The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 700 Pulling Investments

Chapter 700 Pulling Investments

In a tea room near the Forbidden Film Company, Xu Jie, Gao Xiaobin and a third person were sitting together, drinking tea and chatting, the atmosphere was very relaxed and natural.

"Mr. He, I really troubled you this time, thank you for your help." Xu Jie looked at the man opposite and said.

This person is neither from Beijing Television Culture nor Forbidden Films, but He Hongbo, the general manager of Beijing Film Festival Co., Ltd.

Like Jingshi Culture and Forbidden Films, Jingcheng Film Festival Co., Ltd. is a Taiwan-owned company of Jingcheng Radio and Television Station, but the difference is that as an international film festival, its guiding unit is Huaxia Film Bureau, and its sponsor is Beijing The specifications of the city and China Radio and Television Headquarters can be said to be quite high.

"Mr. Xu, don't be so polite. We are all on our own. One family doesn't talk about two families." He Hongbo said with a wave of his hand.

For the celebrity in the TV station system in front of him, he didn't dare to neglect the slightest, let alone pretend to be big.

After all, being able to successively become the deputy director of the Art Program Center and the deputy general manager of Jingshi Culture at a young age must have its own merits.

"Mr. He is right. Our family members should help each other. No matter who is in trouble, we must unite and speak out." Gao Xiaobin said with a smile.

Xu Jie nodded.

He invited Gao Xiaobin and He Hongbo out today mainly to thank them for blocking Liu Jinghua and others from the film and television industry.

Among them, Gao Xiaobin is working hard in the film and television production industry, while He Hongbo is blocking in the film approval process. The former can make Liu Jinghua and others lose part of their resources, while the latter can make Liu Jinghua and others lose their market, directly cutting off their money. .

Of course, He Hongbo is not in charge of film approval, so it doesn't count, but the company he works for has a close relationship with the Film Bureau.

What did that sentence say?

The rivers and lakes are not fighting and killing, the rivers and lakes are about the ways of the world.

With this level of relationship, He Hongbo said a word, can the people in the film bureau not give this face?

As the old saying goes: Many friends lead to many roads, few enemies lead to fewer walls.

The capital city is not too small, and it is not too big. It is not guaranteed that we will meet each other on the road someday.

"I've heard of Zhou Yuanqing, and this time I specifically inquired about it. This person's reputation in the entertainment industry is polarized. Some say he is helpful and a timely rain to Song Jiang in the industry, while others say he is greedy, vicious, and cannibalistic. Spit out the bones." He Hongbo said.

Gao Xiaobin was drinking tea, and when he heard He Hongbo's words, he immediately put down his teacup and said, "This just shows that Zhou Yuanqing is insidious and cunning, and banning him can be regarded as eliminating harm for the people. By the way, brother Xu, there are Tianchen Entertainment and Huasen Media, right?" ? Aren't you going to give these two families some trouble?"

"Wang Tiannan from Huasen Media has already called my wife, clarified the ban, and apologized for the misunderstanding. As for that Zhao Yuanpeng, don't worry, come one by one." Xu Jie said lightly.

"That's right, if the four companies are sanctioned at the same time, it will only make them hold tighter. Sanctioning them one by one will make them feel unbalanced and cause conflicts." He Hongbo nodded, agreeing with Xu Jie's approach.

"Hmph, it's just a few entertainment companies in the district, and they dare to challenge our TV station. It's really beyond their capabilities." Gao Xiaobin took a sip of tea, suddenly remembered something, and asked, "By the way, brother Xu, you prepared that movie. How's it going?"

"The outline of the script has been written." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

"Huh? Is Xu always going to make a movie?" He Hongbo asked curiously.

"Old He, don't you know that Brother Xu and Zheng Guoliang are going to compete against each other at the movie box office during the National Day next year?" Gao Xiaobin looked at He Hongbo strangely, his expression seemed to say: You don't even know about this?How did you get along in the film industry?


He Hongbo smiled awkwardly. He knew Zheng Guoliang, but he really didn't know about it.

