Chapter 696 Scared!

the next day.

Xu Jie drove Su Yun to work. Although today is Sunday, for artists, there is no distinction between working days and weekends. When there is work, it is a working day, and when there is no work, it is a rest day.

The two came to the studio arm in arm. As soon as they entered the door, they saw Huang Xiaorong, Chen Guo, Wang Chenxi and others gathered together. They didn't know what they were talking about, but they all had smiles on their faces anyway.

"What is so happy?" Su Yun asked with a smile.

In the past few days, because of being blocked, a lot of resources have been lost, so everyone is not in a high mood, but today it seems to have won the lottery, and it is the kind that everyone wins.

"Sister Yun, Teacher Xu, come and see!" Chen Guo kept waving excitedly, with a round face, she looked like a beckoning cat.

Xu Jie and Su Yun looked at each other the same way, then walked over.

Chen Guo pointed to the computer screen and said, "Sister Yun, Teacher Xu, please read this news."

Xu Jie looked at the place Chen Guo pointed at. It was an entertainment news item on a certain portal website. The title was: Glamorous Fashion Festival, Internet celebrities are bleak.

Follow up with coverage of the Glamor Fashion Gala.

In addition to some text introductions, there are a few pictures.

In the picture, there are empty seats everywhere at the Charming Fashion Festival. Even if people are photographed, they are some Internet celebrities with weird styles and similar faces.

Although there are some women with beautiful faces and good figures among them, they carry a dusty aura about them.

"This, is this the scene of the Fashion Charm Festival?" Su Yun's eyes were a little doubtful, obviously not convinced by the content of this report.

She participated in a glamorous fashion festival a few years ago, and the scene was full of stars, star-studded, including some heavyweight international film kings and queens.

But in these few photos, she didn't even know anyone.

You know, she has been out for more than ten years.

If you don't even know her, it can only be said that the other party is really not famous.

"Sister Yun, a lot of media are reporting on last night's Charming Fashion Festival, and it's even been on the trending list. It's absolutely true," Chen Guo said.

In fact, when she saw the news this morning, she didn't believe it either, but the reports on the Charming Fashion Festival all over the Internet had the same content, so she had to believe it.

"There isn't even a celebrity?" Su Yun went to other websites to find relevant news, and it was true.

"It is said that some celebrities went there, but when they saw some Internet celebrities, they turned around and left. It seems that everyone knows the virtue of "Glamour" magazine." Chen Guo said with a smile.

"Retribution, definitely retribution." Huang Xiaorong said gloatingly.

"Fortunately, Sister Yun didn't go, otherwise it would be a joke." Wang Chenxi nodded and said.

After Su Yun heard it, she was very puzzled.

She knew that "Glamour" magazine had invited many artists, but none of those artists appeared in the picture.

This is totally against common sense.

We must know that "Glamour" magazine still has a great influence in the fashion and entertainment circles, and it will even affect the selection of spokespersons by some international big names.

And as far as she knows, "Glamour" has never invited Internet celebrities in the past nine festivals.

So this fashion festival is very weird.

Of course, what puzzled her the most was that even Zhou Yuanqing, Sister Hua, and artists from Tianchen Entertainment and Huasen Media either didn't go, or went and then left.

Isn't Zhu Meng, editor-in-chief of "Glamour" magazine, on good terms with Zhou Yuanqing?

Shouldn't you be there to cheer?
"Ring bell bell!"

The phone on the desk rang suddenly.

Wang Chenxi picked up the phone immediately after hearing it.

"Hello, this is Su Yun's studio... huh? Why do you ask that? Don't you want to say that you sent the wrong invitation too... Oh, I will go, don't worry."

Wang Chenxi put down the phone after speaking.

Everyone looked over nervously, it sounded like it was related to some event, because the invitation letter was mentioned.

Wang Chenxi looked at Su Yun and said, "Sister Yun, the organizer of the Fashion Figure Festival is calling. They are asking if you have received the invitation letter and if you will be there."

"Fashion Figure Festival?" Huang Xiaorong was stunned for a moment, and said strangely: "I remember giving them a clear answer, why do you still need to call?"

"Maybe I want to confirm it." Wang Chenxi said.

"I think it's very likely that I made a phone call to confirm because I saw the report on the Charming Fashion Festival and worried that the artists would not go together." Chen Guo said.

"Well, it's possible!"

While talking, the phone on the table rang again.

"Ring bell bell!"

Wang Chenxi picked up the phone again.

"Hello... I will go, I will go, please don't worry... What? Teacher Xu? Wait, let me ask." Wang Chenxi covered the microphone, looked at Su Yun and Xu Jie and said, "It's Weibo The people from the night organizer asked Sister Yun if you would go, and they also asked Teacher Xu if they could go together."

When everyone heard it, it was true that the organizers of the event were frightened.

Su Yun looked at Xu Jie and asked, "Do you have time? Let's go together?"

Xu Jie nodded happily after hearing this: "Okay."

Before, because I worked at Beijing TV Station, I needed to worry about the impact, so I couldn't participate in some activities.

