The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 706 like a duck in water

Chapter 706 like a duck in water
"I'm fine. I go to work when I have a job, and go home to accompany my husband when I don't have a job. I live a fulfilling and happy life. Sister Hua, is she still as busy as before?" Su Yun smiled and looked at Liu Jinghua asked, as if there had never been any unpleasant things between the two of them.

"Yeah, it's not the end of the year yet. All the parties and award ceremonies are concentrated during this time. Artists are busy, and I'm even busier. No, I have to go to Shanghai tomorrow." Liu Jinghua said while sighing.

But I was thinking in my heart: If it wasn't for your husband, I wouldn't be so busy.

The reason why she went to Shanghai was because of the large loss of resources in the capital, which caused the artists in the company to lose a lot of opportunities.

Now the artists under her hand are complaining, she has to go to Shanghai to find new resources and fight for new jobs for the company's artists.

What is the purpose of an artist signing a contract with a prosperous brokerage company?Don't you hope to get better and more resources and opportunities through the company and her contacts?
If the resources and opportunities are gone, who will sign under her hands?At that time, there will inevitably be artists who will leave the company because they have no jobs.

In the eyes of an artist, when you have resources, you are the boss and a gold agent; when you have no resources, you are nothing.

The entertainment industry is such a reality.

"Sister Hua, you must pay attention to your body and rest more." Su Yun said with concern.

"Oh, I can't help it. There are so many people in the company, and they all point at me to eat. As soon as I take a break, everyone will lose their jobs. Now I am so envious of you for marrying a good husband." Liu Jinghua pronounced the word "good" very well. It's serious, and it's said through gritted teeth.

The people present looked at each other, and finally their eyes fell on Xu Jie.

Because anyone can hear it, Liu Jinghua's "good husband" just now is definitely not a literal meaning.

It's more like a sarcasm than a compliment.

Now it's up to the parties to react.

However, what puzzled everyone was that Xu Jie didn't respond at all, as if he didn't hear him, he kept his head down and fiddled with the phone.

Seeing Xu Jie being so calm, some people couldn't help but look with admiration.

No one doubted this young man's energy, let alone his courage, the best proof of this was the fact that the other party blocked the prosperous brokerage company.

Therefore, to be able to remain calm after hearing Liu Jinghua's words, this state of mind is far beyond his age.

This is not called counseling, nor is it called being afraid, this is called city government.

Actually, Xu Jie just simply didn't want to pay attention to Liu Jinghua.

The other party hurt him first, and then his wife. For such a woman, she would be so worried that she would look at her more than once, and she would feel like a waste of saliva if she said more than one word.

In the past, for Su Yun's sake, he just squeezed the other party with a few words to relieve his anger, but now, since there has been a blocking action, there is no need to live here.

It's useless to say more, let's see the truth in our hands!

Can do it, try not to force it.

Of course, Su Yun also noticed that Liu Jinghua's pronunciation was wrong, so she said with a smile: "Sister Hua, speaking of it, I still have to thank you. If it wasn't for you, I might not be able to marry him."

The corners of Liu Jinghua's mouth twitched when he heard it, and even the facial muscles became tense, especially under the lighting of the scene, even the wrinkles on his face could be seen very clearly.

Is this thanks?
It's clearly a run on!
She looked at Su Yun wonderingly, the other party was not like this before.

Sure enough, those who are close to vermilion are red and those who are close to ink are black. Yunyun spent too long with that man and learned badly.

"Oh?" An actor next to him looked at Liu Jinghua curiously, and asked, "Sister Hua, are you the matchmaker between Su Yun and Mr. Xu?"

Liu Jinghua's whole body was shocked, it was true that which pot was not opened and which pot was lifted, did you have any discernment?

"It's not a matchmaker, but it's better than no one." Su Yun said seriously, affirming Liu Jinghua's great achievements, then turned to Xu Jie and asked, "Husband, are you right?"

"Yes!" Xu Jie nodded.