Gao Xiaobin immediately explained vividly and vividly, such as movie appointments, national day showdowns, and bets, as if he himself witnessed everything on the spot.

And He Hongbo was also taken aback when he heard that, he didn't expect that the young man on the opposite side would dare to compete with Zheng Guoliang for the movie box office.

Who is Zheng Guoliang?

Famous domestic directors, the romance films they produced are very popular in the film market, especially in recent years, each of the director's films has a box office of more than [-] million, and the reputation is also good. This kind of stability is reflected in the entire Film circles are very rare.

If it is said that the ban PK with Liu Jinghua, Zhou Yuanqing and others can be based on the personal connections of the TV station, then the PK at the movie box office is purely based on personal strength.

"Mr. Xu, you said you just finished writing the outline of the script? But there are only nine months between now and the National Day holiday, do you still have time?" He Hongbo asked in surprise.

"What's too late? As long as the funds are sufficient, a movie can be made in three months, not to mention nine months." Gao Xiaobin said after hearing this: "Brother Xu, if you need anything, just come to me. , you need equipment and equipment, by the way, how much are you going to invest?"

"The two old brothers should know that Beijing TV Culture has never paid much attention to the film business. We can invest up to 3000 to [-] million yuan a year, so I plan to invest all this money in this film. It should be enough. Already." Xu Jie thought for a while and said.

Gao Xiaobin and He Hongbo looked at each other, and they both saw incredulity in each other's eyes.

Yes, too little money!
"Brother Xu, it's not that I discouraged you, but the funds of 3000 to [-] million are too little, right? Not enough to hire actors." Gao Xiaobin said with a wry smile.

"Yes, 3000 million, to be honest, it's not enough to hire a first-line student, let alone other expenses." He Hongbo said seriously.

"I didn't want to invite celebrities." Xu Jie said.


Gao Xiaobin and He Hongbo were stunned in shock.

"Mr. Xu, if you want to win the movie box office competition, then you must invite celebrities to play the role, and the more popular the celebrity is, the more audiences will enter the movie theater, and the possibility of winning Zheng Guoliang will be higher. Big." Gao Xiaobin said solemnly.

Not only has he made movies, but he has also worked as a producer for countless movies, so he has a very good understanding of movies, especially love movies.

If it is said that gunfight movies make money by fighting, and comedy movies make money by laughing, then romance movies make money purely by fans of the actors.

By storyline?
Stop being funny!

In the same plot, if a star you like plays, it's called romance, but if a star you don't like plays, it's bloody.

In the choice of romance films, the audience has always only looked at the face, not the plot.

Of the ten romance films, at least eight are like this, and for the remaining two, one depends on the director and the other on the action.

"Mr. Gao is right. In the past, Zheng Guoliang's romance films also invited first-line stars. Only relying on the fans of these stars, the movie can also pay back the cost. This is called the fan economy. Having stars is equivalent to insurance. "He Hongbo said.

Xu Jie picked up the teacup, thinking while drinking tea.

In fact, at the beginning, he also thought about inviting celebrities to join him, but after seeing the salaries of some celebrities, he directly chose to give up.

But now after listening to Gao Xiaobin and He Hongbo's words, it seems that this star really has to be invited.

When the audience chooses a movie in the studio, what is the first thing they see?
It's a movie poster.

Therefore, the star on the poster is the key to attracting the audience to buy tickets.

It is impossible for the producer to write the content of the movie on the movie poster, and the sweetness and bitterness of love cannot be shown in a few words.

Xu Jie couldn't help but put down his teacup.

This is how to do?
The funds he can use are only 3000 million at most, but if he invites first-line stars to star in, then the cost of the whole movie must be a small target.

In other words, there is still a gap of 7000 million.

Of course, celebrities’ remuneration can be negotiated, such as looking for a familiar celebrity, selling face, giving a friendship price or something, but the friendship price does not mean voluntary performance, [-]% off [-]% off is already very good, even if In this way, there is still a funding gap of tens of millions.

Who to look for?
Xu Jie was in a difficult situation for a while.

He has been working at Beijing TV Station for a long time. Although he knows many celebrities, he knows very few film and television investors.

and many more!

