Chapter 699
Zhou Yuanqing looked at the bosses who had no good looks, and felt very depressed.

Anyone here who picks out one at random, is an important figure in the entertainment industry.

But now, with the strength of four people, they couldn't block a single female artist, and even got burned and messed up by a small program director. It was really embarrassing.

He looked at Wang Tiannan, and then at Zhao Yuanpeng, both of whom were not to be messed with, so he set his sights on Liu Jinghua.

"Jinghua, didn't you say at the beginning that the person surnamed Xu was unpopular in the Beijing TV station? But looking at the current situation, the Beijing TV station is supporting him from top to bottom, from the inside out, what's going on? "Zhou Yuanqing asked.

"Yes, this is not the energy that a person who is kicked out of the TV station should have, and according to insiders of the TV station, the third season of "Crossover Actor" and the second season of "Ordinary Courage" will be produced by Beijing Satellite TV next year. He will be the chief director." Zhao Yuanpeng also said.


Wang Tiannan snorted coldly. Although he didn't say anything, it could be seen from his attitude how dissatisfied he was with Su Yun.

Faced with everyone's questioning, Liu Jinghua couldn't help feeling a little flustered. She also knew that it would be impossible not to explain clearly, so she pretended to be innocent and said: "I also heard what the insiders of the TV station said, and I am also a victim."

"What?" Wang Tiannan was sitting on the body, and asked Liu Jinghua loudly: "What kind of victim are you? Everything you do is for the benefit of your own company. If you want to talk about victims, we are the real victims. , this incident had nothing to do with us at first, but now, all movies and TV shows have been affected, who will be responsible for this loss?"

Zhao Yuanpeng on the side frowned after hearing this, because what Wang Tiannan encountered now, he might encounter in the future.

At that time, the loss will be calculated in billions.

"Tiannan, can you find someone for the approval?" Zhou Yuanqing asked, and he also began to worry about the entertainment companies he invested in.

In fact, the impact on movies is relatively small, because the review of movies is not under the control of the capital, but the impact on TV dramas is relatively large, because if they do not get the qualifications, they cannot be broadcast.

"Looking for someone? For them, the TV station is their own, and we are all outsiders." Wang Tiannan said in a cold voice.

"It would be great if we could bypass the capital TV station." Zhao Yuanpeng thought for a while and said.

"Of course I can, move the company to other cities, or invest in other companies' film and television dramas." Wang Tiannan said.


Zhao Yuanpeng was speechless, thinking that what Wang Tiannan said was like farting.

He has struggled in the capital for so many years, and his foundation is here, how can he just move away?

Zhou Yuanqing saw that Wang Tiannan and Zhao Yuanpeng seemed to be backing off, so he hurriedly said, "Actually, it's nothing to approve the matter. We can't pass the trial here in the capital. We can send it to Shanghai and Shenzhou. At worst, we can set up a company there to be responsible for this matter." thing."

"Well, yes, Boss Zhou is right." Liu Jinghua echoed.

"Guys, what's the most important thing now? It's unity. We must unite. If we mess up because of this, won't people make fun of it? It's like last night's Glamor Fashion Festival, because we didn't unite , I thought that other people would send people to participate, what happened, was that Xu a joke?" Zhou Yuanqing couldn't help complaining as he spoke.

Because of this incident, he was often complained by Zhu Meng, the editor-in-chief of "Charm" magazine last night, which made him apologize all the time, and he didn't even sleep well. That's why he was so anxious to call everyone to reason together.

Since everyone is sitting in the same boat, they should work together so that the boat can swim fast. If someone does not work hard or even row in the opposite direction, then the boat will never reach the destination.

"Old Zhou, when you mentioned what happened last night, I'm even more angry." Wang Tiannan said angrily, "I ask you, what happened to those Internet celebrities at the Charming Fashion Festival? Zhu Meng actually invited Internet celebrities to participate in the ceremony. Is she going to go the Internet celebrity route, or does she think Internet celebrities are the same as celebrities? Do you know what my artists told me after they came back from the grand ceremony? Do you know how dissatisfied they are?"

