Chapter 697 Awakened

Suddenly there was a hasty knock on the door, which interrupted Su Yun's "communication" with Xu Jie, and she immediately stopped slamming the man and returned to her seat.

Domineering President is online!

"Please come in."


The door of the office opened in response, and Wang Chenxi hurried in. His face was full of joy, as if something good had happened.

"Sister Yun, I just received another call!" Wang Chenxi said excitedly.


After Su Yun heard it, she reflexively turned to the man standing by the window looking at the scenery, and then asked Wang Chenxi, "Which event organizer is calling again?"

"It's a call from Guo Yang, the producer assistant of the movie "The Game in the Game". He said that after much deliberation, he thinks that you are the most suitable candidate for the heroine of the movie, Sister Yun, and asked if you have a schedule. , if there is, you can sign the contract now." Wang Chenxi said the content of the phone call just now.

Su Yun was slightly taken aback, a series of question marks appeared in her eyes.

What's the situation?
The movie "The Game in the Game" just canceled the cooperation with her and invited He Jingjing to be the heroine. It has only been a few days, why did he give up He Jingjing and find her again?
This is too capricious, right?
You know, the start time of this film is April, and He Jingjing has not joined the filming group yet, so why did the producers suddenly feel that He Jingjing is not suitable?
What are you doing so early?

The producer of the movie "The Game in the Game" is Huasen Media, and the chairman Wang Tiannan is on the same front as Zhou Yuanqing and Sister Hua.

The previous cancellation of cooperation with her was also part of the banning of her by the four entertainment companies.

Although this Guo Yang is the producer's assistant in name, he is actually the spokesperson of the chief producer Wang Tiannan in the crew, so the other party's words also represent Wang Tiannan's attitude.

This is even more strange!

Zhou Yuanqing and Sister Hua's blockade of her is still going on, why did Huasen Media's attitude towards her change 180 degrees?

You must know that Huasen Media is one of the top five companies in the entertainment industry, and the chairman Wang Tiannan is even a godfather in the entertainment industry, and his words are very important.

Could it be that it's almost Chinese New Year, are you here to tease her?

Or, is killing chickens and monkeys playing a role again?

But with Huasen Media's status in the entertainment industry and Wang Tiannan's connections in the film and television industry, even if the Beijing TV station blocks him, the impact will not be too great.

Su Yun couldn't figure it out, so she turned to Xu Jie and asked, "Husband, what do you think about this matter?"

"No!" Xu Jie said without thinking.

Wang Chenxi looked at Teacher Xu in surprise. In her opinion, it is a good thing that the film "The Game in the Game" found Sister Yun again. It shows that Sister Yun is irreplaceable. How could she not sign it?

"Why?" Su Yun was also curious.

She still remembered that the other party told her, don't worry about this matter, what's hers is still hers after all, isn't it what the other party wants now?Why didn't you sign it instead?
"Hmph, if they say they sign, they sign it, and if they say they don't sign it, they don't sign it? What do you think of us?" Xu Jie said coldly.

"Just because of this?" Su Yun was stunned.

She thought the other party had noticed some conspiracy.

"Why, isn't the reason enough? As the old saying goes: A tree lives with a skin, and a man lives with a breath. We must not be bullied like this, and we must not be looked down upon." Xu Jie said with a serious expression.

In his opinion, it is not impossible to sign a contract, but is it too insincere to send a phone call without even an apology?
After Su Yun listened, she nodded in agreement, and said that she did it alone, because she didn't want to see people's faces, and wanted to control the dominant power in her own hands?
"Husband is right." Su Yun looked at Wang Chenxi and said, "Go and call back and tell me that I'm already planning to take another film."

Although Wang Chenxi felt that it was a pity, since it was the boss's intention, he couldn't say anything more, so he turned and left the office to reply to the letter.

The door is closed.

Su Yun stood up, walked to the man's side and asked, "What do you mean by Wang Tiannan?"

Xu Jie looked at Su Yun, said with a smile, "What else can it mean, it means showing kindness."

"But aren't Wang Tiannan and Zhou Yuanqing on the same boat?" Su Yun asked in confusion.

"Who told you that the people on a boat must be of one mind?" Xu Jie asked back.

As the old saying goes: peers are enemies.

The conflict of interest between those four people is definitely greater than the conflict with him.


Su Yun was stopped by the question.

Indeed, the people on a boat may not necessarily have the same heart.

"Since you know that Wang Tiannan is showing his favor, why do you reject it? Aren't you pushing the other party to our opposite?" Su Yun asked.

If Wang Tiannan could be won over, then Zhou Yuanqing's alliance would definitely disintegrate in a short time.

