Chapter 704

In the days that followed, Xu Jie put all his energy into script creation.

Not just the movie scripts, but the skit scripts for Season [-] of The Crossover.

In order to complete it as soon as possible, he called together all the screenwriters of the company's TV drama department and film department, and the screenwriter team for the third season of "Crossover Actor" was established.

And he himself mainly focuses on movie scripts, and is also responsible for the review and revision of short play scripts to ensure the quality.

If the movie is to be made well, "Crossover Actor" must also be done well.

Grasp with both hands, both hands must be firm, to avoid picking up sesame seeds and throwing watermelon.

The days passed day by day, and it was the weekend in a blink of an eye.

Sunday this day.

Xu Jie sent Su Yun to the studio, and then stayed here.

Because these days are too frequent, he already has his own station here, and he has become a member that cannot be ignored in the studio.


A voice came to the face accompanied by bursts of feminine fragrance.

Xu Jie turned his head to look, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

I saw Su Yun wearing a long white dress, and wearing the diamond necklace and earrings he gave to the other party. She looked like a noble white swan, and her beauty was amazing.

Even though he and Su Yun have officially been together for more than a year, every time he sees each other, the fire of desire in his heart is still ready to stir.

If it weren't for the fact that there were other people in the office at this time, the consequences would have been disastrous, and his legs would have been weak for at least an hour.

But the surprise is the surprise, today is not the New Year or the festival, why is the other party dressed so formally and so beautifully?
Is it some special day?


It's over.

wedding anniversary?
Just married for less than three months.

Is it to celebrate the 759 days of recognition and certification?
But this day is neither an integer nor a whole year. Is it necessary to celebrate?
Of course, there's nothing wrong with celebrating, isn't there such a saying?Knowing you, every day becomes very meaningful.

"The seats are all booked?" Xu Jie asked as he thought, should he order a bouquet of red roses through his urine, which would make the atmosphere more romantic and warm.

"What seats are you booking? They invited us, so they will naturally reserve seats for us." Su Yun said after hearing this.

"Invitation?" Xu Jie looked at Su Yun in confusion.



Who invited whom?

Su Yun saw the man in a daze, so she explained: "I'm going to participate in the fashion figure festival tonight, you won't forget it, right?"

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, Su Yun seemed to have said this to him this morning.

"I haven't forgotten, of course I haven't." Xu Jie said quickly.

I wrote the script for a day, and my head was full of images of love and waste, so when I suddenly saw my wife dressed so beautifully, the first thing I thought of was anniversaries, candlelight dinners, etc. As for the grand ceremony, I didn’t even think about it.

Seeing the man's expression, Su Yun knew that the man must have forgotten in a hurry, but she didn't expose him, and said with a smile: "The clothes are ready, go and change."


Xu Jie stood up and walked to the locker room.

What Su Yun prepared for him was a black suit with a white shirt and a dark blue tie.

A black suit is a very classic universal match, which can be worn on any occasion and any ceremony.

After Xu Jie put it on, he looked in the mirror. The size was just right, and the slim design made his figure look very tall and straight.

Since becoming the husband of a big star, in addition to more attention, there have also been more suits. I have to prepare a set before almost every event, without repeating the same.

"Well, not bad!" Su Yun helped tidy up, and finally nodded with satisfaction, feeling that a man's figure is like a clothes rack, any suit looks good in it, it is a typical way of looking thin when dressed, and fleshy when undressed.

From this point of view, she can be considered a treasure.

I dare not say it in other fields, but looking at the entire entertainment industry, I really can't find a few who are better than the figure.

The more she looked at it, the more her heart moved, and finally she couldn't help but kissed the man's lips. Then she held the man's arm and looked at herself and the man in the mirror, with a happy face.

If it wasn't in the studio, she would definitely let the other party know what a hungry tiger preys on food, no, it's a tigress preying on food, making the other party's legs weak for an hour.

"Can I have an opinion?" Xu Jie looked at Su Yun and asked.

"What's your opinion?" Su Yun asked.

"When you wear a white dress in the future, can you not prepare a black suit for me, or when I wear black, can you not wear white?" Xu Jie said.

