have known a lot of artists.

The old reporter stared at it for a long time after hearing it. Their faces were almost the same, and they really couldn't recognize who was who. Young people should understand, why, don’t you know?”

"I don't know." The young reporter shook his head.

A reporter on the side interjected, "I don't think these people are celebrities, but Internet celebrities."

"Internet celebrities? Internet celebrities are invited to the Charming Fashion Festival? No way? I thought the surprise was a big star like the actor and actress." The young reporter said disappointedly.

Maybe some Internet celebrities have more fans and earn more than celebrities, but in the entertainment and fashion circles, the two are no longer at the same level.

What is Glamor Fashion Festival?
It is a fashion event and a star show.

Invite Internet celebrities to participate in the Glamor Fashion Festival, and sit with celebrities, what is going on?

"Sister Shanshan, can I take a photo with you?" An internet celebrity asked actress Qian Shanshan beside her.

When Qian Shanshan heard this, she felt extremely reluctant. Taking photos with fans is okay, but taking photos with Internet celebrities, God knows what kind of ghosts she will be beautified when she turns around.

But thinking about it again, Zhu Meng invited these Internet celebrities, and it seemed a bit disrespectful to Zhu Meng not to agree to take a group photo, so in the end he reluctantly said, "Yes, yes."

"Thank you Miss Shanshan."

The Internet celebrity happily moved the chair to Qian Shanshan's side, then moved her face closer, switched her phone to selfie mode, and turned on the beauty face, smoothing skin, thinning face and big eyes.

Qian Shanshan was smiling at first, but when she saw herself on the screen of her mobile phone, the smile on her face froze immediately.

That person, is she?

How does it look like a snake spirit?
Liu Li looked at Qian Shanshan, who had a constipated expression, and then at the noisy scene. She knew that her chance had come.

She noticed that Zhu Meng was on the phone on the side of the stage, so she stood up, took her handbag, and walked out of the banquet hall while taking advantage of the chaos.

Since Liu Li was sitting at table No. 3, which was in the first row of the entire banquet hall, when she left, many artists saw her.

Originally, when everyone saw these Internet celebrities, they felt very uncomfortable, but now they saw someone taking the lead and left, so they immediately followed.

They want to attend a glamor fashion event, not an influencer party.

One, two, three... The banquet hall that was barely filled just now had many seats vacant again.

Zhu Meng was calling Zhou Yuanqing to ask what was going on with these Internet celebrities present, whether they were here to cheer or smash the show, but when she turned around, she found that there were many vacant seats in the hall, and those who had said hello before The stars are gone too.

"Where are the people? Where have they all gone?" Zhu Meng looked at the staff next to her with a confused expression. She was never so surprised when she saw the magic transform people into living people.

"I don't know, maybe I went to the bathroom." The staff member whispered.

Zhu Meng looked at those empty seats, it was normal for two or three to go together, but it was not normal for a dozen or twenty to go together.

At this moment, the phone vibrated suddenly, and she checked the caller ID, it was Tian Xuefei, the deputy editor-in-chief.

"Xue Fei, what's the matter?" Zhu Meng asked after answering the phone.

"Editor Zhu, why did all the invited celebrities leave? Is the grand ceremony over so soon?" Tian Xuefei was at a loss at this time.

Although the opening time of the Fashion Festival was postponed from 7:7 to 30:7, it is only 50:[-] now, which is too different from the expected two-hour ceremony time. Even if a few links are removed, it is impossible to end so soon.

"What? Let's go?" Zhu Meng was startled, Huarong said palely, "Quick, stop people quickly, don't let them go."

Half celebrities and half Internet celebrities, the grand ceremony can still be held, at worst, the Internet celebrities will be regarded as live audiences, but if all Internet celebrities are all Internet celebrities, how can the festival continue?

"Ah? But there are too many celebrities leaving, and some of them have already left by car." Tian Xuefei looked at the celebrities who boarded the nanny cars one after another, and wanted to know what happened in the banquet hall.

"Block as much as you can!" Zhu Meng said loudly, and then hurriedly ran out of the banquet hall regardless of the guests present.

Compared with the Internet celebrities present, celebrities are more important.

The current media reporters are once again dumbfounded.

What's going on in this glamorous fashion event tonight?
First, the time was postponed, then many Internet celebrities came, and then the celebrities left again. Why did so many things happen before the ceremony started?
This is a fashion banquet that has been held for nine years.