"This matter is neither big nor small. Wang Tiannan just sent an assistant to call and wanted to solve it. Isn't it too dishonest?" Xu Jie said.

He thought of the Charming Fashion Festival last night, and what Assistant Liu Li had said to him. Even though this was the second time Wang Tiannan showed his affection, he felt that it was not enough.

At least you have to say it yourself.

What's the matter with saying it from someone else's mouth?

What should I do if I don't admit it later, or just dump the blame on others?
Su Yun looked at the man next to him with some surprise. When did the other party dare to challenge the boss in the entertainment circle?
If it was her, I would definitely not dare.

And just now, she really wanted to sign the contract. You must know that she had read the book "The Game in the Game" for a long time and made a lot of preparations, so she just let it go, and she felt a little bit reluctant.

"Ring bell bell!"

At this moment, a burst of music bells suddenly sounded in the office.

Su Yun picked up the mobile phone on the table, and the caller ID showed a series of unfamiliar numbers, but unlike scam calls using numbers from other provinces, this phone number is local.

She thought about it, and finally got through the phone, but she didn't say anything, waiting for the other party to speak first, if it was a sale or a scam, she would turn it off immediately.

"Hello, is this Miss Su Yun?" A mature man's voice came from the microphone.

"You are..." Su Yun felt that the voice was familiar, but she couldn't think of who it was for a while.

"I'm Wang Tiannan."

"Chairman Wang?"

Su Yun was startled, and immediately turned her head to look at Xu Jie, her expression became a little more nervous, she never expected that Wang Tiannan would call her himself.

Xu Jie had a calm face, as if everything was expected, and just said lightly: "Hands-free."

Su Yun understood immediately, and turned on the phone for hands-free.

"Miss Su Yun, I am here to apologize to you for my subordinate's mistakes in work." Wang Tiannan's voice spread throughout the office.

"Where did Chairman Wang start?" Su Yun asked in confusion.

"I only found out about the replacement of the movie "In the Game" today. In fact, I have always thought that Ms. Su Yun is the most suitable candidate. As for the dinner that night, I was only invited by Liu Jinghua to be a lobbyist. If it was said to be a help, it had nothing to do with me. I think Miss Su Yun You should understand me, right?" Wang Tiannan said slowly.

Xu Jie sneered when he heard this, thinking that Wang Tiannan is really an old fox.

Not only did he throw the blame for changing actors to others, but he also took himself out of the dinner, as if everything was just a misunderstanding.

Is it really all a misunderstanding?

So an old fox is an old fox, no matter what he does, he can advance and retreat freely.

Su Yun was very surprised. She didn't expect the chairman of the dignified Huasen Media to put her figure so low. She was so surprised that she even suspected that the other party had some unknown purpose.

Su Yun looked at Xu Jie with questioning eyes, waiting for the other party's next instruction.

At this moment, she suddenly had a feeling in her heart that everything seemed to be within the man's expectation.


Not accepted.

Dislike the insincerity of sending someone to call?

As a result, as soon as the words fell, Wang Tiannan personally called.

Is the sincerity enough this time?

Xu Jie met Su Yun's gaze and nodded at him.

In his opinion, sincerity is enough after making a phone call, talking about something, and getting things done.

After all, Huasen Media is the leading entertainment company in China, even if it's reasonable, it can't help others, and a good relationship with Wang Tiannan is also good for Su Yun's future development.

There are no permanent enemies, only permanent benefits.

Accepting Wang Tiannan's apology was in Su Yun's interest and completed his first step of dismantling and blocking the alliance, which was enough. ,
Su Yun received Xu Jie's signal and said into the microphone: "Chairman Wang, I understand you, and I never blamed you from the beginning to the end."

Looking back at the dinner that night, Wang Tiannan talked the least, and he didn't force her to drink or express his opinion, far from Zhou Yuanqing's excessive.

"Haha, I understand long live, Ms. Su is very generous." Wang Tiannan said with a smile: "Then, Ms. Su, the heroine of the movie "In the Game", can you reconsider?"

"Actually, I quite like this character." Su Yun said.

"So, are you planning to sign a contract?"


"Great, with Ms. Su joining, I think this movie will be very exciting. I will ask Guo Yang to send over the contract. With this cooperation, I believe there will be more cooperation in the future." If there is an opportunity, then leave Miss Su alone and say hello to Mr. Xu for me."

"Chairman Wang, goodbye."

"See you."

Su Yun turned off her phone with a joyful smile on her face.

Finally got the role.

It's such a good feeling to be back.

But she was still puzzled by Wang Tiannan's transformation.

"What's wrong with Wang Tiannan?" Su Yun looked at the man and asked.

Xu Jie smiled.

"Who knows, maybe it's just a sudden awakening."


(End of this chapter)

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