The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 705: Acting in a Movie

Chapter 705 Acting in a Movie Together
Xu Jie looked at Su Yun anxiously in his heart. Although his intention was good, his behavior of "seeing the situation" was really a bit reckless and naive.

However, a real man dares to act.

Now that everything has been done, there is nothing to hide. Covering up will cause suspicion and unnecessary misunderstanding.

Especially when there are outsiders around, you can't let others watch the fun.

"Well, it's true, I did register." Xu Jie admitted.

"Sister Yun, what's the matter, I didn't lie to you, did I? You should take care of him quickly. This incident has a very bad impact. Some people say he is domineering, some say he is naive, and some say he is bullying others. If you let him continue to behave like this If it goes on, it will make the entire entertainment industry angry and complaining." Liu Qing said in a strange voice, adding fuel and jealousy for a while.

Xu Jie looked at Su Yun frankly, and confessed his feelings to the other party. He believed that his wife would understand him.

As for Liu Qing who was fanning the flames for fear that the world would not be chaotic, she completely ignored it.

In his opinion, the other party is a piece of shit-smelling chocolate, which looks extremely smooth on the surface, but is actually very smelly.

Su Yun stared at Xu Jie intently, and after a while, suddenly threw herself into the man's arms.

"My husband, thank you!"

Liu Qing on the side was stunned, and stood there dumbfounded.

what's the situation?
Why is it completely different from what she imagined?

The surnamed Xu is so nonsense, not only does Sister Yun ignore it, she even "puts herself in her arms". Doesn't this mean that it encourages the man's arrogance?

Xu Jie was slightly startled when he saw Su Yun's reaction, and then reached out to hug her.

He understands, the other party understands his mind.

This is enough.

While hugging the man, Su Yun asked, "For me, is it worth it?"

Xu Jie immediately said: "It's worth it, of course it's worth it, you are my wife, someone bullies you, can I swallow my anger and pretend I didn't see it? Then am I still your man?"

After hearing this, Su Yun hugged her hands even tighter.

In fact, she is very clear that the man has been giving silently behind his back, but this time Liu Qing said it, there must be a lot more that she didn't say, and she didn't know.

Otherwise, her career would not be so smooth, and she would not be affected by the joint ban of the four entertainment companies.

She absolutely can't do it by herself.

Artists waiting to walk the red carpet in the lobby all showed envious and jealous eyes, and the fashion figure ceremony directly became a large-scale dog food-spreading scene.

Other celebrity couples who show affection just hold hands, Director Xu and Su Yun are so nice, they immediately hugged each other.

It didn't take long.

"Teacher Xu, Sister Yun!"

A staff member came over and didn't look at it, and didn't look at it, and finally said embarrassedly: "It's the turn of the two of you to walk the red carpet."

Xu Jie turned to look at the staff, and was about to say yes, but the staff was too frightened to look directly at him. Thinking of Editor-in-Chief Yao's instructions, he immediately turned to Liu Qing on the other side and said, "Miss Liu, you should be the first to become popular." Blanket."

"No, I want to go with Sister Yun." Liu Qing said after hearing this.


The staff was startled, because according to the original arrangement, the other party was going to walk the red carpet with actor Liang Huawei.

Of course, this is not an arrangement by the organizer of the festival, but by the artist himself. The purpose of doing this is also to promote a movie that will be released during the Spring Festival, and the protagonists of the movie are Liang Huawei and Liu Qing.

Xu Jie couldn't take it anymore, and said to Liu Qing: "My husband and wife walked the red carpet, what's the matter with you? Are you addicted to being a light bulb?"

"I'm happy, but I'm not walking the red carpet with you, can you control me?" Liu Qing walked forward, took Su Yun's hand, and said loudly, "Sister Yun, let's walk the red carpet together."

Su Yun's whole body froze, it's not wrong to refuse, it's not wrong to not refuse, you must know that the other party is not only her little fan girl, but also her only friend in the circle, this is very rare in the entertainment circle where plastic sisters are everywhere.

