The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 708 Talk about peace?

Chapter 708 Talk about peace?

On Monday, Xu Jie came to the company as usual, and as soon as he entered the door, he received admiring gazes from the little sisters at the front desk.

"Boss Xu, you're so handsome!"

"Mr. Xu, you look like a thug in a suit in a movie when you wear a suit. No one will accept you!"

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, the smile that originally appeared on his face began to freeze, and the smile in his eyes was replaced by doubt.

When he heard the first sentence, he was still very happy, even though he knew it was a compliment, but when he heard the second sentence, he began to wonder if the two little sisters were blind.

Because he wasn't wearing a suit at all today.

"Mr. Xu, I think you can be not only a director, but also a leading actor."

"Sister-in-law is also so beautiful, Mr. Xu, you are simply a sure winner in life."

One of the girls at the front desk turned on her phone at this moment.

Xu Jie saw it and walked over, only to see a photo of him and Su Yun participating in the fashion figure ceremony together on the screen.

"By the way, Mr. Xu, congratulations to my sister-in-law for winning the Fashion Person of the Year Award!"

"Yes, congratulations!"

The young girls at the front desk of the two said one after another, their mouths were super sweet.

Xu Jie took the phone and looked at the photo on it. It turned out that it was an entertainment news. The headline was: The Ceremony of Fashion Figures ended perfectly, and Su Yun deserved the award.

The news made a detailed report on the fashion figure ceremony. In addition to introducing the artists present and the list of winners, there were also photos of the artists walking the red carpet and receiving awards.

As the winner of the Fashion Person of the Year Award, Su Yun also has three photos, one is a photo of her husband and wife walking on the red carpet, the other is a photo of three people with Liu Qing, and the third is a photo of the leader on the stage. Award winning photo.

As the old saying goes: Buddhas rely on gold clothing, while people rely on clothing.

In the photo, he is indeed quite handsome, and he is not inferior to those male stars.

It is said that when a husband and wife are together for a long time, there will be a "husband and wife look". It seems that he has been with Su Yun for a long time, and he has become more handsome.

Xu Jie returned the mobile phone to the front desk, and then returned to the office. He did not write the script or work plan, but checked the news about Su Yun on the Internet.

Enter the word "Su Yun" in the search box, and several news about Su Yun will appear on the page immediately.

Among them, the report of winning the Fashion Person of the Year Award was the most, followed by the report of co-starring in a movie with Liu Qing. Of course, his name was also indispensable in it, and the popularity was not low. Some websites even reported it as the headline of the entertainment section. .

It seems that the journalists who appeared on the scene last night were not invited in vain, and they did work.

An event that was originally not a big deal, but with dozens of media reporting it together, a small matter can become a major event, even if you don’t want to be noticed.

That's how news is created.

"Ring bell bell!"

At this time, the phone on the desk rang suddenly.

Xu Jie picked up the microphone while watching the news.

"Hello there!"

"It's Xu Jie, right? I'm Wu Zhiming." The person on the other side of the microphone directly reported his name.

Xu Jie was taken aback.

Wu Zhiming?
He remembered that the deputy director of the advertising department and media promotion department of Beijing TV Station was named Wu Zhiming, and he had also dealt with the other party's son.

It's just that he has never had any contact with the deputy director, so why did the other party suddenly call him?
Could it be a liar?
These days there are phone scams, impersonation and everything.

Xu Jie looked at the caller ID, and after confirming that the number was indeed a call from Beijing TV Station, he said, "Hi, Mr. Wu. I'm Xu Jie. What's your order?"

"Xiao Xu, do you have time at noon today?" Wu Zhiming asked.

"I have time." Xu Jie replied after thinking for a while. He has nothing else to do except writing scripts, reviewing scripts and revising scripts.

"Well, let's have a light meal at noon. I have something I want to talk to you about." Wu Zhiming said.

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, the deputy director looking for dinner?

What's happening here?
If it was a month ago, and he was still at Beijing TV Station, it would be normal for the other party to find him, maybe it was related to the business promotion of the program advertisement.

But he has been transferred from Beijing Television Station to Jingshi Cultural Company, so what will happen if the other party seeks him at this time?
If it's a business matter, he is just the deputy general manager of Jingshi Culture, and he should go to Boss Jiang if he wants to find it, but if it's a private matter, there seems to be nothing personal between the two of them to talk about.