"Let's go too." A reporter put away the camera in his hand.

"But the grand ceremony hasn't started yet." A reporter next to him said.

"Looking at the scene, do you think it is necessary to continue filming?"

The other reporters saw that the celebrities had almost left, most of the rest were Internet celebrities, and the few remaining celebrities were not big. It was already very good to barely squeeze into the second tier, and there was really nothing good about it. shot.

Some media reporters began to pack their equipment, while the rest of the media reporters hesitated to leave.


Zhu Meng stepped out of the elevator and went to the lobby, but none of the stars were seen.

"Where's the person? Where's the invited star?" Zhu Meng came to Tian Xuefei's side and asked.

"They're all gone." Tian Xuefei sighed softly.

Although she was not in the banquet hall, she roughly guessed why those stars left early.

Anyway, if it was her, participating in the fashion festival with Internet celebrities would definitely feel like a drop in price.

After Zhu Meng heard it, her face turned blue and purple, becoming very ugly.

Although half of the celebrities did not come before, there are still some celebrities, but now, even the half of the celebrities who came have left.

How can this fashion festival continue tonight?

She looked at the man who was still sitting in the hall fighting the landlord, her eyes were red with anger, and her teeth were clenched.

It's all that man!

If it wasn't for the other party, the fashion festival would have already begun.

Just then, another group of people came out from the direction of the elevator.

Seeing these people with big bags and small bags, Zhu Meng hurried over and said with a smile, "My friends from the media, where are you going?"

"Editor Zhu, the entrance ceremony is over, so let's go first," said the reporter who walked in the front.

"Huh? Leaving so early? But the grand ceremony hasn't started yet." Zhu Meng said anxiously.

"Editor Zhu, do you think it is necessary for us to continue filming?"

"Yes, even if there are few celebrities, you can't use internet celebrities to fool us, can you?"

"It's not that I have a problem with Internet celebrities, but your "Glamour" magazine is one of the four major fashion magazines in China. What happened to invite Internet celebrities to be guests?"

Zhu Meng's face was full of embarrassment. In fact, she also felt that the price had dropped, but these were all sent by Zhou Yuanqing and Liu Jinghua, and had nothing to do with her.

It's really unjust to be blamed.

"Misunderstanding, it's all misunderstanding." Zhu Meng said embarrassedly, not knowing how to explain it.

Whether she should blame Xu Jie or Zhou Yuanqing, she couldn't tell.

"Editor Zhu, your charming fashion celebration only happens once a year. Isn't this a big misunderstanding? Well, next time, we'll come again next time." The leading reporter left after speaking, and other reporters followed suit.

Zhu Meng didn't stop it, and it didn't matter if he didn't stop him. Finally, he gave Tian Xuefei an anxious wink and said loudly, "Xuefei, quickly take out the gifts prepared for the media friends." After speaking, he looked at the reporters in front of him again , Said: "Everyone, I'm really sorry for the poor hospitality today, please accept the gift, and please be merciful when reporting."

"Gifts are useless, and we don't intend to report."

It's not that I don't want to report, but I really don't know what to report.

Under normal circumstances, when you go back to write news, you will publish some live photos of the fashion festival, as well as photos of celebrities, especially the final group photo, which is a fixed program of the fashion festival every year, and it is also the content that netizens most want to see.

But tonight...

"As a media reporter, of course you have to report on facts!"

Suddenly a voice sounded in the hall, and the reporters' eyes lit up when they saw it.

Xu Jie?

It turned out to be Xu Jie?
"Ms. Xu, are you also here to participate in the Fashion Festival?" A reporter walked over and asked.

"No, I'm just passing by, and I'm here to play Fight the Landlord for a while." Xu Jie raised his head and said.

passing by?

When the reporters heard this, they were all a little confused.

Come to the hotel lobby to fight the landlord?

Isn't it good to go home and fight the landlord?

"Teacher Xu, you just said..."

"When reporting news, journalists must first seek truth from facts and report what they have. Don't report some fake news like some self-media, let alone accept gifts from people casually. Seriously.

The reporters looked at each other and immediately understood what Teacher Xu meant.

"Teacher Xu, we understand."

"Well, it's good to understand."


(End of this chapter)

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