Chapter 701
"Mr. Ding, with the growth of the national economy, people's demand for cultural entertainment is becoming stronger and stronger. As an important part of the cultural entertainment market, the film market has also developed rapidly in recent years, and the growth rate of the box office is also very stable. Moreover, the country also attaches great importance to the film industry, not only introducing various policies, but also encouraging private capital to enter..."

Xu Jie said to Ding Zhenye.

From the national economy to the needs of the common people, he painted a brilliant picture of the future of the film industry in order to dispel the other party's concerns.

Of course, just having these scenes is not enough.

In addition to theory, he also took out practical cases.

Recently, for example, the movie "Mulan" starring Su Yun had a total investment of more than [-] million yuan and a total box office of more than one billion yuan, which brought double returns to the investment company.

For example, the movie "The World" starring Su Yun and Ding Mengni had an investment of less than 300 million. Su Yun invested 100 million in order to successfully complete the filming of the movie. In the end, according to the proportion, she also got a share of 500 million.

At the end of Xu Jie's speech, seeing that Ding Zhenye was listening attentively, he was obviously moved, so he decided to make the final blow.

"Mr. Ding, we are not outsiders. Let me tell you a few words of truth. If it's just a simple film investment, I don't recommend you to do it. After all, film investment is just like voting investment. You may make money or you may lose money. There is a certain element of gambling, but your situation is different, even investment and advertising, it can be said that you can make a steady profit without losing money, and I am also planning to arrange an important role for your niece Ding Mengni..."


When Ding Zhenye heard this, he slapped his thigh and said loudly, "Director Xu, you needn't say anything, I voted for this movie."

The last sentence completely moved him.

The general environment has nothing to do with him. As a businessman, he needs to see tangible benefits, not a painted pie.

Xu Jie smiled, just waiting for the other party's words.

"Mr. Ding, how much are you going to vote?" Xu Jie asked expectantly.

"Well, 1000 million, okay?" Ding Zhenye looked at Xu Jie tentatively, afraid that the other party would think it was too little.

Every businessman wants to do big things with little money, and he is no exception.

"Okay, of course, then it's settled, and I will prepare the contract later." Xu Jie said quickly, for fear that the other party would go back on his word.

No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat, and no matter how small the shrimp skin is, it is still seafood.

Jingshi Culture 3000 million, Ding Zhenye 1000 million, add up to 4000 million, one step closer to the goal.

"Director Xu, I don't know what kind of movie you are going to shoot this time?" Ding Zhenye asked curiously. The other party talked for so long just now, but he didn't say a word about the content of the movie.

"Love movie." Xu Jie said.

Zheng Guoliang made a love movie, and he also wants to make a love movie. This is called a positive PK, not only to win beautifully, but also to win fairly, so that the other party has nothing to say.

"A love movie? Is there a role for Ms. Su?" Ding Zhenye asked.


Xu Jie was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Su Yun beside him, he really didn't think about letting her play the role.

Firstly, Su Yun's work plan for next year is very full and there is no schedule; secondly, this is his first time making a movie, and he has no idea, once the box office hits his hips, the reputation will be poor, which will inevitably affect the other party's film career ;Thirdly, it is inevitable that there will be intimate scenes in romance movies, let him watch his wife make out with other men?It can't be done.

"I haven't considered this." Xu Jie shook his head and replied.

"Why didn't director Xu think about it? Ms. Su is one of the most popular actresses now, and with the word-of-mouth and box office of "Mulan", I think the audience will definitely look forward to her next movie. in addition……"

Ding Zhenye paused when he said this, and his eyes fell on the contract in the hands of the vice president.

"Miss Su is still our company's brand spokesperson. Her participation in the performance will greatly improve the promotion of our company's products. I hope Director Xu can seriously consider it. If Miss Su can be the heroine, I am willing to do it again. An additional investment of 1000 million." Ding Zhenye said seriously.

Although he doesn't know much about the film industry, he knows that Su Yun is very popular now.

