The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 707 Fashion Figure of the Year!

Chapter 707 Fashion Figure of the Year!

The Fashion Characters Ceremony officially begins.

A total of 20 honors will be awarded in this grand ceremony, including "Fashion Figure of the Year", "Breakthrough Male Star of the Year", "Breakthrough Female Star of the Year" and so on.

However, in Xu Jie's view, the so-called fashion figure ceremony is actually a banquet for self-entertainment.

Magazines use celebrities to expand their social influence, and celebrities use the influence of magazines in the fashion circle to increase their exposure.

As for the awards, they are neither professional nor authoritative. They are purely set up to establish a good relationship with the stars and satisfy the vanity of the stars, without any gold content.

It doesn't matter whether it's the Fashion People Gala tonight, or the Glamor Fashion Gala last week, or the Esquire Gala next week, it's essentially the same.

In fact, apart from the entertainment circle, similar awards exist in many industries.

It sounds awesome, but it's all narcissism.

And the participants are also to increase their aura. After all, halo is still very bluffing these days, at least it can make their resume look more beautiful.

Xu Jie watched with great interest one star after another on the stage to accept the awards, although the awards such as "Breakthrough Female Star of the Year", "Popular Female Star of the Year" and "Most Popular Female Star by Readers" were too obvious and boring, But the recipient's slender figure and exquisite face can make his eyes shine.

This is also the motivation that supports him to sit here.

Of course, he didn't have any other messy thoughts, just for the joy of the mood.

"Does it look good?"

A voice suddenly came from the ear.

"Okay..." Xu Jie just said a word, suddenly realized that something was wrong, and the whole person came to his senses, and then continued calmly: "It's so ugly."

At the same time, I exclaimed in my heart: It's so dangerous, I almost revealed my secrets.

It's okay to look at beautiful women by his wife's side, but it's a big problem if his wife finds out that he is looking at beautiful women.

"Oh? What's ugly?" Su Yun asked with a smile.

After hearing this, Xu Jie looked at the female star on stage with critical eyes, and said, "Look at the one who received the award, she is obviously quite young, she insists on wearing some smoky makeup, and she has such a thick foundation on her face." , looks like a zombie, and the award-giving one is so thin that only the ribs are left, and he dares to wear suspenders, for fear that others will not understand what is called Yimapingchuan, right? I really don’t know what the stylists of these people do. Yes, I even suspect that the stylists hired by these stars are all black fans."

After Su Yun heard this, she was directly shocked by the man's sharp comments, and looked at the man with admiration in her heart, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect your aesthetic standards to be quite good."

"That's because I've been with you for a long time, and my aesthetic concept has naturally improved. It's close to Zhu Zhechi." Xu Jie said quickly, and at the same time, he didn't forget to flatter the other party.

"You look serious, but why do you only look at female artists? Let's talk about male artists too." Su Yun said.

"Men wear suits, there is nothing to comment on. As for me to look seriously, it is actually the most basic respect for everyone who comes to the stage to receive awards." Xu Jie said, and at the same time put on an upright gentleman, no Move for color.

Su Yun smiled, leaned slightly towards the man, and said in a low voice, "You can watch it if you want, it's okay, I don't mind."

Xu Jie frowned, and said solemnly: "What are you talking about? My wife is so beautiful, and I have to look at you. Why would you look at these vulgar fans? You sit next to me, and the six palaces are colorless. "

do not mind?
How can it be?

If you really don't mind, you wouldn't have asked just now.

He will not let down his vigilance just because of the other party's words.

And women usually have to listen in reverse.

If you believe it, you lose.

At this time, the voices of the guests on the stage suddenly came.

"Now the 2022 Fashion Person of the Year is announced...".

Su Yun stopped talking immediately and turned to look at the stage.

The award of Fashion Person of the Year is the highlight of tonight, and the artist who wins this award will also appear on the cover of the latest issue of "Fashion Person" magazine.

Trophies, maybe no one cares.

But no one can resist the chance to be on the cover of a famous fashion magazine.

Not to mention the first issue of the new year, even if it is the cover of every issue, there will be countless artists competing for it.

After all, the fashion degree of an artist is also a reference factor for commercial value.

At this moment, not only Su Yun, but everyone present turned their attention to the award presenter standing on the stage.

What is the purpose of everyone coming here tonight?
Don't you just want to win this award?

Even those artists who don't have enough stars still have illusions about this award.

Isn't there such a sentence?
There is still a dream, once realized?
Seeing that Su Yun's attention had shifted, Xu Jie secretly breathed a sigh of relief. If the other party continued to ask him, he would have to show his feet.

Thank you Fashion Person of the Year!

"From music to movies, she has shown the world her extraordinary talent and strength. She is the fashion figure of 2022... Su Yun!"

As the voice of the award presenter fell, a beam of light shone on Su Yun.

Su Yun was slightly taken aback when she heard her name, but quickly regained her composure.

Since she entered the entertainment circle, she has won numerous awards. In comparison, today's Fashion Person of the Year is just an ordinary award.

Of course, winning an award is a good thing, so a smile soon appeared on Su Yun's face.