He hates it, but he still has to thank Liu Jinghua for marrying Su Yun.

Because if the other party hadn't broken him and Tang Fei up, he wouldn't have gone to the park alone to drink sadly, and he wouldn't have met Su Yun, so he wouldn't have picked up a celebrity wife for nothing.

The people around are counted as one, and they are all confused.

Are these three people friends or enemies?

"Sister, brother-in-law!"

At this time, a figure suddenly jumped out.

When Xu Jie heard this, he turned his head and looked. It was Su Lei. The other party was wearing a red suit, so conspicuous in the entire banquet hall.

"Why are you here?" Xu Jie asked strangely, while looking at the other party's clothes.

Perhaps only the other party dared to wear such a bright suit. Who made this kid look good?
IQ is not enough to make a face, that's the kind of person I'm talking about.

"Brother-in-law, it seems like you shouldn't be here when you ask this question. I also came here after receiving the invitation letter from the organizer, okay?" Su Lei said seriously.

Don't mistake bean buns for dry food, and don't mistake eighth-line artists for stars.

"Why didn't I see you when I walked the red carpet?" Xu Jie asked.

"I was the first to come. You and my sister are the finale. How can you see me in the back?" After Su Lei explained, he pointed to the red suit on his body and asked, "How about brother-in-law? Are you super stylish?"

Xu Jie looked at the other party, he didn't know whether it was fashionable or not, but in the entertainment circle, the other party looked like a fish in water, the wave was a joy, like a dung beetle seeing a dung ball, it was a joy to play .

"Mr. Xu, this is..." A actress at the same table looked at Su Lei with interest, with a smile in his eyes.

"My lover's younger brother, my brother-in-law, Su Lei." Xu Jie pointed to his brother-in-law, and then said: "He is also an actor. Some small roles, so they don’t have much fame, and I ask everyone here to take care of them when I have a chance in the future.”

"Is it Su Yun's real younger brother? No wonder he's so handsome!" Actress Liu Tao said with a smile.

"Yes, the future must be bright, and the road to stardom will be smooth." Another actress Jiang Wei also said appreciatively.

"Thank you Sister Tao and Sister Wei for your praise. If there is a suitable role in the future, don't forget me." Su Lei said quickly, his mouth was also very sweet, and he yelled one sister at a time.

Su Yun just felt goosebumps all over the floor, the voice was so nasty, it sounded like a male waiter in some clubs.

Especially the bright clothes, and the look of oily hair and pink noodles, how exaggerated and exaggerated, just like the members of the boy group who came back from the next country.

But looking at Liu Tao and Jiang Wei's smiling faces, it seems that they like this kind of thing very much, and the chat is a pleasure.

Xu Jie, on the other hand, was not surprised by the scene in front of him.

Although his brother-in-law didn't have two taels of sesame oil in his stomach, he was still very good at coaxing women.

Coupled with the appearance of the other party, in the words of the entertainment industry, it is called handsome and handsome. He looks bad and handsome, and women are like this.

"Since you have already called sister, I will definitely look for you in the future." Liu Tao said.

"I have a movie next year. It's an action movie. If you're interested, you can call me." Jiang Wei took out a business card and handed it to Su Lei.

"Two sisters, you are so kind to me. Don't worry, I will never embarrass you." Su Lei said seriously, and then carefully put the business card into his pocket.

This is the business card of the actress.

Su Yun looked at her younger brother's words and deeds, and was almost pissed off by the other party. She was simply a courtesan, no, a courtesan.

"Okay, okay, go back if you have nothing to do." Su Yun said to her younger brother, but she was already very impatient.

Too shameful!

"Sister, I have something to do with my brother-in-law." Su Lei said after hearing this.

Su Yun frowned. From her point of view, her younger brother must be seeking resources from Xu Jie.

Xu Jie happened to have something to ask this brother-in-law, so he said to Su Yun beside him, "You chat with everyone first, and I'll come when I go."

