Chapter 702

The door of the film department was suddenly pushed open, and Wang Wen hurried in from the outside with her messy hair. She looked around the office anxiously, and walked over quickly after spotting Xu Jie.

"Mr. Xu, is your film project about to start?" Wang Wen asked with concern.

She knew that Mr. Xu was going to make a movie, but she didn't expect that even the investment had already been negotiated. The speed was even faster than the high-speed rail. She was indeed a person who did big things, and when he came to Jingshi Culture, he would amplify his moves.

"It's just that I found an investor." Xu Jie said lightly, still thinking about funds.

Wen Biting had done a detailed calculation with him just now, excluding the stars' remuneration, the 5000 million film production fee was barely enough, but if the film promotion fee was added, it would be a bit tight and stretched.

The era when the smell of wine is not afraid of deep alleys is long gone.

Nowadays, no matter how strong the cast of a movie is or how popular the stars are, it needs to be publicized before it is released, such as TV, website, short video, posters, etc., because only people can see the publicity and attract people. interest, everyone will go to the cinema to buy tickets to watch.

What's more, he has to compete head-on with Zheng Guoliang for this movie, let alone lose to the other party in publicity.

If others promote it, if he doesn't promote it, he will definitely be overwhelmed when the movie is released.

Spending money on publicity is better than losing money to Zheng Guoliang afterwards.

He now understands why the state supports private capital to enter the film industry.

Because making a movie is too expensive.

But where do you get the money?

Wang Wen's eyes lit up immediately after hearing Mr. Xu's words.

What is the hardest thing about making a movie?
It's not about hiring directors or actors, it's about making money.

To put it bluntly, it is to attract investment.

Both the director and the actor have a price tag. As long as the money is in place, it's okay for the actor to become a green leaf.

Therefore, if a film can find investors, then other problems are not a problem.

"How much is the investment?" Wang Wen asked excitedly. She felt that Mr. Xu was so anxious to find a film investment cooperation agreement, the investment amount must not be small.

Xu Jie stretched out two fingers silently.

"Two? Two hundred million?" Wang Wen asked in surprise, her voice trembling.

Big investment, big production!

"2000 million!" Xu Jie rolled his eyes directly.

Not to mention that no one would invest so much money, even if someone would, he would not dare to accept it.

So many.

We must know that with an investment of [-] million yuan, how can the box office have to reach [-] million yuan to maintain capital.

Two or three hundred million can still be tried and tested, and six hundred million is purely a daydream.

Wang Wen was taken aback, feeling a little disappointed, but quickly accepted the reality. After all, 2000 million is already a lot. You must know that the total investment of the film department this year is only 2000 million.

"Mr. Xu, how many agreements do you need? Who are Party B and how to allocate the proportion..." Wang Wen took out a small notebook to record, and later wrote it in the agreement, and then it can be printed.


Xu Jie thought for a while, but didn't know what to say for a while.

Because I thought 5000 million was enough before, so I didn't think too much about the ratio, but now 5000 million is probably not enough, so the cooperation agreement is not just a matter between Jingshi Culture and Ding Zhenye, it must be brought in again A third party will do.

Of course, you can also initially sign a cooperation agreement. If there are new investors in the future, you can re-divide the proportion according to the investment.

But if no investors can be found in the future, is it necessary to stop halfway through the filming?

Movie budgets are like Han Xinbing soldiers, the more the better.

If the budget is insufficient, this financial pressure will seriously affect the filming, and finally become a shoddy production.

If the movie loses in the content, Xu Jie admits it, but if the movie loses in the lack of investment, Xu Jie is not reconciled.

Who else can invest?
Xu Jie searched carefully in his mind for a while, only to find that although he knew many people in the entertainment circle, none of them could really afford to invest in movies.

Those stars are also limited to cooperative relationships.

As for entertainment companies and film and television companies, he doesn't seem to have that much face in the film industry.

Even Gao Xiaobin from Forbidden Pictures was hesitant, let alone people from other companies.

These days, you can talk about anything, but you can't talk about money, because talking about money hurts feelings.

and many more!

Since others will not invest, how can I invest myself?

Xu Jie reached out and touched the wallet in his pocket. There were more than 2000 million in the bank card his mother gave him. Anyway, it was saved, so it was better to use it for some investment.

If you add this part of the money, it is 7000 million.

"You wait first!" Xu Jie said to Wang Wen, then left the film department and returned to his office.

If you want to invest in movies, you must first have a company through which you can invest in movies.

But in this way, there is a problem in front of him, that is, he has no company.

And with his current work situation, he is not allowed to have a company outside, at least not in name.

However, there are always more solutions than problems.

Although he cannot own a company, he can ask others to register a company, and then invest in his movies through this company.