"Tiannan, this is a misunderstanding. Those people are all artists from the Prosperous Brokerage Company. As you know, the person surnamed Xu went to sabotage the Glamorous Fashion Festival, causing many artists to leave. That's why they temporarily found someone to join in the show." Zhou Yuanqing explained.

"Oh? Since when did Prosperity Brokers start planning their debut for Internet celebrities?" Wang Tiannan looked at Liu Jinghua and asked.

"They are not Internet celebrities, they are artists, but they are not very famous now." Liu Jinghua explained with a guilty conscience.

After hearing this, Wang Tiannan turned his head to look at Zhou Yuanqing and said, "Old Zhou, did you hear that, we are all helping her, but she is not doing her best."

Zhou Yuanqing's face immediately darkened.

He was still here foolishly helping others to wave the flag to cheer, but Liu Jinghua himself retreated. Isn't this pushing him into the pit of fire?

When Liu Jinghua saw Zhou Yuanqing's appearance, the center immediately became nervous, because she knew that among the three men in front of her, only Zhou Yuanqing would help her. As for Wang Tiannan and Zhao Yuanpeng, it can be seen from this charming fashion ceremony that they all came Those who don't work hard can't count on the future.

In particular, Wang Tiannan has demolished her many times today, and even accused her in front of other people. Is this what allies do?
"That's not the case. Because the company was blocked by Beijing TV Station, I have arranged for artists to go south to find resources. When you called me, Lao Zhou, all the artists in my company were in the south. If they couldn't come back, it's not that they didn't try their best. It's more than enough heart but not enough energy." Liu Jinghua quickly explained.

Wang Tiannan sneered, took a sip of water from the cup, obviously not convinced by Liu Jinghua's explanation.

Liu Jinghua glanced at Wang Tiannan, gritted his teeth angrily, wishing he could pour the bowl of hot soup in front of him on Wang Tiannan's face.

"Some people just say it when they're scared, why are you here to sow discord and fan the flames?" Liu Jinghua said with a sneer.

"It's better than being used as a spearman." Wang Tiannan said eccentrically.


Seeing that the quarrel was about to start again, Zhou Yuanqing said impatiently, "Okay, okay, can you stop arguing? If you have the ability to use tricks on that Xu, what's the use of arguing here?"

Wang Tiannan stood up and said calmly: "If you want to play, you can continue to play, anyway, I won't play anymore." After speaking, he left the private room.

"Tiannan? Tiannan!"

Zhou Yuanqing chased after him while shouting.

However, Wang Tiannan didn't give face, as if he didn't hear it, he didn't stop at his feet.

Looking at Wang Tiannan who left, Zhou Yuanqing couldn't help sighing, and then walked back to the private room.

"Let's go, Lao Zhou, don't worry about him." Liu Jinghua said dismissively: "What about the godfather of entertainment, who changes his position when the approval of TV dramas is blocked, such a person is unreliable."

Zhao Yuanpeng glanced at Liu Jinghua and thought to himself: Is it okay to help you, who is unreliable?
In fact, from the perspective of the company boss, he completely agreed with Wang Tiannan.

Help, no problem.

But if it will bring serious losses to the company, then this favor should be carefully considered.

Seeing Wang Tiannan leaving now, he also began to hesitate.

There are more than the four entertainment companies in the capital city. Once Beijing TV station blocks all four companies in the future, TV program resources will inevitably flow into the hands of other entertainment companies.

For the two people in front of them, Zhou Yuanqing is engaged in entertainment investment, playing with capital, and once he sees that the situation is not good, he will leave if he says he wants to leave, while Liu Jinghua runs a brokerage company, even if he does not have the resources of Beijing TV Station, there are other TV stations Resources.

But he is different.

Not only is there no way to leave the company, but many film and television projects will also be affected.

The entertainment industry is like sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat.

Because there are so many fresh meat fairies that emerge every year, a young artist who does not produce a work in a year is likely to be forgotten by the audience, even if it is an old-fashioned artist, his popularity will be greatly affected. No one watches movies and TV dramas, and the market position will soon be replaced by other entertainment companies.