Su Yun nodded.

Xu Jie got up and left his seat. After walking not far, he asked his brother-in-law beside him, "How is the company going? Why hasn't there been any movement for so long?"

"Brother-in-law, don't worry, since I received your call last week, I have been rushing to start a company, and I have submitted the registration materials, but it will take a week to half a month to review, by the way , You didn't say the name at the time, so I thought of one on my own, guess what it's called?" Su Lei asked with a smile.

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, and finally understood why after calling the other party last week, he always felt as if he had nothing to say.

The company name was not mentioned!

"What's your name?" Xu Jie asked curiously, but when he saw the expression on his brother-in-law's face, he suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

This kid definitely can't hold back any good farts!
"Yunjie Film and Television Culture Company is to connect my sister's name with your brother-in-law's name, which is the same as the name of an e-commerce company. How about it, am I very talented?" Su Lei smiled proudly, with a smile on his face An expression of invitation.

After Xu Jie heard this, his complexion immediately darkened, and he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood at the same time.

"Do you want me to divorce your sister?" Xu Jie stared fiercely at his brother-in-law and asked.

"Ah? Brother-in-law, how can you say that? How could I want you to divorce my sister? You are my own brother-in-law." Su Lei hurriedly explained, his eyes full of puzzlement.

In his opinion, wouldn't combining the names of two people mean being united forever?

What a name!

Meaningful, deep, and connotative.


"You mentioned the name of a certain e-commerce company just now, do you know the ending of the two protagonists in that e-commerce company's name?" Xu Jie asked.


When Su Lei thought about it, he was dumbfounded.

What the hell!

He finally understood why his brother-in-law was angry and asked such a question.

Because the two protagonists have broken up.

Su Lei can't wait to give himself a big mouth. Before, he thought the name Yunjie was very nice, but now hearing his brother-in-law say that, it's so fucking unlucky.

Although the e-commerce company is very successful, he is the younger brother of the woman. If the sister and brother-in-law separate, the company will have nothing to do with him.

In fact, the company is secondary, the key is that the brother-in-law is gone.

Such a good brother-in-law, where can I find a second one?

"Brother-in-law, I was wrong. I will go get the registration information back tomorrow and change my name." Su Lei said immediately.

For him, this person in front of him is not only his brother-in-law, but also the guide of his life path. Without him, he might still be living in a daze, playing games, going to bars, vagrants, gnawing on the old, and celebrating the new year I can't hold my head up in front of my relatives...

"Well, hurry up!" Xu Jie said angrily.

Although he doesn't believe in feudal superstition, starting a company as big as this must be done for auspiciousness, not to mention that his purpose of starting this company is to invest in movies.

He didn't want to separate from Su Yun after filming the movie.

"Brother-in-law, what's your name?" Su Lei asked weakly, not daring to name himself this time.

Xu Jie thought for a while, and then said: "Let's call it Masterpiece Film and Television Culture Company."

Let him think about it now, and he can't think of any particularly good names.

"This name is good, masterpieces, masterpieces, all outstanding works, and you have Jie in your name, masterpieces also represent your works, brother-in-law, it's because you have knowledge, level and height." Su Lei praised and flattered , in order to eliminate the previous misunderstanding.

"Shut up!" Xu Jie said angrily.

The opponent's technique might be effective on women, but it would only make him feel sick when used on him.

Su Lei immediately stopped talking when he heard it.

"What do you want from me?" Xu Jie asked impatiently.

"Oh, it's like this. I told the artist at the same table with me that you are my brother-in-law and Su Yun is my sister, but they didn't believe me and said I was bragging, so I asked you to go over and prove it." Su Lei smiled Said.

"That's all?" Xu Jie asked, frowning.

"Yes, that's all." Su Lei nodded repeatedly.

"Could it be that you want to use my reputation and your sister's reputation to bluff outside?" Xu Jie looked at his brother-in-law suspiciously. The other party used to do this often.