Xu Jie raised his head suddenly, his eyes fell on Gao Xiaobin who was facing him, and a smile gradually appeared on his face.

"Mr. Gao, do you want to invest in my movie?" Xu Jie asked with a smile.


Gao Xiaobin was taken aback, he didn't expect Xu Jie to set his mind on him.

Investing in movies is of course no problem.

Forbidden Films itself has the business of investing in films.

But the question is whether the other party's movie is worth investing in.

First of all, the other party is a new director; secondly, it is not sure which star will star in it; thirdly, the chances of losing money in romance movies are very high among all types of movies.

In these three aspects, it is enough to kill a film investment project.

"Xu, brother Xu, stop joking with me. It's okay to contribute, but there are many aspects to consider in investing in this kind of thing." Gao Xiaobin said in a difficult way.

"Brother Gao, as far as I know, 90.00% of the movies that are released every year lose money. I think the Forbidden Film Industry also loses money when investing in movies, right? Instead of losing money on others, it is better to lose money on me Well, don’t the fat and water flow into the fields of outsiders, invest a little, 2000 million is not too little, and [-] million or [-] million is not too much.” Xu Jie picked up the teapot and poured tea for Gao Xiaobin while talking.

Gao Xiaobin looked at the teacup that was gradually being refilled in front of him, swallowed involuntarily, and didn't dare to drink it.

The cost of one sip is tens of millions, and drinking one cup may be a small goal. Who would dare?

And He Hongbo on the side was even more shocked. The persuasive angle of the young man in front of him was so strange that it was so out of date.

Pay it to you?
Talking about losing money before the filming started?
Who would dare to invest in this?

"Brother Xu, although every film may not be able to make money, the company usually has to evaluate the film project carefully and in detail before investing, and I can't say it alone." Gao Xiaobin explained.

"Brother Gao, don't talk about it. Isn't it common for people to invest in bullshit? Some people will invest even if they know they will lose money. What's more, my movie may not lose money, brother Gao. I don’t know my past record.” Xu Jie said.

Of course Gao Xiaobin knew about it, but the opponent's achievements were all in variety shows, and had nothing to do with movies.

If the other party wants to shoot a variety show, he will agree without thinking about it, but if the other party wants to make a movie, being able to direct a variety show well does not mean being able to direct a good movie.

These are two things, two jobs.

It doesn't mean that everything can be derived by calling the director.

"Brother Xu, how about you write a project plan and give it to me, and I'll take it back to the evaluation team for a look?" Gao Xiaobin asked.

"Brother Gao, Mr. He has already said just now that there is not much time left for me. How can I have time to write the project plan? How about I dictate it to you now?" Xu Jie asked.

"no, I'm fine!"

Gao Xiaobin waved his hands again and again, he was afraid that after hearing this, he would not be able to think of a reason to refuse.

"Ring bell bell!"

At this time, a burst of music bells suddenly sounded.

Xu Jie touched his pocket, and it was his cell phone that was ringing.

"Honey, what's the matter?" Xu Jie answered the phone, and it was Su Yun who called.

"Husband, do you have time in the afternoon? Zhao Jie, the vice president of Daniu Group, called and will come to discuss the renewal of the endorsement contract later. Aren't you familiar with the boss of Daniu Company? Would you like to come over?" Su Yun asked.

"Okay, I'll go back now." Xu Jie said.

"Well, I'll wait for you."

Xu Jie put down his cell phone, Gao Xiaobin was obviously relieved, and secretly thanked Su Yun for saving his life.

"Brothers, I'm really sorry, my wife has something to do, so..."

Before Xu Jie could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the anxious Gao Xiaobin.

"Brother Xu, hurry up and get busy, we will meet again when we have time."

Gao Xiaobin wished he could leave now.


Xu Jie nodded, shook hands with He Hongbo, then with Gao Xiaobin, and said, "Brother Gao, think about investing in movies. What if you make a lot of money?"

The corner of Gao Xiaobin's mouth twitched, what is "once"?
Although film investment can be regarded as a kind of gamble in a certain sense, but now he doesn't even see the cards, how can he make a bet?

