The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 710 You can't go back!

Chapter 710 You can't go back!
Xu Jie drove away from the restaurant, then turned around and parked outside a noodle restaurant diagonally opposite.

He found a seat by the window and sat down, ordered a bowl of special big meat noodles, and then looked at the Yuese restaurant diagonally opposite while eating.

However, before he finished picking the garlic, he saw Wu Zhiming walking out of the restaurant impatiently.

Liu Jinghua followed closely behind, and his face was full of apology, and his mouth kept moving, not knowing what he was talking about.

But Wu Zhiming didn't pay attention, got into the car and drove away, leaving behind a depressed Liu Jinghua.

Seeing this scene, Xu Jie had a smile on his face.

Obviously, Liu Jinghua's act of pleading for Zhou Yuanqing successfully annoyed Wu Zhiming.

If it was him, he would be angry too.

I came to help you make peace, but you put another person in my place, why should I speak well for that person?

This incident may seem small, but it will give people a feeling of being dragged into the water.

What is Wu Zhiming's identity?
The deputy director of Beijing Radio and Television Station has a high position and authority, how can he allow Liu Jinghua, the general manager of a small brokerage company, to take advantage of him?
Not long after, Liu Jinghua also drove away, but when he left, his face was full of worries, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

While eating, Xu Jie took out his mobile phone and called Zhao Jiangpeng, the director of "Entertainment Broadcasting" of the Beijing TV station's cultural program center.

"Beep... beep... click!"

Soon, the phone is connected.

"Old Zhao, I'm Xu Jie, I have something to trouble you!" Xu Jie said.

"Mr. Xu, you are too polite. If there is no trouble, as long as I, Zhao Jiangpeng, can do it, I will never refuse." Zhao Jiangpeng said seriously.

Although Deputy Director Xu has left the Art Program Center, the legend of Deputy Director Xu is still circulating in the Art Program Center.

Moreover, everyone is convinced of Deputy Director Xu, whether it is character or ability, and it is too late to be happy to be able to work for Deputy Director Xu.

Director Xu can still call him now, which just shows that Director Xu still has everyone in his heart.

"Recently, in your program, add more news about the artists of the prosperity agency company, just one article per episode." Xu Jie said.


Zhao Jiangpeng was taken aback for a moment, and then asked in puzzlement: "Mr. Xu, aren't you going to block the artists of Fanhua Brokerage Company? Why are you suddenly reporting their news again?"

News can increase exposure, and exposure can be converted into traffic.

"Someone approached Vice-Director Wu to make peace, but Vice-Director Wu's face still needs to be given, so let's broadcast the news for a few days, give Vice-Director Wu an explanation, and let's see if they will be human. It depends on their performance." Xu Jie explained.

Of course, the face he gave Deputy Director Wu was limited to broadcasting a few more news about the artists of the prosperous agency in the "Entertainment Broadcasting".

As for other companies, such as Jingshi Culture, Forbidden Pictures, and other companies under Beijing Radio and Television Station, because of Liu Jinghua's performance today, don't even think about him calling.

"Understood." Zhao Jiangpeng nodded.

"In addition, I have a list of artists here, you can check their black material, and then mention it in the news." Xu Jie said.

Then the artist's name was said.

These artists are the stars of the entertainment companies invested by Orange Heart Capital, and some of them are popular and popular.

He has no enmity with these artists, he just wanted to give some warning to those entertainment companies through this method, let them kick Zhou Yuanqing out of the company, and turn Zhou Yuanqing into a broom star that everyone would avoid.

Zhou Yuanqing will not quit the circle?
you can!

But when all entertainment companies dare not accept Zhou Yuanqing's investment, Orange Heart Capital will naturally disappear in the entertainment industry.

If you don't retreat, I will force you to retreat!

"Mr. Xu, I'm going to investigate these artists' scandals and try to see the news tonight." Zhao Jiangpeng said.

The so-called work efficiency depends on who you work for.

Working for Wang Wanjun can be delayed as long as possible, but working for Director Xu can be as fast as possible.

"Thank you, Old Zhao!" Xu Jie said with a smile.

"It's a trivial matter." Zhao Jiangpeng said after hearing it.


Liu Jinghua returned to the company.

She was not happy because the "misunderstanding" with Xu Jie was resolved, but was very depressed and entangled.

Deputy Director Wu's words still echo in her ears.

So she is considering whether to give up on Zhou Yuanqing and keep boundaries with him.

If Zhou Yuanqing was given up, Fanhua's management company would immediately get blood back, and Beijing TV Station would not continue to block the company's artists.

But if you don't give up on Zhou Yuanqing, and show a murderous look towards Xu today, you will definitely not let her go, and Deputy Director Wu may not get involved again.


At this time, there was a knock on the door outside the office.

"Come in!"


The door opened, and Vice President Wang Qingyan walked in from the outside.

When Liu Jinghua saw this person, she not only frowned, this Wang Qingyan was introduced to her by Zhou Yuanqing at the beginning, and now she has been in the company for seven or eight years, and is in charge of the company's artist management contract, which is why she doesn't want to give up Zhou Yuanqing.

