Chapter 709 Retire?
In the private room, a needle can be heard.

Liu Jinghua looked at the young man with a serious and even gloomy expression in surprise, and was so surprised that he couldn't close his mouth for a while.

She never thought that when she invited Deputy Director Wu to act as a peacemaker, the other party would dare to be so aggressive. It was simply audacious and defiant.

Liu Jinghua clenched her fists tightly, she understood that the other party didn't want to make big things into small things at all, and admitting his mistakes in front of Deputy Director Wu before was just perfunctory.

Hmph, if I give you a step, you won't go down, and you won't be fined if you toast!
Liu Jinghua turned his head to look at Wu Zhiming, waiting quietly for the Deputy Director Wu to get mad.

You, the vice president of a small subsidiary company, actually want to explain to the deputy director, you are looking for death.

At this time, Wu Zhiming also had a gloomy old face, feeling extremely unhappy.

However, his anger was not all because of Xu Jie, but also Liu Jinghua who was beside him.

Your own affairs have been settled, wouldn't it be good to get away from it quickly?If you insist on explaining for Zhou Yuanqing, what the hell are you explaining?

Is it possible to explain things like feeding other people's wives alcohol?

Also, you asked me to come forward, and I gave you face, but now there is another Zhou Yuanqing, why, my face can still be promoted, buy one get one free?

Xiao Xu is already very good, give me face and don't bother with you, it's good for you, and you have become a peacemaker for Zhou Yuanqing, isn't this a fake and a bully?
Thinking of this, Wu Zhiming gave Liu Jinghua a cold look.

Well now, Zhou Yuanqing's problem has become his problem.

"Mr. Liu, are you familiar with that Zhou Yuanqing?" Wu Zhiming looked at Liu Jinghua and asked, intending to remind the other party to quickly draw a clear line with Zhou Yuanqing and bring today's matter to an end.

However, Liu Jinghua did not understand what Wu Zhiming meant.

She thought that Deputy Director Wu just wanted to know about her relationship with Zhou Yuanqing, so as to decide whether to protect Zhou Yuanqing.

That being the case, anyway, one is guaranteed, and the two are guaranteed. After passing this village, there will be no such shop. You can't bother Deputy Director Wu again because of this trivial matter, right?

So he opened his mouth and said, "Zhou Yuanqing and I have been old friends for more than ten years. At the same time, he also invested in my brokerage company..."

When Wu Zhiming heard this, his face became even more ugly. This woman knew that Xu Jie would not let Zhou Yuanqing go, but even tied herself and Zhou Yuanqing together. Isn't this just looking for trouble?

He seriously doubted whether Liu Jinghua and Zhou Yuanqing were getting along behind the scenes.

"Mr. Liu, since you have a deep relationship with Zhou Yuanqing, then you can explain to Xiao Xu on Zhou Yuanqing's behalf." Wu Zhiming said coldly.

At the same time, he withdrew his body and put on a look of "you can solve it yourself".

In fact, he didn't want to care.

As the saying goes: Cannibals have short mouths, but short hands.

He called Xiao Xu here today to settle those bad things for Liu Jinghua.

But who would have thought that Liu Jinghua, a woman who was too unscrupulous, wanted to help Zhou Yuanqing after her own affairs were resolved, so how could he care about it?Maybe after a while, another person will appear for him to take care of!
When Liu Jinghua heard Deputy Director Wu's words, she felt a little confused. She looked at him in confusion, as if asking: Who are you speaking for?

In her opinion, whether to give an explanation or not is not a matter of Vice Director Wu's words?

If Deputy Director Wu can say "forget it", how dare the surname Xu not give face?

Moreover, she asked Deputy Director Wu, the great Buddha, to come forward, hoping that the other party could help her solve the problem, but now the other party threw the problem to her, how would she deal with it?What is the meaning of asking the other party?

"Master Wu, this..." Liu Jinghua showed embarrassment all over his face, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Wu Zhiming didn't say anything, and didn't even look at Liu Jinghua.

He is also a person who wants face.

Xiao Xu agreed with Liu Jinghua to make a big deal a small one, which is already a great way to save face, even if he is Xiao Xu's leader, it can't be too much.

If this matter gets out, and he, the deputy head, does not help his own family, but helps outsiders, what will the employees in the backstage think of him in the future?

Liu Jinghua couldn't figure out why Deputy Director Wu suddenly turned his face.

Could it be that what I said was wrong?
But what I said, wasn't it all asked by the other party?
"Mr. Liu, you should just say something. It's getting late, so you can't let me wait here forever?" Xu Jie said in a strange voice, with a sneer in his eyes.

Obviously, Deputy Director Wu also knew that it was difficult to open his mouth, so he didn't want to control Zhou Yuanqing for Liu Jinghua.

This is naturally a good thing for him.

It provides a lot of room for manipulation to deal with Zhou Yuanqing in the future.

For example, it is possible to cooperate with Liu Jinghua while completely banning Zhou Yuanqing.

At that time, Zhou Yuanqing will definitely feel very unbalanced when he sees that the client is fine, but he is blocked by the entertainment industry, and he might vent his grievances to Liu Jinghua.

Yes, Not Bad.

Liu Jinghua was troubled, thought for a moment, and asked tentatively: "President Xu, what do you think of this, let Zhou Yuanqing serve wine to apologize to Yunyun, how about it?"