Are you going blind?
"Okay, I will think about it carefully." Gao Xiaobin said seriously.

The main reason is that the hand is too painful to be held by the other party, and the fingers are already red.

"Then I'll go first, see you another day." Xu Jie let go of Gao Xiaobin's hand, got up and left the tea room, and did not forget to settle the bill when he came downstairs, after all, he was the host today.

After half an hour.

Xu Jie returned to the studio.

As soon as he entered Su Yun's office, he saw several people sitting in the reception area, among them was Ding Zhenye, the general manager of Daniu Group.

"Mr. Ding, long time no see."

Xu Jie was a little surprised at first, then walked over quickly, and extended his hand to the other party enthusiastically.

"Yes, how is Director Xu? I heard that you have been transferred to a cultural communication company under Beijing TV Station as the deputy general manager? Congratulations." Ding Zhenye said with a smile, holding Xu Jie's hand tightly.

"Thank you, Mr. Ding." Xu Jie said.

Several people sat down again.

Xu Jie looked at Ding Zhenye and said, "Mr. Ding, why bother you to go to this trivial matter of contract renewal?"

"Haha, I also heard from Vice President Zhao that you would come over, so I decided to come and have a look. It's okay anyway." Ding Zhenye said.

"Mr. Ding attaches so much importance to it, but I feel embarrassed, especially when the program "Delicious History" failed to continue to cooperate with Mr. Ding's company. Now I still feel very regretful in my heart." Xu Jie gently with a sigh.

"Director Xu, don't think this way. Internet companies now come in fast and burn money ruthlessly. Traditional industries like us can't burn them. It has nothing to do with you. Besides, even if "Delicious History" can't cooperate , can we cooperate with other programs, by the way, do you have any programs recently?" Ding Zhenye asked enthusiastically.

"Next year's third season of "Crossover Actor" and the second season of "Ordinary Courage", I will be the chief director." Xu Jie said after thinking about it.

"These two programs are too popular, and there are too many people staring at them. I'm afraid I can't compete with them. Let's wait until you have a new program." Ding Zhenye said with a wry smile.

When I sponsored "Delicious History", it only cost a few million for a program, but now the sponsorship fee for the other party's program can easily be several hundred million, which is not something the company can afford.

"There will be opportunities to cooperate in the future." Xu Jie comforted.

However, given his current situation, especially after coming to Beijing TV Culture, even if he wants to do shows in the future, they will be large-scale variety shows. For a small show like "Delicious History", I am afraid that he will not have the time and energy.

A bold idea suddenly popped up in Xu Jie's heart.

Sponsoring programs is hopeless, but sponsoring movies is not enough?
A few hundred million is a large sum for the other party's company, but tens of millions should not be a big problem for the other party's company.

Xu Jie looked at Ding Zhenye and asked, "Mr. Ding, I'm going to make a movie recently, do you want to invest in it?"

Ding Zhenye was slightly taken aback, and looked at Xu Jie curiously, "Investing in movies? But I don't understand."

Su Yun and Zhao Jie, vice president of Daniu Company, were also surprised.

Today I'm here to talk about an endorsement contract, how can it turn into an investment movie?

Is this span too big?

"Mr. Ding, investing in movies is very simple. How much money you invest is divided according to the proportion of the total investment in the movie. How much you earn in the future will be divided according to this ratio. Of course, you may lose money, but I can give you money in the movie. Your company's products are placed in advertisements." Xu Jie explained.


When Ding Zhenye heard about the placement of the advertisement, he immediately became interested.

Although the company's products have never been advertised in movies before, he has heard of this format, and if the cost is right, he can definitely try it.

"Director Xu, how much does this investment cost?" Ding Zhenye asked.

"The base is 1000 million, and there is no upper limit." Xu Jie said.

Ding Zhenye's eyes lit up, 1000 million yuan was no problem for him, and even one of the spare villas at home could be sold for more than this price.

"Director Xu, can you tell me more about the investment?" Ding Zhenye asked.

"no problem!"

Seeing that the other party was interested, Xu Jie immediately spoke up.


(End of this chapter)

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