If Su Yun can participate in this movie, I believe that many fans will walk into the movie theater to support this movie.

This is also a guarantee for his investment.

When Xu Jie heard Qian, his eyes lit up immediately.

Additional 1000 million?

That is 2000 million investment?

Since it is an investor's request, arrange it!

The big deal is not to write intimate scenes, or to borrow seats to shoot.

He turned to look at Su Yun and asked, "Honey, do you have a schedule?"

Su Yun smiled slightly, and said softly: "If there is no schedule, the schedule will be squeezed out. How can I not support my husband's movie? As long as you need me, I have no problem."

Xu Jie nodded, feeling confident, so he looked at Ding Zhenye and said, "Okay, just follow what Mr. Ding wants."

"Haha, Director Xu is a straightforward person. With both of you in this movie, I believe the box office will be indispensable, just like "Delicious History"." Ding Zhenye said happily.

I feel that today is not in vain, and there are unexpected gains.

After talking about film investment, it's time to get down to business.

Su Yun simply read the brand endorsement contract, and wrote her name on the last page. It was still a two-year endorsement contract, and it was still a friendship price.

Back then, other brands had terminated their contracts with her because of the marriage registration incident, and only Daniu Group invited her to be the brand spokesperson.

Just for this point, it is also appropriate to give Daniu Group a sentimental endorsement price.

"Director Xu, it's a happy cooperation." Ding Zhenye held Xu Jie's hand tightly. What he was referring to was not the brand endorsement contract, but the movie investment.

After all, the money invested in the film is much more than the endorsement fee for Su Yun.

"Well, happy cooperation." Xu Jie said.

He is not sure whether the cooperation will be pleasant, but he is very happy now anyway.

Now that Su Yun plays the heroine, it is equivalent to saving a lot of salary. In this way, 5000 million should not be a problem.

Xu Jie sent Ding Zhenye out of the studio, and when he was about to go back, his arm was suddenly pulled from behind.

"Are you really planning to let me be the heroine?" Su Yun asked, she didn't have the nerve to ask more because there were outsiders there just now.

"Of course I have to meet the investor's request." Xu Jie said.

The investment of 2000 million is not a small amount. Don't let Su Yun be the heroine, even if he is the hero, he will do it.

"Don't force it. If you don't have enough funds, I can invest. Tens of millions will be fine." Su Yun said seriously.

Xu Jie was taken aback after hearing this, and his heart was filled with emotion for a moment, and even more happiness.

The feeling of eating soft rice is really good.

"Thank you for your support. It's just that this is my first time making a movie. I don't know how the final box office will be. Therefore, I can't let you throw money in for nothing." Xu Jie said.

Mainly to lose other people's money, he has no pressure.

For Beijing TV Culture, just write a report and deal with it. No one can do anything to him. As for Ding Zhenye, the advertisement was made and the niece arranged it, so there is nothing to say.

"How can this be called nonsense? This is my support for your career." Su Yun said seriously.

Knowing Su Yun's intentions, Xu Jie gently stroked the other's hair with his hands, and said, "Next time, next time I make a movie, I will definitely ask you to invest."

"Are you sure you have enough funds?" Su Yun asked worriedly.

To put it bluntly, soliciting investment is to beg for help in a low voice, and it may not be possible to get money.

She didn't want to see Xu Jie like this.

"Enough." Xu Jie said.

"But for such a big matter, I didn't do much to help, and I always feel uncomfortable." Su Yun said guiltily.

From now on, the man has helped her too much, such as advertising endorsements, variety shows, movies, etc., but she has never done anything for him.

As a wife, I feel so useless.

"Why didn't you help? You have helped me the most by being able to play the heroine." Xu Jie comforted.

"Really? Let's do it this way, I'll play the role with zero pay, so don't give me money." Su Yun said.

"How can this work? It's not a film I personally invested in. Since someone has invested in it, why don't you want a salary? Besides, who is not invited? But this salary may be given to you in another way."