"Good Master Wu." Xu Jie agreed.

The deputy director has an invitation, you can't refuse, right?Doesn't that become ignorance?
"There is a Yuese Restaurant to the east of Yuyuantan Park. Just go there after get off work at noon."

"It's Director Wu."

Xu Jie hung up the phone, full of suspicion.

Both the TV station and Jingshi Culture Company are in the east of the city, but the place Mr. Wu mentioned is in the west of the city. The other party asked him to have dinner and arranged it so far away. What is the reason for it?
In the morning, after the weekly meeting, Xu Jie came to the film department to review and revise the script submitted by the screenwriter team of the third season of "Crossover Actor".

He stayed here for a long time, didn't leave until lunch break, and drove to the restaurant that Director Wu mentioned on the phone.

The restaurant is on the side of the road, but it's easy to find.

When Xu Jie walked in, a waitress in a cheongsam stepped forward immediately.

"Are you Mr. Xu Jie Xu?" the waitress asked with a smile.

"It's me." Xu Jie said.

"Please follow me." The waitress said, then made a gesture of please, and then walked ahead to lead the way.

Xu Jie followed the waiter. It seemed that Director Wu had explained it.

The facade of the restaurant is not big, but there is a universe inside.

The waiter turned left and right, as if he knew everything about this place, but Xu Jie felt that he had entered a maze, and he didn't know where he was going.

I don't know how many turns, the waiter stopped, reached out and knocked on the door lightly, and then stood aside.

Xu Jie was about to push the door, but the door opened from the inside.

But when he saw the person who opened the door, he froze in place.

It turned out to be Liu Jinghua!

Why is this old woman here?

Xu Jie turned to look at the waiter beside him and said, "Wrong, it's not this room."

"Xiao Xu, right? That's right, come in quickly."

Suddenly a loud voice came from the private room, Xu Jie was slightly startled when he heard it, it was Wu Zhiming's voice.

At this time, Liu Jinghua had already left from the door, turned around and returned to the private room.

what's the situation?
How did these two know each other?
Xu Jie walked in suspiciously. There were only two people in the private room, Wu Zhiming and Liu Jinghua, but there was a large table of food, and they were all delicacies from mountains and seas.

"Master Wu." Xu Jie took the initiative to say hello. As for Liu Jinghua who was at the side, he chose to ignore it.

"Come on, Xiao Xu, sit down." Wu Zhiming pointed to the seat beside him.

Xu Jie walked over and sat down, guessing in his mind the purpose of Master Wu inviting him to dinner.

If there were only the two of them, it might be more difficult to guess, but now that there is one more Liu Jinghua, the difficulty is not so great.

Could it be that Liu Jinghua found Director Wu to act as a peacemaker?

Or, Liu Jinghua intends to use Director Wu to suppress him?
But regardless of whether it is the former or the latter, Liu Jinghua should not be very familiar with Mr. Wu, otherwise Mr. Wu would not have come forward so long after the banning incident happened.

"Xiao Xu, you should know this person, right?" Wu Zhiming looked at Xu Jie and asked, while pointing to Liu Jinghua who was beside him.

"En." Xu Jie nodded, thinking that he knew him even in ashes.

"I heard that there was a little conflict between you and Mr. Liu, and our station was involved?" Wu Zhiming asked, his expression became a little serious.

Xu Jie was taken aback for a moment, why did the words sound so ugly?

What does it mean to involve our station?

Talk like he's causing the TV station a lot of trouble.

But from this sentence, Xu Jie also understood Director Wu's position.

It seems that Liu Jinghua threw another Hongmen banquet for him!
Wu Zhiming saw that Xu Jie didn't speak, so he continued: "Xiao Xu, public is public, private is private, you have to distinguish this point clearly, you can't use the power in your hands to do whatever you want outside, you You know, the station has arranged you in this important position so that you can serve the station and the audience..."

Xu Jie quietly listened to Deputy Director Wu's lesson. If he didn't know that the other party introduced business to his son's company, he would have almost believed the other party's nonsense.

As the old saying goes: When you are upright, you are not afraid of the oblique shadow.