Xu Jie didn't expect it to be his wife, so he immediately extended his hands and applauded.

"Clap clap clap!"

Seeing Xu Jie applauding, the surrounding people applauded immediately, and finally spread to the entire banquet hall, and the applause was thunderous for a while.



"I was guessing just now, it must be you!"

The stars at the same table expressed their congratulations.

Su Yun stood up slowly and thanked the artist at the same table.

She was about to go on stage, when she suddenly remembered something, she turned to look at the man beside her, and then stretched out her hand to him.

Xu Jie was startled for a moment, then stood up and hugged him with open arms.

"Wow hoo hoo!"

The applause at the scene became more enthusiastic.

After a while, Xu Jie let go of Su Yun lightly, then reached out and patted Su Yun on the back, stood where he was and said softly, "Go up quickly."

In fact, he knew that Su Yun wanted to invite him to the stage together, but he felt that this was the other party's stage, and he should not go up to grab the limelight, but it was not good to refuse in public, so he responded with a hug, without going on stage , and solved the embarrassment of not holding hands.

He wants to be the man behind Su Yun.

When Su Yun heard Xu Jie's words, she immediately understood what the other party meant, so she turned around and stepped onto the stage, took the trophy from the guests, and stood in front of the microphone.

"Thanks to the Fashion Figure Festival for giving me this honor. This is also the first time I have won a fashion honor in the past ten years since I entered the industry..."

Generally, fashion awards are awarded to film and television stars, because film and television stars are more influential than singers, even if the singer is the queen of music.

Therefore, Su Yun was able to win this award, which surprised many people present, but after thinking about it carefully, it made sense.

You know, the movies starring Su Yun this year have sold well at the box office, and their popularity has completely surpassed that of the past, rising to a new height.

Today's Su Yun not only has great influence in the music world, but also has a high popularity in the movie circle.

It can be said that the most eye-catching actress this year is Su Yun.

Therefore, she is eligible for this honor.

"Here, I would like to thank one person in particular, and he is my husband." Having said this, Su Yun cast her eyes on the man standing in the audience, and said affectionately: "It is he who has been silently encouraging me. , Support me, husband, thank you."

Xu Jie stood there dumbfounded. He didn't expect Su Yun to say such a thing in full view, which made him a little embarrassed.

The guests and reporters at the scene also cast their eyes on the man in the front row, who actually made the national goddess Su Yun confess in public, which is really enviable.

wow wow wow...

Applause broke out again.

With the finale award of "Fashion Figure of the Year", tonight's Fashion Figure Ceremony also came to an end.

According to the past practice, all the stars stepped onto the stage, and everyone lined up in several rows to take a group photo together.

Xu Jie is not an artist, so he did not take a group photo on stage.

Also absent from the stage was Liu Jinghua at the next table. She looked at the artists on stage, instead of smiling, she was very indifferent.

The reason for this is simple.

The artist from the Prosperous Brokerage Company won only one award tonight, and it was a "Newcomer of the Year Award" that didn't get much attention.

As one of the largest celebrity agencies in the entertainment industry, Fanhua Agency usually cooperates very closely with fashion magazines, so every time it comes to the fashion festival at the end of the year, it will win many awards.

For example, last year, artists from the Prosperous Brokerage Company won 6 awards in total, accounting for one-third of all awards. It was an absolute bumper harvest, but this year...

In fact, it doesn't matter if you can win an award or not. After all, it is not a heavyweight award like the best actor, best actor, best actress and best actress. The gold content of the fashion festival is too low, and at most it is just to increase some exposure.

But she saw some bad signs from this matter.

In the presence of her, a gold medal agent in the entertainment industry, the fashion figure ceremony only awarded a newcomer award to the artist of Fanhua's agency, which clearly ignored her existence and ignored the artist of Fanhua's agency.

Speaking of which, the relationship between her and Yao Xingchen has always been very good, and she gave him a set of very expensive imported skin care products during the Spring Festival last year.

As for the usual times, she did not get together less, and she paid for most of the food and drink.

Under such circumstances, the other party dared to do this tonight, which obviously meant turning his face against others.

What is the reason behind this?

Is it due to the pressure from the person surnamed Xu and Beijing TV Station, or is there someone else secretly trying to suppress her company?
In the entertainment industry, competition is fierce.

This kind of fierceness is not only reflected between artists and artists, but also between companies.

Artists are cash cows, so companies are always keeping an eye on artists from other companies, and will try their best to recruit artists from rival companies to their own companies.

However, artists, especially popular artists, are usually treasures of various companies, and no one will let them go easily.

So how can poaching be successful?
In fact, the method is very simple.

When an artist's company fails, the artist will naturally want to leave.

At this time, the chance of poaching corners will also increase greatly.

How can an entertainment company or brokerage company fail?

Snatching the company's resources will leave the company with no resources to give to the artists. If the artists don't get the resources, they won't get the opportunity for further development, and it will be a matter of time before they leave.

Thinking of this, Liu Jinghua frowned unconsciously.

If Yao Xingchen was only worried about that Xu, the situation would not be too bad, but if there were colleagues who were secretly doing tricks, things would become extremely difficult.

Colleagues are enemies.