"In what way?"

"The box office share."

Su Yun was taken aback. Although the method of substituting box office share for film remuneration has a long history, it is not common.

Because this method extremely tests the box office appeal of the actor, once the box office pulls the crotch, the actor will get very little remuneration, not even half a dime.

After all, in the movie industry, 90.00% of movies lose money.

In fact, many investors are willing to do this, directly linking the actors to the box office, but few actors are willing to accept it, because this is a gamble, and no movie star can guarantee that every movie he makes will get a high box office .

of course there are exceptions.

Some superstars, stars who are confident in their box office appeal, are very willing to sign this kind of contract, and even propose it.

However, in order to minimize the risk and avoid busy work in vain, superstars usually adopt the form of remuneration plus box office share, popularly speaking, it is basic salary plus bonus.

Xu Jie did this, on the one hand, he could save a sum of expenses before the movie was released, and spend the money on the festival, and on the other hand, he didn't want Su Yunbai to be too busy.

Of course, this trick can only be used on Su Yun.

Because Su Yun is his wife, if she were any other female artist, with 0 salary plus box office share, no matter how close she was with him, she would never accept such a contract.

"No problem!" Su Yun said with a smile.

For her, it doesn't matter whether she gets a share or not, the key is whether she can help.

After explaining clearly to Su Yun, Xu Jie drove out of the studio and went to Jingshi Culture to draft a film investment cooperation agreement.

Although Ding Zhenye has agreed to invest in the film, for Xu Jie, if the money is not in his pocket, it is not his money.

So even though there is only one script outline for the movie, he still wants to complete the cooperation agreement as soon as possible so that Ding Zhenye can sign it and hand over the money to avoid long nights and dreams.

Xu Jie came to the film department. Although it was Sunday, there were people on duty here.

"Wen Biting, give me a movie investment cooperation agreement." Xu Jie found the female employee on duty, because she was fine and she was watching a TV series.

When Wen Biting saw Xu Jie who came to the film department suddenly, she was frightened and quickly stuffed the potato chips under the desk, and the computer screen quickly switched from the video website to the real-time movie box office database.

But when she heard Xu Jie's words, she was stunned.

Film investment cooperation agreement?
Have a project?
Wen Biting quickly stood up and replied, "Mr. Xu, I don't have one here. Minister Wang has always been in charge of the investment cooperation agreement."

"Call Minister Wang and ask her to send me an electronic version." Xu Jie said after hearing this.


Wen Biting took out her mobile phone to make a call, for fear of delaying Mr. Xu's important business.

It wasn't until Minister Wang was notified that he came back to his senses. He couldn't help looking at the new deputy general manager in front of him and asked, "Mr. Xu, does the company have a movie project?"

"Yeah." Xu Jie nodded.

"Whose movie to invest in? Which company to cooperate with? Shall we participate in the filming this time?" Wen Biting asked several questions in succession, her eyes full of excitement.

Xu Jie looked at Wen Biting, and he didn't blame the other party for having too many questions. Beijing Television Culture and Film Department is the department with the least presence in the entire company. A project popped up suddenly. Who is not curious?

Seeing this, Wen Biting immediately realized that the man in front of him who was younger than herself was the deputy general manager of the company, so she immediately shrank her neck, lowered her head and whispered, "I, I just want to ask what we need to do this time. what."

Xu Jie sat down, and then said: "There are a lot of things you need to do, because this time the investment is my film."


Wen Biting was surprised and dumbfounded.

I thought the new vice president was too powerful, right?Just arrived at Jingshi Culture and want to make a movie?
But in addition to being surprised, I felt something was wrong.

The other party has been a food program director, a variety show director, and a New Year's Eve party director. When did he become a movie director again?

Isn't this crossover a bit big?

"Mr. Xu, you, aren't you joking?" Wen Biting swallowed involuntarily.