But it's different now. He works in Jingshi Cultural Communication Company, and participating in activities like Weibo Night, not only will not have any negative impact on him, but it is also part of his work.

Wang Chenxi said into the microphone: "Yes, Teacher Xu will go with our sister Yun." Then he put down the phone.

"Ring bell bell!"

The phone rang again.

This time, even the entire office was stunned.

Too many phone calls this morning?It's not time for work yet.

Wang Chenxi picked up the phone for the third time.

"Hello... don't worry, since I promised you, I will never go back on my word, Mr. Xu? Wait, let me ask." Wang Chenxi looked at Su Yun with a strange expression, "Sister Yun, the organizer of the Mr. Fashion Ceremony asked Xu Can the teacher go?"

Everyone looked at Mr. Xu in unison, their eyes filled with deep puzzlement.

What happened to the media today?Why have you invited Mr. Xu?

"It seems that my image has been recognized by the fashion circle." Xu Jie said with a smile, and then looked at Wang Chenxi, "Tell them, it's okay."

Wang Chenxi put down the phone after answering, but the doubt in his eyes did not disappear.

Weird, so weird.

Although Teacher Xu is a celebrity, he doesn't seem to have much to do with the entertainment and fashion circles.

If Teacher Xu was invited to a gourmet festival, there would be nothing wrong with it. The previous Weibo night was justified. After all, Teacher Xu's Weibo has more than 700 million fans, but "Mr. Esquire" seems to have nothing to do with Teacher Xu.

I have never been on the cover or been interviewed, and apart from showing my face on the show "Delicious History", the exposure at other times is also very limited, which is incomparable with celebrities.

As for the usual attire, it can only be regarded as decent, and there is still a long way to go from fashion. I really can't think of any reason to invite such a person.

Is it because he is sister Yun's husband?

If this is the case, you should have invited Sister Yun together when you invited her from the beginning, there is no need to divide it twice.

"Ms. Xu, are you familiar with the people from Esquire magazine?" Wang Chenxi asked.

"I don't know." Xu Jie said.

"The Beijing Television Culture where you are located has a business relationship with the "Mr. Esquire" magazine?" Wang Chenxi asked again.

"As far as I know, it seems not." Xu Jie shook his head.

"Then why did the organizer of the Mr. Esquire Ceremony invite you?" Wang Chenxi couldn't help asking.

Xu Jie thought for a while, and then said seriously: "Maybe it's because I'm handsome."


Everyone was speechless.

Can you look handsome over which male stars?

In fact, not only Wang Chenxi, but even Su Yun's head was full of question marks.

She pulled the man along and took him directly into the office. After closing the door, she stared at him intently.


"What are you looking at?" Xu Jie brushed off his clothes, straightened his collar, and asked with a smile, "Do you also think I'm handsome?"

"Say, what's going on? Why did they invite you?" Su Yun felt that the man in front of her must be hiding something from her.

Now the four major entertainment companies are jointly blocking her, and these entertainment companies are inextricably linked with those fashion magazines.

At this moment, the organizers of major events not only failed to follow the pace of the Glamorous Fashion Festival and blocked her, but repeatedly confirmed whether she would participate, and even invited Xu Jie to participate. Such a situation is really abnormal.

just like.
It was as if he was afraid that she and Xu Jie would not go.

"You don't even know, how would I know?" Xu Jie spread his hands.

Su Yun frowned, stretched out her hand to press the man's chest, pushed the man to the wall, and then pressed her hand against the wall, giving the man a wall-dong.

"Be lenient for confession, and strict for resistance!" Su Yun had a serious expression, vowing to clarify this matter.

Xu Jie showed a look of serious thinking, and after a while he said: "Maybe they wanted to invite you and me a long time ago, but I was working in a TV station at that time, and it was inconvenient to attend such activities, and now I have left the TV station , They thought it would be more eye-catching for the two of us to attend together, so they thought of inviting me to participate."

Su Yun thought for a while, and it made some sense.

Many events now hope to invite stars and their other half to attend together, which will bring more attention to the event.

But she didn't believe it. After all, the reason was too simple, so she continued to ask suspiciously: "Really?"

"It may also be that the Beijing TV station's ban on the prosperous brokerage company played a certain role, making these media afraid, so they invited me to participate, so as to show an attitude." Xu Jie said again.

Su Yun nodded involuntarily. The possibility of this idea is relatively high. After all, the other party chose to block the prosperous brokerage company in the first place, just to scare others.

But the woman's intuition told her that the man was still not telling the truth.

"anything else?"

"Wife, did you make a mistake? You shouldn't ask me about this, but you should ask the organizers of those events. How can I know what they think?" Xu Jie said innocently: "Besides, recently For a few days, I have been with you all the time, what do you think I can do?"

Su Yun was taken aback, thinking back the past few days, it was really like what the man said, she was in her studio on weekdays, and he went wherever she went on weekends, and had no time to do anything.

Did you think too much?


(End of this chapter)

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