Beijing TV Station is blocking her prosperous brokerage company, maybe someone wants to take this opportunity to add insult to injury.

The house leak happened to rain overnight, and the ship was late and hit the wind again.

This might be the case with her now.

who is it?

Which bastard wants to take advantage of the fire to rob and take advantage of others?
After thinking about it, she felt that everyone was suspicious, including Hu Zhen from Liangxing Brokerage Company, Qiu Ming from Canlan Culture Brokerage Company, Chen Hua from Huabo Films, Chen Kai from Kaijie Films, and even Huasen Media's Wang Tiannan and Zhao Yuanpeng of Tianchen Media are also very likely.

There are no permanent friends.

Besides, in history, is it rare for a friend to stab a knife in the back?
Now the only person who can stand on the same front as her is probably Zhou Yuanqing from Orange Heart Capital.

Firstly, Zhou Yuanqing's main business is entertainment investment, and there is not much conflict with her agency; secondly, the surname Xu is blocking the entertainment company that Zhou Yuanqing invested in, forcing Zhou Yuanqing to launch the entertainment industry.

A common enemy can make the relationship between the two closer.

Liu Jinghua couldn't help turning his head to look at the second table beside him. The person surnamed Xu changed his fighting mode and was looking at the stage with a smile.

Or, ease the relationship?

I have been in the entertainment industry for more than 20 years, how can I bow my head to a brat?
Once this matter gets out, won't you be laughed off by your peers?

But if Beijing TV's ban on Fanhua's brokerage company cannot be resolved, she will also become powerless when faced with the encirclement and suppression of other colleagues.

Now she is under attack from both sides.

In fact, what made her hesitate was not whether she could open her mouth, but what to do if the person surnamed Xu disagreed after she opened her mouth.

Of the four entertainment companies that blocked Su Yun back then, now there are only two left, and one is an entertainment investment company and the other is a brokerage company. How about giving up the ban with just one sentence?
Well, people in the entertainment industry are unreliable, it seems that they can only take the high-level route.

I don't know if that Deputy Director Wu still remembers himself.

At nine o'clock in the evening, the fashion figure ceremony ended successfully.

Entertainers began to leave the sports center in batches.

in the nanny car.

Su Yun played with the crystal trophy in her hand, with six words written on it: Fashion Person of the Year.

Although there is no gold content, it is incomparable with the professional music awards such as best singer and best album that she has won, but it can also add to her now thriving performance career.

"Sister Yun, this is the first time you have won the Fashion Person of the Year Award, how do you feel?" the assistant sitting in the co-pilot Huang Xiaorong asked back.

She is also happy that the boss won the award.

"Some surprises." Su Yun said truthfully.

"What else?" Huang Xiaorong asked.

Su Yun thought for a while, then shook her head and said, "It's gone."

"Ah? Sister Yun, aren't you excited?" Huang Xiaorong asked.

"No." Su Yun said.


Huang Xiaorong was speechless, wondering if it was because the boss used to win awards for singing and was soft-handed, so now he doesn't feel like winning the award?
"I can understand." Xu Jie said at this time: "I think when I participated in the sprint competition held in the district, I was very happy when I won the first place for the first time, but I didn't feel much when I won the first place for the second time. When I won No.1 in the city competition, I started to be happy again."

Huang Xiaorong was stunned, and soon understood what Teacher Xu meant.

Just like what she thought just now, the boss has won too many music awards, so he doesn't feel much about such small awards as fashion person of the year.

If you want to make your boss happy, you can only win higher awards, such as Best Actress.

"You still understand me." Su Yun looked at Xu Jie and said, then leaned on the man's body.

When Huang Xiaorong saw it, she immediately turned her head to look forward, instead of looking behind.

She doesn't want to be a light bulb.

The most important thing is, what should I do once there is a scene that is not suitable for children?
As for matters between husband and wife, it is better for her as an assistant to consciously avoid them.

Don't say what you shouldn't say, don't watch what shouldn't be seen.

"Honey, do you think I still have hope?" Su Yun asked softly, closing her eyes at the same time.

As long as she leans on the man's body, she will relax.

Only now did she know that men not only help sleep, but also relieve fatigue.

"There is hope, of course there is hope." Xu Jie put his arms around Su Yun's shoulders and said, "You have just entered the industry as an actor. Best Actress, or at least a Favorite Actress."

So far, Su Yun has starred in two movies, one is "Human World" and the other is "Mulan".

The movie "Human World" is a literary film, and it stands to reason that it is easy to win awards, but the director of this movie is a newcomer, and he does not have much influence in the industry, and he does not have any backing, so the chance of winning is basically equal to zero.

In contrast, the movie "Mulan" has a higher chance of winning an award.

Firstly, it is a film invested and produced by Forbidden Films, so it has a background; secondly, its box office has a box office of more than one billion, and it has achieved results.

It's just that because of the late release time, I missed the major film festivals this year, but I will definitely sign up for the major film festivals next year.

"Really?" Su Yun asked.

"Well, I have confidence in you." Xu Jie said seriously.

Su Yun laughed when she heard it.

If a man has confidence, she has confidence!

(End of this chapter)

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