And the artistes of the company don't need to be recruited by other companies, they will make a fuss to leave.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yuanpeng stood up, looked at Zhou Yuanqing and Liu Jinghua and said, "Since Tiannan is gone, I will go too. If there is anything, let's call."

"Old Zhao!"

Zhou Yuanqing watched Zhao Yuanpeng walk out of the private room with mixed feelings in his heart.

A few days ago, he was still high-spirited, thinking that the joint banning of Su Yun by the four major entertainment companies was just the beginning, and there would definitely be more business cooperation in the future, so as to securely occupy half of the entertainment industry.

But now, Wang Tiannan is gone, and Zhao Yuanpeng is also gone.

Once the main force of the ban was gone, it seemed that he and Liu Jinghua couldn't make any waves anymore.

"Hmph, you bastard!" Liu Jinghua on the side said bitterly.

"It's just the two of us left, what should we do?" Zhou Yuanqing took a sip of water from his cup, the table was full of delicacies, but he didn't have any appetite.

Liu Jinghua thought for a while, finally sighed and said: "Let's take a step and see, what do you think?"

Zhou Yuanqing shook his head, expressing that he did not know.

He was originally going to show the person surnamed Xu some color, but who would have thought that things would be reversed, and the person surnamed Xu would show him some color.

The back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves!

The two looked at each other, neither of them said anything, and they lost the interest to continue eating, so they quickly got up and left.

When Zhou Yuanqing returned to the company, he heard someone calling him as soon as he entered the gate.

"Mr. Zhou, Mr. Zhou!"

A middle-aged man in his forties walked quickly to Zhou Yuanqing, with a look of anxiety on his face, as if there was something urgent.

"Boss An?"

Zhou Yuanqing was surprised at first, then smiled.

The person in front of him is An Ruiyang, the general manager of Pentium Film and Television Company, and this company is one of several entertainment companies invested by Orange Heart Capital.

"Mr. Zhou, do you have time now?" An Ruiyang asked thoughtfully.

Zhou Yuanqing knew it was very important when he saw the other party's appearance. At least the other party felt that there was something important to talk about, so he pointed to the upstairs and said, "If you have time, go to my office."

"Yeah." An Ruiyang nodded.

As Zhou Yuanqing walked, he secretly looked at An Ruiyang. He was usually a talkative person and had always been very enthusiastic towards him, but today...

come back to the office.

Zhou Yuanqing asked the secretary to prepare a cup of coffee for An Ruiyang, and then pointed to the sofa in the reception area, motioning for him to sit down.

"If I remember correctly, this should be the second time you have come to my office. The first time was when we signed a contract four years ago." Zhou Yuanqing said with a smile, in order to ease the serious atmosphere.

"En." An Ruiyang responded, but he was fidgeting, looking around, not thinking about Zhou Yuanqing's topic at all.

Zhou Yuanqing waited until the secretary brought the coffee, and then asked An Ruiyang: "Mr. An, did you encounter any difficulties when you came to me today?"

An Ruiyang was shocked, and after hesitating for a while, he finally nodded.

Zhou Yuanqing said with a smile: "Mr. An, don't be so cautious. We are not outsiders. If you have any problems, just speak up. If I can help, I will definitely not refuse."

An Ruiyang looked at Zhou Yuanqing, hesitated for a long time, but did not say a word clearly, and even began to sweat out of his tense forehead.

Zhou Yuanqing pushed the coffee in front of the other party, and at the same time he was very puzzled, what could make An Ruiyang so nervous and tangled up that he couldn't say anything?
Did he commit something that was reported by Chaoyang people?

If that was the case, the other party would not be sitting in front of him now.

An Ruiyang picked up the cup, gulped down the coffee, then wiped his mouth with his hand, as if he had made up his mind, looked at Zhou Yuanqing and said, "Mr. Shares?"

Zhou Yuanqing was startled, his face was full of astonishment, he couldn't believe that this sentence came from An Ruiyang's mouth.

You know, before he invested, Pentium Films was just a small company, and it was unknown in the entertainment industry. After he invested, he introduced countless resources to the company, which made the company's performance better and better, and became a medium-sized company. Film and television companies even have their own expertise.

