Chapter 711 Compromise

Two cars were parked one after the other in the underground parking lot of a commercial office building. Liu Jinghua and Wang Qingyan got out of the cars respectively.

Orange Heart Capital is located on the 15th, 16th, and 17th floors of the office building, and the purpose of the two of them coming here is to persuade Zhou Yuanqing to quit the prosperous brokerage company.

"Qing Yan, do you think Lao Zhou will agree to withdraw? I always feel that doing so is too cruel to him." Liu Jinghua said worriedly.

In reality, Wang Qingyan was still being tested.

Because the other party knew too many secrets of the company, she was worried that the other party's superficial tricks would be hidden, and in the end, all the company's secrets would be revealed.

"Mr. Liu, don't feel guilty. There is nothing you can do about it. I think Mr. Zhou, as an investor and a businessman, should understand your difficulties." Wang Qingyan said after hearing this.

"Oh, I'm still a little sorry, I don't know how to speak." Liu Jinghua sighed softly.

"It's okay, let me tell." Wang Qingyan volunteered.

Liu Jinghua still had an unbearable look on her face, but she was very happy in her heart. What she was waiting for was the other party's words.

Speaking of their relationship with Zhou Yuanqing, Wang Qingyan must be closer.

No matter how good her relationship with Zhou Yuanqing was, they were just business partners. However, Wang Qingyan had worked under Zhou Yuanqing for many years and was deeply trusted by Zhou Yuanqing. Otherwise, she would not have been assigned to be the vice president of Fanhua Brokerage.

The elevator went up quickly and soon stopped on the 15th floor.

When Liu Jinghua walked out, the first thing that caught his eyes was the four golden characters on the wall: Orange Heart Huaxia.

It looks extraordinarily tall.

"Are you Mr. Zhou in the office?" Liu Jinghua came to the front desk and asked.

Before she came here, she had already called Zhou Yuanqing, and now she just wanted to confirm the location of Zhou Yuanqing.

"Mr. Zhou is receiving guests in the meeting room, please wait a moment." The front desk said politely.

"Let's wait up there." Wang Qingyan said to the front desk, and then walked into the company with Liu Jinghua.

The front desk knew the identities of the two in front of them, so they didn't stop them and watched Liu Jinghua and Wang Qingyan leave.

Wang Qingyan used to work in Orange Heart Capital, so he is very familiar with this place. He took Liu Jinghua to the 17th floor, sat down and waited outside Mr. Zhou's office.

10 minutes……

20 minutes……

Liu Jinghua got impatient waiting, and asked Wang Qingyan beside him, "Will Lao Zhou leave after the meeting?"

"No way?" Wang Qingyan said.

Liu Jinghua thought for a while, then stood up and said, "I'll go to the conference room to have a look."

Wang Qingyan's buttocks hurt a little, so he nodded and said, "I'll go too."

The conference room is on the 16th floor.

Liu Jinghua stood outside the door and looked in through the palm-sized glass window to see if the meeting was over.

However, it didn't matter what he saw, and he was immediately attracted by the scene in the conference room.

In addition to Zhou Yuanqing, there were also Yang Xiaotong, An Ruiyang, Guan Wenkai, etc., all of whom were in charge of various entertainment companies.

What's happening here?
Entertainment company meeting?
Liu Jinghua froze in place.

Didn't the front desk say that Lao Zhou was receiving guests?Why are the receptionists all the heads of various entertainment companies?

Seeing Liu Jinghua's surprised expression, Wang Qingyan couldn't help stretching his neck to look into the meeting room, but immediately frowned after seeing the people present.

"What's wrong?" Liu Jinghua asked curiously.

"If I remember correctly, these are the heads of entertainment companies that Mr. Zhou invested in." Wang Qingyan said seriously.

"Really? Why did Lao Zhou call them here?" Liu Jinghua was full of doubts.

Although they are all entertainment companies invested by Orange Heart Capital, there is absolutely no need to bring all the heads of the companies together for a meeting.

And Zhou Yuanqing did not have this right.

He is just an investor, not the head office, and these entertainment companies are not branches.

Wang Qingyan observed for a while, looked at the company leaders who were scrambling to speak first, and then at the silent Zhou Yuanqing, his face gradually became gloomy.