"Why?" Su Yun asked with a smile, but she didn't expect that the other party also had research on clothing matching.

"There is no reason, it just feels like one black and one white standing together, like black and white impermanence, those who know are going to a banquet, those who don't know think they are going to kill themselves." Xu Jie said his thoughts.

Su Yun was taken aback after hearing this, and then couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, I remember." Su Yun looked at the clock on the wall, and then said: "It's almost time, let's go."


The two walked out of the locker room.

It's [-]th now, and it's very cold, so when Xu Jie and Su Yun left the studio, they both put on a thick down jacket.

Xu Jie is fine. Not only is he wearing a suit, but he also has a layer of thermal underwear inside, so he won’t be too cold. However, Su Yun is different. Although the long skirt is wearing thermal pants, the off-the-shoulder design of the upper body cannot guarantee warmth. The beautiful "frozen" person performed vividly.

The Fashion Characters Ceremony was held in a certain sports center.

When the nanny van came to the scene, many people had already gathered here.

In addition to media reporters, there are also many groupies.

The appearance of Xu Jie and Su Yun immediately attracted the attention of many media and fans, and everyone turned the camera to take pictures of the newlyweds.

"Su Yun, can we take a photo together?"

"Sister Yun, I heard that you have received an invitation to China TV's Spring Festival Gala. Are you going to sing old songs or create new songs for the Spring Festival Gala?"

"Sister Yun, what do you think of Xu Shenghua's latest movie "Strange Road"?"

"Director Xu, will there be a second season of "Ordinary Courage"? Will you still be the chief director?"

"Ms. Xu, you acted as the chief planner in the first season of "Crossover Actor", and the chief screenwriter in the second season. Will you try to be the chief director in the third season?"

"You two, do you plan to have children? Teacher Xu, do you like boys or girls?"


Everyone rushed to ask, and there were all kinds of questions. Even if they knew that the chance of getting an answer was very small, they would still ask the question.

Xu Jie didn't say anything, pretending he didn't hear anything.

He just wants to get into the sports center as soon as possible, because it's so fucking cold outside.

"Yunyun, Mr. Xu, hello!" At this moment, a woman in a red suit came out from the gate with a warm smile on her face.

"This is Yao Xingchen, editor-in-chief of "Fashion People" magazine." Su Yun introduced to Xu Jie in a low voice, and then said to him with a smile: "Hello, editor-in-chief Yao."

Xu Jie looked at the middle-aged woman in front of him, and nodded politely at her.

Although he didn't say anything, he couldn't help but compare the other party with Zhu Meng, the editor-in-chief of "Charm".

The two are about the same age, but they show two completely different styles in dressing.

Zhu Meng took the elegant route, while Yao Xingchen took the capable route.

"I'm so happy that your husband and wife can come, thank you both for your kindness." Yao Xingchen looked deliberately at Xu Jie and asked, "Mr. Xu, did you disturb your work?"

"My weekend job is to accompany my wife." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

"You two are so loving, you are simply a model couple in the entertainment industry, so enviable." Yao Xingchen said this, but he was secretly relieved.

She had already heard about the Glamorous Fashion Festival. Apart from what was reported in the news, she also knew some inside stories through her relationships.

The reason why the Charming Fashion Festival turned into an Internet celebrity conference was because Zhu Meng suddenly regretted after sending out the invitation letter, and then the man in front of him went without invitation, causing the celebrities to leave one after another.

Although she invited Su Yun and did not regret it, she was worried that this man had something in his heart to make the situation that appeared in the Glamorous Fashion Festival last week repeat in today's Fashion Characters Festival, so she added something the next day. invitations.

It is better to actively invite the other party to come than for the other party to come passively.

"You two, it's cold outside, follow me in quickly." Yao Xingchen stretched out a gesture of invitation, and then walked ahead to lead the way.

Xu Jie took off his coat, put it on for Su Yun, and walked into the gate of the sports center.

Without the ravages of the cold wind, it suddenly felt less cold.

At this moment, many people gathered in the lobby, except for the staff, all of them were entertainers, which could be called a grand event for stars.