Su Yun suddenly had a flash of inspiration, looked at Liu Qing and said, "Qingqing, you should be clear that your brother-in-law rarely attends entertainment events, do you know why he came here with me today?"

"Why?" Liu Qing asked.

"Because he will make a movie next year, and I am the heroine of the movie. We are attending this event together today to promote the movie. What's the matter if you come with me?" Su Yun said.

"Sister Yun, you are talking about the movie where he and Zheng Guoliang had a PK match, right?" Liu Qing asked. She is from the film industry, so she has heard about it.

"That's right." Su Yun nodded.

Liu Qing's enthusiasm was immediately extinguished by half.

For artists, every time they participate in an event, it is a good opportunity to promote their works.

Especially large events.

There are a lot of reporters on the scene. When the artists are being interviewed, they will inevitably be asked questions such as "what works have they done recently?" Isn't this the opportunity for publicity?

If she had to come because of the invitation, it would be fine for her to walk the red carpet with Sister Yun, but if it was to promote her work, then her insistence on walking with Sister Yun would be troublesome.

Just when Liu Qing was about to let go, Su Yun suddenly said, "How about you, too?"

"Together what?" Liu Qing asked puzzled.

"Let's play this movie together." Su Yun said.


Liu Qing was shocked, and stared blankly, never expecting that Sister Yun would invite her to make a movie together.

Xu Jie was also taken aback when he heard it, and looked at Su Yun suspiciously, why did his wife suddenly want to invite Liu Qing?
Do you simply want to cooperate with Liu Qing once, or do you have other ideas?
The movie script has just been written and has not had time to polish it. Except for the heroine Su Yun who can be determined, any other characters are uncertain. Even the role that Ding Zhenye promised to arrange for Ding Mengni has not been decided yet.

Now my wife actually invites Liu Qing to join, isn't this funny?

Su Yun is not teasing Liu Qing.

She is very serious.

Liu Qing is not only one of the four young stars of the post-95 generation rising in the film industry, but also has a very good box office appeal.

If such a person can join her husband's movie, it will be of great help to both the promotion of the movie and the box office of the movie.

Kung Fu movies are more about action, police movies are about scenes, fantasy movies are about special effects, and romance movies are about stars.

For her, having one more star in her husband's movie would give her more protection, and she would have more confidence in the PK with Zheng Guoliang.

Although she knew Zheng Guoliang was very good, she still hoped that her husband would win.

"Yun, Sister Yun, are you kidding me?" Liu Qing asked after recovering.

In fact, the two of them had talked about the cooperation before, but they just said it casually and didn't take it seriously.

"Do you think I'm joking?" Su Yun asked back, although she was smiling, her eyes were serious.

Liu Qing stared at Sister Yun for a while, and after confirming the attitude of the other party, she said happily: "Okay, no problem, I have always wanted to cooperate with Sister Yun, but I don't know when your movie will start shooting, will you cooperate with me?" My schedule crashed."

"It doesn't matter, when do you have time, when will we shoot, okay husband?" Su Yun turned to look at Xu Jie, seeing the man in a daze, immediately blinked at him.

"Ah? Oh!" Xu Jie responded, but even he himself didn't know when he would shoot.

Of course, what he cares about is not the schedule, but the salary.

Because the funds are limited, he does not plan to invite other first-tier and second-tier stars besides the leading actor and heroine.

Now that there is one more Liu Qing, it is equivalent to a large amount of expenses, and the funds for film production will be reduced.

"Well, then it's settled." Liu Qing took Su Yun's hand and said with a smile, "Can we go together now?"

Su Yun stretched out her other hand to hold Xu Jie, and said, "Well, let's go."


Xu Jie was speechless.

Three people walking the red carpet hand in hand?
Is there such a way?

What's the deal with this?
Do the couple have children?
At the end of the red carpet is the signature wall.

On the opposite side of the signature wall, dozens of media reporters gathered, with long guns and short cannons, taking pictures of the artists who came to participate in the fashion figure ceremony tonight.