He roughly guessed the purpose of these company executives coming here today.

Should be the same as him.

Liu Jinghua looked around and found that there was no one at both ends of the corridor, so he pressed his ears tightly to the door and listened to the movement in the meeting room.

"Mr. Zhou, we don't want to embarrass you. You lend a helping hand when we need it most. Everyone is very grateful to you, but the company's current situation cannot continue. If the TV series produced cannot pass the review, the bank will We have no way to repay the loan.”

"Yes, Mr. Zhou, you should know that Huo Kai spent a total of more than 8000 million yuan on the TV series invested this time. The money was all made up by me. If the TV series cannot be sold, the company will have to close down. .

"Mr. Zhou, you should do us another favor. We will repurchase the shares in your hands at the company's current valuation, and we will guarantee that you will not lose money."

"Mr. Zhou..."

Zhou Yuanqing looked at these people present, feeling both angry and helpless.

What is angry is that when these people encounter difficulties, instead of finding a way to solve the problem, they want to kick him out of the company; helplessly, in the face of the joint pressure of everyone, he has nothing to do.

It's all Xu!
"Ring bell bell!"

At this time, a mobile phone rang suddenly.

An Ruiyang, the person in charge of Pentium Film and Television, took out his mobile phone from his pocket and connected the call.

"Hello? What? Are you sure?"

An Ruiyang stood up suddenly, and the expression on his face became extremely serious.

The others present looked at An Ruiyang curiously, as if something serious had happened.

"Understood, I'll go back and deal with it right away."

An Ruiyang hung up the phone, quickly flipped through the phone, and tapped and gesticulated with his fingers.

"Ruiyang, what's wrong?" Zhou Yuanqing asked with concern.

An Ruiyang said with an ugly face: "It's the company's call. The "Entertainment Broadcasting" program of the Beijing Literature and Art Channel just broadcast a piece of news. Yang Ling, an artist from our company, got involved in other people's marriages and was exposed by his original partner on the Internet."


When everyone heard it, they were all stunned.

Yang Ling is the top brand of Pentium Film and Television Company and also An Ruiyang's cash cow. Now it has been revealed that a third party has meddled in this matter. Even if there is no violation of law and discipline, this kind of moral issue will still have a very large negative impact on the artist .

If it is normal, there must be urgent public relations.

Simply put, it takes money to eliminate disasters.

Contact the whistleblower, ask the other party to delete the news, and then ask the artist to post a denial.

Or contact familiar media and reporters, do not publish or reprint relevant news, control public opinion, let everyone gradually forget, and wait for a while to wait for an opportunity to come back.

But this time, it was the Beijing Literature and Art Channel who broke the news.

As a TV station, if there is no definite evidence, it will definitely not randomly broadcast in the entertainment news.

The most important thing is that the news has already been broadcast, and the audience has already seen it, and even if they want to get money, they can't do anything.

"Do TV stations also broadcast this kind of gossip news?" A company executive next to him asked strangely.

The others were also dumbfounded.

Under normal circumstances, the entertainment news broadcast by the TV station is the artist's attendance at the event, or the report related to the performance information, and there are very few such news that a third party intervenes.

what is it today?
"The art channel of Beijing TV station? Wasn't that Xu Jie the deputy director of the art program center before?" someone said.


A word to wake up the dreamer!

Everyone finally understood what was going on.

Xu Jie's revenge against Mr. Zhou has escalated!
"This person surnamed Xu is too cruel, isn't he?"

"That's right. If he does this, doesn't it mean that he directly cut off the artist's future?"

"You said, will he continue to break the news?"

At this point, everyone looks at me, I look at you, everyone is in danger, and no one speaks.

For a small entertainment company like theirs, although many artists have signed contracts, their performance is fully supported by one or two stars at the top.

If the top card is ruined, the performance will decline severely.

"President Zhou..." An Ruiyang looked at Zhou Yuanqing pleadingly, and almost knelt down.

TV dramas that fail to pass the approval can still be revised, but if the artist's black material is exposed, it is tantamount to breaking the foundation of the company.

"Mr. Zhou, you can't hesitate anymore, maybe the artist from our company will be revealed tomorrow!"

"Yes, Mr. Zhou, please."