Originally, everyone gathered together in twos and threes, chatting and laughing, waiting in line to enter the red carpet area to sign and take pictures, but when they saw the man walking in from the gate, everyone stopped talking and stayed where they were, and the lobby was instantly quiet down.

Xu Jie?

It turned out to be Xu Jie?
Why is he here?
Isn't it enough to destroy the glamorous fashion festival, and today is the fashion figure festival to make trouble?

Is this trying to overthrow the entire fashion circle on his own?

Some timid ones couldn't help swallowing their saliva. Director Xu got angry and banned the entire prosperous brokerage company for his wife. It is already an open secret in the industry. So now everyone knows that he offended Su Yun and Director Xu , will be ruthlessly blocked by Beijing TV Station.

To go, or not to go?
This is a problem, and it is a terrible problem.

Among the artists present, many of them knew Director Xu, and some even experienced what happened that night at the Charming Fashion Ceremony. When they thought of the little notebook with Xu Daoji’s name on it, they all shuddered, and even thought about leaving. reason.

Seeing the reactions of the artists, Yao Xingchen immediately understood everyone's thoughts. In order to avoid people being scared away, she deliberately said loudly: "Mr. Xu, you are so handsome today, standing with Yunyun , is simply a man and a woman, a match made in heaven, tonight's red carpet finale of our fashion figure ceremony depends entirely on the two of them."

Su Yun looked at Yao Xingchen strangely, thinking what happened to Editor-in-Chief Yao tonight?Shouldn't the finale be those queens and best actors?
After hearing Yao Xingchen's words, the other artists who were waiting to enter the venue secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

It turned out that Director Xu had received an invitation to the fashion figure ceremony, and he was a guest, a guest.

While everyone was relaxing, they soon realized that they were really thinking too much.

Because Su Yun also came, Director Xu obviously came with Su Yun, so it must not be a mess.

Thinking of this, some people rushed forward to say hello.

"Hi Director Xu."

"Ms. Xu, Sister Yun, what a coincidence, you are also here to participate in the fashion figure ceremony."

"Mr. Xu, I heard that you are going to make a movie. I don't know if there is a suitable role for me. It doesn't matter if you play a passerby."

"Teacher Xu……"

Facing the extremely enthusiastic artists, Su Yun was full of surprise. She looked at the man beside her in surprise. When did the man become so attractive in the entertainment industry?
The red carpet ceremony continues.

Xu Jie stood in the lobby, and the artists beside him had changed wave after wave, but after more than 20 minutes, it was not his turn yet.

On the other hand, Su Yun next to her had a calm expression, showing no signs of anxiety.

"Why don't you let us in?" Xu Jie couldn't help asking, he didn't let people in when he came, but stayed in the lobby. What kind of hospitality is this?
"Didn't editor Yao just say that? The two of us are going to be the finale, and the finale is always at the end." Su Yun said unhurriedly.

"Really? If I knew it, I wouldn't have come so early." Xu Jie said.

Hearing the man's complaints, Su Yun took the other's arm and said, "You can have fun secretly, many artists are not qualified to appear in the finale."

While talking, another artist walked onto the red carpet under the guidance of the staff.

"Sister Yun!"

Just as Xu Jie sighed, a voice suddenly sounded from behind, followed by two hands hugging Su Yun from behind.

Xu Jie frowned, who is so bold to take advantage of his wife?
He is still here!

Xu Jie turned his head, and it turned out that the person hugging Su Yun was Liu Qing, who still looked playful, but his figure was more bumpy than the last time he saw it.

Is this growing body again?

"Qingqing? You're coming too!" Su Yun looked at Liu Qing with a smile, as gentle as a big sister.

"Originally I didn't plan to come, but I heard that you would come, Sister Yun, so I asked for leave from the crew to join in the fun." After Liu Qing finished speaking, she looked at Xu Jie and asked, "Why, are you here to mess things up again today? ?"

Xu Jie gave the other party a blank look, it's really like a dog can't spit out ivory.

Su Yun on the side was very curious after hearing this, looked at Xu Jie, then at Liu Qing, and couldn't help but ask, "Qingqing, why are you messing up again?"