Because Wang Qingyan was the person Zhou Yuanqing invested in at the time, and he knew many secrets in the company. If she gave up on Zhou Yuanqing, then Zhou Yuanqing would very likely retaliate against her through Wang Qingyan.

It is small to poach an artist, but it is big to expose some yin and yang contracts.

"Mr. Liu, what's the matter, is the Beijing TV station's ban on our company lifted?" Wang Qingyan asked with concern.

"Probably." Liu Jinghua said after hearing it.

"Is it?" Wang Qingyan looked puzzled.

Yes, yes, no, no, what is going on?Is it solved or not?
"Mr. Liu, doesn't that guy surnamed Xu even give Vice Director Wu face?" Wang Qingyan frowned tightly. Seeing Mr. Liu, things didn't seem to be going very smoothly.

If so, that Xu guy is a little too crazy.

The deputy general manager of a subsidiary company of a TV station didn't even give face to the deputy director of the TV station, he was so crazy.

"I've given you face, and the person surnamed Xu also agreed to lift the ban, but there is still one problem." Liu Jinghua raised her head and looked at Wang Qingyan in front of her. She was worried that she didn't know how to speak to Zhou Yuanqing, if she could tell Zhou Yuanqing , maybe Zhou Yuanqing can make his own choice, and save her from being entangled here.

"What's the problem?" Wang Qingyan was about to die of anxiety, feeling that Mr. Liu was like toothpaste today, squeezing out a little bit.

"The one surnamed Xu is not going to let Zhou Yuanqing go." Liu Jinghua said.

Wang Qingyan was taken aback, and asked, "What does Deputy Director Wu mean? Didn't you intercede for Mr. Zhou in front of Deputy Director Wu?"

Liu Jinghua shook his head, then sighed deeply, and said, "Because I pleaded for Lao Zhou, Vice Director Wu was very upset, and finally left without eating."

Wang Qingyan was startled, and finally understood why Mr. Liu hesitated, and his face was so ugly.

Mr. Zhou is one of the company's investors. If Mr. Zhou is not kicked out of the company, then Xu Jie's ban on Fanhua's brokerage company will not stop.

At that time, people will say: I am not targeting Fanhua Brokerage Company, I am only targeting Zhou Yuanqing.

Even Deputy Director Wu couldn't say anything.

"Mr. Liu, what should we do? Some agents below have reported to me that recently, many entertainment companies and brokerage companies have contacted our artists in private, and some people have already wavered. If the matter on the Beijing TV station cannot be resolved , I thought about this year, many artists will leave the company." Wang Qingyan said worriedly.

In his view, the company has reached a critical moment of life and death.

Liu Jinghua sat quietly without saying anything.

Doesn't she know that the company is full of crises now?

Doesn't she know that people in the company are unstable?

But what can she do?
Everyone who should be found has been searched, and the rest are people who are waiting to see her jokes.

"Mr. Liu, did you say something?" Wang Qingyan became even more anxious.

"What are you talking about? Didn't I make it very clear just now? That Xu guy wants to deal with Lao Zhou, what can I do? Do you want me to invite Lao Zhou out of the company?" Liu Jinghua said angrily.

She wanted to talk about getting kicked out of the company, but she didn't have the nerve to say it. Once it got to Zhou Yuanqing's ears, she would definitely think that she had such an idea.

"If there is no other way but to do this, then for the sake of the company, we can only do this." Wang Qingyan said after hearing this.

Liu Jinghua was slightly taken aback, and looked at Wang Qingyan in surprise.

The other party was from Zhou Yuanqing, who had worked at Orange Heart Capital for a few years before, so how could he say such a thing?
Could it be that he was testing her thoughts?
Well, it is possible!
"No, Lao Zhou helped me a lot during the development of the company. He has contributed to the company, so he must not be invited out of the company. If I really did that, wouldn't I be an ungrateful person? ?” Liu Jinghua said solemnly.

"Mr. Liu, I also know that Mr. Zhou has contributed to Fanhua Brokerage, but if we don't do that, won't the company be completely ruined? Instead of watching the company finish it step by step, why don't you give more to Mr. Zhou while the company is still valuable?" Some money, in this way, the company can survive the current crisis safely, and Mr. Zhou can make a lot of money from the original investment, which is also a win-win situation." Wang Qingyan analyzed.

Liu Jinghua looked at Wang Qingyan carefully, not knowing whether what the other party said just now was sincere.

In fact, she also thought the same way. She could not only protect the company, but also give Zhou Yuanqing a face, but she didn't know if Zhou Yuanqing would agree. You must know that Lao Zhou has a very temper and is very stubborn. It is not a matter of trying to persuade the other party easy job.

Wang Qingyan noticed Liu Jinghua's gaze and quickly understood what he meant.

"Mr. Liu, I've been in Fanhua Brokerage Company for longer than I have been in Orange Heart Capital, and my feelings for here are far more than Orange Heart Capital, so I don't want to see Fanhua Brokerage Company go into decline like this. Now, I agree with you, if you don't know how to persuade Mr. Zhou, I can go with you!" Wang Qingyan said seriously.

Liu Jinghua thought: I'll just wait for your words.

But he said, "Let me think about it again."


(End of this chapter)

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