If your body is not straight and you are still teaching people here, can you stand still?Is it convincing?
Just for the food on the table today, it would be a slap in the face to say that it serves the audience.

Of course, thinking about it, Xu Jie didn't refute. After all, the other party is the deputy director, and the first rank of the official rank is overwhelming, not to mention that there are several ranks between the two.

Even if he is under the cover of deputy editor-in-chief Lu, he can't openly confront the deputy director of Tangtang.

If it gets out, no matter whether it's right or wrong, just the fact that he contradicted the deputy director is enough to make the leaders of the station change their good impression of him in the past.

Liu Jinghua at the side saw the submissive Xu surnamed Xu, who didn't even dare to fart, not to mention how happy he was, the anger he received these days disappeared instantly without a trace.

Are you talking?

Can't you be eloquent?

Why is it misfired now?

Liu Jinghua's eyes inadvertently showed a hint of complacency, thinking: How many years have you worked?When my old lady was in the entertainment industry, you still wore crotch pants.

The reason why she is called a gold agent is not only because she has many artists under her command and can win great benefits for the artists, but also because of her wide network.

And this network is not only in the entertainment and fashion circles, but also leaders from all walks of life. These talents are her biggest reliance.

Of course, these people are her secret weapons, and she won't use them unless it is absolutely necessary. After all, they are leaders, so they can't be troubled by trivial matters, right?Isn't that a cannon to beat mosquitoes?

Hmph, my surname is Xu, now you know how powerful I am?
Fight me, you're too young.

"Xiao Xu, you are an elite in our station, so you must be more rigorous and low-key in everything, and you can't be domineering and domineering just because of some achievements. Have you ever thought that your behavior like this is discrediting our TV station? No Those who knew thought that our TV station bullied others with guns, don’t you think so?” Wu Zhiming asked.

"Yes, Mr. Wu taught you the lesson." Xu Jie nodded persistently, his eyes full of remorse.

Seeing Xu Jie's appearance, Wu Zhiming nodded in satisfaction, then the expression on his face softened a little, and he said: "Xiao Xu, you have to be clear, you are from our TV station, so your every move outside They all represent the image of our TV station..."

"Master Wu is right, I will pay attention to my image outside in the future." Xu Jie said seriously.

At this time, Wu Zhiming turned his head to look at Liu Jinghua on the other side, and said: "Mr. Liu, you are also wrong about this matter. If the artist does not renew the contract with your company, you will block the artist. Isn't it a little bit like this?" Is it too overbearing?"

After hearing this, Liu Jinghua smiled wryly and said, "Vice Director Wu, misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding, it's not me who wants to block Su Yun, but Zhou Yuanqing who wants to block Su Yun. I have known Su Yun for so many years, how could I block her? ? By the way, last night at the fashion figure festival, Su Yun and I were chatting and laughing about family matters."

"Oh, so that's the case." Wu Zhiming nodded, then turned to look at Xu Jie and asked, "Xiao Xu, I watched the news this morning, did you also go to this fashion figure festival?"

"Yes." Xu Jie said.

"Is what Mr. Liu said just now true?" Wu Zhiming asked again.

"It's true." Xu Jie replied.

"It seems that it's really just a misunderstanding. Now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, I don't think there is any need for everyone to continue to let the farce go on. For example, how about turning a big event into a small matter? Xiao Xu, express your opinion first." Wu Zhiming said.

Xu Jie looked at Deputy Director Wu, then at Liu Jinghua, and thought: You two sing together, are you talking about cross talk in front of me?

First, he was reprimanded very severely, and then he came forward to be a peacemaker. It's good to use both soft and hard.

"I'm fine." Xu Jie said generously.

Deputy Director Wu's face had to be given.

Of course, isn't there another sentence?
Have the courage to admit mistakes and never change.

He gave Vice Director Wu face, but it didn't mean he gave Liu Jinghua face.

Moreover, Liu Jinghua's behavior of asking Deputy Director Wu to come forward also made him very disgusted.

Want to make peace, no problem.

Apologize at the door!

With the relationship between the other party and his wife for more than ten years, Su Yun will definitely forgive the other party with a soft heart, and when the pillow wind blows, he might stop blocking the prosperous brokerage company.