Liu Qing said naturally: "It's last week's Glamorous Fashion Festival."

"Huh? Charming Fashion Festival? But I didn't go." Su Yun looked at a loss.

"Sister Yun, you didn't go, but he did, why, you didn't know?" Liu Qing asked in surprise, the entire entertainment industry knew about such a big event, and Sister Yun was the wife of the person in the spotlight. How could you not know?
Xu Jie was shocked. Seeing Su Yun's puzzled expression, he knew that something was going to be revealed, so he quickly took his wife's hand and said, "Wife, don't wait, let's enter the arena quickly. What's the finale? It's the finale."

"Wait!" Su Yun didn't know where the strength came from, she pulled Xu Jie back, stared at him for a long while, and then asked, "Did you go to the Fashion Festival to mess things up?"

She carefully recalled the itinerary of last Saturday. She remembered that she went to China World Trade Center to participate in a brand event that afternoon, and then returned to the studio.


She suddenly remembered that the man got out of the car on the way back to the studio and said he wanted to buy something.

"No, I'm a civilized person, how could I make trouble?" After hearing this, Xu Jie shook his head vigorously in denial, for fear of being regarded as a barbarian by the other party.

"Really?" Su Yun narrowed her eyes, doubts written all over her face.

Thinking about it now, isn't it the second day of the Glamorous Fashion Ceremony if you invite the other party to the Fashion Figure Ceremony?

And in addition to the fashion figure festival, there are also Weibo night, Mr. Esquire ceremony...

By the way, there was also an apology call from Wang Tiannan, chairman of Huasen Media, and the movie "The Game in the Game" that originally kicked her out also re-signed her.

Before, she wondered why a fashion media magazine would suddenly invite Xu Jie, thinking that it was because of her and Xu Jie's husband and wife status, and it was intended as a topic and traffic.

But now it seems that everything is not as simple as she thought.

Something is going on here!
"Of course it's true!" Xu Jie hurriedly explained, and even raised his hands without hesitation, "I swear!"

"Hehe!" Liu Qing who was on the side suddenly laughed eccentrically, obviously looking like he didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement.

"What are you laughing at?" Xu Jie glared at the other party.

Smash the field and smash the field, saying that he is like a villain.

Can't it be described better?

For example, watch the scene.

See who's on the floor at the Glamor Fashion Gala.

"Aren't you very beautiful that day? You scared away half of the entertainers in the entertainment circle, what happened today?" Liu Qing asked with a smile.

"Hey, what do you know, kid, go away." Xu Jie said.

When Liu Qing heard this, her brows immediately raised. She hated people calling her "little" the most.

So he pulled Su Yun and said, "Sister Yun, let me tell you, on the day of the Glamorous Fashion Festival, he went to the lobby of the event hotel to play Doudizhu."

"Dou, Dou Dizhu?" Su Yun was a little confused.

"Yeah, while playing Doudi Zhu, he wrote down the names of the artists who participated in the Glamorous Fashion Festival. Many artists quit the event immediately after seeing them, and he also invited many Internet celebrities to the scene, and directly recorded the names of some of the celebrities present. Let's go, do you think he is bad?" Liu Qing said happily.

"Wait, those Internet celebrities have nothing to do with me. I have never invited Internet celebrities." Xu Jie said seriously.

He did it, he admits it, but he didn't do it, and he doesn't take the blame.

"You didn't do such a bad thing, who else could it be?" Liu Qing said.

"If I invited them, would they still be able to go in? Can't you just think about it? Do you think Zhu Meng is stupid?" Xu Jie said angrily.

Liu Qing was taken aback for a moment, what he said seemed to make sense.

"Sister Yun, I didn't see it. I also heard it from people in the circle. Anyway, it's roughly like this." Liu Qing said to Su Yun, and then continued to watch the play from the sidelines.

After listening to Liu Qing's narration, Su Yun turned to look at the man, frowned and asked, "Is what Qingqing said true?"

Xu Jie's heart tightened, his wife won't be angry, right?


(End of this chapter)

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