"Mr. Zhou, if the company goes bankrupt, your original investment will be lost."

Zhou Yuanqing's head was messed up, but he finally chose to compromise.

"Okay, I promise you!"

When everyone heard this, surprise expressions immediately appeared on their faces.

"Thank you Mr. Zhou, you are our company's benefactor."

"Mr. Zhou, I'll go back and prepare the relevant agreement, and I'll bring it to you tomorrow."

"Mr. Zhou, then let's not bother, see you tomorrow."

Everyone got up and left one after another.

Soon, Zhou Yuanqing was left alone in the meeting room.


At this time, there was a knock on the door outside.

Zhou Yuanqing turned his head, and after seeing Liu Jinghua and Wang Qingyan standing outside the door, he forced a very forced smile on his face and said, "You guys are here, sit down quickly."

Liu Jinghua and Wang Qingyan walked into the conference room slowly, and sat down beside Zhou Yuanqing.

They had heard what happened in the conference room just now, and while they sympathized with Zhou Yuanqing, they didn't know how to speak.

"You guys came to see me, what's the matter?" Zhou Yuanqing asked.


Liu Jinghua hesitated for a moment, then looked at Wang Qingyan, as if saying: Didn't you say you're coming?Speak.

Wang Qingyan was already ready to speak, but seeing Zhou Yuanqing at this time, wouldn't it be like adding insult to injury if he said it himself?

So he hesitated for a while and didn't speak for a long time.

Zhou Yuanqing looked at Liu Jinghua, then at Wang Qingyan, sighed involuntarily, and asked, "Are you also here to make me quit the prosperous brokerage company?"

"Cough!" Liu Jinghua coughed, and it was acquiesced.

"Don't worry, I will quit." The moment Zhou Yuanqing finished speaking, his waist was bent, his breath was short, and he seemed to be ten years older.


Liu Jinghua was stunned when she heard Zhou Yuanqing's words. She didn't expect that Lao Zhou would take the initiative to agree to withdraw, which was completely beyond her expectation.

She thought she would at least have to take turns convincing Wang Qingyan for one night.

After a short period of daze, Liu Jinghua quickly recovered, and her heart was also full of joy.

Of course, she didn't show the slightest joy on her face, she still had an ashamed expression, and said to Zhou Yuanqing, "Old Zhou, I'm sorry."

Zhou Yuanqing smiled wryly, but said nothing.

The current result is also his own fault, but he never thought that he would fall into this field.

In the matter of contract renewal before, he has forced many artists, and he has also used some shady means to threaten artists to sign contracts, and there has never been any problem.

However, if something goes wrong this time, years of planning and hard work will be in vain.

He is not willing!

"Mr. Zhou, it's okay. You have money in your pocket, but you still can't find a project? If you don't invest in an entertainment company, you can invest in other things." Wang Qingyan comforted.

"Invest in other things? I've been investing in entertainment for half my life. If you ask me to invest in other things now, I'm afraid I'll lose my retirement money." Zhou Yuanqing said after hearing this.

"Old Zhou, what are your plans for the future?" Liu Jinghua asked with concern.

With the current situation, even if Zhou Yuanqing is rich, no entertainment company would dare to accept investment.

For professional investors, it is actually very uncomfortable to have money but not spend it, and have the opportunity to make money but not earn it.

"Plan? I don't want to stay here, I have my own place to stay. The capital is not good. I can move the company to other cities. I don't believe that his surname Xu can cover the sky with one hand." Zhou Yuanqing said with a sneer.

"Yes!" Wang Qingyan echoed: "When the time comes to change the name, relying on Mr. Zhou's courage and contacts accumulated over the years, it will be a matter of time before it makes a comeback. I think Shanghai is very good. Not only is the entertainment industry developed, And there are a lot of celebrities in the Shanghai circle.”

After hearing this, Liu Jinghua nodded involuntarily.

Investment companies, where can not invest?
Since there is no opportunity in the capital, then go to other cities to find opportunities.

Capital is originally looking for investment opportunities everywhere.

As the old saying goes: Trees die when they are moved, but people live when they are moved.

Change to another city, maybe it will develop better.

This is called the road of infinity.

If you have money, what are you afraid of?
"Well, I do plan to go to Shanghai." Zhou Yuanqing said.