When an artist left the signing office, media reporters began to focus their cameras on the next star to appear.

However, when they saw the entertainers walking on the red carpet, everyone was stunned.

Someone was surprised: how did he come?

Others were surprised: what combination is this?
He reacted quickly and immediately took pictures to record this strange scene.

Xu Jie stopped in front of the signature wall, took the pen handed over by the staff, saw that Su Yun had written his name, and wrote his own name next to the other party's name.

Next is the photo session.


"Crack Kacha!"

"Sister Yun, what filming work do you have next year?" A reporter asked loudly.

"Liu Qing, how do you feel about being shortlisted for Best Actress in the Golden Film Awards? Are you confident?" Other reporters did not dare to lag behind.

In fact, for interviews with reporters, artists are not allowed to answer, let alone a fashion festival, even if it is a film festival red carpet, there is no part to answer reporters' questions, and there is no requirement to answer reporters' questions, so will artists answer? It's purely a matter of mood.

Some artists are in a good mood, and when they happen to meet a familiar reporter, they will be happy to answer questions, while some artists will rush into the banquet hall after signing autographs and taking photos, and ignore the reporters' questions.

Tonight, Su Yun was obviously in a good mood, so she immediately answered the reporter's questions with a smile.

"There will be a lot of filming work next year, the most important of which is to participate in my husband's movie."

One stone caused a thousand waves!

After hearing the words of Goddess Su, the media reporters at the scene immediately regained their spirits, and each one of them rushed to ask questions as if they had been beaten to death.

"Sister Yun, what's the name of the movie, can you tell us about it?"

"Mr. Xu, when will the filming start, and who are the male and female protagonists?"

"Ms. Xu, this is your first time making a movie. How much do you think your movie's box office can reach?"

"Do you have confidence in the PK with director Zheng Guoliang?"


Facing the questions flooding towards him like a tide, Xu Jie didn't say a word, just nodded with a smile, and there seemed to be four words written on his face: No comment.

Because of these questions, he couldn't answer any of them for the time being.

But if he doesn't speak, it doesn't mean that no one speaks for him.

"The name of the movie is kept secret for the time being, but I can tell you about the actors. Besides me, there is also my good sister Liu Qing."

When the reporters heard this, all of them showed surprise on their faces.

Su Yun and Liu Qing?
One is the queen of the music scene, and has achieved a very high reputation and box office after entering the film industry for the first time, and is considered by fans to be the most successful Mulan actor.

Another child star was born, debuted for more than ten years, and was known as one of the four young actresses born in 95. He won the Best Actress at the age of 24, and the box office has accumulated nearly 30 billion.

These two are definitely the hottest movie actresses at the moment, and both of them can be singled out as the leading heroines. Now they will work together. Who is not looking forward to Xu Jie's movie?
"Liu Qing, what kind of role are you playing?"

"What do you think of Teacher Xu's script?"


Seeing that Xu Jie didn't speak, all the reporters began to throw questions to Liu Qing.

Liu Qing thought to herself: How would I know?I haven't even seen the script.

After thinking about it, of course these words cannot be said.

"You will know when the movie is released." Liu Qing said, answering all the questions in one sentence.

As a frequent visitor to the red carpet, she still has a lot of research on tricks.

The reporters still wanted to ask, but Su Yun didn't give the reporters a chance, she pulled Xu Jie and Liu Qing away from the registration wall, and walked towards the grand banquet hall.

The news has already spread, and the rest is up to the imagination of these media.

"Sister Yun, what's the name of the movie?" Liu Qing asked in a low voice while walking.

"Secret." Su Yun smiled mysteriously.

"Even I keep it a secret?" Liu Qing was taken aback. Isn't this a good job of keeping it secret?

It's okay to keep secrets from reporters, but how can you keep secrets from actors?
"You'll know it when you see the script." Su Yun said.

She also wanted to tell the other party, but the problem was that she didn't know it herself.

Of course, this is not the most embarrassing.

The most embarrassing thing is that the director doesn't know either.