"I'll pour Zhou Yuanqing's wife a few drinks and then apologize to him. Do you think he's willing? If he's willing, I'll bring two cars of wine to his house tomorrow, one for his wife and one for his apology," Xu said. Jay said.

He wanted Liu Jinghua and Zhou Yuanqing to know that not everything can be solved by apologizing with wine.

Liu Jinghua's face was flushed from being insulted.

Originally, she thought that her method was very good, but when the other party said that, she felt that she was insincere.

"President Xu, what do you think we should do?" Liu Jinghua couldn't help asking.

"It's very simple, let him quit the entertainment circle!" Xu Jie said lightly.

"What?" Liu Jinghua was startled, and his brows frowned accordingly.

Back off?
Isn't this request too overbearing?
Zhou Yuanqing's Orange Heart Capital is a company that specializes in entertainment investment. If Zhou Yuanqing is asked to withdraw from the entertainment industry, wouldn't it mean cutting off the other company's financial resources?

In the investment circle, cutting off people's wealth is cutting off their lives.

No wonder Zhou Yuanqing agreed.

One must know that even at present, when many entertainment companies invested by Zhou Yuanqing have business problems of varying degrees, Lao Zhou has never thought about quitting the entertainment industry.

"Why, is it difficult?" Xu Jie asked indifferently.

"Mr. Xu, it's not a question of whether it's difficult or not. This, this is simply impossible." Liu Jinghua said while shaking his head, thinking: Why should people quit the circle just because of your words?Are you the emperor?
"People should be responsible for their own actions. Since he dared to do that, he should have thought about the consequences." Xu Jie said coldly.

"But the consequences are too serious, right?" Liu Jinghua said.

"Is it serious? Has he ever thought that my wife's personal dignity has been insulted, how can she stay in the entertainment industry in the future? Liu Jinghua, let me tell you, my wife has been very unstable during this period of time, often in nightmares Woke up, and even wanted to quit the entertainment industry." Xu Jie said angrily.

Liu Jinghua was taken aback, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that the man's words were very unreliable.

During the dinner that night, although Zhou Yuanqing forced Yunyun to drink, Yunyun did not drink, and this man appeared not long after, Yunyun was not frightened at all.

Of course, Zhou Yuanqing did say some nasty words, but if he had to quit the circle just because of a few nasty words, wouldn't the words of those black fans on the Internet force Yunyun to quit the circle long ago?

"Mr. Xu, Mr. Wu said a very good sentence just now, many friends have many paths..." Liu Jinghua said, wanting to use Deputy Mr. Wu's words to suppress this young man.

However, she was interrupted by Xu Jie before she finished speaking.

"I don't want to be friends with him!"


Liu Jinghua's throat tightened, and he could only swallow the words that came to his lips.

Xu Jie looked at his watch, and then said to Wu Zhiming: "Director Wu, the lunch break is coming to an end, and it may be too late to go back."

In fact, as the deputy general manager of the company, it doesn't matter when he goes back, and he doesn't even need to ask anyone for leave.

The reason why he said that was because he wanted to leave here early, and he didn't want to continue talking nonsense with Liu Jinghua.

And those words just now were not only for Liu Jinghua, but also for Deputy Director Wu.

Now all that has to be said has been said, and it is time for him to go.

Wu Zhiming looked at the time pretendingly, nodded and said, "Well, it's really getting late, and I should go too."

After speaking, he stood up, looking more anxious than Xu Jie.

In fact, he was not in a hurry, but he was about to be pissed off by Liu Jinghua.

Seeing that Deputy Director Wu was about to leave, Liu Jinghua quickly stood up, pointed to a table of delicacies that had not been touched, and said, "Director Wu, don't rush to leave, you haven't eaten lunch yet."

"I'm not going to eat. Actually, I'm not hungry. I just come here to sit." Wu Zhiming said, he was so full that he couldn't eat at all.

Liu Jinghua's heart tightened, Deputy Director Wu was invited by her, but he left without even taking a bite of the meal. Isn't this obviously dissatisfied with her?

"Master Wu, please stop, I have a small matter." Liu Jinghua grabbed Wu Zhiming's arm, and now he can't care so much.

Wu Zhiming looked at Liu Jinghua and stood there without saying a word.

Xu Jie knew that Deputy Director Wu wanted to stay, so he said, "Director Wu, then I'll go first, goodbye."

"Yes." Wu Zhiming nodded.


The door opens, then closes.

After Liu Jinghua saw Xu Jie leaving, he immediately said to Wu Zhiming: "Master Wu, please sit down, why are you so angry? Is what I just said wrong?"


Wu Zhiming snorted coldly, and then said to Liu Jinghua angrily: "What's your relationship with that Zhou Yuanqing? Xiao Xu took it for my sake and didn't care about you, but you insisted on jumping out to speak for that Zhou Yuanqing, What on earth are you thinking?"

"Director Wu, I..."

Just as Liu Jinghua was about to explain, he was interrupted by Wu Zhiming waving his hand.

"I don't want to listen to your explanation. You should draw a clear line with Zhou Yuanqing. If you are obsessed with obsession, don't come to me if anything happens in the future. Hmph!"


(End of this chapter)

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