"Brother-in-law, what you're talking about is the old calendar. I'm very low-key now. I've never said that you are my brother-in-law in the company." Su Lei said seriously.

Xu Jie looked at his brother-in-law, and the other party's words might be true, because he had never seen reports about Su Yun and Su Lei's siblings in the news.

If my brother-in-law really spread the word, the movies that the other party starred in would definitely use this as a topic of publicity before they were released.

But, since the other party didn't talk nonsense before, why did they say it today?
No, there must be something going on here.

Xu Jie looked at his brother-in-law coldly, his eyes were as cold as ice.

Su Lei was shocked, feeling uncomfortable being looked at, and finally said embarrassedly: "Actually, it's nothing, it's just that there is a kid at the same table who is bragging, I can't see it, so..."

Xu Jie understood in an instant.

"How old are you? Let him brag if you don't listen." Xu Jie said.

"He's sitting next to me, like a fly, he can't listen, brother-in-law, just help me this time." Su Lei begged.

Xu Jie sighed secretly, who made the other party his brother-in-law?
Moreover, he had already mentioned at the dinner table that the other party was his brother-in-law, and I believe it won't be long before it spreads in the entertainment industry.

There is nothing wrong with standing on the other side's platform now.

"Let's go." Xu Jie said.

"Thank you brother-in-law, I knew you were the best for me." Su Lei said with a smile, and then led the way in front of him.

Xu Jie followed behind Su Lei. Although the other party had acted in some movies and TV dramas, they were all small roles such as three men, four men, five men, etc. He could only be regarded as a minor celebrity in the entertainment industry, so the seats were relatively close. Finally, it belongs to the middle and rear of the entire banquet hall, and behind it are the seats for media reporters.

Su Lei stopped in front of a table while walking, turned around and said, "Brother-in-law, they are the friends I just told you about."

Xu Jie looked at the people at the same table as his brother-in-law, but he didn't know any of them. They should all be fourth-, fifth- and sixth-tier entertainers, who were about the same level as his brother-in-law.

After seeing Xu Jie, the artists present immediately stood up one by one with a respectful attitude.

"Hello, Mr. Xu!"

"Director Xu, my name is Chen Yi, and I'm Su Lei's friend. Nice to meet you."

"Mr. Xu, you are much more handsome in person than on TV."

Xu Jie smiled and responded one by one, giving Su Lei enough face.

For these artists outside the fourth line, the person in front of them is like a boss, someone they can't afford to mess with.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the fashion figure ceremony is about to begin..."

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded in the banquet hall.

At the front of the hall, a beautiful woman in a red dress stood on the stage with a microphone in her hand.

"Everyone, I'm going back first." Xu Jie whispered to the people at the table in front of him.

"Goodbye, Mr. Xu."

"Goodbye, Teacher Xu!"

Artists said one after another, some waved their hands, some stood up and bowed.

Xu Jie walked towards the No. [-] table in front, and suddenly wanted to see if the person Su Lei mentioned was still bragging halfway, so he turned his head.

I saw that Su Lei was beaming with excitement, and he didn't know what he was talking to the six female artists at the same table, and these six female artists were all staring at Su Lei intently, listening with interest.

As for the other three male artists, each of them sat silently like a defeated rooster, and no one spoke.

At this moment, Xu Jie seemed to understand something.

Why don't you want to listen to other people's bragging? It's obviously jealousy, and you take him as a capital to show off.

This kind of situation is very common in daily life. He can often hear someone say: I know so and so, and then accept the admiring eyes of others and become the focus of the crowd.

Especially when there are women around.

And now Su Lei, like a male peacock whose tail has been unfurled, has successfully won the competition and obtained the priority right to choose a mate.

Xu Jie went back to Su Yun and sat down. The old woman Liu Jinghua had already left, but she was at table three, very close.

"What does Xiaolei want from you?" Su Yun asked in a low voice.

"Pretentious!" Xu Jie said.



(End of this chapter)

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