But now, the other party asked Deputy Director Wu to come forward, reprimanded him, and then forced him to accept peace. Is this a human thing?
How could there be no resentment in his heart?

Can he express this grievance to Deputy Director Wu?
Of course not!

So it can only be sent to Liu Jinghua, and to the prosperous brokerage company.

Think so?How can it be so easy?

With so many companies participating in the blockade, how can you stop as soon as you say it?
Isn't that really child's play?

Block it, I'm serious!
Wu Zhiming was very satisfied with Xu Jie's attitude, and felt that it was not as ugly as Liu Jinghua said.

This young man is on the road, no wonder the other leaders in the stage like it.

"Mr. Liu, what do you mean?" Wu Zhiming looked at Liu Jinghua and asked.

"Boss Xu is fine, and I'm fine too." Liu Jinghua said with a smile, and at this moment he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, let's replace the wine with tea and forget the unpleasantness of the past." Wu Zhiming picked up the teacup.

Xu Jie picked it up, Liu Jinghua also picked it up, and the three clinked glasses and drank it all in one gulp.

After Wu Zhiming saw it, he changed his previous serious attitude, laughed a few times and said, "Look, isn't this very good? As the saying goes: many friends have many paths. Now Xiao Xu is transferred to Jingshi Culture, and in the future Whether it's a show, a party, or a movie or TV series, you can cooperate with Mr. Liu's company, and if you come and go, aren't we friends?"

"Master Wu is right." Liu Jinghua picked up the teacup again at this time, and said to Wu Zhiming: "Master Wu, I would like to toast you. For this little matter of ours, you have to go there yourself. We let you You are worried, it is our fault."

"If you know your mistakes, you can correct them. There is nothing good about being good." Wu Zhiming said in a tone.

After Liu Jinghua paid respects to Wu Zhiming, he looked triumphantly at Xu, and said, "Mr. Xu, I would like to toast you too."

"Oh? Why does Mr. Liu respect me?" Xu Jie asked, but he didn't pick up the teacup in front of him.

"I shouldn't have done something that caused you and Yunyun to misunderstand before." Liu Jinghua said.

"Since Mr. Liu and we had a misunderstanding, what happened to Zhou Yuanqing? He forced my wife to drink that night, and Mr. Liu was there at the time. Did you see it?" Xu Jie said indifferently.

Liu Jinghua was stunned, but he didn't expect Xu to suddenly mention this matter.

Haven't we made peace already?

Didn't you already promise to make big things into small things?

Why are you still chasing after this matter?

Liu Jinghua looked at Wu Zhiming for help, hoping that the other party would say "fair words".

Wu Zhiming understands what Liu Jinghua means, but forcing his wife to drink alcohol is indeed a bit too much. May I ask which man would not be angry when encountering such a thing?

Is that still a man?

"Mr. Liu, what is going on with that Zhou Yuanqing? Tell Xiao Xu clearly." Wu Zhiming winked at Liu Jinghua, signaling that the other party should give up if he should give up. You ask me to help you, but I have to give it to me. Will the next one explain?Otherwise, who will obey me in the future?

Liu Jinghua thought for a while, and then said: "Zhou Yuanqing probably drank too much that day. He is willing to talk nonsense and become crazy after drinking two glasses. Don't mind Mr. Xu."

Xu Jie frowned, and questioned: "Drinking crazy? I saw him at the time, but he was quite sober, and the drunk person not only did not regret his mistakes after sobering up, but also made mistakes. Could it be that those drunk people Did you drink it up to the dog's stomach?"

Liu Jinghua's complexion changed. The words were a bit harsh, and they meant pointing at Sang Huai. After all, she was there that night, drank too, and participated in the ban.

If it was because of the wine, then there should be no aftermath.

Xu Jie ignored Liu Jinghua, looked at Wu Zhiming and said, "Mr. Wu, Mr. Liu's matter is easy to talk about, but Zhou Yuanqing's matter can't be left alone. I have to explain to my wife, or if it spreads, my wife Xu Jielian I can’t take care of them well, and I’m forced to drink outside, so am I still a man?”

His meaning is very clear: I will give you face, but you must also give me an explanation!

(End of this chapter)

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