Liu Qing looked at Sister Yun suspiciously, always feeling that she was being fooled.


The staff pushed open the door of the banquet hall, the scene was bustling and the stars were shining.

Hundreds of stars gathered here to form a star-studded scene.

"Ms. Xu, Mr. Su, please follow me." A staff member said to Xu Jie and Su Yun, and another staff member came to Liu Qing's side to guide him.

The three can walk the red carpet together, but the seats are not arranged together.

Liu Qing knew the rules, so she didn't embarrass the staff, and left after saying goodbye.

Su Yun took Xu Jie's arm and walked forward with the staff.

Along the way, people kept standing up and saying hello, respectful and polite.

"Mr. Xu, good evening."

"Director Xu, you're here."

"Mr. Xu, I heard that you have been transferred to Jingshi Culture as the deputy general manager. Congratulations. Please continue to take care of me in the future."


As Su Yun walked, she looked at the man beside her. She debuted for more than ten years, and there were not so many artists who took the initiative to say hello to her. She suddenly felt that all these years in the entertainment industry were in vain.

However, apart from lamenting her "incompetence", she also carried a sense of pride in her heart, because this was her man, her husband.

There were four tables in the first row, and Xu Jie and Su Yun were arranged at the second table in the first row by the organizer.

Regardless of whether it is a grand ceremony in the fashion industry, a banquet in the entertainment industry, or any other event, the seats of the guests are arranged according to the coffee position.

So being able to be arranged at the second table in the first row is already considered quite a high salary.

Xu Jie turned his head and looked at the first table. They were all big stars who had worked hard in the entertainment industry for many years and won prizes.

Even the people at the second table are some movie kings, actresses, queens and queens of songs.

He is the only one who is an outsider.

He had to win the Outstanding Employee Award, Capital News Award, Top Ten People's Livelihood News Directors, and other awards that had nothing to do with the fashion and entertainment circles.

However, none of the people here dared to underestimate this outsider.

Because behind the other party is the big tree of Beijing TV station.

What is the biggest event in the entertainment industry right now?
For outsiders, it may be the New Year's Eve party and Spring Festival party of the major TV stations, but for insiders, if you ask ten people, they will 100% say that it is the four major entertainment companies' ban on Su Yun, and the Beijing TV station's ban on Su Yun. The anti-killing of these companies.

And the person who can use the powerful power of Beijing TV Station is the layman in front of him.

Let me ask, who would dare to underestimate such a person?
"Mr. Xu, are you here with Su Yun to participate in the fashion festival? You are so affectionate and enviable."

"The beauty of a man and a woman..."

Everyone said.

Even if you are an actor and actress, you have to lower your posture at this time.

To put it bluntly, Xu Jie now represents the capital side, the capital side with media resources, which is a hundred times stronger than those coal bosses who hold money in their hands.

If you offend investors like the coal boss, you will lose a play at most, but if you offend the media capital, you will lose a lot of resources.


At this time, a familiar voice suddenly came.

Su Yun was slightly taken aback when she heard it. Although she hadn't seen anyone yet, she had a smile on her face, and she turned around and said, "Sister Hua, you're here too."

Su Yun spoke enthusiastically, but she was a little surprised in her heart, because Sister Hua, as the general manager of Fanhua Brokerage Company and a famous gold broker, usually rarely attends such artist activities.

How come today?
"Well, come here to join in the fun, how are you doing recently?" Liu Jinghua came to Su Yun's side and asked with a smile, and naturally put his hand on Su Yun's shoulder.

No one can see any unhappiness between the two of them in such an intimate act, let alone the intensity of blocking each other. Those who don't know will definitely think that the two are very good friends.

This is the case in the entertainment industry, no matter how many swords and swords are behind the scenes, they will always do enough on the surface, not to mention that it is a public place, and it is not good for anyone to turn their faces in person.

We are also in the entertainment circle, see you when you look up and see you when you look down.

If you don't know how to act or change your face, you won't be able to survive in the entertainment industry.


(End of this chapter)

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