He remembered that during the Chinese New Year last year, the other party expressed his gratitude to him during the New Year's greetings, saying that without him, Pentium Film and Television would not be where it is today.

It's only been a year, why do you want to kick him out of the company?

Is this killing the donkey?

Think you can do it, so you want to kick him out?

Zhou Yuanqing suppressed the dissatisfaction in his heart, looked at the other party and asked, "Why? Why do you want to buy back the shares in my hand?"

After a little hesitation, An Ruiyang asked, "You know the movie "Secret City", right?"

Zhou Yuanqing nodded. This is a film that the company took two years to complete. The investment exceeds any previous film of the company. It is going to be released on the National Day next year.

"I was told today that this movie will not pass the censorship," An Ruiyang said.

"Why?" Zhou Yuanqing was taken aback. This is a suspense film, and there seems to be no taboo scenes or content.

"Because, because you are a shareholder of the company, and the other party also said that as long as you are a shareholder of Pentium Film and Television, the movie of Pentium Film and Television will never be released." An Ruiyang said in a low voice, and his tightly clenched hands were also At this time, let go, as if you have lifted a heavy weight from your body.


Zhou Yuanqing opened his eyes wide, full of shock.

To actually name him and want to kick him out of Pentium Film and Television Company?

"Who is it? Who is this person?" Zhou Yuanqing frowned tightly. He has never encountered such a thing in the entertainment industry for so many years.

"My friend didn't say who it was, but just pointed at it with his finger." An Ruiyang said.

"Above?" Zhou Yuanqing looked up at the ceiling, and instantly understood what An Ruiyang's friend meant.

What the other party was talking about was not the ceiling or God, but the person in charge of approving the work.

"Mr. Zhou, I know that you have paid a lot for the company. Without you, the company would not be where it is today, but you should also know that in order to shoot the movie "Secret City", the company used all the funds and also borrowed a sum of money. , if the movie cannot be released, the company is likely to go bankrupt because of this, so for the future of the company and your own interests, please quit Pentium Film and Television." An Ruiyang said with his head down, not daring to look up.

Obviously, he also felt ashamed to face Zhou Yuanqing.

However, what Zhou Yuanqing thought about at this time was not about being kicked out, but who was going to force him to leave Pentium Film and Television, or rather, that person didn't want to force him to leave Pentium Film and Television, but wanted to see him and Pentium Film and Television. Let's play together.

It's just that An Ruiyang's friend disclosed this matter in advance.

Who is it?
Who is so vicious?
Before a movie is released, the most critical step is to submit it for review. If it fails to pass the review, it will not be released to meet the audience, let alone earn back the investment.

Under normal circumstances, if the film does not pass the review, some reasons are usually given when it is returned, and the producer can modify the film and then resubmit for review.

In other words, if the reviewers do not want a movie to be released, there will be countless reasons why the movie cannot meet the audience.

and many more!

Why does this sound so familiar?

It's Wang Tiannan.

Wang Tiannan mentioned this at the dinner table just now, but the other party was stuck in a TV series.

Could it be that Xu?
Should not be!

TV dramas need qualifications and are related to Beijing TV Station, but the film review department has nothing to do with Beijing TV Station. No matter how powerful that surnamed Xu is, the scope of influence can only be within the system of Beijing TV Station. How can it interfere with movie review? ?
However, this matter is still uncertain.

Because the film censorship department is also in the capital, and the Beijing TV station is also in the capital.

People in the same city will inevitably run into each other often.

Do you have acquaintances?
Zhou Yuanqing's mood suddenly sank.

If this is the case, then not only Pentium Film and Television, but also other entertainment companies he invested in will be implicated and eventually drive him out of the entertainment industry.

How cruel!
Zhou Yuanqing gritted his teeth tightly, feeling a little panicked for a moment, not knowing what to do.

The company's main business is entertainment investment. If it is kicked out of the entertainment industry, what if the company invests?
Most importantly, he is not reconciled.

Not reconciled to being kicked out like this.

He is wronged!
"Mr. Zhou, did you offend someone?" An Ruiyang asked tentatively.

Zhou Yuanqing looked at the other party, and didn't say anything, but it was equivalent to acquiescing in a change of direction.


(End of this chapter)

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