As far as she knows, the day JingTV Culture had its own film department, it had never made a film by itself. It co-produced with other companies, and others thought they were unprofessional.

"Do you think I'm joking with you?" Xu Jie asked with a serious expression.

When Wen Biting was asked, she lowered her head again, but couldn't help but secretly looked at her.

Not to mention, it really doesn't look like a joke.

Thinking of this, Wen Biting couldn't help but get excited.

The film department has always been a small and transparent existence in the company.

Especially when the staff in other departments are busy while the people in my own department are chatting, trading stocks and watching online dramas, I feel very uncomfortable.

But now it's different.

The new deputy general manager is going to make a movie as soon as he arrives at the company, and it seems that he has already found an investor, and with this in mind, the film department will inevitably rise in the future.

"Has the agreement been delivered?" Xu Jie looked at the female employee who was sitting and giggling and asked, wondering if he was just idle in the movie department?

"Mr. Xu wait a moment." Wen Biting turned on the phone, but there was no email in the mailbox. In order to prevent the vice president from getting angry, she explained for the minister: "I heard the voice just now, and Minister Wang seems to be outside. Maybe there is no agreement in Minister Wang's mobile phone." , you need to go home and find it.”

Xu Jie thought about it after hearing this, and this explanation is quite reasonable.

In fact, Wang Wen, director of the film department, is not to blame for this incident, and he can only blame himself.

After all, today is Sunday, and the employees are on vacation, and he wanted the film investment cooperation agreement on a whim, and he didn't tell anyone in advance.

"If I remember correctly, you have been here for five years, right?" Xu Jie chatted with Wen Biting while waiting for the electronic agreement.

"Well, it will be five years by next April." Wen Biting replied.

"I heard that you used to be an assistant to a celebrity in an entertainment company, why did you suddenly come to the Beijing Television Culture and Film Department?" Xu Jie asked curiously.

"It's too hard to take care of. It's tiring like a dog to earn so many thousands of dollars a month." Wen Biting said while sighing.

"Really? It seems that your luck is very bad. By the way, has our company invested in love movies before?" Xu Jie asked. .

"I have invested, I invested in a love movie last year, but I lost a lot of money in the end." Wen Biting said.

"Where is the problem?" Xu Jie wanted to learn some experience.

"There are no celebrities. Love movies are about celebrities, but in that movie, both male and female protagonists are newcomers, so it's strange if they don't lose money. But it is said that the coal boss wants to praise the heroine, so he doesn't care if he owes money or not." Wen Biting said with a smile.

"Since you know, why did you invest in that movie?" Xu Jie asked suspiciously.

"Isn't it because of Mr. Yu and that coal boss..." Wen Biting stopped suddenly when she said this, looked at the deputy general manager in front of her, and then whispered again, "I don't know, I also heard it from others."

Xu Jie didn't ask any more questions. It must be that the former general manager Yu Kuan had an interest in the investor and the producer. The investment money went to the company's account, and he didn't know how much he received in private.

"Do you think 5000 million is enough to make a love movie?" Xu Jie continued to ask.

"If it's a modern romance movie with celebrities starring, 5000 million is barely enough. If it's a costume romance movie, 5000 million may not be enough." Wen Biting said after thinking about it.

Xu Jie was taken aback, and asked, "Is there any difference between the two?"

"Of course there is a difference, and the difference is huge. Modern romance films are easy to find a location and can be shot in any place, but ancient costume romance films are different. Not only do you need to rent a venue, but also a huge amount of expenses for costumes and props. If you need special effects, the cost will be higher, not to mention 5000 million, [-] million is nothing." Wen Biting talked eloquently, never had pork or seen a pig running?
After Xu Jie heard it, he fell into deep thought.

Because what he wants to shoot is a costume romance movie.

And there are not only big scenes, but also special effects.

Originally, he thought that 5000 million would be enough, but after hearing what Wen Biting said, it seems that he still underestimated the speed at which movies burn money!


(End of this chapter)

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