Of course, this person must be trustworthy, otherwise, once the other party sells the company, he will have nowhere to cry.

Who to look for?
Dad or Mom?


If the second elder knows that the house purchase money was used by him to invest in a movie, why don't he just ask for the money back?

Even if he agrees, once the compensation is paid in the future, he can't afford to have a heart attack if he really gets angry.

Su Yun?

Not at all.

Just persuaded the other party not to invest, and in a blink of an eye he wants to invest again. Isn't this slapping yourself in the face?
The other party will definitely be unhappy.

Or, find Su Lei?

Although the brother-in-law is not strict, he listens to him very much, and the other party now has a legitimate job and can make money from acting. If he dares to swallow his money and the company, he will make the other party work for a lifetime to pay off the debt.

Yes, just find my brother-in-law!
Thinking of this, Xu Jie immediately took out his mobile phone and called Su Lei.

Soon, the phone is connected.

"Brother-in-law, why did you suddenly think of calling me? Is there something good?" Su Lei's excited voice came from the microphone.

"Well, great news, let me ask you, do you want to be the boss of a media company?" Xu Jie asked.

"Ah? Really? Brother-in-law, are you kidding me?" Su Lei asked in surprise, his eyes filled with disbelief.

Although brother-in-law treats him very well, it's not enough to start a company for him, right?
Besides, if others don't understand him, doesn't brother-in-law understand him?

Is he material for starting a company and doing business?
After this period of acting, he has completely recognized himself.

Even if his brother-in-law dared to start a company for him, he would not dare to be the boss.

"Who are you kidding? I want to invest in a movie, but due to my current job, it's not convenient to come forward, so I need you to register a media company and complete the movie investment through this company." Xu Jie said simply.


After Su Lei listened, he immediately understood what brother-in-law meant.

This situation is still very common in society.

Taking advantage of his position, he handed over the company's business to his outside company. The business can be done by himself or outsourced to other companies.

It can be called that the fertile water does not flow to outsiders' fields, or it can be called that the fertile soil is only kept for one's own cultivation.

"What about us, do you agree?" Xu Jie asked impatiently.

"Agree, of course I agree, brother-in-law's business is my business, and helping brother-in-law is what I should do." Su Lei said quickly, for fear of being banned by brother-in-law.

Now the brother-in-law's "bad reputation" has spread throughout the Beijing circle.

Ban all the artists of the prosperous brokerage company, turn the glamorous fashion festival into an Internet celebrity conference, all the artists mentioned the name of brother-in-law, it is love and fear, love is his variety show, everyone wants to be on it, I am afraid it is Being missed by brother-in-law, it is said that brother-in-law has a small notebook in his hand, and anyone who is written down by him will have no good fruit to eat.

"Since you agree, then hurry up and do it. By the way, don't tell your sister about this." Xu Jie instructed.


Su Lei was startled when he heard that, my sister is my brother-in-law's wife, why can't I tell my sister?

Is there any problem between sister and brother-in-law?

The brother-in-law entrusted such an important matter to his brother-in-law, obviously because he has great trust in the Su family, otherwise why didn't he entrust it to the Xu family?
Thinking of this, Su Lei was even more moved, and secretly told himself that he must not let his brother-in-law down.

Xu Jie hung up the phone, but for some reason, he always felt as if he forgot to explain something, but he couldn't remember what it was for the time being.

Forget it, let's talk about it when we think about it.

Xu Jie walked out of the office and returned to the film department.

"Minister Liu, I'm sorry to let you make this trip in vain. I had a phone call with the investor just now, and the investment cooperation agreement will be discussed in a few days." Xu Jie casually searched for a few words.

"Mr. Xu, isn't it the investors who have gone back on their word?" Wang Wen's heart tightened. She was still counting on the film department to turn around with Mr. Xu's movie.

"Don't worry, I haven't regretted it." Xu Jie said.

Wang Wen secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but she still thought about this matter in her heart. In her opinion, if the investment cooperation agreement has no money for a day, things will change.

"Director Xu, since the investment has been settled, can we form a crew now?" Wang Wen asked.

Xu Jie thought for a while, there were only a few people in the film department, and it was obviously not enough to rely on them to make movies, so he said to Wang Wen: "Okay, I will leave this matter to you, by the way, if there are not enough people, you can go to Forbidden Pictures is looking for Gao Xiaobin, you were transferred from there, you should know Mr. Gao, right?"

"I know." Wang Wen nodded.

"You go to him, tell him what you need, and tell him what I want." Xu Jie said.

The old saying goes well: those who have money are in the money market, and those who have no money are in the personal market.

Since the other party is not prepared to pay, then the only option is to let the other party pay.


(End of this chapter)

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