There are many cities with a well-developed entertainment industry, but there are many stars, and there are only two cities that can even form a circle, one is Beijing, and the other is Shanghai.

As a professional entertainment investment company, since it can't find opportunities in Beijing, it must go south to Shanghai to find opportunities. This is something that you don't even need to think about.

"Old Zhou, I met many friends in Shanghai. After you go to Shanghai, I will introduce you." Liu Jinghua said.

After all, Zhou Yuanqing was kicked out of the capital because of her, so he had to help more or less.

In addition, although the prosperous brokerage company is in the capital, the development of artists will not be limited to the capital.

If Zhou Yuanqing could gain a foothold in Shanghai, it would be a good thing for her and the artists she signed.

This is equivalent to one more road and one more opportunity.

Can't be on the Beijing TV New Year's Eve party?
It's ok!
Go to Shanghai TV station's New Year's Eve party.

Of course, the more resources, the better.

Multiple friends, multiple channels, multiple resources, multiple sources of money.

"Mr. Zhou, if you need, I will go to Shanghai with you." Wang Qingyan said at this time with a very serious expression.

Liu Jinghua was startled, then looked at Wang Qingyan in confusion.

Didn't you say before that you have more affection for the prosperous brokerage company than for Orange Heart Capital?Why do you suddenly want to leave Fanhua Brokerage Company again?

However, Wang Qingyan was originally placed by Lao Zhou in the prosperous brokerage company, and now that Lao Zhou has decided to withdraw from the prosperous brokerage company, it is only natural for Wang Qingyan to leave with him.

Liu Jinghua thought about it seriously. If Wang Qingyan really wanted to go to Shanghai with Lao Zhou, it would be a good thing for her.

Because once Wang Qingyan left, all the management of the company belonged to her.

I just don't know if the other party can keep his mouth shut after he leaves.

For this person who knew many secrets of the prosperous brokerage company, she wanted him to leave, but she was also afraid that he would really leave, so she was torn.

Zhou Yuanqing glanced at Wang Qingyan, then glanced at Liu Jinghua from the corner of his eye, and finally said to Wang Qingyan: "Qingyan, you have been in Fanhua Brokerage for so long, and you are already familiar with the work there, you should continue to work under President Liu. , if you go to Shanghai with me, everything will have to start from scratch, and the company's business is completely different from your current job. Even if you go, you won't be able to help you. I don't think Mr. Liu is willing to let you go of."

After speaking, he reached out and patted Wang Qingyan's shoulder.

Wang Qingyan was shocked, and instantly understood what Mr. Zhou meant.

Mr. Zhou wants him to stay in the capital and become a nail in his place, and he can be notified in time if there is any disturbance in the circle in the future.

Moreover, the main business of Orange Heart Capital is to invest in entertainment companies. With him as the vice president of the prosperous brokerage company, he can not only maintain business contacts with the entertainment company, increase the performance of the entertainment company, but also expand the business of the entertainment company in the capital. The plane returned to the capital.

"Yes, Mr. Zhou." Wang Qingyan nodded.

Liu Jinghua was a little disappointed, but Wang Qingyan was indeed capable, so if he didn't leave, he wouldn't leave.

"Old Zhou, you can rest assured that Qingyan works here." Liu Jinghua said, patting his chest.

Disappointment is disappointment, and the scene still has to be said.


"Old Zhou, it's getting late, let's have a meal together. When we go to Shanghai in the future, we won't have as many opportunities to eat together as now." Liu Jinghua showed a reluctant expression.

"No hurry, no hurry." Zhou Yuanqing waved his hand and said, "The relocation of the company is not a trivial matter, and there are still many documents to be processed, so we have to wait until after the Spring Festival, and there will be many people coming to my place tomorrow, so I have to prepare, Let’s talk about the meal another day.”

Liu Jinghua remembered what he overheard outside the conference room just now, so he nodded and said, "Okay, let's meet again another day."

After speaking, he waved his hand and walked out of the meeting room.

She also has to hurry back to the company to prepare documents and funds, and strive to kick Zhou Yuanqing out of the company tomorrow.

No, it was to let Zhou Yuanqing quit the company with dignity.


(End of this chapter)

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